Chainsaw Man

Kino chapter
Kino MC
Kino manga

Denji is a fucking cuck.

Big throbbing denji cock

Denji mindbreaks

The ONE Chainsaw Man woman who can defeat the BBC Devil

what ''cuck'' means?

The funny thing about this chapter is that many pretentious fucks are using it to talk about muh human condition and all that crap, when in reality it just makes it clear that CSM is what everyone refuses to accept: a battle shonen.

After suffering a lot, the MC remembers that he has dreams, friends etc, gives a speech about it, and thus finds the strength to keep fighting, to keep moving forward.

The only difference is that Fujimoto is not very good at doing this. Denji saying "if my family dies I'll find a new one" sounds more dumb than touching.

Big Asa chappy soon

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Denji saying "if my family dies I'll find a new one" is touching in the way we know he's just saying that to cope and deep down he's hanging by a thread
It's not meant to be taken literally, nuance is needed to read CSM since Fujimoto doesn't spoonfeed everything and treats it as a movie.


read more manga, chapter was mid af

nuance is needed to read CSM since Fujimoto doesn't spoonfeed everything and treats it as a movie.


Things I don't like

His face says it all

The power of love failed btw, Denji is still broken.

Manifesting Yoshimiko

okay but why does he fucking forget / drop plot points CONSTANTLY?
remember when devils were after CSM's heart? remember when fire devil was teased? stupid retard worse than araki

Less broken than before

Rip yooter

Fumiko is going to mess with denji again..

Soft seinen posting soon

I tried to play it smart, the flowers I drew represents self CONTROL



Denji saying "if my family dies I'll find a new one" is touching in the way we know he's just saying that to cope and deep down he's hanging by a thread

When analyzing a work of art, analyze it based on what it does, analyze what is in the page, stop trying to play a character psychologist.

It's not meant to be taken literally, nuance is needed to read CSM since Fujimoto doesn't spoonfeed everything and treats it as a movie.

Fujimoto likes Hollywood movies, anon. His taste is basic af and so is his manga.

Silly Denji, he thinks he can replace family.

No, he's starting to move on. He's definitely less broken

Healing is in process. Asa helped a lot. Power of Love won no need to keep ritualposting.

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Low energy the last two chapters really destroyed you.

remember when devils were after CSM's heart?

They still are, half of the plot is about Kiga wanting the CSM heart kinda

remember when fire devil was teased

Yeah, and he still is

he's starting to move on.

Forced by Aging. Without his power he would still be Afk inside Pochitablack. There is no psychological progress.

Asa is just another future crapburger after all.

Forced by Aging

wtf are you even saying algerian
Forced by Pochita throwing up stuff that made him remember good memories and what Asa said
Jesus, you're retarded.
You're saying this yet you're trying to fire up the thread spouting retarded ragebait shit because your fellow schizo is crying too hard to post here since this simple panel buckbroke xher

Asa put a bandaid on a bullet wound.

Sad, I was told she was the one.


destroyed you

Are you projecting? I'm really enjoying the chapters

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He's saying there is no long term progress. And he's right.

based retard hero

the mad lad even btfo Makima one last time, truly our hero

Kobeni cover 0
Fumiko cover 1

Enough to give Denji a reason to LIVE

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He's wrong, and so are you
Denji won't be fixed in 2 chapters, that absurdly retarded.
What happened was the kickstart of his healing process, like the other anon said. And that was mainly thanks to Asa and Pochita, making Denji realize there's good stuff in his life too

It was obvious

Purple is Denji's favorite color

So this chapter just confirms that Denji will not be looking for Blood any time soon yes?

And by the way, you could be discussing how this chapter implied more stuff about Yoshida instead of doing this ragebait retardation
The opposite. He's starting to get over her death so he can finally go search the new Blood Devil.

Kishibe's sons

Yfw you get the cover

Healing Sex

Fumiko is ps Makima replacement
Yoshida FSM is ps Denji replacement

He's starting to get over her death so he can finally go search the new Blood Devil.

