Classic Novel ‘Anne of the Green Gables’ is getting a new anime adaptation...

Classic Novel ‘Anne of the Green Gables’ is getting a new anime adaptation, "Anne Shirley" is scheduled for April 2025. Animation Studio: The Answer Studio

Are you gonna watch her anime?


Did they run out of original works?

I just read the first book a month ago. One of the best ones I've read. Will be vehemently avoiding the anime though, since I don't like my mental image of the characters being tampered with.

I can't think of anything more disgusting than remaking Anne. Anime is dead.
Years ago they animated the literal fanfiction prequel novel, it was shit but still had more dignity than this.

The original is huge with boomers in my country including myself. Heidi next?

You're mentally ill

Why do the Japs love this so much? It shows up all over the place in their pop culture.

I doesn't make sense, the original is already very beloved. Grab pride oñand prejudice or some other shit

original anime adaptation is considered an absolute masterpiece

let's do ANOTHER

Can they just simply adapt another book?

It seems that animation companies are pretty lazy. What was the last novel-not light-novel adapted to anime?


Literally a season ago and it's getting a sequel in 2025.

Why not try to adapt one of the sequel books?

Are you serious?

Anne is the most boring slop I had the displeasure to read and I love books.

It was forced on me during highschool, but I couldn't pass Anne's schizo ramblings, the 4 pages of describing a pond made me drop it and I had my buddy give me a summary.

Granted I'm not surprised you guys can stomach trash like that when all you "read" are VNs

Because she's an old hag

readapt classic

turns out as seasonal garbage


Aren't all anime anime except some long running series seasonal garbage?

It's only seasonal garbage if everyone forgets it exists immediately after the season is over.

I see. I was asking, because someone on Anon Babble called Madoka seasonal garbage. So I guess that guy was an idiot, right?

an idiot, right?

He is a Anon Babbleigger so no shit.

Old anime didnt have "seasons", they had series.

Japanese reactions:

they should just rerun the old one

the old one was more fappable

the art style looks like shit

Fug I was about to watch the 79 show. Should I keep watching?

Doesn't seasons refer to Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer?

Seasonal garbage is a show you wouldn't recommend to a friend getting into anime two years after it ended.

The guy that made boku no pico directed the sequel btw.

Clearly yes, all original ideas have been exhausted.

Is this yuri?

So what about


Yes, an anime's first season may be the 2023 spring season and its second season may be the 2025 fall season.

Autumn, Spring, Summer and Winter are recent creations by the anime industry(big japanimation) to sell you more terrible shows instead of making less ok ones of them but longer.

If you're not even sure whether anyone ever watched Madoka after it ended, you need lurk for 10 years before killing yourself.

Reminder that CRAPPA is doing an RoV remake. Nothing is sacred anymore.

the only thing is that i felt some of the animation from the 70's series was a bit stiff. I think this and MSG should have gotten a remake around 1999 so it'd be peak cel animation.

Calm down. I am sure that people have watched it after it ended so why did the guy on Anon Babble call it seasonal trash? Is it because Anon Babble is a low IQ board or why?



Okay grandpa

instead of making less ok ones of them but longer.

The best anime of the pre-cour era were not the year-round ones but the OVAs.

the hell is anne of green gables even about. some canuk shit?

It's not a remake, retard. it's a new anime adaption.

A new adaption, of something they already made.

Her ridiculously over-the-top melodrama was funny. You see a little bit of it Tom Sawyer too.

It's possible NHK is using this as a test bed for a modern equivalent to the WMT shows. Anne is one of the most famous entries. There aren't many all-ages anime anymore.

There's a Belgian company called Studio 100 that's been doing CG versions of a lot of the same books that got anime adaptions in the 70s/80s (Hiedi, Vic the Viking, Maya the Bee, Nils Holgersson, etc.), so there's seemingly a market. Nippon Animation partnered up with a French studio to do a CG version of Tico & Friends.

How curious that this totally unrelated new adaption uses the same exact design for Anne!

