Chainsaw Man

No matter how many times you kill Chainsaw Man he always gets up again

Denji is OUR HERO


Kill Em All 1735 / I am trash mc
410,757,864,530 DEAD FAMILIES

YoshiDen confirmed

Use me as your chair Fumiko I'm fucking dying over here

i care about Asa Mitaka

AsaDen will save the world

Is there a worst MC than KEKji? I don't think so.

i don't care abouta sa mitaka

Denji is the best protagonist of nuShonen

that pic


Who the fuck is Amachu?


Nukes death

Denji reduced to atoms

Yoru would orgasm for hours. The two things she loves the most combined into a weapon able to defeat her big sister and prove she is the most fearsome devil of them all.

cute couple

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Why two pictures like this spawned the same day?

one of the best edits ever made kek

Who is he trying to barf up?

Which is stronger, a man who has something to protect or one that has nothing to lose or protect?

Holy Kino.

The latter

a man who has something to protect



I think he's getting his heart pumping, which would get Pochita's heart pumping

It is a good theory, unironically.

He looks so happy

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Yoru jobbed to Denji at his absolute lowest. God help her when he brings out his part 1 insanity

This is through selection bias where people who have managed to get things have them because they're strong, but they were stronger before they had anything.

First part of Denji's plan is repeatedly jogging around the lake

Is he playing CoC?

Best edit in years desu

well they share the same heart so

Based retard

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R is a funny lad

It's hard to tell if he looks extremely sick and mentally exhausted or if the art is just ass.

two more weeks

Ay lmao

A man that has nothing to lose, duh. He can go all out
The one protecting has to waste time protecting

Call of Chernobyl mod?

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Corruption of champions.

I usually go to the desert

Amachu suicide soon

How would Reze fare in The Zone? What faction would she join?

This chapter is so fuck BASED. This is how immortals or vampires should act when their half immortal or human kids get kidnapped by the enemies? Dio has so many kids around the world, but he doesn't give a fuck about any of them.

big sister

If Yoru is the "mother" of Gun and Tank then maybe Death is the parent of the other horsemen.

He's trying to revive Pochita by getting his heart pumping, since Pochita is his heart.
Like metaphysical CPR.
One person said that he's getting his blood moving to attract Power too.

Maybe everything?

Kojima won't care about the Reze movie

I'm sorry, the contrast between this post-chapter compared to last week is too stark for me to ignore
Holy shit YoshiAsa schizo is embarrassing


The one protecting something. Because he will push himself and constantly grow in order to protect what's important to him
The man with nothing to lose also has nothing to push him to higher heights, also people like that tend to be more reckless and that leads then to take unnecessary risks and not think rationally

Denji is betting that it works the other way too. While he's in Aging's world, Denji never gets tired, he never gets hungry, and he can't die from exhaustion. All he has to do is keep running, keeping his heart pumping, and he can share his energy with Pochita and keep his heart pumping in the real world. Denji is discovering that he and Pochita can work together to be Super Duper Strong.
Both kino as fuck possibilities

Gotta buff that int stat bro

you will piss your pants when he does.

Fujimoto will do this and save the manga

true, who cares about reze anyway?

It's incredible how quickly Part 2 obliterated all the good will Fuji built with part 1.
One of the biggest fell offs of this generation

Nayuta called Death her sister, it is 4 sisters.

what's not to like about part to except denji

1735man gets a whole movie budget


Denji calling a primal stupid




Uh oh!

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BEASTji never backed down against any primal

And never won either.


yet that never stopped his indomitable human spirit

How would Reze fare in The Zone?

Very well once she learns how to get used to how the artifacts. Plus most of the mutants, bandits, and whatever is left of monolith will give her blood to regenerate.

What faction would she join?

Mercs, loners, or freedom. Maybe duty but duty would probably see Reze herself as an artifact that must be contained cause look at her.

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Who won this chapter, who lost?


Forgot to put "works" after artifacts. Also forgot about the anomalies

Only people who has actually lost loved ones knows exactly how Denji feels right now

Without strength, you cannot protect anything.

How do I stop reading every new chapter? It's free and takes no time to read but I'm always so disappointed afterwards.


Chu and Chucels


Everyone else. Great chapter and great Denji moment.

Mercs, loners, or freedom

Seems pretty obvious in hindsight actually

I just hope that Fujimoto never watched "A boy and his dog"

A retard willing to burn anything or everything out of spite or to simply just stay warm.