And btw, i called this since Aquarium

This makes sense since Fujimoto said that he studied in an art school full of old people and he wanted to kill them
Fujimoto hates old people

his despiction of boomers is perfect
fucking the younger generation over for minimal gain

Cake theory survives for another day. Idk if that's a good thing or bad thing for Asaru

Many such cases

Why does he have to explain that children die too? He wanted Denji to mature, and that would make him accept killing the kids, but had no method. This Primal Devil is an idiot

Also for the brainlets, Denji went from thinking he doesn't deserve a family to thinking he deserve multiple ones

She takes pleasure in causing pain. She could kill the children herself but she wants to taint csm

Then it's confirmed he's coping, Shotaji will appear once he returns to the real world, maybe even ending up in Fumiko's house.

This is a true scholar


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Then it's confirmed he's coping

Duh, only biased retards think Denji was being completely sincere when he said what he said this chapter.

But the idiot approached Pochita under the assumption he'll eat. There's no pleasure from something she thought he would do without regret.

using retard logic to cope with all the wrongs and losses in your life

Denji truly the son Kishibe never had

These plants are from the aging world. It's Yoshida's house and this is Fumiko after they had sex

See foreshadowed by bab

Similar painting but not the same

denji will wake up at fumiko's place after the fight with aging

Trying so hard to sound smart only makes (You) sound like a retard.

Here's what's gonna happen:

Denji makes the first steps of healing

Something happens that undoes his progress


This should be obvious by now.

She's sitting on the therapy chair and Denji's lying mind broken on the couch like with Makima.

lol, can't wait for this volume to sink to a newer low

Hope we get an Asa arc soon, the chapter wasn't bad, but I hate zombie Asa.

Yoshida Nayuta and Fumiko tanking the volume sales together. Cute family.

I'd be surprised if it's not next arc

Btw the city and vegetation motif is present in every inside cover. Miri was also shown with plants just like Fumiko.

Apartment scene 2.0?

Hope we get an Asa arc soon

why do you want to tank the sales even harder?

Jokes on you the first three part two volumes had good sales.

This chapter vindicated what I've been saying for a long time now.

I point out that Denji and Asa are both fucking schizos who continuously run away from reality and that this is a major flaw with both of their characters

P+R tell me that I'm being a faggot who's reading too deeply into it.

This chapter Fujimoto came out and confirmed what I've been saying for months now.

because of the part1 hype + anime, and by the 3rd volume it was starting to decline

Scholar, this insight can only be reached by consuming superior manga

some mfs are telling me that denji isn't coping hard with the "i'll get a new family again and again" stuff when he's drawn sweating and looking unhinged

What is CSM's "message" after all? That life sucks but you can deal with it through escapism?


More like

I have just begun a plot...

A plot filled with... events...

Ahh chapter

Femdom is good

meant for OP

Anyone remember how long till we start getting more of the volume

masks off, how am I supposed to own these /csm/ sisters when their knowledge related to manga and anime dates back to 5 years at most?

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city and vegetation

Country mouse city mouse

press fuji's associates and sponsors to release new powah merch so that he is contractually compelled to bring her back to promote the merch.
just like reze movie

Cmon now, you guys have it way better than us Powerchads recently

Fascinating, as far as I remember
City landscape










Why are suddenly people saying that Asa is going to die soon? she can't die until they deal with Death.
If either Asa or Denji truly die, it will be at the end of part 2.

Just waifukeks being desperate to replace her

Barem peace sign

also related somewhat, Aging's world is the most luscious rural scenery we've seen and is also extremely 'safe' and unchanging

psychedelic, kinda hypnotic paintings. What do you think it means?

I have better taste than you, and I find chainsaw man "acceptable"

She does drugs that's why her eyes are dilated and she's an air head

life sucks but you can deal with it through escapism?

basically. it's about coping with how overwhelmingly shit life can be. i'd recommend rereading look back and goodbye eri because they're about the exact same theme. they use art as the means of escapism, while in CSM it's pochitas erasure ability

Good memories Denji kun

Wow filler chapter. Nothing even happened.

Haven't seen anyone outside of minor shit posts like say Asa will die
Now that you mentioned, that background is specially high quality and different than the other ones
Kiga's volume background also hinted towards her being related to Falling Devil

fumiko boss fight will be trippy

He's using instant transmission and unlimited void

same she needs more focus, I was hoping she will reveal to Denji about Yoru at least. Missed opportunity

I have better taste than you

I wholeheartedly doubt it.
Doubt [x]

and I find chainsaw man "acceptable"


Fumiko is gonna introduce denji to drugs

The reason why Asa hasn't revealed Yoru yet is because Fujimoto want Yoru to do something potentially bad and pin it on Asa.

