Hunter x Hunter

What does Togashi have in store for JEETrollo?

quit infesting this board with senseless bullshit, go back to Anon Babble shithead

Chrollo will watch Hisoka gum in Machi’s vagina and then Slurp it out like the sick dog he is

burger hands wrote this post

Leak milord?

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2 more days

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About 30 more hours

ruminating... (deep in thought)

Hunter x hunter is over

Is this the thread or...?

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fucking racist shit head thread

I was gonna start watching hunter x hunter till I found out there was this kind of shit in it.

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this is what made me start watching hunter

Leorio never looks like this again, even in that same chapter.

morena is introduced as the new antagonist

she has a permanent smile on her face

inside the story we are told that her smile is just a mask which barely hides her blind rage which will consume the world

hm where did i see morenas expression again, it reminds me of someone...

ok honestly what does this mean?

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do any of the characters look exactly as they did when they first ENTERed?

killua always looked like a sexy beautiful specimen

I can't believe they whitewashed Chrollo in the anime

somehow i expected this response but i am still disappointed that i recieved it

watches The Dark Knight once

Chrollo bro btw

I still can't believe he said that.

This is a chrollotard falseflagging to make Hisoka fans look bad by the way


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Kingdom is in a different magazine and is released on a different day than Hunter. Kingdom leaks have no connection to Hunter. Only thing you should look at is WSJ leaks. If manga from there has leaked, it means Hunter chapters are more than likely in leakers hands already. And no WSJ series has leaked yet.

Is this real?

WYJ comes out like 3 days earlier than WSJ

fake news

Indeed. The other anon that said 30 hours is likely on the mark...

Next chapter will be the beginning steps of the card game... child moves first, and the first card will be critically important

Thanks for the explain

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Clowncucks are mentally ill.

Lies and slander, VANILLAsoka the Heterosexual Clown would never say this.

Hisoka is a heter-

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I am enhancing this chapter

Where’s Gon? Who are these people?

Look, Togashi fucked up, okay. Early on in the story he made the mafia complete fodder. But now thanks to power creep, the mafia is suddenly super powerful with all these nen users and they pose a threat to the Phantom Troupe. It doesn't make sense but he had to do it because he needed a faction that was strong enough to hold off the Phantom Troupe in the lower tiers until Kurapika is ready to deal with them.


is gone

bravo togashi

currently DMing this to Togashi on Xitter


Hunter X Hunter ended after Gon meet his Dad. This is his new manga

just read the manga, most of the gay shit is contained in both versions of the anime

No, the entire manga is gay too.

No one in Shu or Sha is strong enough to compete with the Troupe, it's just Morena who recently came out of nowhere and gave a bunch of mad lads Nen abilities, and the Shadow Beasts were only the strongest Nen user loyal to each of the Ten Dons. The Hunter x Hunter world doesn't have one mafia, not everyone would've been in Yorknew, not everyone would've gotten in the Troupe's way, it was 2 years ago and things have changed.

Please for love of god Togashi flesh out Morena next chapter so people stop comparing her to a diet Joker

HxH is gay?

of old age

But muh troupe not super strong immediately murder everyone ? Oh no no can’t be no togashi no way. Luini my friend he was right troupe bad now so bad so so bad !

Hisoka literally stares at their asses

H-He's totally straight, I swear!!!

Stop being delusional, hetty.

He literally says he's vanilla, speedy

Hisoka already died once. I wonder how many death's the group can rack up.


Where is ging and pariston?

Check the thread

No one in Shu or Sha is strong enough to compete with the Troupe

Then troupe should stop wasting time and kill them all.

The Hunter x Hunter world doesn't have one mafia, not everyone would've been in Yorknew

The ones in Yorknew were the strongest mafia groups in the entire world. Yet they were trash compared to the Kakin mafia. It doesn't make sense.

on their own boat ahead of the whale

Be a fgt

Take every subtle joke of Togashi seriously and make it your one and only argument to prove a wrong point

Be a joke

Would you watch Togashi stream?

I watched the anime though

Negotiation game is 4 turns long if the parent discards return and the child doesn't take the deal

Negotiation game is 5 turns long if the child uses return and doesn't take the parent's deal

Negotiation game is 6 turns long if the child uses return and does take the parent's deal

Am I understanding this correctly or am I Spee D. Reader?

