How did Demon Slayer end up being the only good battle shounen in the last decade?

How did Demon Slayer end up being the only good battle shounen in the last decade?

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It didn't. AssClass is infinitely better.

If whatever slop you like isn't on this list then it don't matter. KnY isn't here, so it don't matter.
Easily the best Jump manga of the 2010s.

It's competition were jujuflopsen and my gay academia.

Short, sweet, and to the point. Ends just the way a Hero's journey should. Also this

This. AssClass is the only battle shounen in the last decade that's worthy of any mention (besides CSM). Not because it's necessarily good (though, it is), but because it's one of the ONLY titles that's somewhat above average (actually watchable by adults, just like HxH) because the author isn't inspired by shit shounen like Naruto and Bleach unlike Demon Slop, making it the best battle shounen of the last 10 years and the most influential one by far.

-Skipped needlessly long training arcs and setups to get to the boss immediately so no overly long war arc that would take half a decade to conclude
-Kill half the cast but allow them to have a meaningful death or death is the final culmination of their characters, many of the characters have a connection to their enemies that kill them or they have killed
-joke characters finally lock in and become useful
-Insert the last minute twist that makes sense (Tanjirou becomes the demon king out of Muzan's desperation), so no super demon lord or alien that is actually manipulating things
-themes that have been set up for ages finally have their pay day (Muzan is just a big whiny baby that got lucky with his powers after killing his doctor and is not super smart and is very impulsive and his final form isn't Michael Jackson, but a big baby)
-Use of old classic cliches to save the cast/hero at the very utter edge of catastrophe (power of friendship saves Tanjirou's mind from Muzan)
-Main character achieves all that he set-out to do but at a cost (will die soon), though he doesn't die in a very stupid meaningless way that needlessly makes other characters miserable
-The ships teased throughout the series have a resolution so Tanjirou actually grows up and have a family for a little bit and the other remaining characters get together with other people. This is the future that the main characters are able to get with their sacrifice, basically their reward for all that they went through
-The concrete death of the main enemies (demons basically die without Muzan) and the death of the characters due to the flash forward showing their reincarnation prevents the publishers from creating a sequel like Boruto or Bleach babies. Only thing they could probably do is a spin-off in another country or something (Dracula is actually a demon like Muzan or something)

Overall, a solid conclusion to its story.

It's time to admit women are better at writing than men.

Every piece of fiction written by a woman would not exist without the male Greeks. We have build this society. We have given you the minds of Euclid and Newton. Your PC was built by men. 90% of what's influential, popular, recognized and loved is STILL made by men. Most cinema classics, literature masterpieces, and high quality media has ALWAYS been produced by men.

You are nothing without us.

Couldn't have worded it better. The only major flaw was there should've been an arc between Swordsmith village and IF. Also, reincarnation was a stupid ending nobody liked. Just having descendants would've been good enough.

-Kill half the cast but allow them to have a meaningful death or death is the final culmination of their characters, many of the characters have a connection to their enemies that kill them or they have killed

Shows where no characters die are boring and uninteresting. How am I supposed to become invested in the supposed "stakes" if I just know from the get go that all my favorite characters are going to be safe the whole way through? More shows need to kill off characters, and in greater numbers. JJK and Demon Slayer are only halfway there. JJK kills off some characters, but uses fakeout deaths for others, and Demon Slayer only commits to killing a large number of characters in the final arc when the story is already wrapping up at that point, it's not risky to do so, but that just makes it boring. More characters should die throughout the story, as early as the first arc. If the majority of the cast are still alive by the end of the series, then it's a bad series. You can call this a brainlet take but I'm right and you know it. Don't ever recommend a shonen series to me if there are no stakes. It's just a waste of time.

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Didn't overstay its welcome. I remember when a thread was made here about it entering it's final arc and everyone was crying fake news and what not lol.

it didn't
asspulls fights and reinacartion ending are fucking awful. the cast is also bland as fuck

How about Souboutei, Haikyuu!! and Pandora Hearts(technically finished in the last decade)

Easily the worst nu-shonen of the decade. Bland, generic, zero originality and creativity. These are the worst since a manga can commit.

kimetsufags will look at this and say

10/10 design!!

