
3x3 -thread, r8 others

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Also works for their shows.

4/4 congratulations

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Desu / Desu

Oniisama e was gorgerous, especially the character designs. Not very relatable and quite heavy to watch for me tho. Unique pick for best girl.

What's top right?

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Unique pick for best girl.

I mean, she's cute and has a good personality. Mariko might be hot for being crazy, but crazy women are sirens!


miracle of the Oniisamaverse

I’ll post my big grid because why not.

Based Tomoko Chad.
Funny how some people say it isn’t relate. I think part of the reason it hit me so hard and became an instant favourite is because it hit a bit TOO close to home for me. Parts of it are scarily parallel to my own life experiences, and it captures the emotions of those experiences perfectly.

-Now And Then
Arête and Metropolis are both exceptional.
I’m a Nanako-fag myself, but I consider Tomoko-fags as my brothers-in-arms because they also have top-tier taste in wifes. I’ll admit it took me awhile to warm up to Mariko. On my first watch through, I initially thought she was selfish and cruel, but by the time the divorce arc rolled around, I absolutely loved her.

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-Now And Then

Why tho

I think it just tries too hard and relies too much on shock value, and I don’t like the MC that much. “Isekai, but edgy” isn’t a groundbreaking concept.

I wish more people would watch Tactical Roar, its a criminally underrated gem

+mushishi, Lain, Eva, whats top right?
best girl bottom middle, 10/10 would hug, sayaka but you cant get the love of Aho from just anyone
2/2, top middle + gunbuster
metropolis is fucking great, love the ending

relies too much on shock value

I don't remember any shock value in it.

Isekai, but edgy isn’t a groundbreaking concept

It was in 1999

Some day I start reading manga properly. Top right is Angel's Egg.
I see you still haven't tried rating.
School Rumble was comfy for what I remember.

whats top right?

See above.


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school rumble is super comfy. great characters, great humor, great girls

Yeah :D Miles better than Mariko.

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Enamon and Yokohama are so good

What’s the top right, middle middle and bottom middle and bottom right?

The Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Ima Soko ni Iru Boku, Crest of the Stars, Fantastic Children.

I have been meaning to watch Now and Then for a while now. Thanks for the sauces though!



You must be atleast 30. Good taste in anime and girls. Takarajima was so comfy.

Based Kuroitsu-san chad. Poorfag-chan best girl btw

you must be at least 30

26 actually, so not quite, but getting there. I actually only started watching anime seriously towards the end of high school at the recommendation of a weeb I sat next to in class. I didn’t like most of his recs (except for Requiem For The Phantom, Btoom! And SAO— I liked those.), so I instead decided to do a deep dive into the history of anime and manga to figure out what the hype behind the medium was. I’m glad I did honestly, because holy shit, watching the stuff that’s on my grid was a life changing experience.

i made a new one. i will r8 when i get home, i made this in a rush so i'll probably replace a few of the images later.

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watching the stuff that’s on my grid was a life changing experience

Are you still finding new favorites that would have the same effect?

In terms of anime and manga, my grids have been pretty fixed since I added Do You Remember Love?, plus I know there’s entries that will probably never leave my grid. My non-anime grids undergo more changes. Although most of them are pretty locked in for the moment too. I think amongst all my grids on my big grid, I think there are only a handful of pieces of media across all mediums that had a “shook me to the core and changed my life forever” kind of effect. Interestingly, my anime grid has the highest number of these. Although there’s at least 1 in every other grid too.

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i like the blue layout. only two i haven't seen are the dezakis. i should watch more dezaki.
akio watanabe is cool. i like komugi.
will probably continue ruri dragon now that it has more chapters out.
assuming middle left is shin sekai yori... i thought the first episode was cool, i liked the concept. lost interest as it went on though. ima soku ni iru boku is cool.
good grid. utena, kenshin ova and onii sama e are really good picks. the only one i personally dislike is katanagatari, but that's only because i dislike nisio isin's writing. been a while since ive watched it. i see you like stealth games.. i played the first aragami, didn't know there was a second. does it improve a lot on the first game? i thought the character models were jank but the gameplay was really fun. i don't play a lot of video games, though, let alone of the stealth genre.
school rumble is great, have you seen natsu no arashi? it's absurdly underwatched.

i thought the first episode was cool, i liked the concept. lost interest as it went on though

he doesn't know.

watching the stuff that’s on my grid was a life changing experience.

This is a cliche but I had the same thing watching the Sopranos and there still hasn't been another show like it for me

Last show I enjoyed was Tatami Galaxy: Time Machine Blues and that's from 2022. I had hopes for the last Miyazaki film but that was a disappointment.
I'm tired boss. Dead tired.

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the last miyazaki film had great animation, though. at the very least it was pretty and i thought it was a great swan song. unfortunately not as good as a lot of his other movies, but i think it makes sense that it'd be his last movie. granted ive only watched it once when it premiered in US theaters.
paprika is my least favorite kon movie, but otherwise this is a very solid movie grid. 7/7