/DDD/ is for pink stacies
Get away slut
Imagine having prostitute mommy
Couldn't be my heroine
Based Okarun.
So do demons exist in this world or is she the only one whose occult beliefs are actually fake?
Kek, Okarun really said that
Best girl
Alien invasion saga > Chainsawman part 2
reminder that pinkshit is irrelevant and the worst character in the series
Weakest episode so far.
Nessie was cool at least
DDD sucks
Hopefully Okarun end up with her.
Yeah this shit is literal filler until Jiji enters the story
Takakura Momo
demoralization ntr crap
whats with her retarded hairstyle
What are the top cryptids? I know Bigfoot and Nessie are two of them.
reminder that
cookie is stronger than aira
Why was Aira so terrible before Silky?
this episode was the worst so far
Do they reconcile in the next episode or at the end of the arc? Misunderstandings make me kinda anxious.
No, they just take turns cucking each other from now on. It gets really repetitive and drags them both down as characters.
It'll be over after next episode.
Drop the series
current power scale tier list
The Yakuza did nothing wrong.
Next episode actually
If you absolutely must know, every single misunderstanding in this series is solved in 1 or 2 chapters and usually precedes some further progress into the relationship. This misunderstanding makes okarun confront momo about whether she really gives a fuck about himn
nessie charging up was absolutely kino
They made YK1 and YK2.
Literally all of their misunderstandings are always cleared up in a few chapters.
The show is alright but ken is so fucking cringe that he makes me want to stop watching.
Like genuinely if I ever met someone half that pathetic IRL I would literally kill them
Is this your first ever story with romantic elements in it?
There's only one misunderstanding after this one anyway(bamora)
Charge up was cool. Payoff was bad. Everyones talking about omitted/censored Aira butt but no ones mentioned how the classroom being destroyed was cut. We get like 5 frames of the camera close to the inside wall of the classroom and you can see like 2 tables destroyed rather than the entire thing being cut in half in full view.
They used to be the top two, now I'd say it's probably Bigfoot and Skinwalkers.
And Gigi helping Momo sleep
Amazing double page
A Happy Belated International Man Person Day for my fellow Man Persons!
Ghost 1: multiple teenage rape
Ghost 2: prostitution, implied minor rape
What did author mean by this?
Skinwalkers, Wendigos, Yetis if you count them different from Bigfoot, Dogmen, Chupacabra, Jersey Devil, Dover Demon, Mothman
The good
Aira watching porn
Momo during shrimp class
The bad
Censored acro aira butt
Nessie laser beam felt weird and lacked impact
I hope next episode is better
When does this get good?
Yeah he's a big winged bastard with big glowing red eyes who chases after cars down in West Virginia. He's considered a bad omen when you see him.
Chapter 1
Dude mugshots for every panel lmao
Nessie laser beam felt weird and lacked impact
Of course. Because it's a cheap half-assed version of Shin Godzilla's Atomic Breath.
Might as well copied it 1:1.
I think the main problem is that beam should be thinner, but explosion - larger. Beautiful laser beams in Dune.
think that fucker looks like Shin Godzilla
he does the exact same laser attack 30 seconds later
My problem with the laser is that
1) It was not clear it was destroying the room, it felt like it was collapsing on itself the first time I watched
2) The damage to the room felt very limited, like it was a pressurized water jet, which might have been the idea, but still
3) The scene lingered for too long after the camera went back to nessie, it felt weird af
They probably butchered an episode to make 2 great ones (so far), so they chose the one where very little happens.
As long as episode 9 animation isn't weak as this one (it shouldn't be, since its the meat of this arc) it should be okay
You can procreate with one ball, right?
Hello friends
Lead me to the Momo webms pls (she cute!)
It's impossible to know
Also Aira watching porn pls
I love how they call men "Man Person," kek
Dandadan but set in Appalachia or Midwest America
Imagine the kino
Do we have a doctor itt?
What the fuck kind of exercise he was doing with those weights?
Yeah, but the odds might be much lower, depends on the sperm.
Technically yes. You can still pump and dump, though you'd have less to pump.
Depends which ball
i've seen women doing those in my gym
and i've seen anime characters doing alot of those
i guess they are famous in Japan, they dont seem to be into gym that much
I also hope Okarun gets SHREDDED eventually, it would be based
Girls get raped, that's real life.
Depends on what you mean by "demon".
There have been cryptids, aliens and ghosts. Mostly a category issue, if you ask me.
he's not caught up on the manga
I am having too much fun with the anime to read the manga anon, sorry. When the anime ends i'll catch up
The director is really putting the effort with this adaptation.
I couldn't wait any longer after starting the anime this past weekend. I'm 30 chapters away from being caught up now. I personally prefer reading manga to watching anime in most cases though.
Because DDD is the most popular anime of this year.
Me too but holy shit this adaptation is well made
nta but I did it with Kaiju and regretted it
I swear, the way they draw Momos face in anime looks shitter, and shitter with each episode.
its funny how show highlights overlap between aliens and ghosts/demons because that's exactly what they are
No one cares about DDD.
yeah it's awesome, I was instantly hooked in the first episode.