I called this that never happened since Aquarium

kekido, keep waiting then.

I do, sorry.

P+R tell me that I'm being a faggot

utterly mindbroken by reality

reddit filename

off topic pic

The list grew a lot today

t. newfag

this is how we roll, kid

What is CSM's "message" after all?

"Don't let your daughtersister die for chasing whores or you will end like Denji"

Fujimoto want Yoru to do something potentially bad and pin it on Asa

That sounds like that old theory about Asa thinking Denji killed Yuko and not Fakesaw
Is it not what is happening?

contract with the drugs devils


only if you are willing to call this manga a "story" in the first place.

That's exactly what I had in mind. To this day idk why Fujimoto revealed the existence of two csm to Asa this early

Asa will die

Shit post

You are totally right, the one dying is Denji.

Honestly I think Fujimoto handled Denji's current situation very poorly, because I cared more about him when he lost Power and Aki more than now that he lost his house, fame, Nayuta, dogs, everything. That's also why his speech in part 1 had more impact on me and the speech in these last two chapters just felt like a mid rip-off.

Drugs and sex with Fumiko to pass the time (they have nothing better to do between missions)

Something cute about a chibi school girl smoking

Is it not what is happening?

Correct, old family =/= new family

Neither will die anon, stop being a silly guy

Because he losing Aki and Powy is not his fault, losing Nayuta is his fault.

Miri gets both vegetation and city


Duh? His old family is irreplaceable
He can make a new family with Asa, nuBlood and nuConquest(if Nayuta isnt alive)

Yeah the background is too weird to be just, well, background. Also the chair is too damn big, intriguing cover.

the superman

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Oh yeah no main character will die from now on until the manga ends in 80 more chapters! Lets goo babyyyyy yeaah! Rainbows!


and NuPowah

end of the manga

80 chapters

optimistic are we?

Denji and Asa are not dying, that is correct

80 chapters

You have to make up your mind

At this pacing? Easily.

Big Chainsaw Cock

Kiga door was revealed a couple of chapter after her volume dropped I don't think we will have to wait long.
Unless we get a Yoshida forest moment where it took two arcs for it to be relevant

pretty likely

Denji and Asa are not dying

From the creator of "Nayuta will not die" btw

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Can't escapism be problematic since it makes you pretend that suffering and challenges don't exist instead of facing them?

Small sensou Weiner

oh so that ''asafag'' is a jjkcuck?

Denji and Asa are not dying

They are both cooked.

Parasocial relationship theme seems to be still relevant
I guess story ends with Denji and Yoshida playing counter strike.

i'd recommend rereading look back and goodbye eri because they're about the exact same theme.

Agni and his sister.

Also more plants too. It's a really interesting cover

Correct Powy is dead for ever. Old family = gone
No retard, Nupowy will never be Power.

Is Fujimoto a depressed rich boy?

Most mentally ill to least mentally ill:

(power gap)


(power gap)


(power gap)

Algerian (basically a normalfag)
Asa will die.

truth is you dont get to overcome most of your problems when you are a teenager.
they either get overridden by new responsibilities or they transform into life-lasting addictions, like alcoholism.
to some extent, i see why stories like this move forward in a circular motion. its just teens indulging themselves in their own misery, JUST before life hits them like a bullet to the head.

What's this genius gunna do with all his sweat?

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I already did, nuBlood is there
''Turn the New blood devil into Power again''


R this

R that

as long as you keep derailing this stupid general, fine by me!

Open the seventh gate

This chapter was better than the last one, it was nice getting a more detailed outlook on Denji's mental state currently.
I do like that it was acknowledged that he is being completely unhinged and that it is weird how "quickly" he "got over" Nayuta's death, way better than the "HE IS FINALLY HEALED" that people were parading before.

why you keep making these rankings pretending you're not one of the worst in every thread, microdick?

plants and hypnosis

Aging world is a forest

Those kids WILL die, in one way or another

I hope some mysteries are finally revealed, Yoshida and fumiko tend to appear in the same chapters so we may have some answers soon

p melty

This chapter gave us quite a lot to discuss. I never talked about the manga as much as I did today

I think it's a core Denji personality trait for him to not be "fully human" or have a human heart. He is, and always will be, a little bit twisted.

