Why did people get filtered by "Cardgames on Motorcycles"
Why did people get filtered by "Cardgames on Motorcycles"
It's a childrens show.
Now but GX and 5D's were seinen demographic.
GX is seinen
I watch along every Sunday but...
5d's was kino
s3 is like the Chimera Ants from HxH
5Ds is peak and I'm tired of pretending it's not
She wants your babies in the Tag Force games
They don't make them like this anymore
She lied and ditched me in tag force 6 tho
this is why it was never brought to the West
also Tasn Dire was the superior girl
can't go along with Sherry to the dystopian wasteland future in her ending
can have a gay as hell lover's suicide (while h*ndholding) ending with Lucciano
What did the tag force 6 devs mean by this
For me it's Kami/Yukiko Umino
making the school bully grow up into a cop that keeps the working class of satellite in bay while despising them so they would generate more wealth for the new domino elites was a brilliant piece of social commentary in an otherwise meh iteration of yugioh.
Because its as retarded as it sounds.
I like 5ds but it was a terrible gimmick. It didn't even impact the actual duels other than the rule that the one that takes the first curve gets the first turn.
Shit gimmick, shit series, ugly monsters, derailed character development. You name it.
You're all sleeping on Arc-V. The peak of cute boys.
why is nu/a/ so gay
nooooo you have to like my shitty series otherwise you're gaaaay aaaaaah
Kazuki Takhashi himself confirmed he was the same character when asked in an interview
what is your favorite YuGiOh? Zexal? Arc-V?
I don't want cute boys I want Seto Kaiba levels of sex appeal.
5D's had the best husbandos
Arc-V has that too
It's a stupid fucking premise. It's a retarded premise. And ultimately, 5Ds went to total shift after Dark Signers (episode 64 of a 154 episode show), so you know what? Fuck it, memoryhole this garbage.
It honestly feels like every YuGiOh threads on Anon Babble just consists of a schizo throwing baits around to create a superficial tribalism environment because otherwise nobody bothers discussing the shows as there are barely anything to discuss anymore
Only DM and GX were good. The rest suck cuz I grew up.
I haven't watched it but that sounds incredibly retarded, and I'm used to GX episode plots.
because it's fucking retarded
Yu-Gi-Oh peaked here
Nah, it had already gone to shit here also this is an ugly creature.
As someone who watched everysingle one of them here is my objective ranking.
DM manga>GX>DM>Zexal>5ds>Vrains>arc-V
Why can't we get yugioh anime that's not kodomo trash anymore? Feels terrible man
Because people forget anime is, firstly, a visual medium. People will claim (and be right about):
low budget animation
no relation between the motorcycles and the actual dueling
dueling in the first place being retarded due to how inexplainably important it is
Yusei vs team unicorn
the filler episodes
no big Arcadia Movement reveal
the story falls apart whenever you pay attention
blackwing shill
Say what you will, there are many valid criticisms to be made, but it's hard to top the visual impact of riding duels. I watch anime to see drawings moving in engaging ways, and anyone who thinks Yusei's escape while dueling Tetsu isn't engaging can suck my synchro dick.
His archetype is my favorite deck, and the VA is kino, but he's still neither voiced by Tsuda nor is Seto Kaiba. I think he could do way better if his scarf was less homely and his pants were one inch longer. His manga version is awesome though.
Z-one was a way better villain than people give him credit for. People will claim the anime went to shit after this or that, but it gets back from shit to kino real fast whenever there are actual stakes involved.
I hated it. Whole second half. Stopped watching multiple times, barely made it to the end. Like Chimera Ant though.
Actually it peaked here
Motorcycle makes complete sense and I'm surprised action shounen don't use them more. If you're losing a fight and want to run, use a motorcycle. If you want to chase after someone fleeing, use a motorcycle. Can't use a car or something similar because you are closed off and can't attack well. You don't want to be a sitting duck while your opponent is running circles around you on their mount, either. 5D's should be the common sense for shounen, action or battle anime.
I'm still mad they retconned Jack's love for Carly
Aren't they playing some weird ass format nowadays?
You don't want to be a sitting duck while your opponent is running circles around you on their mount, either.
It surely did not work well for Yuto.
This wasn't even good.