Some people keep hoping so and try to force their point but no



How come Chrollo is such a bitch?


Wow, this is so hetero, guys.

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Be a hetfgt

Try to pass off the numerous, clearly homosexual elements of the story as just jokes because you can't admit you've been reading a gay manga this entire time

Be a joke

How can one man be so based when it comes to his own manga?

Fighting makes him excited idiot. Still hasn't understood the manga since Heaven"s Arena arc LMAOOOOOOOOOO

it wasn't us

he gets horny when looking at gon's ass

Nice cope. Try as you might, you're never going to convince anyone that getting hard when thinking about guys is anything but gay.

How many times you reckon the clown has needed to get his arm sewn back on

because you can't admit you've been reading a gay manga this entire time


who is his favorite hxh girl? cheadle?

eternally butthurt clownigger thread

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He's thinking about the fight exactly the same happened when he was fighting Chrollo braintard LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

He kind of did cheat though so I don’t blame Hisoka for killing everyone in the troupe

Chrollo cheated btw

He kind of did cheat though

Clownigger cope

He also got hard when dealing with Chrollo

...that's supposed to make him not gay?

It feels like just a teensy little bit of an asspull that nen became common knowledge to mafia's after yorkshin

I need to prepare to kill a psycho clown! I need 4 book strategies!

Same only one trash argument over and over. Can't understand the concept of irony that is taught in litterature college classes. Fgts drop of school that early ?

All that for ability of rubber and gum

Hisoka is the gayest character in Hunter x Hunter, and that's saying something. Anyone who denies that is not living in reality.

noooo having a strategy is cheating!

Low IQ clownigger cope

You have yet to counter my argument, so my point stands. All you do is bitch and moan. If that's all you have to offer, then I accept your concession. Hunter x Hunter is indeed a gay manga.

I just want to see everyone die and they get to the shore of the dark continent

h-he's only a gay pedo ironically!


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That's supposed to make him a deviant psycho that is turned on by fighting someone to death. Like pyromaniacs turned on at the idea of burning things


if everyone die, then who are they to get to the shore

I think you need to be really really good at a game in order to get a following while not using a face cam.
I'm not sure how it is in Japan if you take a look at twitch basically everyone uses a camera and those that don't are mostly stuck not getting comfy living money. He could already have a channel that he streams on anonymously but it might not be lucrative (and he doesn't really need the money so it's not an issue)
I'm aware of 1 guy who built a pretty nice audience speedrunning Zelda and he never used a facecam, but he's also kind of legendary for his skill at the game


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Most of the fanbase acknowledges that Hunter x Hunter is gay. Why is it that the people on here are the only ones who are incapable of recognizing that? I get that this place is filled with homophobic trash but, like, don't be delusional guys lmao. Don't stick your head in the sand and cover your ears and go "LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!". That's just pathetic.


^faggot lying

*interrupts your arc-boss fight with sexo*

Most of the fanbase acknowledges that Hunter x Hunter is gay

Most of the LGBT fanbase acknowledges that Hunter x Hunter is gay

hisocuck thread

it's absolute dogshit

Every time.

Let the Troupe to me

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"Everything I like is gay"

Good thread

Most of this thread acknowledges that this argument is pointless, but it keeps happening every week.

"Everything I like is straight"

Dragon ball z is gay. You see people fight - hxh readers


Homo X Homo

Gay or straight, I don't care. This argument happens every week and goes nowhere every single time.

that screencap was from a fake interview on a satire site, but regardless I don't think Togashi would have trouble getting a following as a streamer without a facecam if he rides off his previous success. He became one of the most followed mangaka on Xitter basically overnight once people found his account. I'm sure lots of people would tune into his Dragon Quest grinding streams to ask him questions about his manga, life, and worldview/philosophy.
If starting from scratch as a streamer with no prior reputation then yeah it would be hard, but I think the importance of a facecam is overrated on streams. getting off topic but Most streamers don't do anything interesting with one, and many streamers would probably get higher view counts if they didn't show their ugly mug. Jerma streamed without a facecam fairly often and he was known for being handsome and having funny facecam gimmicks. The most important thing for a streamer is to just not be boring (or to be cute if you're a girl streamer), facecam has little to do with it.

she's so fucking cool

Why are card games so boring?

