Are there any WMAF couples at all in anime?

Are there any WMAF couples at all in anime?

inb4 this character is blonde and the other has black hair

Interracial couples are rare in general in Japanese animation, but how is the most common one regarding the Japanese themselves completely absent in the medium?

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Is WMAF a porn acronym like BBC or BBW?

No, it stands for "White Male Asian Female", just an acronym for the interracial couple

You will never find the cure to your yellow fever. Fuck off back to spamming WMAF pictures and replying "BUILT FOR BWC!"every time someone posts a picture of an Asian woman in Anon Babble, you landwhale faggot.

Fuck off

Nope but I would love to see some BmAw. It would be poor kino.

I'd assume since it's Japanese MEN making them, they're not much into drawing White men fucking their women
Probably Shoujo series do have more of that

It's a porn acronym you fuck

It isn't, you retarded cuck
It was made by Reddit alongside others to avoid always saying "X race guy X race girl" over and over
Just because you consume porn of it doesn't mean it's from there

It was made by Reddit

go back

made by porn addicted redditors

not just shoujo, most works made by women with an interracial couple are foreign guy x nip girl

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Yeah, but can you name some? I genuinely don't recall ever seeing any

For me it's BMWF

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the white man is darker than the yellow woman

Kishimoto confirmed that Naruto is White
And Hinata is the most stereotypical looking Japanese female character in the series behind Shizune

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Anime is made for Japanese people so why would there be? I guess a foreign guy or half-foreign guy might be in shoujo/josei but in general men are way more open to inter-ethnic relationships than men.

Almost all Japanese women are going to marry a Japanese man (if they marry)

Blend S feels kind of predatory, but nevertheless it's true that the author is a woman
ANY other series?
I need some titles

Accurate representation desu

Japanese women like White men
And besides, it's a stupid argument
There's a bunch of anime set in Europe, America and so on that have nothing to do with Japan and yet they are very popular

Getter Gou

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Japanese women like White men

Women anywhere are more likely to strongly prefer to marry someone that is the same race/ethnicity/class/religion/etc as them. Men are much more open to dating beyond. Majority of Japanese women aren't interested in foreign guys and that's OK. Some are and that's OK too.

There's a bunch of anime set in Europe, America and so on that have nothing to do with Japan and yet they are very popular

Not really. Many like Zero no Tsukaima are pseudo European but the characters are functionally Japanese.

Closest that comes to mind is Tamaki and Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club, but he's half white, being French on his Mother's side.
And maybe Kent from Kimi Ni Todoke, but I never finished it.

That doesn't make any sense when I just said the game is too easy and braindead. Feel free to post yourself playing Ninja Gaiden on MN or Doom Eternal on UNM and tell me that I'm bad at games again. Or just post yourself playing any game that is actually difficult instead of coping like casuals always do.

Pretty Sure Bright was supposed to be a British lad to Mirai's Japanese heritage.

In the end of the Blend S manga, Maika had moved to Italy with her love interest Dino and were holding hands in the final panel, although since he's Italian I'm not sure if it counts.

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I'm not reading a single molecule of that cope after

strongly prefer

You have no idea how the real world is

Italians are White and Dino in particular is extra White because he's blonde with blue eyes
Any other anime aside from Blend S?

Dio and Giorno's mom

asuka's parents
galko's parents (i think?)

Nta but that isn't a cope. In every country women prefer their men. Anything else is a jewish cope.

Haven't watched the series in years, but apparently in Negima, Negi Springfield, who's English, ends up marrying Chisame Hasegawa. Most of his love interests were Japanese as well.

Mostly always it's Japanese mother IRL but nips don't like gaijin fucking heir women so in anime it's the opposite. Characters will have Japanese father.

You can argue Tamaki is technically half-Japanese, but appearance-wise it's pretty clear he got most of his French genes.

Why are amerimutts so obsessed with races?

Sleggar and Mirai as well, if you count them.

Halfies like him and Chitoge Kirisaki do NOT count
I wanna see an actual White man and Asian woman romance

What the fuck is wrong with you people


Both off-screen

I think Bright is supposed to be half Chinese. He's from Hong Kong or something

Slegger is definitely White though, he's drawn completely different from them

Seen both in equal amounts in anime, but I agree it's funny how over represented the JAPANESE father is when irl it's the opposite
Although tbf some series like JJBA have both, like Jotaro has a Japanese father while instead Josuke and Giorno have Japanese mothers

Many like Zero no Tsukaima are pseudo European but the characters are functionally Japanese.

Nta but worst example. ZnT characters act very European, it's a big plot point for why Saito gets into conflict with them. They even use "Miss" instead of "-san".