They ruined the game with those gay synchros and motorcycles
I tried watching this as a 33 year old, after getting prepped for the lore by Duel Links, and I still hated 99% of it. That makes it slightly more palpable than GX, which I hated from start to finish (and I still saw the start of it on the telly back in the day). Only the first Yu-Gi-Oh anime had sovl.
Could've done with Yusei at least losing a duel or two though. I swear the god cards themselves were trying to protect his win/loss record or something.
It was memed for a long time, probably because the abridged series made the card game on motor cycles joke. But yeah the premise is kinda goofy
5D's made me give up on the anime. They should have made more GX instead.
you can thank littlekuriboh for ruining everyone's expectation of 5D.
it was a neat idea although the rulings of speed counters wouldn't be something everyone would follow for sure but then we got blueballed so hard with the 5th dragon only to be cucked by CROW because konami wanted us to BUY BLACKWINGS all thanks to that sex cult controversy involving one seiyuu and a tie-in movie that really contribute nothing to the lore.
what is this then?
Yugioh peaked with the manga written by Kazuki Takahashi. It's a shame that both of it's anime adaptations are so shit in comparison.
Shooting Star Dragon in the duel against Primo was way better.
Kazuki Takahashi wrote majority and S3 of GX too.
GX is so fucking dumb only a child could enjoy it
It's a shame that both of it's anime adaptations are so shit in comparison.
first its because toei had no idea what yugioh was going to be about, not even kaz knew where to go with it and gallop simply focused on the card game skipping all the non-card games and toning down the violence. I think gallop's adaptation was good enough but dark side of dimensions was truly wasted potential, either overestimated or too many cooks in the kitchen because who the fuck knows who or what was the focus in this movie and felt like re:pyramid of light with budget
Same can be said for all of Yu-Gi-Oh. A franchise for retards.
I don't read mangas.
Only DM and GX were good.
I don't read manga
I did, and the anime adaptation was better. The manga was too dry and boring half the time with all those card effects where as the anime was more fun duo to ost and VA, plus the filler arcs were better than the canon arcs.
The premise was fine, though young me didn't like the Speed Counter and Speed Spell mechanics. If it was just regular cards and duels but on motorcycle, I would have found it more palatable.
No, the problem with 5D's, aside from how it shits the bed moving into the Iliaster stuff, is that it has so many ugly monster designs. I don't know who the fuck was in charge of making sure 90% of the monsters were ugly as sin, but it was awful. Yusei's Synchro Warriors were cool enough, the dragons were all pretty dope, and there were some absolute hits mixed in, but the general design themes were trash. Why was everything so knobby, bulbous, and covered in bits and bobs? Take any random non-machine one-off card from Yusei's deck and it looks on-par with like the worst design out of any other Yugioh series. Same for Jack.
Look at this thing. It exemplifies a lot of 5D's design problems.
weird, nonsense musculature
pointy bits everywhere
strangely veiny
simultaneously spindly and bulbous proportions
This isn't even the worst offender, but it's an easy example of what I'm talking about. At least this one doesn't have a bunch of shit tacked onto it.
First half was really good, then they ditched the whole occultism and dark magic, and the franchise went to shit
I think Kazuki Takahashi stopped designing as many monsters in 5D's. The reason GX worked was because he designed many of those monsters and everything was kept 2D. When they introduced 3D for monster designs in 5D it immediately put me off.
*mangi (plural of manga)
Get the fuck off my board.
I even hated the synchro warriors and dragons, but you're right. the monster design was horrendous. And not even in a cool way.
Fuck you. Black Rose Dragon has the best design of any Yugioh monster ever.
I haven't read GX yet (because I didn't watch it) or Vrains, but IMO the mangas that are better than the anime counterparts are DM, Zexal and Arc-V, especially Arc-V.
5D's manga was exciting, but the anime still comes out on top.
I actually liked the bulbous misshapen anatomy, it integrated well with the theme of an utopic society hiding it's dystopic slave class, as if people were trained to ignore the ugly parts of each thing and focus on the shiny stuff (Stardust Dragon).
Sure, some maindeck stuff was forgettable, but the cards had a sense of unity that lent itself well to this particular show.
It definitely beats having to deal with Yuya's silly hippos, or Playmaker's soulless cyberses.