How come reddit users feel the need to point out threads?

Its that time of the week again!

needs a dramatic reading

Being a versatile manga maker and drawer sounds a lot better than being stuck playing the same couple of games for a living but yeah I'm sure lots of people would watch his game streams

I think the importance of a facecam is overrated on streams

I think so too but there's hard evidence that says you'll make better money with a camera unless you're like freakishly good

No it's not, come back in 24 hours

Pokkle vs Ging

no gay enough

Clownsisters?? What the fuck is this????

Very rarely do non villain notable characters die in Togashi manga. Everyone will survive and you’ll like it.

This mind breaks the hetero.

Post the link of the interview

Morena is angry

wat do?

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anal sex

I had a dream once that Shizuru was Keiko's mommy gf and it was really cute

The back pain will remind him

Will we start using her real name once it's revealed, or are we sticking with GoBackGirl? I'm so used to it now that I don't think I can switch.

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If anything, Chrollo is the one who is butthurt. Look at him absolutely MALDING and SEETHING at the clown.

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2 more days

*1 more days

Martial law

Depends on how retarded her name is.

Monkey soup

But that's a fictional character
Clowncucks have been seething non-stop since 2016

I've heard she only likes guys like Brat Pitt

go back to your quarantine zone

...people say. Not realizing this style of prose can now be found everywhere, not just Anon Babble, and certainly not just /db/

I think the last time I ever spent any money on or tried to play a card game was actually buying Yu Yu Hakusho cards like 20 years ago
That's how popular Yu Yu was in the states, popular enough to get trading cards into Walmart

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Here's a list of canonically gay characters in Hunter x Hunter: Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Illumi, Chrollo, Phinks, Feitan, Uvo, Nobunaga, Knuckle, Shoot, Meleoron, Ikalgo, Welfin, Youpi, Pouf, Meruem, Ging, Pariston, Mizaistom, Tserri, Benjamin, Halkenburg, Otocin, etc. That's just to name a few, there are many more of course.

Gon and Killua are clearly budding lovers

no they must be straight


Gimme the leaks

couldn't protect sarasa

couldn't protect uvogin

couldn't protect pakunoda

couldn't protect kortopi

couldn't protect shalnark

couldn't protect his school lunch table from the char-r mafia

won't be able to protect bonolenov

won't be able to protect jobunaga

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What is that face supposed to convey


sopa de macaco??

You forgot about Hanzo, Izunavi, Gyro, Netero, Beyond, Kanzai, Hinrigh, Tsudonke, Bill, Babymania, Furykov, and Bill.

leorio, phinks, and pouf are aggressively heterosexual

How did like 11 people make Greed Island? It all seems so far removed from what we know about nen.

a shit ton of conditions & if statements

By using a shit ton of conditions and the project being led by a top 5 nen user. Greed island requires multiple creators to stay on the island the whole of its runtime, to be stuck on the island, to have players in game, etc. literally EVERY card has a shit ton of conditions.

Nen can accomplish anything with enough conditions, greed island is amazing but it’s not out of the picture.

Group abilities are strong, and they almost certainly got the consent of the people living on the island and could have filled out a lot of the population with criminals. I expect a number of the npcs are actually real people playing the part and contributing to the nen.


Literally in love with Kurapika.


Literally in love with Chrollo.


Oh c'mon.

kakin coffin chamber CPU buried under the island

If Illumi doesn’t believe he’s a Spider, even though he technically is, would Chain Jail still work?

she's mad

What matters is what Kurapika believes, not Illumi. Illumi did actually join the troupe, so it should work.

Kurorobros, why am I shaking?

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It only matters what the user of the ability thinks, if Kurapika thinks of Illumi as a member of the troupe it would work fine. Also technically it would work regardless it's just that if he uses it on someone he doesn't think is a member of the troupe he would die. Shizuku has a restriction that Deme-chan can't suck up living things, yet can suck up blood from living people, and can probably suck up people who could be revived with sufficient medical attention because she thinks of them as being dead.

hide behind machi and find out who is angrier

otocin and wing memes finished


What was that about Prince Tserri's boyfriend?

