Dragon Ball Super

doesn't know how to kiss his wife

doesn't shower

constantly shits and farts

dbs has memed TARDku into existence

I'm thinking Pan won.

It's Bulla, chuds.



kill yourself.

Doesn't know how to kiss his wife

There is an explanation of a misunderstanding that Goku refers to Trunk's action of giving Mai the sensu bean for the cause of confusion. Implying that Goku knows what a kiss is, but is stupid to not realize that Mai can't eat the bean in her current state.

Doesn't shower

False on many occasions, this would imply that Goku does not ever clean himself. Proven wrong when he was a kid living by himself, as well as his trip to Namek that implies he showers. This is mostly done for comedic affect, but poorly thought of.

Constantly shits and farts.

I have no words for that, just Toriyama referencing Dr. Slump, maybe.

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I killed Tardku.

kek, based.


headcanon cope

Why do you do this?


Why do you do this

I'm trans.

Bejita is a kissless cuck who raises other men's children.

Based Zimzam.

SHITgetapig thread

Not the one.

thanks for letting me watch, Beerus-sama!

>thanks for letting me watch, Beerus-sama!

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Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that black hair with light purple highlights >>> purple hair for Ultra Ego?

Gigi thread

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Why are the daipa villains so fucking retarded dude? Whoever thought a Pilaf knockoff, gay Zamasu and Jimmy NeuTROON look threatening needs to kill himself.

gay Zamasu

isn't that just Zamasu?

No homophobia, transphobia or racism allowed in the halls.

It appears my superiority has led to some controversy

We know, Bulla.

I-I'M SUPERIOR!!! *crying cat sounds*


>I-I'M SUPERIOR!!! *crying cat sounds*


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Beerus is no different than Frieza and he uses his power to bully others. That doesn't sound like a hero to me.

SHITrus is a cuckold and watches GODly's penis drive deep into Cheelai.

Its fucking hilarious how the 3rd one was getting giga shilled until that shit happened KEK

he is right

I think he means that Degesu is straight.

Kill yourself, Tienrus.

That's a man...

god dragon ball thread are trash outside of episode/chapter day and even then they're sill not great

You have to accept Gigi as trans woman if you like Bejita

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Bra is hot
Pan is not

Tardkurat... just accept your hero is a disgusting rat. And stop posting moeshit, too.


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It's Bejita's semen.

Does your bvll know about /dbs/?


Gentlemen, I need your strongest Bvll.
Post him, NOW.

Gigi is a woman.

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Yeah, a trans woman

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P-please... m-make it stop...

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*cis woman

green pedo babble

Based Bejita for protecting his wife from GoBVLL

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Our FUARKING heroes

Kevin Mask is our only hero.

I like rats

Truth nuke

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Gigi's feminine penis

I love Goku