I think Stardust is one of the uglier aces.
Kazuki Takahashi didn't design any of the monsters that weren't in the original manga besides Stardust Dragon. The rest were done by artists at Konami & animators at Studio Gallop.
kek, kinda looks like my dog with its peepee out. but yeah i understand what you mean, 5D era started with weird muscular anatomies (it's like they hired Baki's artist to design them), plus the shading didn't help. sure the early cards with babby's first photoshop filter effect weren't great but you were able to understand that they weren't putting all eggs in that basket so the quality of their illustrations were compromised, some even were traced from manga panels until much later on the TCG became popular and they could invest in better illustrations.
The only thing that's getting filtered is this thread
It looks like a goblin shark, Takahashi's shark designs are cool because he likes Jaws, the "ugliness" of it's face contrasts with the sleek shiny body and makes for a nice visceral look.
This monster was designed by Kazuki Takahashi himself. In Duel Art, he explained that he designed this monster with the intent of being different from a standard dragon design, giving it a clear humanoid physique so that it would be able to "strike a pose".
shit looks anorexic with a crackhead nose
Takahashi personally created, among other monsters, "Dark Magician", the "Elemental HERO" archetype, "Junk Synchron", "Stardust Dragon", "Red Dragon Archfiend" (another of his Hellraiser inspirations besides "Jinzo"), and "Number 39: Utopia". As expected, he also created and hand drew the Yu-Gi-Oh! protagonists (Yugi Muto, Yami Yugi, Jaden Yuki, Yusei Fudo, Yuma Tsukumo) as well as several key characters.
Over the years, he has also drawn official card artwork for numerous cards, both pre-existing and original, all of which bear his signature (except for "Tyler the Great Warrior") and have no artwork border (except for "Tyler" and some "Dark Magician Girl" cards).
He designed the E-Heroes.
Black Rose is cool, but that falls into the category of
the dragons were all pretty dope
I think that all of the main dragons have their highlights even if some of them have some of those odd points to them. Stardust, RDA, Black Rose, AFD, Power Tool/Life Stream, and even Black-Winged Dragon are all decent to good designs.
E-Heroes were so cool. I think design wise YuGiOh peaked with them. Nothing after even comes close.
American capeshit
pick one
Fuck off Tranime fag
hating on stardust dragon
Shit taste.
anime board, fuck off tourist
They were good. I think it is the only deck worth to be a archetype and not the gazillion archetype shit they spawned afterwards.
YO , retard
never heard of Tokusatsu? Japan has their own heroes.
D-Heros look so much better than E-Heros is not even funny
Elemental Heroes came in the same pack where archetypes became the focus dumbass.
I read normal books but manga are meh.
For me it is Devilman
Not him but you are retarded. Those are the Masked Heroes.
Elemental Heroes are based on american capeshit.
Nah, D-Heros always looked fucking soulless
5D's is so irrelevant thread got derailed by the original and GX again
it hurts
I read normal books but manga are meh.
what does 5ds even have that's worth talking about besides it going to shit and aki's breasts?
Nice buzzwords you little shit
That Yusei is a Mary Sue done right.
E-Heroes - Marvel
D-Heroes - DC
Masked Heroes - Kamen Rider
Neo Spacians - Ultraman
Neos Wiseman - Devilman
There's an autist who loves GX and hates 5D's, that's why it gets derailed.
E-Heroes - Marvel
D-Heroes - DC
Swap these. DC seems more shonen than Marvel like the E heros, but I don't read capeshit so I could be wrong.
breast envy, hot.
No one is hating on Stardust
I got nothing, it is soulless
at least with GX you can talk about all the retarded shit it had or when it became EDGEkino
Even Japan hated, and Zexal, Arc-V, Vrains have to talk about than it.
Narrow mindedness is unhealthy.
so I could be wrong
Very much so. They both run the gamut and hit both ends of the spectrum.
I can see the future. I knew you were going to use another buzzword and got proven correct you little shit.
Sorry but it's the truth. No manga will compare with truly great books.
Isn't Bubbleman literally Batman?
Crash Town maybe?
Ok I got a topic for you:
How did Z-one got hold of these cards? They might not have a divine attribute but by their own nature they are divine.