It's possible NHK is using this as a test bed for a modern equivalent to the WMT shows. Anne is one of the most famous entries. There aren't many all-ages anime anymore.

They already tried that with Before Green Gables in 2009. This will turn out much worse.

I've first read the novel an year ago and I haven't watched the wmt anime and yet I've imagined Anne exactly like that. Explain that, genius.

Between this RoV remake and Anne, I get the feeling that there’s some kind of shoujo resurgence around the corner.

RoV looks amazing by the standards of a 70s anime. The worst I can say about it is that there are some occasional “blink and you miss it” animation errors that you probably won’t notice until subsequent watch throughs.

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You're the reason Gilbert has pink hair now.

The anime market of 2009 is a lot different than the anime market of 2024, both domestically and especially abroad. There were two recent-ish live-action Anne adaptations they can mooch international notoriety off of.

CG versions

Maya the Bee

Don't fucking remind me. I'm honestly sorry for children nowadays...

Woah Anne doesn't look like a ginger with downs syndrome. She actually looks cute. No wonder retro negroids hate it since it's already blatantly better than the moldy old slop they fellate.

They only made before green gables because they were making the bluray for the original series.

The prequel was actually Fuji TV though.
This is the NHK wanting to get in on this shit.

Anne is one of the most famous entries

Probably the 3rd most famous.

Maybe at least now they'll find a voice actress for Anne who doesn't sound like a hoarse hag. That was the only reason why I never finished the original show.

NHK made a drama about the woman who translated Anne of Green Gables into Japanese. It even got an English dub that aired overseas.

Make it stop

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Kek even japan is going back to scavenge the old

Seasonal garbage means "modern anime I don't like".

I will. Anne sexo.

A fellow italian?


The 1st one would be Heidi no doubt but what's the other besides Anne?


cramping the entire ROV story in 1 (one) single movie

Oh god

focusing on the romance instead of the Anon Babbletorical fiction drama


Anne's VA was great except when it was an "Anne cries episode" you could feel the child-like wonder of curiosity on her voice.

I would this hag. Six times approximately.

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I hope there's a Haunted Wood episode, that would be something the original didn't adapt.

NHK has done this before with adaptations of Emily of New Moon, Agatha Christie and Snow Queen back-to-back in the 2000s. But they were resigned to B studios.

nta, but as far as I know it'd be Flanders no Inu for Japanese boomers in general, and Takahata's Marco for industry staff.

My mom loves the 80s Canadian films of Anne of Green Gables. I watched those a lot as a kid. I didn't realize there was an anime version of it as well. Is it good?

Dead medium.

video games out of nowhere

It's excellent.

cinema out of nowhere

it's good, a comfy show

>focusing on the romance instead of the Anon Babbletorical fiction drama

Tbf, RoV focuses heavily on both. I doubt this movie would be able to tell the story at all WITHOUT addressing the political and historical side of things unless it’s an absolutely abysmal adaptation.

capeshit out of nowhere

But enough talking about radio dramas in the 1950's

To be fair, the original design wasn't completely uninspired.

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Marco isn't even a whole book, it's a single story in the whole Cuore's book(that had a whole shittier adaptation).
Promessi sposi anime when?

You know the capeshit cow has had every last drop dried because hollywood has been trying to make anime happen for almost a decade

focuses heavily on both

ehh not really, majority of rov was historical drama, even Marie Antoinette romance with swedish guy had more focus than Oscar's romance.

You don't get it.

I think about this alot, not just in terms of anime but for all creative pursuits in general. Have we creatively peaked as a species? Is it possible to ever reach the heights of that peak again? Why or why not?

What studio could even do Anne, or any of the great WMT anime, justice? In fact, I hope the remake is good. Because I'd kill for more 50 episode adaptations of old literature.

What do you expect from non whites that couldnt tell apart an Anglo phenotype from a Mediterranean phenotype

The 15 episodes or so place a massive emphasis on Oscar’s romance. It’s just that it’s woven seamlessly into the historical drama (which is just good writing at work).