GROUP NEN is a subset of STRONG NEN + a lot of conditions
while it hasn't been outright stated, it seems implied that group nen is stronger than the sum of the individuals, we see this with Halkenburg's abilities and the bomber squad used group nen too in Greed Island. So 11 high-tier nen users probably have enough nen to power everything when group nen is accounted for.

Also I don't think people realize that Razor being imprisoned on the island is probably part of a condition that gives him enough nen to power GI. "You get strong nen but you can't leave this island" is a pretty strong condition and when combined with group nen I could easily see a team of genius/ultimate level nen users being able to make it work.

Netero was gay too btw

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I like the idea of a nen user who adds a fuckton of restrictions to boost his aura so he looks incredibly intimidating but its all a bluff and he's incapable of actually doing anything with his aura
or alternatively a transmutator who makes their aura look more intimidating

If it weren't for this retard, Bork will be safe on tier 1, far away from Morena's clutches.

battle royale of all the angry girl characters
Cammy, Morena, Chi, Bisky, Piyon, Kacho

Cheadle can come too

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that one Anon Babble thread where an anon posted a link to a .onion site that had a video guide on how to use nen that had the hunter association logo on it

There are nen runes all over the island, duh

Seriously, why did Togashi create Leorio in the first place? He contributes nothing to the plot. Did he not have anything in mind when he conceived of Leorio? Why did Leorio never get his own arc? The election doesn’t count, that had more to do with Killua than Leorio.

Has Leorio ever had any internal monologue panel time other than in the Hunter Exam prison ? The story never focused on him when he's supposed to be a main character. Even side characters like Welfin, Royal Guards or Chrollo got way more time.

Kurapika will team-up with Chrollo

Leorio will team-up with Hisoka

Leorio is the weirdest anime protagonist ever. Despite being a protagonist, he gets less screen time than side characters like Biscuit. What was Togashi thinking?

Hisoka I need to inspect your asss

don’t worry, it’s for training my ability


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Spiderfags dead in 2 more chapters

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illumi and kalluto are just sleeping in a cell? what is the point

Is it because Leorio is weak? Is that why he never gets any screen time? But then, why make him weak in the first place then? Togashi should’ve made Leorio strong from the start so he could actually contribute to the plot.

King Marayam

Enter: Woble Beast - Black Whale...2

What ability can possible nullify bungee world?
What is Chrollo after?

I think he thought about Kurapika during the election arc

Fucking Tyson has a hovering spirit bomb

Kalluto is almost certainly spying on everyone, and Illumi is waiting for intel from Kalluto. They probably already know where Hisoka is due to Bono finding him.

Don't know exactly what criterias in a nen ability Chrollo is searching. Maybe a broken nen ability. In this case it might be Melody's or Tserriednich's ability

Leorio is a joke

Liorio honestly needs to die this arc. He’s dead weight and this is the perfect opportunity to get rid of him.

I cant picture Beyond plapping Sevanti, she doesn't seem like the cuckween type

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Leorio is no joke


Ging confirmed his potential is HUGE

kurapika is just leaving when the succesion is over, and he retrives his eyes?

A narrative deadweight. He never does anything.

Leorio is basically the hunter Kuwabara, he's the best in the franchise, he's the humanity & SOVL of the series

He’s unnecessary. It’s time for him to go.

The deal was for him to join and go to the DC in exchange for information on who had the eyes.

They’ll find the Palladiknight clan in the DC

It seems like at least Machi and Nobunaga should know how Kalluto's ability works unless it was kept a secret even back during GI

95% of characters in this arc will be dead or getting off the boat at the new kakin empire and then Morel's team and Beyond's team go to the real DC

Oh yeah, and what’s with Leorio’s retarded last name? Pallidiknight? The fuck is that, Togashi?

pouf heterosexual



Literally in love with Chrollo

There was 0 scenes that indicated that


Aggressively heterosexual


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fuck marayam

Fuck tubeppa



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Gon: med
Killua: slav
Leorio: med
Pika: scandinavian

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faggots derailing the thread with retarded gay spam


The Spiders should've recruited Zazan not killed her.

ants aren't sexually oriented. Male ants just fertilize the Queen and female ants don't reproduce

at least they aren't jews

killua's siblings join the spiders


even detractors have to admit that killua, if prompted by gon, would be down to do a little fooling. killua might not conceive of himself as gay for gon but he would easily be thrown into it if the opportunity was right.