Based on the tree of life
Each Time Machine God belongs to a sefirot (emanation of God) and is named after an angel, with the exception of Sephylon
Sephylon is HEAVILY implied to be God because:
He can summon any Time Machine God (Emanations of God, Angels)
The name of his attack is Akashic Storm, and Akasha is the first element, the basis and essence of all things.
The face on his chest is the classic depiction of God
Can only be brought to the field after all the sefirot have been summoned and you activated Ain Soph Aur, which is a term that refers to the fabric of conciousness that exist during the perpetual emanation of creation aka the realm of God/Godhood
Seriously, what was up with this? I doubt those were simply printed cards in his future timeline.
I watched all the series. I read all the manga. I played all the video games.
I still only like DM,GX, and the original manga with Tag Force 3 close behind. Rest I forgot a week after I finished. That being said:
Jonouchi > Kaiba > Yugi
Judai > Yugi
Anzu > Asuka > DMG
There's a lot to talk about 5Ds, it is just the least pedophilic coomer shit out of all the Yugiohs and requires to have hope for the future.
I don't care about Z-One, they dropped the ball with that nigga as soon as it became
Jesus Fudo can do no wrong, it's a cosplaying fanboy instead
sex cult controversy involving one seiyuu
This is what 5Ds saw fit to do with Odin, Thor, and Loki, some of the most famous gods of all mythology. Compare these ugly shits to the Egyptian God Cards, the Sacred Beasts, or even the Wicked Gods of Yugioh R, they're horrible.
He's talking about Carly's original VA, Li-Mei Chiang getting replaced because she was part of a cult.
why do they look so... ehm? what word am I looking for...?
LMAO, where are Thor's balls?
it's a cosplaying fanboy instead
That's being a reductionist.
Z-one was someone who, after seeing all the despair in his future, took the appareance of a savior from the past to inspire hope. My dude sacrificed his entire self to try to save his people.
Regardless, that's not the topic here but how did he got those cards? For how long was he in that white space? What did he see in this undetermined time we don't know about?
He seems to think the only way to save the future is to destroy that city. Did he experience multiple futures like AI did in Vrains?
On his shoulders
5Ds fucking sucks. There were years where mental midgets claimed 5Ds was the best, darkest, most serious yugioh, but that time is long past and everyone recognizes how bad it is now.
I rewatched it recently. I could not stand watching team 5D vs team unicorn.
Absolute bullshit that one guy managed to solo two and a half signers, just so the plot can make way for Yusei to 3 v 1 a team.
Jack and Aki got done dirty. And then the last unicorn guy loses because he didn't end his turn.
What did the "D" in 5Ds mean?
everyone recognizes how bad it is now.
...in your mind maybe.
Zexal Kings won
They're just cards from the future, that's all. Cards from the future are stronger because future powercreep. In the anime, the "Timelords" have a Rare rarity, with the exception of "Sephylon", which has an Ultra Rare rarity instead.
...the pedophile contest.
6 actually
the Sacred Beasts
Literally just knock off Egyptian God Cards
even the Wicked Gods of Yugioh R
Forgettable Knock off Egyptian Gods
And all of them look way cooler than the Aesir, stupid.
They're just cards from the future, that's all.
Nope. Leaving behind all symbolism of these cards and Z-one himself, those cards are massive in size.
They weren't selling them in booster packs.
The Crimson Dragon is way cooler than all of them.
these cards can't be normal cards because...... They're big!!!
Is this the brainpower of 5dsfags? What about Z-One's? What about Z-One's other cards like his tarot trap cards, are they magic too, because they're big?
The Earthbound Immortals are the coolest looking monsters in Yugioh.
What I loved about GX and 5Ds' endings is that they both ended with friendly, no-stakes duels after having multiple world-ending nonsense matches.
Watch Gun x Sword if you want to hear another anime with Jack's VA.
Do you remember me, Anon Babble?
Is this the brainpower of 5dsfags?
It's ironic that you say this when you decided to ignore all points I made and focused solely on the physical aspect to disregard those cards as common.
They're not common in any sense of the word, and they are way bigger than the one in your pic related.
Leaving their aspect aside, story wise they are supposed to be stronger than Yusei's cards hence why he used it against Yusei which means he didn't get these cards in his future because otherwise he would've used them instead of Yusei.dek.