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jujutsutrannies already seething in this thread


Disgusting. A woman with body and hair like that is more suited to be an animal's wife.

Only good for her tits, ugly bitch.

If it wasn't for Sakugatable you would not even know Demon Slayer exists.
AssClass is a toothless GTO. Feels like a manga for little kids. Zero stakes.

Skipped needlessly long training arcs

This reeks of an impatience that misunderstands the purpose of training arcs. Training arcs are a staple because they serve as the justification for a character's growth. Without them, power-ups feel arbitrary or, worse, cheap. Demon Slayer’s shortcut here isn’t a strength; it’s a narrative crutch. Nezuko's sudden power-ups, for example, lack grounding. Why does she suddenly resist sunlight? Magic? Love? A blend of both? Rushing to the “boss fight” might satisfy people with the attention span of a TikTok clip, but without proper setup, it undermines the stakes. Not everything needs to be instant gratification.

Kill half the cast

"Meaningful deaths" are only impactful if the characters themselves are meaningfully developed. Demon Slayer’s reliance on backstory-laden flashbacks as characters die (sometimes minutes after their introduction) dilutes the impact. It’s difficult to mourn characters you barely know. Did anyone seriously care when some of the lesser Hashira fell? It felt manipulative rather than earned.

joke characters finally lock in and become useful

It’s hardly unique to Demon Slayer, nearly every shonen does this. Zoro has his moments of humor, but no one doubts his competence; Krillin goes from a punchline to pivotal moments in DBZ. Even Mineta has his moments. Also, Zenitsu gets an awful fight in Infinity Castle that ends in a literal second because the author had no idea what to do with his character and Inosuke gets a dogshit backstory revealed out of nowhere to give him some artificial stakes, because the story barely involves him. They're disrespected by the author.

Insert the last minute twist that makes sense

The Demon King Tanjiro twist was also bad because it got resolved easily with another dose of Tamayo's drugs Kanao happened to be carrying around in just 2 chapters. No one liked that twist and no one asked for it.

I'll continue on in the next post.


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akaza, doma and cocku are also great villians too. Way more interesting and not one dimensional like sukuna

He should have dated Nezuko.

themes that have been set up for ages

Yes, Muzan being a "whiny baby" is consistent, but consistent doesn’t equal compelling. His characterization lacks nuance, boiling down to "evil for the sake of evil." A truly great villain challenges the hero ideologically like Toguro from YYH or Pain from Naruto. Even Frieza challenges Goku, as Goku started being less merciful to enemies after Namek. Muzan is, at best, a functional villain, not an extraordinary one. And Tanjiro is never challenged.

Use of old classic cliches to save the cast/hero at the very utter edge of catastrophe

The "power of friendship saves the hero" trope is hardly innovative, and Demon Slayer doesn’t elevate it. Tanjiro overcoming Muzan’s influence is emotionally satisfying on a surface level, but it leans too heavily on sentimentality rather than any internal struggle or ingenuity on Tanjiro's part.

Main character achieves all that he set-out to do but at a cost

This is a safe, by-the-numbers conclusion. Tanjiro "paying the cost" by dying soon is mitigated by the fact that the story cheats its own consequences. Yes, he sacrifices, but he also gets the happy ending. He gets a family and his friends who died reincarnates and lives happily ever after. The narrative wants to have its cake and eat it too, offering bittersweetness without fully committing to the bitter.

The ships teased throughout the series have a resolution

Shipping resolutions are a nice touch but hardly a hallmark of greatness. If anything, they feel tacked on in Demon Slayer, more like an afterthought than a core part of the story. Did Tanjiro and Kanao’s relationship ever really develop meaningfully? Not really. It’s a resolution without buildup.

The concrete death of the main enemies

Preventing sequels isn’t a sign of a series’ greatness; it’s just a production choice. And honestly, if a spin-off were to evee happen, Demon Slayer has already opened that door with its reincarnation twist.

you seem nitpicky. Like your forcing yourself to hate it

Infinity Fortress


Critiquing something doesn’t mean I hate it (though I don't like it either) and nitpicking isn’t inherently bad, it’s about paying attention to details. Details are what separate the truly great from the merely good. If a story is solid, it should hold up to scrutiny. I don't think Demon Slayer is good or bad, but calling it the "best battle shonen in the last decades" invites examination. If it falters under that lens, the issue isn’t with the critique but the claim itself.