Good idea but I doubt she would have joined them

I love Borksen and would be very sad if she died. That is all.

Togashi will write it so that it seems like she died but then she will come back scarred with a lust for revenge.

This but Morena Cammy Theta and Oito

24 hours till chapter 408 leaks

I wouldn't be too optimistic when Togashi killed Ponzu, Momoze, Kacho, Lynch

I know that feel


Lynch was mid


BELIEVE in Fuu. Kachocoin isn't off the market yet.

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at least post the correct image

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I didn't have it saved, thank you israel chad


Killua literally ran away from them though. But the rest of them are ugly/degenerate which makes them proper jews.

nobody like israel shlomo

You dont stop being a jew by running away, it's a bloodline thing.


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Most Nobel prizes and scientists in the history are jews

Uvo, Paku, Shalnark and Kortopi are all dead. Shizuku is a cute girl in the succesion war arc, her death is guaranteed.
1 more spider will die in this arc.

not really, it's the money hunger thing and their sense of inferiority

Bonobros we're all gonna make it

why you got that freaky animal next to Ant Palm

Does Togashi care about deep themes and characters as much as fans think he does?

We hate jesters here.

Hello your computer has virus

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would netero beat pitou with bodhisattva?


hello saar send black whale giftcard now

It's probably gonna be something like Jyghtfgyuolw Lyhmbvsfsfyleena

Literally not true but also makes sense that you say that since your people are delusional liars

you are literally born into being a jew, you cannot become a jew otherwise, do you think hitler was just killing random germans?

Why is Togashi so horny?

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Jews are the most represented ethnicity in Sciences and philosophy

I don't really get why people think Pitou should be able to beat Netero. There's no chance she's as durable as Mereum, nor as fast, nor as smart. Like even if she has more raw power than Netero, which is likely, Netero's ability should just beat her. She didn't take much damage when he slapped her, but that was a single slap, and it's evident he wasn't trying to kill her. It's a weirdly divisive topic for something that has such a clear answer.

do you think hitler was just killing random germans?

people born in germany are germans



The only one I can think of in HxH is that one Heaven's Arena girl

and it's evident he wasn't trying to kill her

I get what you're saying, but he was trying to kill her with that fodder slap, he was surprised she lived.

Then you should have kept your mouth shut, Otocin you retard.

They also won the contest on the biggest and most famous degenerates. But not novel prize worthy.

Would illumi get mad if he saw this?

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Kurapika is scots-irish

HxH characters that shouldn't have died :




Don't bully him, he wasn't thinking clearly at the time because a bunch of guys had just finished using him as an onahole.

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HxH characters that shouldn't have died:





Hisoka will die of old age.

Shut up, Chrollo. You should be serving real men like Hisoka, not being a whiny little emo bitch.

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Kekrollo pussylickers may not like it, but this is the real Chrollo.

fuck shitsoka. doesn't bother.

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H-Hisoka-sama!!! I'm sorry for cheating! I promise I wouldn't do it again!!! As an apology, please fill my sissy hole with your superior cum. Please put me in my place, Hisoka-sama!!!

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Got a lot of panel time, we saw him fighting a lot, saw his nen abilities, Kurapika gave him many chances to live, he chose death.


Lot of panel time, nen abilities revealed, killed herself


With all the Heil-ly mind games stuff, would have been great to see him on the BW


Deserved to die for giving his ability to Chrollo

I think they're genuinely mindbroken.

Paladin + knight, which is really odd desu.

inb4 we find out there was a medieval period with nen users in the HxH world

inb4 Merlin was a nen user

iirc Kurapika says at one point that even 9mm guns are dangerous for nen users even thought we know that guns are literally not a threat to nen users. Was it just a retcon to make guns more dangerous this arc?

I'm not a "clownfag" or anything but why people don't want to admit that Chrollo cheated ? It was supposed to be a 1vs1. He used his powers to avoid the fight and made others fight. And he cheated even more regarding the Heaven's Arena rules : killed the referee and the audience.