The cards also have mystical properties as they can summon a big ass tree in the middle of the fight. They are not everyday cards not matter how you see it.
The great debate of this statement.
No argument
I accept your concession
X is cool
What kind of argument was this that it needed a counterargument?
He is not wrong.
They lack taste.
Retard board.
If he is wrong, then how come Kuri manage to survive all these series but all these gods are forgotten?
It wasn't an argument, it was an opinion. Something you seem to have no concept of.
backpedaling after realizing you've fucked up
Concession accepted
Zexal, Arc V, & Vrains are in an alternate universe. The Egyptian Gods & Sacred Beast cards were lost forever after their respective series.
Because it was stupid. My card game anime should be grounded in reality.
How much do you agree with these lists?
Junk Warrior is best design for me.
These cards must be divine because.... They're REALLY big and the boss has a cool summoning animation!
They were definitely the coolest looking 5ds monsters.
coolest 5ds monsters are blob animals with highlights
5Ds set the bar real low didn't it?
Doesn't know what the Nazca Lines are.
I didn't expect an uncultured swine like you to be intelligent anyway.
Is not an animation, it's physical in nature. And you keep ignoring plenty of other points, by the way.
Is not an animation, it's physical in nature
Gusts of wind so strong a bunch of people feel it
Yusei circling the tree with his bike and commenting "What's this tree?"
It's physical, retardbro.
Because the main character lacked a personality and expression.
Ah yes, my favorite F-Zero anime with card games.
I'm sorry, I hadn't realized you were not only retarded but that Z-One vs Yusei was the only duel you had ever seen. Effects like objects appearing from nowhere, gusts of wind, waves, etc. are extremely common effect in anime duels. You stupid, stupid ape.
Not in 5ds where they are still holograms you retard. You still can't refute anything else by the way.
I only like DM, GX, Zexal.
I miss when Yu-Gi-Oh wasn't for fags
When I saw this I dropped the show
Screw this woke shit!
Zexal was Yaoi
5D's got something terribly wrong. The reason DM and GX worked and 5Ds did not is because the former were using the card game as a veichle for character drama where as 5D's felt like a card advertisement without anything more there. Also by 5Ds the game had become too complex and most of the duel was just spend them explaining their card effects instead of having an engaging exchange, you know, the reason the card game was into the manga to begin with?
Great duelist and absolutely sexy
Season Zero is censored garbage for fags.
It needed to land the robot copy from the future storyline better.
The reason DM and GX worked and 5Ds did not is because the former were using the card game as a veichle for character drama where as 5D's felt like a card advertisement without anything more there
All of them were card game advertisements dumbass. DM had far more focus on the card game than original manga did, to the point where they skipped the first 7 volumes because Duel Monsters was only played three times during those arcs.
50/50 some of its original content was pretty fucked up and I enjoyed some changes to the manga, like for example with that robber who Yugi sets on fire in the manga his story was ten times better in the anime, or that Jonouchi plot with the doctor
The robber story was better in the manga because Yugi actually set him on fire.
Not really bitch. DM was based on a manga. GX had Kazuki Takahashi on the team and he wrote seasons of it. They were marketing the card game but they also wanted totel la story, this is not like America where cartoons for a product is a souless cash grab, Japan used to emply actual seinen writters on these shows, Digimon and Pokemon for example.
The reason DM and GX worked and 5Ds did not is because the former were using the card game as a veichle for character drama where as 5D's felt like a card advertisement without anything more there.
You never watched 5D's.
Jack vs Yusei 1
Yusei vs security/jail guards
Aki vs Yusei
Yusei vs Kiryu
Carly vs Jack
Gay edgelord. Suck your tranny gf.
People were not reading for the 5D's/Air Gear anime era desu
Sadly I did and all of those duels end up meaningless or go nowhere.
They skipped the first 7 volumes because those got adapted literally an 1 year earlier. It would have been autistic to readapt them so soon wow.
It didn't even impact the actual duels
All of those duels have drama between the characters involved you lying shit.
DM was based on a manga
DM was loosely based on the manga, outside of following the same storyline, it's pretty much it's own thing.
GX had Kazuki Takahashi on the team and he wrote seasons of it
But he's not the only who commissioned or produced it.