She has a 10/10 personality

based shoujo is peak

She has the personality of a door just like the rest of the cast.

Shoujo was also created by men btw. As the other poster said, women wouldn't be where they are without men laying the groundwork.

Go back to discord you falseflagging faggot

I’ve recognized this years ago, sadly.

You recognized nothing, because you only read badly written series made by men. The quantity of well-written series made by men still vastly eclipsed works by women. Also, Demon Slayer's author is not a woman. He's a genderfluid mtf tranny.

good battle shounen in the last decade?

That would be Chainsaw Man. Kiddie shit like KnY is already abandoned by 90% of its Anon Babble kiddie fanbase in favor of DDD, the new KnY. Just like KnY replaced MHA before that.

Please understand, the author of Kimetsu no Yaiba doesn't have experience with women, he based his female character designs based on what he thought would be popular, and what he wished he could look like one day.

it was solid and ended when it should

Jeremy meltie thread

Because shit writing. Same reason why the emasculated main character let the most hated character in the franchise fuck his sister.

in before coping with muh pixiv, muh popularity polls

The fujos who loved said character do not like him either, they like a fantasy version of him that only exists in their heads (a submissive feminine homosex receiving shota-coded character).

Semi-related, but why was Demon Slayer such an ASTRONOMICAL success in Japan? Even JJK didn’t reach it’s level in Japan.

Im insanely hyped for infinity castle

why was Demon Slayer such an ASTRONOMICAL success in Japan?

Luck + astroturfing.

Japan loves Japanese things


Only mentally ill retards, grifters, and NPCs trying to save face still defend KnY.

Didn’t the chainsaw man anime flop?

Wonder what set him off this time?

Good animation in fighting scenes, E19 astroturfed it. Timing and luck too, Mugen Train came out at the apex of the lockdown where the film industry shut down so it gained impossible traction almost entirely because Covid locked everybody inside and induced mass hysteria so everybody needed something to hype each other over. Perfect storm of circumstances despite being just another generic shounen at the end of the day

Also, Japan likes DS because it pushes family values on a dying nation completely devoid of them and its ever-declining birth rate which triggered something primal in them, I guess. The setting also reminds them of a time when Japan was an economic superpower and not some impoverished shithole like it is today

mentally ill retard and/or NPC

This is the kind of question that no real human being can ask.

Didn't The Master flop? How can it be a good movie then

It's because I epically owned him here

Shinobu died before she could fix him.

Better question. Why does it's success cause a catastrophic amount of seethe? Over hyped sure, but there has been far worse things that got put on a pedestal.


lolno, pre-anime MHA sold 300k in a month while pre-anime JJK sold 30k in Vol 1 and was already breaking into 100k by Vol 3. Meanwhile DS took 3 years, an anime and an epidemic for Vol 1 to pass 300k because people were forced people to stay at home so they marathoned the anime then bought the manga. If it weren't for Ufotable, the manga would have ended, no one would even know and you wouldn't even put it next to these two series.

but there has been far worse things that got put on a pedestal.

Oh really? Which ones, Pedro?

I'm only gonna name MHA because I'm scared of the other anime.

Hype backlash. It got stupidly popular and broke a bunch of records despite just being another generic shounen at the end of the day. If the anime wasn't as oversaturated as it is, it'd just be another generic shounen among many. Well, it's still just another generic shounen at the end of the day, but it's always going to be annoying to see a work not being nearly as good as everyone says it is.

Also, a lot of people seem embittered that it got an amazing adaptation and other more deserving manga didn't. In a more fair world, every manga would get the best anime they deserved.

Most Marvel flicks

Why isn't she doing manga anymore?

Didn't think my post would become a butchered copypasta.

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It's still a good point regardless and I think it explains the backlash.

Typical KNY coward.

4chanazis cannot handle the fact that the greatest manga of our generation was made by a nonbinary person


the greatest manga of our generation

But enough about Houseki no Kuni.