He not only watched it but has outright mentioned it as inspiration for Chainsaw Man
It gets really obvious by the fact the MC also cooks and eat the girl in A boy and his dog

Surely his plan isn't to simply throw up an asspull, right?

is nayuta actually dead

Those die easily.

So Denji finally accepted his immortality this chapter

But there's 1% chance she's actually alive, i still believe there's some catch in her death scene, it was too ''that's it?''
Depends on what you consider asspull.
Which i believe you will call it an asspull no matter what Denji does

he is supposed to look fucked up and disheveled but the messier art is unintentionally getting that across even better. i especially like this panel

He is obviously fucked up

he always gets up again


This chapter was the first time Denji felt like Denji in a long time
I love Denji so much bros

If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead

That's why Fujimoto gave Denji and Barem regeneration

This chapter was the first time Denji felt like Denji in a long time

Yeah, since he let Nayuta die to go fuck whores to be more specific.

Fuark this picture is like a flashbang... FLASHGONE



you retards can't take anything serious

how will fuji manufacture suffering for denji if he accepts everyone he knows will die and he will live

Great pic


fuark... my boy...

I don't know what I hate more, Denji (he is almost like Goku in DBSuper now, a complete idiot) or Fujimoto's storytelling (he is almost like Kubo now delivering another chapter in which something tiny is stretched out over 18 pages).

But one thing I know: part 2 sucks.

huh! so killing asa won't make sense now

See you next week and every week afterwards, schizofriend

female Denji is just Power

Aging Devil calling Denji stupid not knowing he's fucking with the greatest devil hunter of his time. Denji gonna have his head spinning soon enough

When CSM Pt 1 was nearing it's end I wanted to see an answer to weight Denji carried from the death of his father, Aki, and Power. This moment with him running happily as he says he'll find his family again is another step towards that answer.
Denji encapsulates the human will to survive and find happiness no matter how shitty a hand life throws you. To lose and feel sorrow is life, but to gain and find more reasons to be happy is what it means to live. Find your family again

Fujiverse crossover


Put Agni somewhere in there and its

Don't kid yourself, you would act like Denji or Aging if you were an immortal.

29th wife dies, eh whatever

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Unfortunately I have a habit of finishing everything I start, fujimotodickriderfriend.

it kind of feels we're at the equivalent to the end of part 1, with denji coming to his big realisation and coming up with a plan. but there's still fami and all of public safety to deal with

holy shit thats perfect and basically the same message

Remember, Denji came up with his plan before Aging told him his heart was still connected to Pochita. He might have made the heart connection on his own, but the only thing we definitely know he knew when he planned this was the stomach part.

One of my favorite things about Denji's character is the fact that he doesn't fear Primal Devils in the slightest

Threw himself at Darkness and Falling with zero hesitation and will gladly talk back and insult the Aging Devil even while trapped in it's realm

Missed opportunity.

Denji encapsulates the human will to survive and find happiness no matter how shitty a hand life throws you.

Nah, Denji encapsulates the typical shonen MC who never gives up. Stop being pretentious.

The typical shonen MC doesn't suffer 1% of Denji did, but yes its kinda the same message

it's a universal message, though. it shows up in all media.

I am literally Denji, but without the immortality bullshit. When my cats die or run away from home, i just buy a new ones that look like the old ones and pretend they are the 1st cat (same name, same look)

well said


What's the reference?


holy kino

Look Back

My new family....

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Well, considering that he only needed a few chapters and words to overcome this suffering, I don't see much of a difference, honestly.

he only needed a few chapters and words to overcome this suffering

You might be retarded

why Guts never went full retard?

does this look like someone who's overcome it? he's just able to keep moving despite it all. he hasn't actually emotionally dealt with it at all

I have female pet cats because i hope they transform into cute cat girls one day. Still waiting ...

He went full ragetard instead

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If this is a self-reference, Asa is fucked (or should I say "axed"?).

based Potato
im considering adopting a black cat and naming her Yoruichi for that reason too

Someone replace the heads

t. never read Berserk

It's mental how so many people in these threads fail to realize that
I really hope they are just pretending to be retarded

He's becoming a villain

it's cause most manga just straight up exposit everything you need to know about the story while csm requires you to read between the lines just a bit to get it, like a movie. not that it's particularly hard to do so


no u LOL

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Fuck yeah he will, one step at a time
That really makes alot of sense, from Fujimoto being into movies to retards failing to understand anything that isn't spoonfed to them

If you destroy the thing the man is protecting he may just shut down or break down
Of course he might also then BECOME a man with nothing to protect or lose and focus solely on revenge, in which case you are turbofucked
So the latter is stronger

Vinnegalposter where are ya

becomes villain to fight villains

cringe or based?