I came to the conclusion that people here are literally autistic. Anyway, only DM and GX were good. The rest are for literal manchildren or autismos. Fuck your gay ass card game fags
You had to be autistic to fully appreciate 5D's and Zexal.
But he's not the only who commissioned or produced it.
what is your point? He wrote for it which is important. He was not involved in 5D's outside of giving the story idea of which the first pitch got rejected and heavily altered the rest. And same story for Zexal where his initial story idea got rejected and they just used his character designs. For GX Kaz actually came up with everything revolving Yubel which is the last time this show feels like the original.
DM was loosely based on the manga
They are alternative timelines. The manga has its own continuity where as the anime has its separate continuity. Thus DM has no filler, the DOMA arc sets up stuff we revisit in GX. Also Kaz used some of these arcs in the original to flesh out ideas he couldn't put in the manga duo to time restraints.
its just one troll trying to bait the entire thread
Carly gets written out of the show and her lover relationship with Jack gets retcon.
Everything revolving Arkadia movement and Divine gets removed from the show so bye Aki
Jack gets rewritten into a more kodomo friendly character, the writers through all his talk about being a King to be literal and didn't get the metaphor so enjoy your over the top clown.
Yusei loses all he character he had in favor of becoming this robot Kizuna Jesus
Ruka and Rua duo to magic being retcon from the show we drop the whole spirit thing
But hey we got CROW, you want more Crow, you get more Crow. Great.
What about Bommer and the other Dark Signers? Sorry, at the end of the arc they decide to just time reset everything and erase their memories as if nothing ever happened. Great.
This is retarded, fuck 5D's and you lying 5D'sfaggots. Enjoy your toy advertisement and time traveling cosplayers!
is shonen
We are talking about drama and not what you didn't like of the show.
This is retarded, fuck 5D's and you lying 5D'sfaggots
The show baits you. There are no negative consequences, they get erased. This is bad storytelling 101. Zexal does this too. Shin Yoshida is a hack.
None of the other shows are like that. Only 5D's and Zexal.
There are no negative consequences, they get erased.
Just like in GX? At least in 5D's people die.
Just like in GX?
Where? You mean Ryo washing up on the shore and not dying from a stroke?
there's some guy who thinks yugioh is about reality and that yubel isn't a metaphor
Cool, but that is not what we were talking about. Stop deflecting.
5D's has duels that build drama between characters.
In GX the events do not get magically erased from everyone who suffered through the events, that would be retarded, in stead we spend the following season dealing with the aftermath.
In 5D's? DS gets erased and they build a bridged in 8 month erasing a decade of societal discrimination and rebuilding Neo domino from a dystopia into an Utopia and everything else gets shrugged off. This is incredibly retarded.
That is the most blatant, yes.
Is not just a stroke by the way, his heart was damaged from all he did. It was a heart failure full stop.
People can survive those.
No, it was like in Naruto Zabuza arc.
His heary was damaged beyond repair.
Stop defending bad writing.
That was really fucking bad, undoing Ryo's death just to finish Sho's development was a bad move.
There's no proof duel academy island even exists after gx.
Every Yu-Gi-Oh anime is a mess. DM's budget literally evaporates for the last few arc. GX first 100 episodes are a stark contrast to the rest of it. Zexal I is trash, Arc-V is a trainwreck, Vrains is dull etc.
But 5D's pisses me off because it gets dickrode by the community and the normies (cuz it looks cool). You would think it would be DM but no, it is 5D's that is the most overrated Yu-Gi-Oh anime to date.
Based homoLORD. Top your femboy bf.
Because it is the best one. Everyone can see that except Yugiboomers and Zexaltrannies.
T I M E Lords
related to Infinity
All other members of Allister has bosses wirh Infinity in their name
It's simple really
Seriously, what was up with this? I doubt those were simply printed cards in his future timeline.
All of them come from Momentum. this Power that allows them to change the past (T I M E) was fully controlled by Z-One
Over Top Clear Mind is Yusei finding an alternate path to this Godhood. While Z-One used the despair brought about by an "out-of-control" Momentum, Yusei used the bonds He has with everyone. Remember that Momentum is aware and knows what humans feel and Clear Mind is the power to control it.