I genuinely think Chrollo's tough guy act exists because he's ashamed to be who he really is deep down; a sissy. All this time, Chrollo has longed for a real man to boss him around and put him in his place. He never wanted to be the leader, he wanted to be a sissy maid serving his superiors. But no one ever caught on to this, except for Hisoka. Hisoka is the only one who saw through his ruse, who figured out what he really was. What he needs. Hisoka offered to make his dream come true, but Chrollo, as much as longed for it, was too much of a coward to drop his act and accept his rightful place as a sissy maid. He suppressed his feelings and lashed out at Hisoka for making him feel things he had long since tried to forget. But no matter how much he fought him, those feelings of his never went away. To this day, he can't jerk off his tiny little dicklet with screaming "Hisoka-sama!!!". Chrollo was secretly relieved that Hisoka survived their battle and I believe one day Hisoka will break down Chrollo's walls and get him to be honest about his desires. Chrollo's story will end with him abandoning his manhood and serving Hisoka as his loyal, devoted, sissy maid.

Bookmark is ability of it's own, S&M is ability that he stole and it became stronger after death

How did he cheated?

Hisoka & Chrollo fought, Chrollo used his nen ability to beat Hisoka, Chrollo won.

I will say however, that Chrollo was a massive pussy & scared that he would lose to Hisoka if the odds were not 100% in his favour.

Chrollkeks will deny it, but you're 100% right, anon.

It's not like either of those shit-stains ever fight fair.

How did he cheated?

He didn't even fight himself. It was so disgusting that Hisoka killed Shal and Kortopi for contributing to this.


Wow, I knew Chrollo wasn't a real man but I never realized it was this bad. He should stop hiding his true self. I feel like people would much prefer to see the real Chrollo as opposed to the laughaby fake tough guy persona he cowers behind.

Hisoka & Chrollo fought

Wrong. Hisoka and the hundreds of people Chrollo made fight at his place fought.

I feel like you should stop samefagging your incel cringepost.

He didn't even fight himself.

He fought but it was stylish way

Is there a better shounen than HxH? I can't really think of one. Maybe besides FMAB.

Chrollo is one of the weakest characters in hunter x hunter. I don't blame him for being a sissy. It's only natural for such inferior men to submit to chads like Hisoka. I look forward to Chrollo growing as a character and admitting to his sissy nature. It's nothing to be ashamed about, it just is what it is.

Getting dumped on by fully automatic machine guns will do damage to everyone but the most absurd enhancers.

Kurapika cannot block them except with chains. Most nen users would get wiped out. Top tiers have the speed and durability to render firearms useless, but even the troupe didn't stand around tanking bullets when they were doing the whole requiem thing. They used aggression, speed and surprise to overwhelm enemies at a favorable location (dark night, chaotic situation).

Even the troupe doesn't go around like the terminator tanking every shot. If the conditions are right, even they can get hurt or killed by bullets

LOL 1 panel. Have you read the fight ?That was a small part of the fight and that didn't even scratch him you idiot

the hundreds of people Chrollo made

Key words *Chrollo made with his nen*

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Wrong. Hisoka and the hundreds of people Chrollo [used his nen ability on] fought.

Hisoka & Chrollo fought, Chrollo used his nen ability to beat Hisoka, Chrollo won.

The real reason Chrollo wants to meet Hisoka again, alone, is because he wants to submit to him in private. He's finally realized that Hisoka is the superior man and he should obey nature and serve him.

not even a scratch wah wah wah!

Chrollo is a loser cuck. Everyone knows it. Even his fans.

30 hours huh? Ok bye.

It was supposed to be a 1vs1 not a 1000vs1 with Chrollo hiding in the audience. "Using his nen" or not is not the question.

Part of why I think Chrollo resists his sissy nature is because he doesn't want to disappoint his friends. But I don't think the PT is as close minded as he thinks they are. I think they would accept him if he came out as a sissy cuck loser. A real man could take over the troupe while Chrollo serves in a role more appropriate for him; as the group's onahole.

Would be fun to watch you getting jumped by 1000 people

This. That's the real reason Chrollo wanted the troupe to abandon him back in Yorknew. He knew it was wrong for a sissy like him to lead real men like Hisoka. He wanted to fix that mistake by letting Kurapika take him out.