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Killing Denji it is.

Is he mimicking the sound of a chainsaw?

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cicada. it's why hes hugging the tree as well

Based if it's endgame, cringe otherwise.

havent you noticed not even your discord queen isnt here anymore? you lost

Upside down peace sign means Fumiko is evil

He's only moving because he's senile. He's fully coked out. He'll crash once they escape.

he says he'll find his family again

This is the average Dencuck reading comprehension, he said nothing about that, he said he will keep replacing his family with a new one as they die.


But inversions can and do have opposite meanings: An upside-down peace sign (the symbol for nuclear disarmament) also known as a crow's foot, today represents global peace. Yet it is also called the Nero's Cross. The Roman Nero is said to have ordered the execution of the Apostle Peter on an inverted cross.

I stopped reading at ''dencuck''

live in a world where any day Devils can kill you, your family, or your friends

Retards think Denji is weird for moving on from deaths of loved ones

the entire world of Chainsaw Man is filled with people losing loved ones every hour all across the the world in every city

I bet at least 60% of all people in the world of Chainsaw Man has lost family to a Devil attack.


Guts is the real hero, unlike KEKji.

to fight villains

which makes him a hero again

Another opposite with Asa who wants nuked sigh

How strong was the bond to his past families if he just discarded them like that?

he said he will keep replacing his family with a new one as they die.

This is correct but I think you're blinded by your hatred for Denji here.
Denji right now is in turbocope mode. He's already taken it for granted that everyone around him is going to die painfully yet he's going to keep moving forward anyways. What makes his mindset so fucked up is that it's NOT necessarily true that everyone around him will die, yet Denji is coping by accepting it as an inevitability.

Denji is literally tweaking thinking and talking about family so it's very clear the "for grub and girls" approach is as flawed as presented last chapter

"Give me a family again!" He can't and won't ruminate, he won't stop moving until he gets that feeling of love again
The word you're looking for is anti-hero.

An upside-down peace sign (the symbol for nuclear disarmament) also known as a crow's foot, today represents global peace.

Fumiko preventing Yoru from using Nukes

Cute thing

and dying since Mars shall reign and she isn't the protagonist


Chainsaw Man is the deconstruction of a hero

Well he is right in the context, chainsaw man world is very fucked up

This arc is sponsored by Japan Suicide Prevention Centre.

Makes sense that Denji’s stalker would try to steal his flow. Also its important to note how she’s the only one doing it upside down, perhaps representing how her place in his life is artificial while the other bonds were genuine.

Very weak. His dick always defeats his brian.

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Give me a quick handjob and all my depression goes away

having to reply to himself because no one bite the bait and you got left hanging

Just like me...

loses to his own cock

Funny, maybe he's a woman at heart

He is proof of the contrary though, Dante won in the because he had something, Vergil eventually lost because he abandoned it all. 5 even doubles down by having Nero laying the message to his dead beat dad in the end.

Sadly Denji isn't based like Chihiro.

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Denji is so kino

Denji lost to the cock


Denji's luck is like Brian's

I guess but I don't think that's what Fujimoto was going for here.
The audience is supposed to see Denji as a schizo.

Denji lost to the cock


worked for me

Denji is a survivor through and through. Survival guarantees good times. Thinking about bad times lowers chances of survival. The world of CSM is apocalyptic but societies pretend it's not to keep everyone sane and productive. Denji is simply a extreme by product of that societal belief system.

This is the best you guys at the discord could come up with after like 6 hours?

he's just able to keep moving despite it all. he hasn't actually emotionally dealt with it at all

And that's a contradiction. Emotionally fucked up people can't keep moving. But he can. And all he needed was a few chapters and words.

When (the fake) Kaoru died, Kenshin almost died too. He spent several days and chapters inactive, living with beggars. He was only able to move when he found out she was alive.

This is just We humans are the real monsters cringe trope.

Chihiro is a better character than Denji yes.


Posting the real hero

Btw he doesn't even have his cover yet. OUR hero will mindrape Denji again.

That's where part two is headed. Can't you see how the government is written.