Hello noone, ho's your day?
Can you imagine the dynamic if Aira was the mc with Okarun being cursed with being gay by a yokai
So, Is Nessie an alien?
frieren has it beat because it caught the normie audience
Yeah, a retarded alien mercenary. Serpo will tell this later.
Alien fucked a snake, I would guess.
do NOT fuck around with Yakuza
Simple as
Dan Da Dan
I think she was just indie prostitute and org crime pimps universally dislike those.
Rokuro Serpostein
No, he's hired by the serpos as a merc of sorts but he's still confirmed a cryptid from scotland in one of the extras
POV: You were just born in an American hospital
Eh if we go by Shin megami tensei definitions then every supernatural entity is a demon. Even the aliens.
Only read half the manga. I know Rin is that cunt geek bitch that only cared about Okarun after he started getting bitches but what makes you think she's so strong?
Correct. Also, I wish this little guy would show up in DanDaDan.
So, is he shredded? don't post pics, just want to know.
Gravitational bending
from what ive gathered, the cryptids are not intelligent and cant communicate. nessie and the giant serpent for example. the yokai are spirits that can possess people and can speak. aliens can speak as well but cannot possess people.
Im still 30 chapters behind but it seems to me that Momo needs a power up desperately. She's the MC and it feels like she's falling behind.
Of course the gravity girl is obsessed with fucking vampires
Would you mind going a bit more into detail? Are we talking Ochaco Uraraka tier stuff or are we on the C Moon side of things?
Why does no one care when Momo gets cucked
she is stronger than Porkchako lol, Rin can bending the gravity to a planetary tier level but not as stronger than c moon so far
Would be a better mascot than cat turbo granny at least
And then Jiji is introduced...
Rin can bending the gravity to a planetary tier level
Why are you making shit up? The only thing Rin ever does with her powers is lifting everyone out of Jumanji.
Karma for lying and cucking Momo
I don't remember the 3rd eyelid part being in the manga, so the animators really copied that scene from the movie.
Every time she gets cucked, it's a comical misunderstanding
The big time when Okarun gets cucked, Momo was snuggled up into Gigi's embrace and fell asleep in his arms.
It's still not a big deal imo, but they really aren't the same. Momo actually does seem to like Gigi at least a little bit, if less than Okarun. Okarun has straight up NO WAY FAG'd every other girl that has made a pass at him.
nigga you are forgeting that they told Rin can destroy the fucking planet
Alien association is already there, too, with Men in Black asking about sightings after disasters.
This & chainsawman are the coolest anime has felt in a long while, every ep's a gas.
I swear to God if Indrid Cold doesn't make an appearance in this before the end I'm gonna be angry
Damn, the spirit who lies and manipulates people to possess them said that? Must be true!
really wish the anime introduces a glowie comedic duo
They are cousin series, Tatsu worked on Chainsaw Man part 1 and is friends with Fujimoto
The sand worm seemed completely devoid of any intelligence. Nessie seemed a little bit smarter but not by much and pretty much attacked indiscriminately but he did go after momo first but didn't confirm the kill and then sperged out when a pay cut was mentioned so maybe he understands very basic instructions.
CSG using Rin's vampire fetish to make her destroy the world.
Momo's ghost hand jobs
I fucking hate failed movie directors.
I'd rather they make them creepy as fuck like the real ones, but I guess we already have creepy uncanny "human skinsuited" aliens with the serpos.
If you cum inside Momo, can she use her psychic powers to remove the cum avoiding teenage pregnancy?
I can't live without DDD Mondays. Why did he have to go on hiatus!
The Jiji enter episode is gonna ruin threads for weeks. I just know it.
Because if he continued more Cookie bullying will happen.
We'll need a bigger budget.
Isnt the last episode of the season Jiji's intro?
She hasn't actually achieved that potential yet
When do Okarun become cool
these threads were already ruined by people saying intentionally retarded shit hoping to get a spotlight from jarman
Jiji is the strongest of these characters, he was stated to have like top 4 spiritual energy on the planet to be a host for Evil Eye, plus they even added the cliche prodigy label on him. The only thing that’s holding him back is that the Evil Eye form is being piloted by a five year old, once he gets strong enough to control Evil Eye it’s over.
JIji only has kamehameha, Kinta wipe the entire floor with him right now
Probably at episode 10 or the end of episode 9
Kinta is the only one that basically got handed his strength for free by taking nanoskin from Ludris and hasn't done a damn thing to improve himself or earn that power.
The ntrfags are gonna get an entire episode just for their delusional cuck fantasy.
Grandma also approved his dick
He created a cool ass hoverboard with it and two whole ass mechas, his imagination is worthy enough.
Okarun surpassed him, he was fighting a 1v5 during the space invasion arc. He only got beaten because he didn't know that one of them had some bullshit psychic powers.