Only top tier enhancers could tank .45CP/9mm. Uvo can take a bazooka shot, we saw Benjamin unfazed by gunshots too, but those two are obviously outliers. Normal Nen users wouldn't die, but they would be wounded by high-caliber guns. Even more so if the bullets are enhanced with Shu.

Shitposters make discussing the fight utterly pointless, but it's true that chrollo won and its simultaneously true that he didn't want to go anywhere near hisoka without an absurd positioning or tactical advantage.

The subtext being that Hisoka is simply that dangerous, that Chrollo needs to go to that length to fight him.

Both these facts can be true at the same time, which is also why the shitposting will never stop. Both you retard nigger groupings need to accept it and stop posting about it.
Hiatus is over, we don't need to shitpost to pass the time like before.

He's literally me

A guy like shalnark getting stuck somehow and being lit up by 10 different men would die due to gunfire

Say that without drooling over Chrollo's tiny little dickie, gay boy.

It is literally a nen fight with nen abilities, you are literally saying Chrollo cheated for using nen abilities within his disposal, can Hisoka no longer use bungee gum or texture surprise without it constituting as cheating?

I'd be mad too if this was the last thing I saw before getting exploded

I'm not gay. Saying cheating is cheating is gay now ? People that saying that 1000vs1 is fair are the fgts ones

Extreme mental illness.

What part don't you understand in "1vs1"?

Stop jerking off to guys, closet case.

Memes aside, there really isn't.

He didn't explode speedreader. Can't read properly and acts like a smartass LMAO

Clownbro here. I know people like to make fun of us for our constant coping and impotent seething about Chrollo but put yourself in our shoes for one second.
Hisoka is a very simple character in a complicated series, hence his mass appeal among the lower half of the IQ bell curve. You can think of him as a beacon for us, when he shows up I don't have to think (I hate doing that) about motivations, character interactions or anything like that. He likes to fight and that's it (he is also attracted to men and little boys which makes him relatable to us clownbros but that's besides the point). As some of you have pointed out, he only fights jobbers which was extremely upsetting to me once I realized it. Then you have this Chrollo character show up, whom Hisoka is obsessed with, and who can go toe to toe against the two Zoldyck patriarchs at the same time and is constantly portrayed as a genius strategist and incredible fighter even though he doesn't give a fuck about fighting. Whatever, maybe at least Hisoka can get a victory against an actual strong opponent. But then he fights Hisoka and utterly shits on him for like 5 chapters straight in a completely one-sided beatdown, and literally ends up killing him. What is this bullshit? Fighting is the only thing Hisoka has and he only survived this encounter thanks to the most egregious asspull in the series, like Togashi threw us clownbros a bone out of pity. People laughed and laughed at his pathetic performance and the hubris he shared with his fans. It's humiliating. You would be mad and desperately trying to cope too.
If Hisoka loses again I will probably kill myself and it will be your fault, so I hope you feel proud of yourselves.

Chrollo is gay btw



Do you guys not get tired of these shitty Chrollo vs Hisoka arguments?

Would you say the same if Illumi manipulated 200 humans and made them attack Hisoka?

He looks so peaceful during his nappy

If chrollo and hisoka fought again what outcome would cause more seethe, Hisoka winning or Chrollo winning again?

Again, what part don't you understand in "1vs1"? Your replies are literally cringe.

So how many hours until the spoilers?

Hisoka losing to Chrollo again would probably be the leading cause of suicide in South America for a solid decade

Between 22-46

If it was supposed to be 1vs1 yes. Especially in Heaven's Arena where it's literally against the rules.

Deep down, Chrollo wants Hisoka to put him in his place. He wants a real man to be the one to make him into a sissy bitch.

Hisoka isn't ultimate level btw

Chrollo winning again 100%

Hisoka shifted his entire persona after that humiliation ritual, Chrollo losing is negligible by comparison because he was already too much of a pussy to fight Hisoka outside very specific conditions the first time, but if Hisoka loses again like this? With him as the aggressor? It's over for clownbros, they'd be on suicide watch.

clearly budding lovers

Now take off your fujo goggles.

Hisoka jobbing to Illumi or Machi

Everyone knows it’s true.