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This chapter was better than the last one, it was nice getting a more detailed outlook on Denji's mental state currently.


way better than the "HE IS FINALLY HEALED" that people were parading before.

People were? All i see last chapter were schizos screeching how Denji learned nothing

jokes aside, diaper and micro are verifiably the least healthy and most mentally ill people in these threads.

Plants are similar to human beings. Both are predetermined by their biological functions. They even have instincts such as closing their leaves. But these plants do not perform any conscious action. Fumiko is a plant, she simply is, she does not make decisions on her own, she only follows the orders of her superiors without caring about her own morals. She simply lives.
hope that helps

This makes me think about Pochita's personality. He's putting the man in csm more or less.

I don't get the correlation, microdick

Denji asking Yoshida if he can take it id funny to me for some reason.

I think it would be hilarious if Pochita turns out to act far more human than Denji does.

People who have more sex and women than

Fumiko should sit on my cock instead

Well he's been living among humans for a dozen years

R doesn't exist

Good night /csm/
Great chappy and surprisingly enjoyable threads overrall today


*story doesnt move forward*

i never said that it would, s-s-schizo


she looks like a kid in that big chair, maybe we will see what really happened when her parents die

He's jogging around a lake you autistic retard

The only time she's ever looked appealing. She's hotter than Asa.

People were? All i see last chapter were schizos screeching how Denji learned nothing

Denji's narrative is both coping and harsh reality. There is no half and half, there is a complete whole that engulfs it.
yes, he feels hurt, yes, people say that is to cope. but it is also true that this is his reality. makima, kiga, barem, ps, santa, and a huge etc
chainsaw world is horrible and denji is the focus of many attacks, the only way to cope with this are two options
a. kill all your enemies
b. embrace your destiny full of death and suffering
denji does the b

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I got a question to the guys who went all 'Denji is gonna eat the kids' in the other thread or in previous ones.

What's the point of doing that?

Denji eats the kids. Okay. What are you expecting out of that? Why are you so sure that Denji/Chainsaw Man is going to do it?

Good to have a high resolution Fumiko image with a color pallet. Drawing gonna be more accurate

gn powerbro

this si my homescreen

Algerian (basically a normalfag)


Yeah, as soon as they get out

Yoshida killed Nayuta theory

Makima Offered Denji a normal life as chainsaw man

Yoshida Offered Denji a normal life as a human

Makima introduced new companions to Denji, Power and Aki

Yoshida Introduced new companions to Denji, Asa and Fumiko

Makima Eliminated dangerous threat to ps: Bomb, Quanxi, etc.

Yoshida tried to eliminate dangerous threat to ps: War Devil (Failed)

Makima fought with Pochita and "advance humanity"

Yoshida Fought with Pochita and "advance humanity" (Failed)

And obviously, the infamous cinema scene

Makima talked about Denji's internal conflict about "a heart"

Yoshida talked about Denji's internal conflict about "a normal life"

Bonus this scene from part 1 where Makima hired Yoshida to protect Denji, foreshadowed her leaving her role to Yoshida in part 2
Conclusion: I think Yoshida definitely has parallel with Makima, but does it mean he's Makima 2.0? Not really. I thihk he's more like a ps's desperate attempt to create Makima 2.0, but Yoshida is a regular highschool boy. Everything he did in p2 failed in one way or another. Denji's relationship with Asa and Fumiko couldn't be the same as Aki and Power. It's also Yoshida's failed attempt to connect Denji with normal life. If the parallels between Makima and Yoshida are all intentional, Yoshida is supposed to be the one who ruined Denji's normal life. I wonder if Yoshida has any relation with Nayuta's death. These 2 pages are so suspicious and we still don't know what Yoshida's trying to say. There's a small possibility that Yoshida is the one who killed Nayuta, considering Barem never admits that he killed Nayuta. But then again, Yoshida doesn't tend to succeed at what he's supposed to do so...

denji is the villain for potentially killing 10k children
yoshida, fumiko and ps are the heroes for wanting to kill 10k children

His words have letters...

I want a footjob from her cute socked feet

Good morning

Don't forget to sniff your power gf armpits before you go to work/school

What is this a reference to?