The Crimson Dragon itself is another inhabitant of momentum.
Sorry bro, your edgelord self insert did not get a cool death but ended up becoming a cripple
This is what you are complaining about? It was based!
it was cruel
YuGiOh anime should not be cruel, they are for children
they are for children
Not really.
This is what you are complaining about?
No? That is quite literally your projection.
What negative consequence got erased in GX again? Zane became a cripple, that is the opposite of erasure. It is dealing with the consequences of your actions. You are complaining that he did not die but survived a stroke (something that happens irl too)?
5D'sfags are very immature and tarded
I don't think they know what good writing is.
The hype from 5ds is those first 100 episodes. It all gets rewritten, but were so kino they hard-carried the show. It's hard to compare to GX because it's very episodic. There are serious events but they still go back to chilling in the academy.
For them just having motorcycles and moving pictures on screen is enough to keep them entertained, they hyped and were the first to defend that garbage Arc-V, DON'T THINK I FORGOT YOU! Just because it had Jack and Crow cosplayers in it... some of them think those were the real Jack and Crow to this day, they just don't care for characterization.
What is your one compliment to this character?
They think card games on motorcycles was a cool idea.
first 100 episodes
Dark Signers ends at 64 and everything after that is trash.
He didn't become evil as it was initially intended by Kaz and got turned into a walking Blackwing add.
That doesn't explain them rewriting the DDM arc.
This is a good point. I agree with you anon, this was bullshit, but from what I heard the director hated Bakura and would forcibly remove his scenes when he could.
People don't die in GX, they get "sent to the stars" because GX is a show for pussies.
The Dark Signers arc is the peak of Yugioh, that's why 5Ds gets dickrode.
Camula died, Titan died, Viper died. Professor Stein died. There are more.
It was not a stroke.
You are purposely trying to make it seem that way but anybody who watched the shows knows Kaiser's heart was damaged and it progresively gets worse until it can take no more and his heart stops.
He died from heart failure and realistically there's no coming back from it.
The Dark Signers arc is the peak of Yugioh
I always thought that was s3 GX for some reason.
No they got "sent to the stars."
You spent too much time in the circlejerking echochamber of GX watchalong threads.
Objectively it is Zexal II actually
Dark Signers Arc is trash. What the fuck are You smoking?
Dark Signers got its hype from its initial air run because people were tired from GX wacky tone and were happy to have something more grounded and serious. But everything after episode 64 was considerably lower in quality and only hurts the show. I have no idea why there was such a huge backlash when Zexal I began because from my pov it was more of the same of what 5D's had deteriorated into.
The Dark Signers arc is the peak of Yugioh
Duelist Kingdom, Battle City, Millennium World all clear that slop.
the changes in dmm are literally inconsequential.
What did anyone want from that arc? That's right, it's Dungeons Dice Monsters. I want my non-Duel Monsters dice games to look cool onscreen, not the literally whos. A Bakura scene or two is kind of a loss Bakura is cool but ehh.
GX Shadow Riders was a parody arc of the DOMA arc. DS was that same parody arc but it took itself seriously this time. Lame.
It was worse than Shadow Riders. None of the DS had an interesting personality and were quite lame actually.
The DDM arc was rewritten because it originally didn't have anything to do with Duel Monsters. It's also kind of lame how they had Atem face Otagi/Duke instead of Yugi & shoved Dark Magician into the arc.
Remember this guy? No you don't, because he had no personality traits or backstory.
The Rex Godwin duel at the end of the Dark Signers literally made me fall asleep on my first viewing. It was so boring.
Who is that? I really don't remember him. I am not joking.
The DDM arc was rewritten because it originally didn't have anything to do with Duel Monsters.
Yet they kept DDM. A dungeon dice game that isn't Duel Monsters. You're a schizo for this fact alone.
Meanwhile all the Shadow Riders no matter how small were at least memorable and interesting. Everyone remembers that Pharaoh who sucked at the game, or Don Zaloog masquerading as a detective.
Rex Godwin and Don Thousand duels were the lamest duels in yugioh history
Who was this guy connected to again?
The monkey Dark Signer. A guy with an evil god card seeking to destroy the world who's less memorable than Pegasus' flunkies or the Shadow Riders.
