I stopped following it when the manga ended. How was this shit received by the anime onlies...

I stopped following it when the manga ended. How was this shit received by the anime onlies? I imagine all the reaction channels dickrode it to death

Normies don't even cuck insecurity.

I love the series and the ending is objectively bad, but you’re right here. The biggest meltdowns on Anon Babble over 139 were about shipper shit and their fan theory getting BTFO. Gaijins projected their political insecurities on the series and Eren and made him out to be some heartless psychopath(which he isn’t) and are mad he turned into a "cuck" which isn’t true. With anime onlys, they never spent time like manga readers crafting theories and engaging in discussion online month to month. They also didn’t try to create some fake muh chad Eren persona(which only exists because he happens to be good looking).

How was this shit received by the anime onlies?

They loved it if Reddit and Twitter are any indicator.

I legit don't even understand this in the context of the series. Misaka wanted his dick from the start and he apparently loved her the whole time but he does nothing about it and worse pushes her away? That shit is dumb. Them banging each other in the background while all the other stuff happens doesn't really change anything

It didn’t fix the ending like some people say but Eren and Armin’s final convo is better in the anime and flows better. Eren’s facial expressions and the text boxes next to him are just so comedic in the manga. Ten years at least is less cringy in the anime

Japanese fans were vocal and not happy

so it's like the Musashi Gundoh DVD version where they fixed some things and it became less entertaining and more just bad

Gabi and Falco show up in chapter 91

have a cuter and better romantic dynamic than the main romance

I get that he wanted to sell the tragic aspect and all, but would it have been really so hard for Isayama to add a couple more fluff scenes between Eren and Mikasa? Eren is dismissive to her outside of the scarf scene even before he became an asshole. It was one sided for 99% of the series

people genuinely thought the anime changed this shit ending for the better. I struggle to find why, it's still the same. It was only because armeen brings up caring about 80% more than Mikasa. They make Eren into a court jester. I totally believe there were forces outside of Yams that created this because a pro-genocide ending couldn't be marketable. This is so hilarious because this ending and the 8 pages prove Eren was right and the cringevengers were wrong. It's not even about Erehisu or whatever, the ending makes no sense post 138 but had problems since 137 with Zeke getting talk no colossaled to suddenly not gaf about his nihilism. I will never understand either to sell out with the Mikasa boy getting a titan sequel spin off series or Kodansha forcing yams to change because of the political implications, all of it just makes you feel like what was the point? Genuinely what was it because Eren failed, the alliance failed, the titans are back, cycle of violence never ended? The implication of Carla's death being premeditated, what a way to take a shit on your main character. A once great series that constantly built itself up is now a shell of itself with so many questions left unanswered. All of those scout lives were lost and for what? Nobody had a great end, not even Mikasa. Everyone is a flanderization and shell of themselves.

Muse Asia made a clip just for this to promote the series. Funtimes. Much cucked.

isn't it weird ass Japanese nationalist homo-erotic bushido bullshit that the mangaka is a cult member of?

For the life of me I don't understand how this panel became the focus of people's complaints. I don't like the ending myself, but I thought readers would be unhappy with something else

turned into a "cuck" which isn’t true.

She literally visited his grave after marrying another guy. Cuck coped and seethed, you dude.

either Eren or Armin is a girl like Isayama originally intended

The romance is instantly more believable with better chemistry

oh no Eren

How does that make him a cuck? He’s dead, she’s allowed to move on which is what Eren wanted. Plus, she still holds him number one in his heart

A couple days ago, Yuki Kaji and Yui Ishikawa said at a screening of the Last attack movie that Eren and Mikasa are getting married!

Eren up to 131

motivations are clear and understandable

After 139

motivations become so muddled he doesn’t even know why he did what he did

half the fanbase thinks he committed genocide on the world because he didn’t get laid or because he wanted the world to match the scenery he wanted as a kid

makes it seem like he never gave a shit about Paradis as a whole and only wanted his closest friends to be happy

I lost count of how many times assorted characters blatantly said "this doesn't make any sense but" and then proceeded to do everything to stop the rumbling.
Really the manga should have just ended at the founder getting activated. Everything after reeks of the author running away from endorsing genocide.

Yeah, it’s pretty clear he didn’t want Eren to go down as a complete hero so he pussied out of a full rumbling. He wanted it both ways which is why we get the 80% bs. The thing is, if he did have Eren win, the ending can still be bittersweet. Paradis won’t advance for decades given the destruction he caused and he killed countless civilians when he un hardened the walls. I guess he could’ve had Eren lose for real instead on purpose but you’d have to completely nerf the founding titan powers which had already been established to be OP. I also assume him and his editors wanted a final battle of sorts, there’s no final fight with the alliance if Eren fully commits. The founder is overpowered. The final few chapters would just be him fucking up the world’s military

Normalfags are braindead as shit, so they accepted the ending. The bruising was lessened in the execution in the anime. The manga was just fucking awful.

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Cute, they changed that Mikasa cut


Eren’s whole thing is that he moves forward no matter

b-b-but he cried over Ramzi

Him killing civilians is nothing new, indirectly or directly. He had already changed completely when he invaded Marley. He’s always had psycho tendencies, he stabbed two grown men as a child and didn’t care. Even attack on school caste(created by Yams) implies Eren is a little crazy. Ending tried to make him out to be some semi sympathetic martyr

wtf she looks weird, it looked better before

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I imagine all the reaction channels dickrode it to death

The animeonlies loved ir because eren was succesfully converted into the main villain while armin was now the mc, unlike the manga where most people still rooted for eren, so when he finally died they just enjoyed seeing the "villain" getting an humiliation ritual

looks closer to the manga

What if Eren remained a cute girl like Isayama intended with his one shot(Tsubaki)? How does the story change? Would make fans simp for her?

Umm, actually Ymir was waiting for Mikasa to free her all along. She’s the one that actually ended 2000 years of titan suffering and domination with her love

This might’ve been the most egregious thing, Even SnK had Jap wank

God i want to rape her so bad

Eren, Mikasa, Gabi, and Freida all look like they could be siblings

People already simp for gabi and frieda

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my animeoly friend said that losing was eren's plan all along, never watched the show, only read the meltdowns, i genuinely dont know if the ending is bad or geniu subversion like in code geass

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loli pow

fuckin wew

i had the exact same reaction kek

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Only good part about chapter 139 was the Gabi gang winning. She and Falco looked so cute and happy

Gabi Gang Best Gang. Stay winning anon.

tell your wife to fuck another man and cry about it.

That scene was not that serious. Jesus.

That Armin and Zeke scene was leagues worse, I agree.

The protag being a cuck at the ending is something normal for shounen nowadays. People really don't care anymore because is commonplace