Elder scrolls psijic order

I can see the parallels but feels weird if he killed Nayuta, that would make him a villain

That's the idea

Yoru's reaction to Denji throwing up multiple devils? non-existent. These characters are so shit.


fuji forgot yoru's main objective is to make csm puke

Only thing I really disliked about the chapter, how can Yoru not react to that?
Clearly it gets in the way of the plot Fujimoto wants to tell currently and it makes no fucking sense. That's a recurring problem in part 2's story.

People actually read this shit?

Fujimoto probably planned the big moments of the story, but lacks the skill to connect all of them in a natural way, so you end up with a lot of situations where the characters don't behave like they should in an almost uncanny way.

If it seems that Denji learned nothing is precisely because even recognizing that he has not overcome anything, he continues to use this "as long as I have..." bullshit speech as a coping mechanism. So we are always prevented from seeing him dealing directly with these losses and consequently learning something.

Really? I didn't see Kino at all.

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That's the impression that I get and it's infuriating.
Asa and Denji avoid interacting to the point of abnormality and whenever they do it's just to move the plot along, it doesn't feel organic at all.
If the idea was that they always talk past each other or that their relationship is entirely parasocial, the execution was terrible.

Oops, meant for

Who the fuck is amachu?

every tragic hero ever has come to the same realization denji did. denji just said the quiet part out loud.

Listen, learning from your mistakes is fine and all, as it will allow you to reduce the damage you take. But in the end, you have two options,
kill your enemies like he did with Makima
or simply embrace the suffering because life is like that, like he do with Kiga.
But who knows, maybe he think about eliminating Kiga and Barem when he get out.

Asa and Denji avoid interacting to the point of abnormality and whenever they do it's just to move the plot along, it doesn't feel organic at all.

Denji throws up a devil and jumps into a lake.

Asa mouth breaths "Huh, you're acting so weird"

Denji says he has a plan.

Asa doesn't ask him about it and sits next to a tree mouth breathing "Woah, whats he doing?"

Get out of work

Check last thread

See picrel

Contemplate how we got to this state

Imagine, IMAGINE, being the retard saying that Denji making a family again if he loses his past one makes him less human than Makima, the being who didn’t give a shit about humanity and her idea of a family was so selfish and misinformed that the only way she thought she could achieve it was by mind breaking those around her.

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I'm finding Denji more and more unlikable

Denji's character is starting to frustrate me. Denji is a very flawed character which is good but the story never puts any objective responsibility of any consequence of Denji's own choices on Denji and it's starting to annoy me.

It's constantly painting it all as just a tragedy for denji alone to suffer & move forward from only to again think of his own pleasures.

Nayuta was such a good character that feels like she is now dead simply for the sake of Denji.

This hedonism of his character is great but then I also want the story to focus on how much it is not good for anyone who actually likes Denji and wants to be with him but not get killed or sacrificed for his sake.

If you think the story doesn’t put responsibility on Denji for his actions or that he hasn’t grown you’ve legitimately just been reading with your eyes closed or you haven’t been reading at all.

2 more weeks!!!!

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It's just a bit

Asaru currently wants to separate Denji from the Chainsaw heart.
And I doubt Yoru would care about those deaths.

So, at the very least, I think the devil will make an offer to them that will spark an argument between Asa and Yoru.

The dream sequence she had before entering that world also feels very eerie to me.
Almost as if it's buildup to something big.

Denji was also having a ton of weird hallucinations leading to Nayuta's death.

currently coping that this is a pocket reality created by kiga to train asa and denji for what they might deal with when death shows up

we were so close to kino

This is why pretty much any discussion about characters is just redundant and pretentious, there is no thought or care put into them.

Kojima won't care about the Reze movie

I do like that it was acknowledged that he is being completely unhinged and that it is weird how "quickly" he "got over" Nayuta's death, way better than the "HE IS FINALLY HEALED" that people were parading before.

Correct, those IQlets should never post ever again.

All he needs to do is high jump over a tree

Faggot Club faggots BTFO!~

The only difference is that Fujimoto is not very good at doing this. Denji saying "if my family dies I'll find a new one" sounds more dumb than touching.

Nah. It's about accepting loss and being open to forming new relationships. These two things loads of people myself included have a hard time with. Our hero, Denji, learning to move passed those hurdles just shows how BASED he is.