So many great manga have had such awful adaptations it's honestly tragic. Even a lack luster adaptation can sully a work. It's no wonder "just read the manga" is such a common saying. I remember when KnY anime was airing and people were saying it was actually better than the manga (which was unheard of) which got me interested in check it out. Ended up reading the manga as it was wrapping up and the anime for sure elevates it in a way an anime really should. I wish that were the case for every manga but sadly it isn't.

post kanao

which was unheard of

Maybe if you are new here. Stuff like K-on is considered better than the manga. Also Utena.

I should have clarified mostly unheard of. They are very few and far between nonetheless.

Popularity and quality are not the same thing but i do agree that KnY is nothing to write home about. It´s more competent than stuff like SnK and most modern isekai though so i can see how younger people that know no better may see it as comparatively solid.

Why didn't Muzan just kill them all? Why did he wait so long?

What parts of Infinity Castle are you most excited for?

I'm excited for the part where Hollywood eats its lunch money. That way, this shitty trend of canon movies can slowly die and we can go back to seasonals. And knowing Hollywood, they will do everything in their to never allow a weeb movie to ever dominate the box office again. They're still angry over Covid, 2020 was easily the worst year ever in cinema.


Jurassic World Rebirth, Zootopia 2, Captain America: Brave New World, The Fantastic Four: First Steps, Superman, Snow White live action, Lilo and Stitch live action, The SpongeBob Movie: Search for SquarePants, Avatar: Fire and Ash, Mission: Impossible Final Reckoning, Michael Jackson biopic


Avengers: Doomsday, Toy Story 5, Shrek 5, Super Mario Bros sequel, The Batman Part II, Dune: Messiah, Fast X Part 2, Star Wars: New Jedi Order and The Mandalorian


Avengers: Secret Wars, Frozen 3, Star Wars: New Jedi Order, Godzilla x King Kong

western slop

Light work, no reaction

It's good

He is just like me fr

pffft, you're such a kidder Steve

Deranged Tanjiro

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Those "slops" like Avatar, Jurasaic World and Fast & Furious ALWAYS dominates the box office. Lilo and Stitch has also been getting a resurgence and is very popular with kids right now. China and Japan LOVES Stitch so much so he is all over the parks, both had a new cartoon show for there and Japan had two more DTV movies never released in America. Analysts are predicting the live action will dominate the box office in Summer next year.

Universal Pictures said they're 100% confident the Michael Jackson biopic will be a multi-billion dollar smash hit, and it has a budget of 155 dollars making it the most expensive biopic ever btw. They're confident his name alone will sell and it will. He has statues and museums all over China dedicated just for him. He's been seeing a resurgence lately too.

All these upcoming movies only makes this series stand lesser and lesser out.

Even a lack luster adaptation can sully a work.

What happened to CSM con only be described as a cosmic tragedy

You must understand ,anon.
Not shitting yourself in the ending/final arc is a real challenge for every single shonen mangaka apparently.

which character? Zenitsu?

Analysts are predicting

Universal Pictures said

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he was just gay

It's simply good

t. femoid

Imagine living under a rock and thinking a movie about a man who had the power to shut down stores just so he could go and shop, fund so many hostpitals, sell out stadiums, have people with no modern world communication know who he is, be crowned a king in a country, make countries stop warring for 24 hours when he passed away, make an entire music company want him dead because they wanted his publishing, whose music still tops the charts decades after he died, won't sell lol. They said this movie will be the biggest movie Universal ever had and will receive Barbie tier marketing. It'll be a worldwide social event. Bohemian Rhapsody made almost 1 billion, if any biopic can make billions it's Michael fucking Jackson.

Also, don't underestimate Stitch. He's VERY popular across Asia, Tokyo and Hong Kong Disneyland has a Stitch ride and their shops are full of Stitch merch. That blue little furball even has several manga just for him.

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AssClass was brilliant, and did the impossible for a WSJ hit of sticking the landing and not overstaying its welcome. I'm quite enjoying Kagurabachi right now, but seeing as its the only recent success story the mag has had in years you can just tell they're going to put the mangaka through their paces and drag it out to the point it's complete dogshit.

Demon Slayer

Only good battle shounen in the last decade?