I quite firmly believe that it's a relic and can't be replicated today in the modern industry with modern people but I'm more than willing to be proven wrong.

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Around the latest parts of the show i'd agree, where Andre does what he does and the whole ordeal, but from Marie becoming a queen to french revolution it's mostly very historical drama with great development. My point is, I would suggest this anime to people who are into drama rather than romance only, even though I think the romance is great

The first sequels are just bad.
Middle sequels are just Little Women copycats.
End sequels are just too depressing (WWI happened).

I wouldn't, Anne became such a bore as an adult mother, really disappointing.

That's WB's initiative though

heidi or bust
I will also accept nils holgersson

Do they include the Halifax explosion?

Adult Anne still has her sparks of youth, but you'd mainly be focusing on the antics of her children in the later books.

If I were a Saudi oil prince I'd fund 50 episodes for Eco's The Name of the Rose

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Ghibli or Kyoani. Everyone else will cut corners and remake it for modern audiences aka subhumans.
Ideally speaking this shouldn't be happening. Classics deserve to not be exploited.

Don't remember, don't think so.
But one of her sons dies in the War, maybe even in Vimy Ridge, don't remembers these little details.

Only until the middle books, the end books are more about her children so Anne appears less and less. And there is the ninth posthumous and last book (The Blythes Are Quoted, with chapters between volumes 6 and 9) that is DARK as fuck.
This one was totally written after the War, when people could already see that another and Bigger War was coming, so Lucy was probably feeling very disillusioned with the world and people.

The old adaptations already cut corners.

quite firmly believe that it's a relic and can't be replicated today in the modern industry with modern people

This is how I feel about modern video games as well. Just look at the SH2 remake.

We're not allowed nice things.

Most of the corner-cutting of old anime happened due to lack of manpower or technical limitations.
Today's corner-cutting is having the manpower and tech but choosing to use with cheapest and fastest methods. You can count the number of studios that still give a shit with one hand.

Cut corners as in, 1 cour adaptations with bleak, washed out color pallets, clunky cgi characters models and eyesore aftereffects to simulate genuine beauty

They passed an old deserted house with sad and broken windows that had once danced with light. "Just like my life," thought Anne.

Book 6 had its moments of darkness but it all rings around into a fairy tale ending at the end, that must have been bitter for the author to write considering the state of her own life.

Today's corner-cutting is having the manpower

Wtf are you talking about? Studios now absolutely lack the manpower due to how spread out they are. And cheapest and fastest has always been the motto of most anime in every era due to an unfortunate decision.
Probably won't be 1 cour and you can look at the OP and see for yourself that the color palette is washed out but it doesn't seem to use cgi models. it will probably use aftereffects.

They don't lack the manpower. They lack the dignity of giving their employees time to get things done properly.
Most of Ghibli and Kyoani animators aren't particularly talented but their output always stands out. Because they're given the production time required to work in peace.

I want Cedie a re-make too. Just to relive how his mom made me feel things, when I was a first grader.

a white person with red hair

Uh, Netflix told me those don't exist.

They don't lack the manpower

When you have to do 5 shows at the same time you do lack manpower.

I just have one question. Why?

You lack a sensible executive board and production management team.
Blaming the staff that's being worked to the bone is retarded.

What an absolutely terrible thread.

Blaming the staff that's being worked to the bone is retarded.

No don't get me wrong. I am not blaming the stuff. Of course everything is because of Japan's awful work culture. It's unfortunate that almost no one tries to change it.

Good luck finding a thread that's not just as bad or worse than this

You could always visit the retro anime imageboard known as wapchan.
But you didn't hear that from me.

For, what could be classified as a "old good, new bad" thread, it's actually pretty decent

it's set in 1800s canada

but characters need to have a blue highlight across their face like they're looking at a computer screen or are in some neon city


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It's shitty reboot syndrome.
Everything needs bright ass highlights for some reason.