Shitwer lost
Shityuta lost

He is right you know.

Saw "Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc" at the theater.

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Nayuta was such a good character that feels like she is now dead simply for the sake of Denji.

Yeah, in the end of the day as sorry and mindbroken he is Nayuta died for nothing and he is largely to blame.

Thoughts on Denji (running)?

Yabba dabba

5ch Nips:
It's not good that the purpose and thoughts of the aging devil are completely influenced by the convenience of the story.
I wonder what the hell this guy wants to do, it's turned into nothing more than a stage set.
I don't know if he wanted to draw a balance between sacrificing the children and saving himself, but I wonder if it could be drawn in a more natural way.

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And the old devil's plan was surprisingly cheap.
I thought he was going to trap Denji and the others in that space and raise them to a higher dimension where they could communicate with each other.
“If you want to get out of here, you'll have to convince me.”

Fucking kek

Why is Denji running?
To get nauseous in the real world?
What could Pochita possibly throw up to help the situation?



No one attended

Flopsaw Man

So he's like Gege.

there is no thought or care put into them.

That's why I didn't give a shit for the girls in Look Back

POV: my honest reaction when this garbage got a movie instead of Oyasumi PunPun


He can run but he can't escape
Conquest pegging session

Dump link?

In retrospective,what the fuck were the mouth, snow and bitterness devils doing in Tokyo when Pochita showed up? Am I just expected to believe that all these important devils only show up in Japan?

Got any rezes?

At least this current chapter makes it clear that he is not in his right mind.
It is a posture that handwaves the responsibility he had in her death, but it's clear that it's not something to be celebrated.

Art Devil...Dead and buried...
Hype Devil... Decapitated
Stakes Devil... MIA

they need reasons to push the normalfags into hating denji and asaden

Its reminding me of late fire punch
Just a bunch of stuff happening with no real overarching stakes and characters acting dumb with usual slapstick fujimoto sense of humor
Its fun, just really dumb. Which might be the point? It's entertaining

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Am I just expected to believe that all these important devils only show up in Japan?

Yes. At least JJK's author had the decency of making a contrived explanation for why all the important demons appear in Japan. Fujimoto just doesn't care.

Fujimoto intentionally writes this way, prioritizing plot over characterization.

idk, It really didn't felt that bad in early part 2, the dialogue felt more natural at least.

Which might be the point? It's entertaining

That's Togata's philosophy.

What could Pochita possibly throw up to help the situation?

I can thing of several things but I don't think Denji can.

Yeah, these chapters with shitty art, bland characters and nonsense plot are really entertaining.

mouth, snow and bitterness devils doing in Tokyo

Am I just expected to believe that all these important devils only show up in Japan?

What is important about them? they are random shitters. The problem is the plot convenience of them being used so Denji remembers shit.

Nope. Fuck you nigga. but thanks for the link tho.

564 replies

The death of /csm/. . .

Well you see chud, THAT was the point: there was no point! HAHA gotcha! Thanks for your money.

t. Fujimbo

On second thoughts, I think its best if you guys remain ignorant about everything that went down like 15 years ago.
It would be like seeing your own death.

there was no point! HAHA gotcha! Thanks for your money.

Are you saying his writing is actually going somewhere?

Denji's running to get his heart beating. The Aging Devil's world grants its inhabitants boundless vitality. By running, Denji can feed an unlimited amount of his blood to Pochita since Pochita is his heart.

everything that went down like 15 years ago

what are you referring to

Denji is a dog. He ate trash and sold himself as a slave for years in debt. Dennis tried to be normal, it didn't work. Everything went wrong. He is CSM he is a dog. A dog can find new masters

uh idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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As someone who likes battle shonen Part 2 is a shit battle shonen

Brainlet here.

What is Denji's master plan?
And do we trust in it?

What is Denji's master plan?