Holy shit, please read more battle shonen

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Holy shit, please read more battle shonen

Mention 472 that are good


How do you even react to this?

i still dont get how THIS is one of the best selling manga of all time

Good mythic writing
e.g. juxtaposing characters to make a point, like gyutaro and daki showing how tanjiro and nezuko were made good rather than born good, and how you can still count yourself fortunate even after suffering as much of a catastrophe as tanjiro did. I can't think of other shonen battle manga where that kind of stuff isn't 99.9% headcanon, but in Demon Slayer you can't even seriously argue it wasn't intentional
It's not about the sperg powerscaler shit so it makes them bitterly angry

Literally the animation. It started to sell units after the anime aired. It's not that deep.

Samefagging Kiketspics. The author of KnY is biologically male. It's impossible for women to write caricatures of female characters like every single girl and woman in this spic slop. All they exist for is

look, tits

I am plot device

You cannot and will not name a manga written by an actual woman with worse ... was gonna say female characters, but you can't even find a manga weitten by an actual woman with worse characters period.

That quote is the reason

He was in the right.

by not being written by a m*n

moid writing

Don't you need to be on youtube watching a video about how ochako and nobara are sakura done right

Yeah, instead it's written by an emasculated man who wishes he was a woman. A mtf tranny, and that's more than enough reason for why this manga is trash and why I will never pick it up.

goody two shoes protagonist (still not an absolute moralfag tho) answers back in pure and unadulterated hatred about how much this fucker deserve to die

not even reasoning or a talk no jutsu, tangerine was going full slaughtering this fucker


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They aren't, Nobara is subhuman trash - which is funny because there used to be a time where you Kimetsuspics allied yourselves with JJKikes, and pretended the JJK author is a woman too. Sakura is an unintentionally realistic female character that woman couldn't write themselves (or more likely, wouldn't). Ochunko is a watered down version of Sakura, she fought too much & didn't properly cuck Dekuck until the last chapter.


I need sex with the kimetsu writer woman.

troon loving Pablito

How Jump let this cash cow end is beyond me.
No wonder there were baseless rumours about family issues etc that people still believe.

based af

anime starts in the middle of the final arc

everyone online hopes it actually ends during the final fight instead of jump stretching it to oblivion

shueisha still gets a ton of money from everything anime related since it's the most watched anime in japan and keeps insane tv share season after season

The manga is secondary to the money it makes.

-Insert the last minute twist that makes sense (Tanjirou becomes the demon king out of Muzan's desperation), so no super demon lord or alien that is actually manipulating things

You don't know how glad I am that there were no super secret forces behind Muzan.
Muzan is introduced in the first 10% of the story as the big bad, and stays that the entire series. Every good guy recognizes him as the final villain that needs to be defeated to end the story.
And once he is finally defeated in body and then spirit...the story ends.
It sounds so simple, but honestly it's a breath of fresh air.

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spic replying to himself

JJK is by far the worst example of that trope

it's sukuna

no it's geto

actually it's kenjaku

he actually planned yuji's birth because gege can't stop sucking kubo's cock

dies in a completely irrelevant way, yuji never learns this

He's a goody two shoes but not a crybaby faggot.

The bait per thread in Kimetsu threads on Anon Babble ever since a certain someone started pissing and shitting everywhere with DoShino posting towards the ending makes it impossible to discuss here (outside of when the anime decides to shart on the remainder of the industry again and the same dumbasses start coping about how the animation is "actually bad")
But the thing is: the series and its fans have already won. There's no other victory remaining for it to claim. It strongly conveyed the thematic messages that the author intended to, it delivered a widely beloved final act which satisfied its reader base, and its anime adaptation is as close to a 10/10 as you can get
So the sustained rage towards it by posters such as 2027/ is so impotent it's hilarious. And that hilarity is ultimately the value of these bait threads. Instead of normal discussions, they showcase an extended humiliation ritual, conducted by its own subjects. It's the perfect spice to contrast with a series as good-natured and inherently likable as KnY
Thank you for your service

Women are smarter than men. She clearly had a plan from the start what she wanted to do with the manga instead of making up arcs on the spot weekly.

I'm not taking the words of some hack behind a porn game and whose autistic writing made Gandalf himself cringe

In other words, you're a faggot

It's like he never learned from Oricon 2019. This has to be some fucked up humiliation fetish. I can't think of any other reason.

He's really mindbroken mha got beaten in every relevant metric.
5 years and counting.

