Yoko Taro initially wanted to add an intimate sex scene between 2B and 9S in the Neir Automata anime by the idea was...

Yoko Taro initially wanted to add an intimate sex scene between 2B and 9S in the Neir Automata anime by the idea was rejected by the Aniplex Producer who argued that "9S would not do that".

We lost.

9S only exists to relieve masculine men of their stress, so yeah, he wouldn't do that.

still no animo of 2b pegging 9's


He definitely would do that

2B is NOT a futa, so no he wouldn't.

does robot have pusspuss

source: it came to me in a dream

God, that would have been so kino. Give us the canon 2B hentai!

9S would probably do that but he'd never get to the point that he has the required parts installed AND convince 2B to do so as well.

If there is a God... he may want to kill him.

9s flirting 2.webm - 1920x1080, 802.29K

Aniplex: fuck you, we don't do that.

The article doesn't say intimate sex scene you made that up in your mind. He just says he wanted 9S and 2B to [CENSORED]. That could be anything. Especially when he adds Fans would have DISLIKED it. Retard.

Wouldn't that tank her in a way that the damage control would be "muh parallel timeline"? Like, how many do even care about a possible romance between them that aren't faggots and redditfags?

thread is funnier with fake news in the op no one cares about what was actually said

I NEED to see 2B's massive ass destroying 9S's shota cock

It's pretty clear what was intended

9s is a pussy.
So he wouldn't

OP is a coomer with a small brain tho.

what was intended

Would he even have the guts to actually do that to waifufags? One thing is muh investors and SE the other people that would, unironically, search for him and send death threads to his personal and the few who would actually hunt him down

Oh I think I've seen that one

IMG_4428.jpg - 1487x1080, 193.81K

If 2B isn't going to fuck that little slut then i'll do it instead.

I wish I had my ass destroyed by an older woman as a child. It's unfair. Where were all the pesos when I was young?!



another troll thread


God just imagine 2b sucking 9s' tiny penut.

every word I dislike is a zoomer word

Millennial here. I use the words: slop, kino, mid, tho, peak etc. just to make faggots like you seethe.

You will always be a zoomer

Why are you samefagging when anyone can read the article and see what it said?

Where were all the pesos when I was young

In Mexico.

wasnt the whole point that 9s was horny for her

I can't fucking believe we got robbed, so it was the studio that wanted to keep it mostly like the game not yoko

Weak to anal
Weak to cunninlingus
Weak to taking off her blindfold and maintaing eye contact well holding hands

I'd have gone for a 2B/A2 self-hate sex scene with 9S jerking off in the closet myself.

9S is much too pure for that

I thought it was more about seething with range deep down after all the times she killed him

I fucked up

How heavy is 9S? Would it kill me if he would sit on my face?

Very high level faggot
Medium level faggot
High level faggot

A shame about how many twinkle-toed cocksuckers prance about these days.

little bit of both

[citation needed]

What could it be?

R (1).png - 1920x1080, 39.16K

Let's look at the silver lining here, we got canon confirmation that they can indeed fuck.

9s hate fucking a 2b clone


Why would Yoko Taro agree with someone who isn't himself! Since he is the creator of the story.

maplestar i know you there