Why is One Piece considered bad again?

Why is One Piece considered bad again?

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It's not, stupid. It's considered quite god.

It is?

I only considered it a bit dragged out until recently. The whole nika nika thing left an extremely sour taste and i will never get over it unless they do something really worth it (doubt it)

It’s long, the dub is bad and the early censorship was so funny it had the effect of western weebs thinking it was a baby show. It’s pretty good, though gets crowded and an annoying slog to read some time after the timeskip. Oda got Hugh off his own success and stuffs hundreds of random characters and unrelated shit into the story and pads his arcs out so badly that entire manga series have begun and started between two arcs of OP.

One Piece is super popular and popular things are bad because saying popular thing bad gives me attention

Is this why so many people hate it?

It is ugly and Oda is a freemason

Pretty much.

It's not bad. In fact, I would consider it to be above average for a children's comic book.

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This a simple kid's manga and show that got popular with normies after Toei kept pushing it in US market and anime fans being immature lead to it eventually becoming what it is today.

Effect of western weebs thinking it a baby show

it is..well more like 10 year olds but it is a kid show even uncut like it's Peter Pan shit for Japanese.

It isn't. At least the first 400 chapters.
After that it gets repetitive, boring, bad narrative and filled with retcons.

Conan and Shin Chan are what long manga should be simple episodic stories that you can read without having follow everything and just jump in and out when you want, One Piece is how long manga shouldn't be, I mean at this point you're just dragging shit out for no reason.

considered bad

Because you only use Anon Babble. Leave this board filled with contrarians and you'll see that most people love one piece

The whole nika nika thing left an extremely sour taste and i will never get over it

Same here. I kinda feel like the best time to introduce that twist would have been through doffy in dressrosa. Let the mystery stew for a couple hundred chapters before the big reveal.

unless they do something really worth it

Seeing how we've had 3 different sun gods in the past 3 chapters, I think Oda's doing something with it


Why do redditors like that word so much?

Pre-timeskip One Piece is timeless masterpiece. Post-timeskip OP is soulless trash, simple as

dude only blacks and mexicans like OP

Is there any point for a 30 year old to start One piece? I have no nostalgia for this. Never watched it as a child

Depends. Do you still enjoy battle shonen?
If so, you're doing yourself a disservice by not watching/reading it (Ideally, watch up until the end of Sabaody Archipelago and then switch to the manga)

Repetitive. Every arc is structured the same. It is an insult that is has taken this long to tell a story that could have been told in 1/4 of the time.

It isn't. Pre-TS One Piece is peak shounen and Enies Lobby is still one of the best story arcs.

Do you still enjoy battle shonen?

If it has a good story and some depth/maturity to characters and motivations. I rewatched Naruto and quickly realised that my enjoyment of it now hinges entirely on nostalgia. But I did enjoy watching HxH first time as an adult

Ideally, watch up until the end of Sabaody Archipelago and then switch to the manga

What's the logic here

What's the logic here

Past Sabaody, the anime begins to adapt less than one chapter per episode, the pacing makes it unwatchable.
This is personal taste but as far as the manga go I put One Piece and HxH in about equal regard. The Hights of OP I think are higher than HxH's but being so long OP also has way lower Lows

Egghead was the worst arc in an established shonen I've seen in a while

would have been through doffy in dressrosa

Too early to use against a Warlord before he even meets an Emperor, and Gear 4 worked fine there. Gear 5 that makes him on par with an Emperor as he beats one fits perfectly.

That's because you're a tasteless faggot

large trees catches the wind

I rewatched Naruto and quickly realised that my enjoyment of it now hinges entirely on nostalgia. But I did enjoy watching HxH first time as an adult

I say you're in good company it's depth is somewhere between those two but it takes awhile to get going since it's spending the first few arcs establishing the characters
worst case is that you enjoy it and lose several months

HxH depth is character focused more about how normal people would interact in a fantasy like setting
One Piece is all about the worldbuilding, making a place to go on a big adventure and daring you to get lost in it

OP = LotR
HxH = SoIaF

Don't insult LOTR like that.

I say if you like one you'll like the other

arc that spent 2 years just to say "the world is flooding" and had.0 other significance or impact on the SH, and the SH being there ended up doing basically nothing

Oh no, my precious minutes I spend reading one chapter a week have been "wasted"!

Get some real problems you entitled, impatient faggot. If you're too good for cool fights in a fun setting and seeing the welcome return of a shitload of past characters then you truly are a faggot.

Basically nothing

Reread the chapter you retard

fuck off, a REAL pirate manga has arrived

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What's this shit? Why do the characters look boring and stupid?

Now if only we can get someone to actually read it.

it's not bad. but since hxh has returned the momentum has been slowed. it's observable.

Placing a Dragon with the Charlotte commanders

Wow, goes to show you didn’t even watch the show dumbass ahaha Dragon is a Revolutionary!! LMAO!


One Piece belongs to Asians.

DragonBall belongs to Whites.

Naruto belongs to Blacks.

HunterxHunter belongs to trannies.

You cannot refute this.

I'm at the start of the Post-TS and i got to ask, do Luffy and his crew actually act like pirates in future arcs? It seems to me that after Enies Lobby they just became a resistance force against the goverment corruption and i don't see them doing any real pirate activities anymore, i think the last time they acted as real pirates was in Skypiea where they tried to steal the gold from the sky people while they were sleeping.

Dragon Ball belongs to Hispanics