Also, let me paraphrase I will never take the words of a hack shilling another hack
Especially when said hack unironically wrote this with a straight face. Nasu owes McKellen an apology

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Why is Tanjiro's girl the only one not drawn all the time with someone like Raikage or Chad?

She's too autistic for NTR.
Also she took care of his comatose body for months, that requires dedication (and seeing him naked a lot).

That's more of a problem with Jump than anything else. They have high reader count standards, weekly releases, and editors that will strong arm writers into dumb shit. Also as a mangaka it's rare to have any of your works be a breakout hit, and once you obtain that popularity you are incentivized to keep it going even to its own detriment. Really I think Demon Slayer was able to be that simple, straight forward, and fast paced because it wasn't that popular for most of its manga run. It flew under Jump's radar and had no reason to be dragged out.
FMA is another shonen manga made by a woman that people point to for good pacing. It was clearly all thought out start to finish before the first chapter released. It didn't run in Jump and it was better off for it.

Have you seen the 2018 interview of Yamaguchi from Shigurui praising it? I remember reading it and a line where he said it seems like a Shonen Champion manga rather than a WSJ manga, but I can't find it anymore and the only Yamaguchi interview I could find now where he mentions it is just a short recommendation.

set in early 1900s Japan

Demon Slayer has no niggers.

Good animation in fight scenes.

b-but the manga-

Good animation in fight scenes.

bu-but the story-

Good animation in fight scenes.

th-the char-

Normalfags/NPCs do not care about anything else. That's all there is to it. It's why all the new shitty shounen has no worldbuilding where the world feels like an actual living breathing world that moves even without the MC or try to build an actual coherent storyline.

We're back to DBZ times where stories and all that shit are for nerds, "stories" in shounen are like the stories in porn, in porn it's just a way to start the fucking, in nu shounen it's just a way to get to the ooga booga fighting bit. Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen and the rest of the Naruto copycats are all the same interchangeable slop. The age of spicfaggotry is upon us again. Coincidentally, this made FMA the last good battle shounen in shounen history and HxH (the undisputed king of battle shounen) shine more and more.

The had no answer for this.

db had a story though. It was simple as hell, but still a story. The tension in something like the namek arc is miles above much of the more recent stuff. Also, the characters had charisma to go along with it

mc is kind but not a beta

mc doesnt drop the sidekick

mc is special BUT everyone is special too

powerlevels are a delicacy here, for example, tanjiro only managed ot kill the midget dude because he had TWO immortals tanks in front of him and a pillar.

the gold saints/pillars are useful here and are not powercreeped

the super saiyan can be learned by literally anybody with enough training


Infinity castle is going to look fantastic. This kind of adaption happening to a manga I fully enjoyed feels like winning the jackpot. And the best part is no amount of cope and seethe will change that. Fans are set.

The worst of the worst for shonen stories has to be tournament arcs. KnY at least manages to avoid that. It's so compressed that it forces every single bit of character development and backstory into its fights, and the fights happen just because fuck demons. Muzan wants Nezuko, that's the story.

No one says that.

I haven't actually. Shigurui should go somewhere on my never to be realistically completed backlog too now that you mention it


KnY doesn't even have good animation in the fight scenes. It's just a flavor of the time graphics technology. It's a sign of ultimate midwitry when retards say how something that only exists because of financial resources poured into it is impressive. "People" who say KnY has good animation had their "minds" blown by Avatar (the 3D movie, not the cartoon... although they probably liked the cartoon too).

Shigurui is easily my favorite manga of all time. Demon Slayer was the first shonen I'd enjoyed in like 15 years when I picked it up and I was amazed to read Yamaguchi recommend it from before it got an anime. Then I read Apocalypse Zero and I realized I shouldn't have been surprised.

AssClass was brilliant

Nah, safe af work.


No, I'm not going to recommend you anything just because you're an underage tourist (who makes up the vast majority of Demon Slayer's NPC fanbase) who only ever read popular slops like SnK, MHA, JJK and trash isekai like MT and nothing else. It's no surprise that underage kids like (You) who doesn't know any better and with limited experience may see it as a "solidly good" series.