Sometimes. But for this thread it's funny so I don't mind

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i dont really get the whole thing with
tserriednich's friends
whats their goal exactly?
why are they so dedicated to him?

My greatest pleasure is when people crumple to their knees as their plans fail


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I'm sorry but chrollo looking for the perfect ability to beat hisoka instead of just ambushing with a plan using the gazillion abilities he already has is extremely fraudulent behavior.

It was a 1v1, chrollo used his nen abilities to his advantage, nobody not affected by chrollo was involved in that fight.

Canon cuck cage wearer btw

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Hopefully Tog dies, and you hady faggot homie never get closure.

*gay faggot homos
Google didn't like that one I guess.

Troupe vs Hisoka faggotry is
Killing these threads

None of these people are former hxh posters either, they're all migrants from other generals

Otocin is, at the very least, a double agent if not a total traitor entirely.

Kortopi was the one making the copies. Machi's threads are what retrieved Shalnark's antennas.

...and other common clowncuck copes

Chrollo winning, 100%.
Spiderfags are a minority, but they are the biggest, loudest bitches in the community.
Most of them will probably drop the manga when that happens.

But we already know how she got those scars.

ask a question

get an answer


No arguments, btw.

Yeah Chrollo is just that awesome

Fuck off back to One Piss thread where u belong

t. newfag

Rent free.

hisoka and chrollo are both dying this arc

post pathetic cope

wtf why are you saying I'm coping???

Yeah, that's cope

Machi kills Hisoka, but who kills Chrollo?

I just don't see how chrollo would steal the Kakin treasure. He's for sure getting clowned before he even gets the chance.

screencapping your own falseflag post


Projection. Quality of the threads plummeted due to the influx of hype posters during the initial dump.
I saw it happen. Its partly due to the hiatus melting the brains of weak fans, but mostly due to starved shonenfags trying to mine the series for entertainment.

Now, their garbage shitposting has turned into thread culture. You must be new, if you didn't know.


The days before spoilers are usually like this. This week has been especially bad because discussion about Morena's card game and Bork memes ran dry pretty fast.

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Some evidence supporting this theory, from last chapter's leak thread

Butthurt tourist keeps mentioning "going back to shitty Troupe vs Hisoka discussion"

Immediately makes 2 shitflinging bait threads before that one even hits bump limit

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How was the quality before ?

Slower, less talk of "hype" that only truly begun with the advent of story time threads and instant gratification.
People did more effort posting than right now.

Great manga

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Hunter x Hunter has just begun

You’re both new. I’ve been here for 3 years, I outrank both of you.


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3 years

Heavens arena (chrollo vs hisoka) began in 2016

Yeah, you’re new. I know.

non sequitur

You just like to waste everyone's time, including your own, with this garbage style of posting?

Lurk 10 years before posting, newfag.

Greed Island sucked.

Yeah, it’s by far the worst arc.

Heaven Arena is the worst GI is 2nd worst arc

Why can’t they just teleport to DC with nen?

Or fast travel there.

Chrollo in 1999 anime: Black eyes

Chrollo in manga: Black eyes

Chrollo in 2011 anime: gray eyes

I want the ultimate seethe, for neither to win and they end up dying to something else, like Kurapika kills Chrollo and Hisoka gets fucked by a random troupe shitter. There would be mass book burnings.

Hisoka and Chrollo will NOT meet again or fight. They both die at the hands if someone else.

Gon & Killua respectively

So is it basically guaranteed that Bono is going to die protecting Chrollo when he comes to the 1st floor, right? Probably from Hisoka, but maybe even from Kurapika too.

What do you mean die “protecting Chrollo”? He’s just going to die.

What does Togashi have in store

The usual (more yapping)

you cannot fast travel with enemies nearby

actually makes sense in context

Why does Togashi introduce things into the story but never utilizes them? For example:
- Battle Olympia & the floor masters
- most of the game masters of Greed Island
- most of the squadron leaders
- Ant Kite, Kite’s Crazy Slots
- Seirin Squad
- Leorio

Don't you feel embarrassed for writing stuff like this? You think you give off a cool and confident aura?




will become relevant later on


is perfect the way he is

we still don't know where the beyond squadron is. and they're the only few ones not currently tied up to royal/admin/mafia business.