The audience is supposed to see Denji as a schizo.

I see it 50% good and 50% bad

Emotionally fucked up people can't keep moving

completely incorrect. that's an extremely naive understanding of people

But he can

Denji is broken since Aki died you stupid twat


It's more like a Buddhist morality type of thing.

Killing is intrinsically evil.

Therefore regardless of context, those who kill are sinners.

Granted the guy Chihiro got this belief from just turned out to be a twist antagonist, so there's really a lot of different ways Hokazono could develop this idea.

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oh noes I'm bad so I don't deserve to enjoy things

That's pussy talk. Either you're a hero giving up the good life to sacrifice yourself or a regular person trying to live a decent life despite everything being shitty. Sure villains take advantage of other people but to deny oneself because "I'm bad" is retarded and counter productive to being human.

That's where part two is headed

No it's not, and the government is evil in real life too

Fumiko represents everything I hate a Denkek who misunderstood Denji and sees him as a chad

evil old fags want to become young again

evil old folks trope

this chapter proves that part 2 being very similar to part 1 is completely intentional. i wonder if the death devils arrival will be the thing that stops the story from repeating over and over like this, since death is the only end

I sorta assumed that's where things were destined to go since Chainsaw Man borrows so much from Devilman.

But in csm it's extra evil

Said he was just a kid who needs saving.

chucelbros we have been discovered, let's regroup and make another funpost, fast!

part 2 being very similar to part 1

Except in terms of drawing quality, character quality, writing quality etc etc

Pretty much, it should start when the Aging problem gets sorted out.

>evil old fags want to become young again

By fucking over young people too. It's just a loyal portrayal of boomers


No longer denying his true self. realizing that there are things to live for even in this fucked up world My boy is back!

sees him as a Chad

was okay with him being chopped up and stored in boxes by basic bitch doctors

If she really thought he was a chad she would have had a ideological dilemma about seeing her idol at his lowest point.

Well yeah but the narrative is clearly developing the idea into something more nuanced, especially given some recent reveals with Samura's character.

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Noo no but we thought about it for 6 hours, Damn it!! Bring the barempost, right fricking now chubros! like fricking right now!

Fumiden toxic status?

more so that a lot of story beats are shared and happen at the same time in both parts. denji/asas transformation in the first chapters are very similar, the bat devil and eternity devil show up at similar times in both parts, denji transforms into pochita after someone kills his family member etc.

I am not discussing your pussy bitch manga. This is CSM thread. Fuck off.

Not really. Lots of young people are being thrown into meat grinder by U, R, N, J etc ... 10k are just amateur numbers.

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blu-ray sales don’t dictate the general popularity and overall money made of an anime


You know what would make this more powerful?
If Yoshida is FSM it means they are walking in each other's shoes. Yoshida is now csm and working for public safety while Denji is the man who escaped the aging world

So any bets on who he's trying to puke up?

Last arc is a bad and cheap copy of the Control devil arc but other than that and some old devils coming back there is not much more to it.

Story ends in am you and two csm fighting the horsemen with one getting weaponized and the other avenging him.

Even if that were what he's trying to do
He wouldn't know

m-my little minions calm down p-please. It wasn't a good day but we will win. T-trust me simps I MEAN friends. T-trust!!

Denji will become a bad bad really bad person a scum yeah, he will eat 1000000000000 kids. Just wait don't stop funposting p-please. we will make it together chusisters!

That's absolutely what he's trying to do, he's pushing his body to trigger an reaction where he pukes

That would be very kino, honestly
I think he's trying to pump his heart to wake Pochita up or something like that
It would be very funny if it he was trying to pump his blood to attract the Blood Devil though, but wishful thinking

U, R, N, J


What did we think of this chappy? I thought Denji's words were very interesting.

except now we know the repetition its intentional because this chapter highlighted how denjis life is defined by having the same cycles repeat over and over again

... Nuclear Weapons Devil for his new sexy girlfriend

the repetition its intentional

Don't make it any better.

Learn how to read, it's not that they got people to protect because they are strong, the people they want to protect gives them strength and the will not to give up

The go-to method for puking is sticking your finger down your throat, not doing cardio

See and

new schizo letters

His words are direct defiance to what Makima told him in part 1


the chapter was kino

Don't reply to me powercuck

Big countries

Imagine the kino if she kills his family again.
I can see the eternal cycle.