We are to smart to understand a retard

And do we trust in it?


see this thumbnail

think Fujimoto finally drew something that's actually kino

go look at the chapter

it's all boring flat shitty paneling and horrible attempts at drawing motion and running

the OP image was fanart

Why did I get my hopes up

What is Denji's master plan?

even tho some would say he hasnt yet revealed his master plan, i think him saying "even if everyone i care for dies, ill go find new people and replace them" just kinda gives it away.
aside from that, any technicality its quite trivial from this point forward.
practically saying: if i win, i win; but if i lose, i still win.

it's funny how denji just said he doesn't give a fuck that shartwer died and he can always replace her with another one and the powercuck is still licking his asshole

Good Night /csm/

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harem, but... women are not love interests, they are self-inserts for female audiences.

shonen, but... the MC is retarded and a contrarian. he pulls the rug on the story and its readers just because.

manga, but.... nothing gets resolved. it drags out and insists upon itself in the process, while claiming to have something to say at the end (it doesnt)

if you dont think this is hack writing at its finest, you havent read enough manga to post on this board.

>shonen, but... boring and short "fights"


What is important about them? they are random shitters. The problem is the plot convenience of them being used so Denji remembers shit.

That's where I'm going dummy

I just watched Look Back and I have two questions.
1. So were they lesbians or weren't they? I'm pretty sure they were
2. Do people consider Look Back as the moment Fujimoto came out as trans?

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Denji the superman

the chenso tuesday folds its wings!
at the nadir of this unscrupulous challenge,
the tangle extends a branch offering all that it desires.
but there's no need to be quick no?
there could be all sorts of backhanded branches, waiting...

So were they lesbians or weren't they?

It comes from that branch. Yes. Its like a derivative of a derivative of yuri manga. Tho some apologists might say IT LITERALLY DOESNT SAY THAT ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME AT ALL, they know in their heart of hearts, its true.
If it wasnt, they would be having to make some astronomical backpedaling and mental gymnastics to make it seem like its just another generic josei/seinen, which would be both wrong and self-defeating.

Do people consider Look Back as the moment Fujimoto came out as trans?

Kek. Some might point towards Fire Punch but if you are asking about pro-trans references, yes. There are plenty of them.
Again, apologists being the apologists that they are, would say that OK BUT THAT WASNT PART OF THE TRANS AGENDA, THAT WAS JUST VANILLA TRANS. they are fooling themselves, into thinking that, out of all topics, trans related issues can be depicted in a apolitical, innocent and clueless way, when in reality, it has never ever EVER been the case. And it never will be.
Otherwise, it would make Fuji seem like a capitalist pig, making bank thanks to his pro-trans larping, which would be very bad optics, if you ask me.

Why would Denji even care about the lives of 10,000 kids? Just kill them and be free to resume your life. He can make 10,000 kids of his own to make up for it if he feels bad since he's immortal. If 10,000 kids are in the way of his desires, he'll kill them.

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being a sociopath denji only cares for himself, children, and animals

child show reaction image

poster is too low IQ to understand the chapter

Imagine my shock.

So is Asa or Yoru the default appearance for their body? I always thought everyone could see the scars on her face.

I always thought everyone could see the scars on her face.

retconned probably

being send to a dimension with nothing to do but to live your thoughts and traumas

the good thing is that they can't die here but both Denji and Asa will suffer here and also have some romance but mostly suffer

they are fooling themselves, into thinking that, out of all topics, trans related issues can be depicted in a apolitical, innocent and clueless way, when in reality, it has never ever EVER been the case.


He's right, the art is trash

Have a pity (You).

It's not stupid if it works. But right now seems like he's just running away, kek.

poster is too low IQ to understand the chapter

Understand what? that anon said that art was shit. Fujimotofags are so defensive they're throwing the "you just don't understand it" defense at everything now.

I can't believe Denji is going to kill the kids. It's so sudden, is this a case of character assassination?

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Who the fuck is Amachu?

He can redeem himself by joining the government and promoting pro children and pro family policies and activities

the alpha and the omega

You have to be a fucking blind retard, if you can't see the obvious art style isn't even close of Fujimoto's art.

True, it's better. I guess expecting better art from Fujimoto is illegal now?

You people are really subhumans.

these posts are right.

You have to be a fucking blind retard,

Yeah its obviously not his style but actually read what he said you fucking blind retard.

see this thumbnail

The art of the chapter itself was also fine. The visual effects of Aging popping in and out of trees, appearing alongside the faces of those he’s effectively been torturing for centuries, looked good. My point stands.

No, you fucking idiot one thing is "expecting better art" and another with confusing the artstlye of the author. Look at how Denji is being drawn, you can see from the get go he isn't drawn by Fujimoto.

The art of the chapter itself was also fine.


