Just started watching Golden Wing

I realized that Diamond are unbreakable's animation and direction was exceptionally good. I only watched 2 eps of GW and the quality is far inferior. Does it improve?

The quality is great. It’s just that the art direction isn’t as surreal. In part 5 the sky is blue and the plants are green. In part 4 the sky was gold and the plants were blue.

get used to it. this is the default JoJo animation style from now on

Stone Ocean is the same?

Stone ocean is definitely a drop in quality.

The fuck are you talking about, Part 5 looks amazing especially the first episode.
Part 4 looks like ass in comparison.

Are you crazy? Part 4 animation is fluid and the Stand fights are good. In part 5 animation looks choppy and the stand attacks looked messy. It's generally poor visually as opposed to Part 4 where it's very polished and rich.

But Part 5's anime is way above Part 4's production wise. Comparing the first episode of both isn't even fair

I liked the weird part 4 colors.

It's not the colors that I liked, I think the animation was good and the art is excellent. There was no episode where I felt they dropped the ball like it often happens. The characters always looked good.

? I found part 5 quality much better

Part 5 is more consistent. On the other hand, I would say that the high points of Part 4 are insane and creative.

You're drunk, the start of Part 5 is more fluid and the character movement is more alive than ever before in Jojo. The start of Part 4 also looks noticably worse than the later episodes. Part 5 doesn't suffer from that fluctuating quality.

People bought into the meme that Part 5 has the best animation somehow. Some episodes are really well made, but the adaptation goes downhill after the mid point, and Part 6 is the culmination of shit production value.

Man this gets me worried if Part 6 is worse than that

People were just really hyped when the first episode dropped. The production is honestly kinda impressive considering it's length and the material it's adapting.
All the Jojo anime are well made, stop acting as if [Part you dislike] was a QUALITY through and through.

It's consistently way worse, but you'll see it yourself.

If quality keeps getting down I assume the budget kept getting lower. Is there a chance Part 7 will get made? The manga sold extremely well.

All the Jojo anime are well made

parts 1 and 2 were consistently ugly before the bluray releases, and part 6 was a clear step down from the previous parts. none of it is awful or unwatchable, but I wouldn't go as far as saying it'll all well made

Was part 6 worse because of Netlfix?

I think part 7 will be well animated (excluding horses). 6 wasn’t animated as well because it’s just not that popular of a part by comparison. With 7 I could even see them doing a two season thing like part 3.


Why waste money on CGI when you can just have a static horse png with speed lines

Only in release format, they didn't hype up the second and third drops of episodes and breaking it into entire cour drops shattered discussion potential. The real problem with Part 6's adaptation is it didn't take enough from Part 5's did in terms of divorcing itself from panel-by-panel adaptation. Part 5 has some unique shots and sequences that work really well in the medium they're in. Part 6 meanwhile is so strict to the panel flow of the manga that you don't even get good establishing shots of things like the Green Baby sequence which would have benefited the best from a wide-angle glimpse at the circumstances. It's just a bit disappointing overall but every other aspect was up to par.

Ideally they’d just animate a bunch of 2d horses with generic animations that they can recolor so that the cgi could be minimized. I don’t think that’s happening.

who knows. the season directors also worked on previous parts, so it's not like they didn't know what they were doing

Not doing weekly releases was a bummer. Talking about the week’s jojo episode was real fun.

All the Jojo anime are well made

You're coping or delusional. Part 6 cuts every corner possible and basically looks like a motion comic. They even massacred the most important arcs. It's no coincidence you choose that episode (which isn't even THAT good) as pic related, because it never gets better than that.

none of it is awful or unwatchable

I would easily say the third cour is awful.

Wasn’t David Productions working on some other anime at the same time as part 6?

Urusei Yatsura, I think. But it's not an excuse for the treatment SO got.

you should've seen the broadcast version of Part 4

Stone Ocean is way worse

SO source materal is garbage so it deserved a garbage adaptation desu

than ever before

and after

If you're comparing the final episodes of DiU and the first two of VA, then is that really fair? Pre-Bluray DiU was infamous for QUALITY while the only Part 5 episode that is noticeably weak in animation quality is the shark stand one.

It’s good outside of the maximum security bet. Way better than part 5

Part 5 quality in far superior in both aspects you mentioned (animation and direction), don't know what you are smoking.
Part 6 is when the quality drops and sadly is a huge drop. Hopefully someone got pissed at it and the way Netflix ruined it, so SBR doesn't get the same treatment.

The JoJo anime has always been guilty of being a slideshow, none of them ever had particularly amazing animation outside of maybe 1-2 sakuga scenes per part. The appeal has always come from sound design and from the fact that it is possibly the single most faithful adaptation of a manga into anime ever.
I sorta agree with what you're saying in that Part 4 had some absolutely amazing storyboarding and direction (The fight against The Lock is where the series peaks in that regard, imo), but on the whole Part 5 had way less QUALITY so I can't fully agree with what you're saying.

I dropped Jojo on Part 5 Episode 1 and I agree that it's a huge downgrade.

You're kidding, right? part 4 looked like garbage, especially before the BD's.

If the quality keeps going down

It went UP for part 5 after part 4 though, because 5 is popular in japan.

6 is comparatively unpopular, so the quality went down again. Also there's absolutely zero chance that part 7 will be made, its just way too detail/animation heavy, at least for Davidpro.

You might as well do yourself a favor and quit now. JoJo isn't worth watching nor reading past Diamond Is Unbreakable.

Someone post the original Killer Queen ENTER scene.

It's really not that bad compared to DP's current standards. They outdid this scene many times in terms of shittiness since then, so people should stop fixating on it.