Put on a tripcode then

stfu please

You put one on so I can filter you out
I don't want to see your retarded posts

She was stroking his face the whole time she was telling him that

How did I not notice this before?

She's dead

Denji called Makima a bad guy

She isn't erased.

Yes but Denji is stupid so he doesn't go for the easy way

You're the one screeching for me to not reply to you
Put on a tripcode and i wont, i don't care if you reply to me or not so why should I
What Denji said this chapter was basically a middle finger to Makima

Kiga must be planning something

Yes you can kill my family

Yes I will be torn up about it everytime

Yes I will find another family to care about immensely despite this


That's some real Fujimoto shit

I think it makes Makima look more human and Denji more like a monster.

??? lol

Kiga wants to break Denji so she can take him for herself.

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CHADsaw man

Yeah Makima considers family the most important.

Because he'll just keep making a new family? Meaning they weren't special?

Denji is a monster for being able to move on

but Makima is human because she traumatized Denji to think everyone he loves will always die

wtf are you even saying dude

Just sit there are marvel at the heights of their COPE

Makima wants to kill her family tho.

I call the bluff, he's holding on by a thread and needs help.

Why do the devils want human body parts and stuff like that? Was it ever explained what they do with those?

What's the implication?

Yes, if you change families like you change used socks, can you call them family?

It makes my cock harder

Have you fags already forgotten that Makima wants to kill her sisters and create her dream world?

Makima only considered Denji his family (as Nayuta). She never saw her sisters as family because they don't act like such.

One of the most retarded posts i've seen today, and i've seen the YoshiAsa schizo impotently screech after reading pic related

The real mystery is how anything got this far. By all logic, humanity would have gotten mogged before we hit the industrial revolution, if not sooner. This world only works if Devils are a recent thing.

Makima only considered Denji his family

Makima fucking despised Denji you retard. Just stop replying and pretend you never posted that retarded braindead post, it's less embarrassing.
No, they are just coping

He has a point, there is no way any human being would accept to lose their family again and again.

Makima is dead slowpoke

What part of DENJI IS COPING, HE JUST NEEDS A REASON TO KEEP MOVING ON FOR THE MOMENT that was explained multiple times in this thread and the past one you fail to understand?

That is fair. Denji is a coping schizo.

Devils don't want to kill all humans since they kinda need humans to fear them, and humans sell their souls to devils.


So Makima is right?

about what

I like this chapter it’s pretty hype like when luffy got up again and restarted his heart to go gear 5 again but this hack author did a terrible job of showing denji is trying to revive pochita. Bro thinks he’s togashi wanting us to think.

Makima fucking despised Denji

She gave her life to save Denji.

Despite everything, she still thought very highly of something she could call a family.

i feel like fujimoto is one of the only mangaka who can really portray how fucking horrible and hellish being alive is without going full doomer like devilman. even berserk, which has a similar message, gets soft after the eclipse

No it doesn't. Like, at all.

Devils aren't like the Bubonic Plague. Most of the ones that end up on Earth are killable and therefore stoppable before slaughtering too many people. Also animals can gang up and kill Devils. If it bleeds, we can kill it. I bet Devil Contracts are as old as Ancient times too.

she still thought very highly of something she could call a family

She literally wanted to kill her sisters.

Conquest is the family devil.

The strongest devils are still stuck in hell

The ones who made it to the human world aren't as powerful due to the lack of humans around

Her sisters can't be considered family like Denji is, and you know it.

conquestfags were behaving the whole day, and i even had pleasant conversations with them about the chapter
what caused them to go full retarded at this point?
is it a falseflag?


We all agree he is a villain now.

HA! I'll just sacrifice all my future family members too, and then I'll just find new families. Take that badguys!

The character is now officially beyond redemption, and in 3 chapters his plan will fail and he'll chose to go along with Aging and kill 10,000 kids.

I also noticed something interesting. The chapter name and Pochita going "Vamvagah" actually meant "Crapburger" quite probably.

She despised Denji

Thinking that a guy who, as you said, suffered more than anyone else, can be motivated in a few seconds is also quite naive.
In theory, but his actions never managed to properly show this. Again, when Kaoru died, Kenshin froze for several chapters. Denji started part 2 trying to pick up some chicks.