The visual effects of Aging popping in and out of trees,

Drawn by assistants.

My point stands.

You have no point.

"Look at me how i dicksuck these retards"

No argument

“Drawn by assistants” cope despite nothing suggesting that

Doesn't understand my original post

Yeah we’ve got a retard on our hands.

Anon, from thumbnail you can see isn't even drawn by Fujimoto, just look at Denji for fuck sake.

Yeah his artstyle has been shit for a while and everyone's waiting for it to improve.

“Drawn by assistants” cope despite nothing suggesting that



The entire chapter is Denji running and it shows how Fujimoto hasn't learned how to draw it yet.

Hey, go ahead and point to Fuji saying that the mythical assistants are the ones drawing the BG’s and other background elements in P2. I’m not stopping you.

Are you saying Denji is not coping? He clearly is, unless you want him to be a shit character.

It was kind of obvious

He is not coping, you idiot and that is him accepting the past, Denji will keep moving forward and face anything that life throws at him.

Fumiko being the death devil would be sick, but I don't think Fuji would do a cool twist like that

why does kiga have those earrings they bother the fuck out of me

Yes R is retarded. It is known.
It was extremely subpar, just like most Part 2 art.

What is 4chins trying to tell me?

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You unironically didn't get it

We're right.

They're supposed to represent a pair of scales, as the horsemen of famine has one.
It's also why she constantly tips her head to the side.

He’s right. Denji’s coping was when he was searching for Nayuta, that was his cope. It ended when Pochita took over, that was acceptance but in the most negative way. Now, thanks to Pochita and Asa, he’s moved onto properly accepting her loss and moving forward. No it doesn’t make him a fucking monster.

Fumiko will be the Starscream for Public Safety.

he’s moved onto properly accepting her loss and moving forward

He really, really hasn't.
He's focusing on sex right now to get himself to take immediate action, but this is not the same thing as actually dealing with his emotions.
Denji is a mentally ill schizo. That's the point.

Oh, you’re one of those morons who didn’t understand what he said last chapter. Explains a lot.

I'm one of the slow readers who understands the story.


We know.

Dangerously based

I think we should stop for a moment to appreciate how retarded the Aging Devil is.

your entire family DIED?

including your BABY SISTER?

are you feeling SUICIDAL?

well, why don't you kill those 10.000 kids for me?

why? Because I want to lololol

What part of this deal is supposed to be tempting for Denji?
I thought devils were good at tempting people.

The thing is they literally lose nothing if Denji doesn’t follow through, and they can’t really try to entice him because they hold no real leverage. If that one guy didn’t yap about how it takes a thousand years to be free Aging MIGHT’VE been able to play the trapped angle to get Denji to eat them (spoilers: would not have worked), but as it stands Aging holds all the chips but can’t cash them out anywhere because Denji is a major moralfag and Pochita would literally rather die than sacrifice the kids. Unironically he’d have a better chance at convincing Asa.

f that one guy didn’t yap about how it takes a thousand years to be free Aging MIGHT’VE been able to play the trapped angle to get Denji to eat them

Cicada also mentioned that someone managed to escape on their own before.
And even without all that it would just be a repeat of the Eternity Devil again.
It's hilarious that a Primal Devil who exists since time immemorial can't even do as much as that.

While Aging Devil has all the chips but he has bad cards meanwhile Denji has a royal flush in his hand.

What form of pathetic Denjikek cope is this?

The MC: Nah it's ok that I got over Nayuta in 15 mins, you just don't understand what kind of relationship we had. When I get my next family member, if they die no problem I'll just replace them with a new one, rince and repeat perpetual motion machine hahahahha, take that badguys!

Clearly the MC is a villain now and everyone can see it except powercuck and the occasional mentally ill Denjikek.


No, I didn't. Denji never refused Aging's offer, just decided to go with his plan first (which will fail). Refusal would be this:

I will not do what you ask of me! I will find a new way, and if that plan fails I will simply go looking for a new one until 1000 years pass.

But that never happened. Instead we got SLURPji talking about Pochita refusing because le superhero and doubling down on his own retarded plan which is about to fail spectacularly.

Top copium.

He can redeem himself

Who the fuck is this retarded Amachu?

What is the point of this character?

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You didn't read the last chapter?
She's the one speaking to Denji while he runs.