Kyousuke Kiryu
Remember this guy?
Is that his hair or is he wearing a hat?
Godwin had a knock for finding the dullest mofos around lmao.
Why do the literature majors hate Yugioh?
Isn't it pretty obvious? They don't value the beauty of logic and strategy the same way as us card game folks. So all they see is "This anime didn't focus much on character dramas so it's bad".
why not both?
Ooooooooh shit, let's fucking gooo
This anime didn't focus much on character dramas
But it did.
Sorry, I confused them, Frank was this guy
who was this again?
I like 5D's but the villains were kinda trash.
He was hired by Godwin to try and drive Aki to the edge so that she lost control of her powers and beat the shit out of him and the people in the audience hated her.
The rest of the show was trash too.
this right here is a prime example of the main problem of 5D's, it had too many chosen ones to juggle (6) who we all know would win at the end because plot said so thus they were facing against literal fodder for the majority of the arcs.
Just compared to Battle City where you had 2 (Yugi - Kaiba) or GX where you only had Judai. In 5D's it was Yusei, Jack, Crow, Aki, Ruka, and Rua.
In Battle City you had crazy shit like Kaiba winning against fate, or Jonouchi against all odds having a chance to win against Malik... only to fall into a coma.
Then in GX aside from Judai everyone else could and would lose. The final of the Shadow Riders was literally just Manjoume autism of stealing the keys to challenge Asuka to a love duel accendtaly activating the Sacred Beasts. Shit was unpredictable.
In the Dark Signers nobody lost their duels. Everything progressed smoothly as it should. Boring.
Crow turning evil would have been that twist but we got robbed of that.
as long as rush is going good.
Yami Yugi lost in the Doma arc to one of the shittiest archetypes ever made.
I know, this was amazing and I loved it.
One of the biggest criticisms of GX was that there was too much focus on Judai. It got to the point where his VA was asking for more money because of all the heavy lifting he was doing & the 4th season got cut short as a result.
I think 5D's writers were afraid to make Yusei lose a duel, you really feel it as the show goes on.
Judai best boy confirmed
It was bullshit & you know it.
Raphael was a prototype for Judai. He was in tune with his card spirits and won through the power of top decking.
Judai's Love interests are named Asuka & Rei
I can't believe GX stole ideas from more successful franchises
Yugi is voiced by Shinji VA in s0
And both of them are shit as well
His ship with GX Kaworu is the best
GX winding up the story of a boy growing up ultimately helps it stand out amongst all the other series.
more successful than yugioh
That depends on how you look at it. that's certainly not true in the money sense. Also the real theme there is that both of them were stealing ideas from devilman.
I still love it though, Atem facing someone in equal level in their power of bullshit and losing to him, the shock he falls after is honestly priceless.
Judai's Love interests are named Asuka & Rei
Judai's only love interest was Yubel.
I don't know if I remember correctly because the last time I saw 5ds was 13 years ago when I was still a kid, but wasn't the cop redeemed into a good guy later on?
I tried to watch Arc-V some time ago precisely because the character designs made them look quite unique and sympathetic, but it has to be the most boring arc of all the franchise,
especially the duels, there is nothing of minimal strategy in any of them beyond Yuya pulling 4 action cards out of his ass per turn, he’s easily the most pathetic protagonist in the franchise.
Probably the best final duel of any Yugioh series,it really shows you Judai's growth as a duelist and makes you believe that he did everything in his power to win the duel and it's a constant fight to see who outsmarts the other, Yugi also has some good moves even though he pulls some trap cards out of his ass, but it's forgivable considering that Yudai's deck was superior and they had to even things out somehow.
I can't believe in 2024 people are waking up and realizing 5Ds was always shit.
Everyone else left he thread because they have shit to do while the GXfag is still samefagging. He really has no life huh.
Yusei needed a bit more weakness and a lot more satan characteristics. Though I guess he's still an indulgent action fantasy so there's that.
yugioh is the precursor of Demon King Academy isekai...prove me wrong you can't
Anus Voldigod sleeps for a thousand years and awakens in a school = Atem sleeps and awakens in yugi's school
Pharaoh = King with dark/demonic magic= Demon King
pharaoh dabs in the school bullies
they have crazy magic