It's sad that I know this is amachu

Nayuta is Makima, powercuck.

why are we discussing if makima was evil or not when the whole nayuta plotline already answered that
she was capable of love but becuase of her fucked upbringing ended up as a mostly sociopathic retard. nayuta was genuinely capable of caring about both those close to her and people in general

and in 3 chapters

Wasn't 2 chapters? Are you ok?
For me it's the seething filename, you can feel the anger she had when she wrote that in full caps
But it becomes obvious when she keeps talking about Denji killing the children in two more weeks

Someone has that pic of Denji going Ta Daa with a nuclear bomb and Yoru saying, "alright, no condom"

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Put some blood/death in a shonen manga and people will think is the deepest shit in the universe.


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You lost powercuck. Denji just admitted he wants to keep finding new family members, killing them off on purpose and replacing them with brand new ones. He's a villain and his "plan" will fail, then he'll willingly go along with Aging's offer and you'll go

He was FORCED into it because his own plan was sabotaged!

Are you ready? I already know which copes you'll use.

Because powercucks are mindbroken.


this is too stupid to be a makimafag so the latter

It's sad that you are detailing and metafagging as a means of cope.

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why are we discussing if makima was evil or not when the whole nayuta plotline already answered that

makimafags are retarded and want to retcon makima as le human and denji as le monster now for some reason, despite the reason why denji even said what he said this chapter is her fault

Actual Hitler, or the Hitler Devil?

Nayuta gave her life for Denji and then went to fuck whores so be more respectful with her.

Uh oh
Denji refused to eat the kids btw

Not the Power Promise devil that's for sure.

Yeah, Cutequest haters are cringe. She is a real hero.

And yet he'll eat them in a few chapters. First chapter of next volume to be more precise.

Volume 20 - "Two Children"
Volume 21 - "Ten Thousand Children"

im talking about makima, not nayuta
makima was a complete monster

Why are you quoting me?

Nayuta is Makima, powercuck.
She did nothing wrong btw.

First chapter of next volume to be more precise.

Come the fuck on, you said he would tell Pochita to kill the kids like when Fumiko explained her plan to the government

After you said Denji tell Pochita to eat the kids when Old Age gave his blood for pochita to drink and heal abit

Then after you said Denji would eat the kids in 3 chapters (2 now)

And now you're saying it's only on the next volume? Give me a break

A saviour, even.

You're trying to sacrifice 10,000 children evil devil!

Meanwhile I'm actively planning to sacrifice every single family member I ever had and intend to have in the future!

Take that bad guys, SUPERHERO CSM strikes again.

Can you even believe what a subhuman this trash is? I bet he'll blame Asa for the children's deaths when she rejects to become his next family member.

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He'll blame his cock again probably

Dude, how retarded are you? He wasn’t saying that he’d sacrifice those he loves, he’s saying that he’ll accept their mortality and continue to start from the ground up because stopping his movement if those he loved died would do nothing.

Then why Makima despised Denji while Nayuta loves him?

Makima dies.

World goes to shit.


He did the same shit in part 1. He's a rinse & repeat character.

makimutt melty out of nowhere

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how retarded are you?

absurdly retarded


Because Denji gave her lot of hugs, duh.

You ok there?

i feel like fujimoto has the most pretentious fanbase

The didn't like Denji saying fuck you to makima this chapter.

This and what happened in P1 are completely different.

how is it pretentious
it's not deep or anything. it's just portraying basic human experiences in an engaging way


She did nothing wrong btw.

This is something important to remind. In love and War everything goes.

I wouldn't consider what Denji's gone through a "basic human experience"

It is all in your mind. Denji loves her.

She killed Himeno so I don't like her

Denji loves her

Makima was not even in the flashback with his loved ones

Denji never felt fear when facing any primal devil
Denji only ever felt fear when he had to open the door for Gunki and Power


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why is the author so deadset on 'denji has no feelings' yet his whole stick is getting a family.

her melty already ended

Just a quick explosion
She's not taking the chapter well

Losing those you care about is. Obviously it's exaggerated to get the point across, since it's a fantastical story. But the essence is very human

Probably because Fuji never pushed that narrative?

see 296 > 4 btw

why is the author so deadset on 'denji has no feelings'

He isn't anon
Denji has feelings and he wants to be loved. He wants affection from a family

He's just crazy, and doesn't deal with that as a normal person would. That was a huge plotpoint of Part 1, how crazy Denji was. Kishibe outright says sanefags are jobbers

he’d sacrifice those he loves, he’s saying that he’ll accept their mortality

That's literally the same thing, you disgusting fecalphiliac He never said he'd protect them from death and cherish them above whores and food so they wouldn't die like the previous ones, he instead said they can die because they're replaceable. He consciously dragged Nayuta to a warzone to be rid of her and move onto the next bitch, Asa. He sacrificed her while she was still alive with predetermined intent because she prevented him from moving onto the new woman/family member.