I'll make a big power move on you Spics right now - ANYONE who thinks there are great shonen other than HxH (the uncontested king of battle shounen), JoJo (the most creative battle shounen), Ashita no Joe (the first battle shounen), FMA (the last good battle shounen), Pandora Hearts (it's no HxH, but is very well-written) or AssClass (the last WSJ series with a satisfying finale), is either brown, underage or all of the above. No ifs and/or buts. Naruto, Bleach, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen and the list goes on are all slops.

Shounenshit in general tends to be just slop and a dime a dozen. Battle shounen is probably the like the 3rd worst genre manga sub-genre. The number 1 worst being isekai and number 2 harem. It is the most stagnant and oversaturated genre in the market and It's also very easy to tell the good ones from the bad ones, because there are MORE shitty battle shounen in quantity than there are good battle shounen. There are a few exceptions that comee to mind, those series I mentioned, as they're a bit above slop and actually watchable by adults, and One Piece (worse than slop).


Mic dropped. Spics seething. I'm off fucking every single one of your moms.

Tengen is my favorite Hashira. Damn shame he was retired as a character before the finale.

Nagisa didn't get the girl at the end.

Oh great, it's one of those high IQ Hunterchads posters who thinks he's above anyone


Nagisa was the girl of the series

good post AND a good image. rare on Anon Babble nowadays.
and agreeing with nasu here, KnY was probably the last time i earnestly waited for WSJ release days and read the newest chapter as fast as humanly possible. (for a battle shonen, at least)

Assclass storytime was really good

Nice strawman, Spic. I don't have a IQ, only 125 in official tests. And even if I had a high IQ, it doesn't mean anything either. IQs past the midwit range (~100) has no correlation with good or bad taste. Taste is purely based on:

how much you experienced of [thing]


how well you experienced said [thing]

It applies to every single thing ever. Music, books, food, TV, films, etc. As someone who can't cook and has shit-for-all functional taste buds, I don't act like my opinion on what food is good has any value, so I don't go telling people in culinary discussions that "why yes, I too can discern the fine qualities of fillet mignon and foie gras, also btw my other favourite food is pepperoni pizza from my local pizzeria".

Likewise, I don't go to Anon Babble to try to discuss whatever the best perceived band there is or some shit and then tell them "y-yeah, I also like that band! it's almost as good as Talking Heads! [the only rock band I have all their albums saved on my SD card, the rest are jazz music]". This is what underage kids like (You) act like when you desperately try to shill your manga made for little kids or bring up hilariously irrelevant interviews from other creators like this faggot who can only think what they're told to think and can only like what they're told to like. Cattles sees this, gets outraged because someone insulted his favorite shit shounen, brings up his indefensible nonargument and proceeds to talk to himself to validate his shitty manga.


Most of KnY fanbase migrated to DDD (they "grew up" from 9 year olds to 14 year olds)

my man called FMA a battle shounen

how the fuck did the demons lose

Not her, but FMA has better fights than KnY.

Author has no critical thinking, he's an ISFJ (defender of the status quo).

She has two 10/10 personalities

Shigurui gets storytimed regularly on here. Just jump in next time it gets dumped, it's not a very long read.

Lol this post tells me you are a) a tranny, b) don't know good writing. You're absolutely delusion if you think it is a "manga of a generation", but the "a" point already told me you're delusional

Lol. Just lol. You're taking modern Hollywood slop at the studio's word. Hilarious. Hollywood hasn't been good for ages. There hasn't been any good movies for literal decades. There's been "passable" and "decent". Modern mainstream cinema and mainstream media in general is absolute shit, a big steamy pile of it.

Lol. You just don't get it, do you, Scott? You don't.

The author is a man. A man who is mentally ill and thinks he is a woman, but a man nonetheless

women are smarter than men

which is why there's more inventions made by women than by men

Weak b8. 1/8, made me reply

Also, the author is a dude, so, sucks to be you.

You don't know good series either if you think HxH is good

Unless you have proof Wani's a male, genderfluid/nonbinary/x gender just makes me even more sure she(?)'s a woman. There are at least twenty women who go by that label for every man who does. I haven't read the manga, but just going by the designs I would guess the artist is a genuine uterus haver.

mentally ill spic

you have no evidence that he is a woman, other than your fanfiction
meanwhile there is plenty evidence that he never talked to a woman in his manga

Arthur vs Dragon fight is better than anything in Kimetsu.