Now he'll be stripped of Asa and he'll blame her for the deaths of the children because she refused to become his new family member/cumdupster so Pochita would turn back to Denji in the real world. The truth is however that Denji has multiple other options instead of his current dream of "moving onto a new love interest/family member":

1. He can use the Power promise as his new dream, a purpose for living. He could say

I want to find Blood devil and turn her back into Power, that's my new dream and my purpose for living, Pochita you can turn our body back into Denji now we'll look for her I owe her everything. We'll be a family again

2. He can also say

I want to look for Nayuta's next incarnation. I'll find the new Control devil, this time I'll take better care of her this time and not abandon her for whores. She'll be my family once again, I cannot forget how she died for me.

But although both are valid dreams Pochita would accept, Denji will instead go with Aging devil and kill the kids because he doesn't want to eat the same old toilet paper (Nayuta, Power), he wants a Higher Heaven now, a stake which means a brand new family member and multiple love interests to accompany it.

0 panels of the redhead mommy you peg yourself thinking about

he'll blame her for the deaths of the children

The children he already refused (again) to kill?

Denji can just create a new dream by telling Pochita is dream is looking for Blood devil and turning her back into Power. What does he do instead?


Kek. He'd do anything but look for Power, even accept Aging's offer once his plan fails.

0 panels

Of powy because to be fair with Conquest flashbacks shouldn't count.

296 > 0 btw

The children he will kill because Asa, his last ditch plan of turning Pochita back into Denji, will be stripped off him.

Chicken dream.

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Find the new Blood Devil is still finding a new family.

Power: 4

Makima: 0

cute and canon

Amachu melty in real time.

I feel so honored to be here for this!

The children he will kill

two more weeks

Conquestkeks silent for the first few hours post chapter

go full schizospam mode when someone points out Denji made a callback to Makimas threats

This shit is hilarious, I love these threads

Barem said this to Nayuta btw

cute and canon

Come find me



it's just portraying basic human experiences in an cheap way.

I accept you concession. Denji will have many options of turning Pochita back into Denji even after Asa is stripped off him, but he'll refuse all of them because he doesn't want to go back to living with his previous loved ones Nayuta and Power. He wants a new thing, a new love interest, and for that he'll accept Aging's offer instead of create a dream out of looking from Blood or Control.

That's the thing, they werent silent and there were some good conquestfags whom i was discussing the chapter with and agreeing with stuff

This meltdown now came out of nowhere, i guess the ones that comes to read the chapter left and just the schizos stayed

How so?

Conquest haters always end up having a melty.

Denji should have eaten Aging and killed the kids 5 chapters ago by your totally correct predictions

Makima is dead


Nayuta is not Makima


Nayuta is dead


In P1 his back was against the wall but he wasn’t truly out of luck. He had managed to narrowly escape Makima’s grasp and could’ve just hid for the rest of his life. He still had options and places he could go, people he could rely on. Right now he has nothing, his friends and family are gone, his only two companions are a crazy lady and his dog heart, his home is burned to the ground, the world fears and hates him, Hell wants to consume him. He’s building up from nothing.



but Denji hates Makima...

wtf happened to these threads
i remember them being relatively normal a year ago or so

Did you guys actually like this chapter? Holy shit, the bar is really set low.

cord raid

Denji's currently riding on a high after Asa's speech.
But knowing him he's gonna crash and burn eventually.

Part 2 is a tragedy.

It was a fine chapter. Nothing’s stopping you from saying what you didn’t like about it though.

killed the kids 5 chapters ago

Really? What makes you think so? You must be a coping retard of some kind.

Everyone with a brain can see how it's better to have volumes go like this:

Volume 20

Two children

Volume 21

Ten Thousand Children
That way we see a parallel between Denji and Yoru, two villains who killed their own family members and thousands of innocent children (like Yoru did with bang too) for a shallow hedonistic dream. It's a good message and symbolic when the two volumes stand next to each other.

Not to mention it's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that if Asa entered Aging's world with the alleyway dream, she'll exist by living through the alleyway dream and pay attention to the victims underneath her feet this time. Something she did not comment on when she entered Aging's world.

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Amachu went insane. She is now desperately hoping that Denji kills the 10,000 kids.

Algerian became a drawfag

Asadenschizo named R showed up

Micro took his meds and went back to school.

Powerfag also went insane

t. micro

based thread scholar

What makes you think so?

you literally posted it.

I don't give a fuck about any of these discord faggots.

Denji is now my favorite shounen protagonist ever.

If Powerfag did this, the conspiracy that he is a Anon Babbleermin would be confirmed. At least it would be a lesson to not make retarded theories.

Volume 21 - "Then Thousand Children"

Cope and seethe.


meds, you are hallucinating

Then Thousand Children

lol what

R si rudesissy?

Yoshida mourning Nayuta since no one will. I can't draw suits at all


I would agree if this nothingness had been developed enough, but it wasn't (I actually saw more desperation on his part when Aki and Power died than now). That's why the way he's dealing with this feels like a poor repetition of what happened in part 1.

Denji's final evolution

Nayuta is Makima


>Volume 20

Two children

>Volume 21

Ten Thousand Children

Both motivated and hydrated
Who wins?

For me it's Yusuke Urameshi

repetition of what happened in part 1.

yep, that's the point

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Wait upscaled version

nayuta is makima by sheer stupidity and years of cope

I actually saw more desperation on his part when Aki and Power died than now)

Aging points it out, it is intentional. Denji is buckbroken.

nayuta is makima

We know, Denji.

sheer stupidity and years of cope

The promise out of nowhere?

Manifesting Yoshimiko

a meltdown completely out of nowhere by amachu and conquestfags

Because he won't let evil bring him to despair?
Yeah, this is true media illiteracy right here.

Yoshida called Denji stupid like aging did. Could it be more hints.

almost december

Denji did everything he can to make Nayuta less like Makima and more like Power.

Makima is now more like Power

And why is that bad?

Hang in there

No he said Denji succumbed to evil by treating his loved ones as tools

Because he won't let evil bring him to despair?

He will break again in a couple of chapters. I know because I have true media illiteracy.

Drooling retards and utter shit posters should kys, ty

Cope and seethe

Just one more month

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I call this the quintessential powerfag move, the "Nublood will never be Powy" move. So smart...

not bad, Denji saw in nayuta a little sister like Power

it happens every time

that pic

I don't think that's a coincidence. Same with I think the one threatening to kill the other's family just so it could achieve its goals is treating loved ones as tools more than the one saying no matter what he will have a family and loved ones

Yoshida losing octopus might mean that he will dedicate more of himself to the FSM persona.

Denji will turn NuBlood into Power again, as it was always the promise. She wont be Power by default

The same applies to Nayuta. She could be Makima again, but she wasn't.
I urge you guys to get a brain, because i'm tired of retards in these threads.

Too many coincidence are adding up.

So your point was? You think we want Conquest to be sad, lonely amd miserable like Makima was?

No Makima says she'll target those people because they are precious, but Denji is saying it's pointless, he'll just find some new ones.

I can accept your terms

It would be impossible for the new Blood Devil to become Power if they weren't inherently the same person in the first place, as you cannot turn one person into another, just change aspects of them, such as raising Nayuta to be friendly with him and not his enemy.

Quite irrefutable, scholar.

Denji/ Pochita is the Devil of Hope

Everything about him was a Pandora's box metaphor

I guessed this years ago.

They are the same entity (blood devil - conquest devil)
but becoming the same person or not depends on nurture, thus being the reason why Denji was chosen to raise Nayuta and not Public Safety

I really don't want to fight about dumb shit anymore conquestbro, don't you think this is boring as hell too?

Why the fuck this makes so much sense and why haven't i thought of this before?

What does hope have to do with Pandora's box?

God of war

but becoming the same person or not depends on nurture

Lol now, that is exclusively defined by nature.

Last for Yoshimiko

That really makes no sense, and i don't know how you can say that after the end of Part 1 where everyone basically entrusts Denji with Conquest because they know they will raise her right so she wont become evil like Makima again

That really makes no sense,

It is simple, you can't take the Snow devil, raise her to act like Power and then say she Power. She will never be Power.

How exactly this disproves my argument?
You really think Nayuta was the exact same as Makima, in everything? Same goals, same behavior, same everything? You think she was literally Makima, and for some reason just changed her name?

Babs this is the last chance

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I'm tired...