Kinta already an expert in the craft, doesnt fucking need to improve, in my opinion he is the strongest all the whole cast
a fusion of nessie and Godzilla
Pretty based reference. I enjoy the monsters in this series so far
The weakest monster so far was the sumo alien
Great intro, but he got lame once he got fully revealed
Although i think they should be creepier/scarier, i'm also really enjoying them so far
is him a persona player or shin megami tensei enjoyer
Man, this episode was rough. The great direction is still there, but the animation quaility, some key frames just looked weak and just some of the dialogue frames were wonky as fuck.
I hope this isnt the case for the next episode, as its the most action intensive of the season.
Momo never actually gets cucked it’s just misunderstandings. Only Okarun gets cucked
Now that you mention he really is just collecting Yokai like an smt/persona protag
Already my favorite
SMT because he's an oldfag with good taste.
I'd say he's toned, currently. Closer to a swimmer body, maybe a gymnast.
Is this the face of someone who doesn't get cucked?
yeah, like he said, even though she gets upset, Okarun was never actually being affectionate with anyone else
she was being affectionate with Gigi when Okarun saw them as a ghost.
No he know way fags Aira and then desperately tries to clear up the misunderstanding multiple times but she refuses to listen
You're not allowed to be lovey dovey with anyone but me.
Why are momoniggers so insufferable?
Looking back EE saga was kind of a Jiji humiliation ritual with how stupid he was being with evil eye
be nice
she's cute and bad at expressing her feelings
She did accept his confession which is why she considers it cheating if he goes after another girl you stupid fag.
This page is gonna be animated soon.
real talk though, if she turned into a ghost and saw Okarun falling asleep in Aira or Vamola's arms, she would fucking shit herself and never get over it.
What was the sumo alien supposed to be? I know Ive seen the head shape a bunch before but cant remember
She did accept his confession
By that logic, Okarun never actually gets cucked either.
Stupid fag maybe you should read it again, Okarun didn't even get an answer to his confession.
The Flatwoods Monster. He's popular in Japan even though he's an American monster.
She considered it cheating even before Okarun confessed see this episode or Vamola. Cuddling Jiji isn’t cheating though they weren’t dating yet. I don’t make the rules
The army of the demon emperor of Ranjaku high is really fun. Hope we see more of them later.
she was being affectionate with Gigi when Okarun saw them as a ghost.
No she wasn't. She was literally sleeping.
Yes he does
I would love it if the last episode is these guys doing a high budget concert while exorcising Evil Eye.
The answer to his confession is that she considers it cheating if he goes after another girl.
She considered it cheating even before Okarun confessed see this episode or Vamola
That was just her being jealous and insecure.
why fairy tail yokai couldnt control CSG
she complimented him and snuggled up in arms, anon. I'm not saying it's actual like NTR or anything like some of the dudes here are, but it's definitely much more than anything she's encountered Okarun doing.
She drop kicks Vamola
Jiji's thing is "potential." He is a prodigy with chi training, but he's also a peaceful sort, so he's not really learning how to fight beyond blasting at people. His beam spam will get more impressive, but he's not going to be a capable combatant until he manages to overcome Evil Eye, and that's probably late game stuff. No promises that he'll be as more capable than Evil Eye running wild, anyway.
By that time Okarun will be back on his feet and probably have another powerup in his pocket.
Man that power is fucking rough
I said what I said. Momo's a fighter. That and Vamola was their enemy like minutes ago.
Momo’s a fighter
And Okarun’s a cuck
Raidou Kuzunoha expy.
Tatsu's creature design in general is pretty good.
running at 100km per minute and turning into lightning energy
Devil Eye / Jiji
Ki Power and super strength
Acro Silky / Aira
Super duper olympical level Gymnastics and hair control
Global destruction with gravity control
Shockwave blasts and can fly
Psychokinesis and can break dimensions
Super Strength, Transparency, Size Enhancement
Full control over an entire Battallion of Pygmies (Can stitch everything they want to any surface)
I hope okarun have a training arc with the army and zuma, just so we can see them again
her cuddling up on Gigi and calling him amazing isn't really a misunderstanding like it is when Okarun gets harrassed by the mean girl or awkwardly proposed to by the clueless alien (both of which he had no affection or interest towards). I think Momo clearly likes Okarun way more, but she appears to like Gigi at least a little bit.
Is she a cuckquean?
Should be enough episodes for jiji arc to end the show on a big fight.
you mean jiji
She wants to shove her tongue down his throat right after the confession.
She can't accept the superior girl embracing Okarun with all of her heart.
no argument
Not in a relationship? Not cheating/NTR.
If something happens again, it will be cheating. Simple as. It's why Momo said it at that point and not beforehand.
It'll probably end at the end of the worm arc and beginning of the evil eye one.
Kinda funny how the next episode name just spoils the end of the episode since that shit will happen only in the last seconds of it But i guess episode 7 name also spoils the last line Aira says so its par for the course.
The preview looked mediocre compared to the manga though (pic related), thats the problem of adapting the work of great mangaka, your stuff will always be 2nd place compared to the og.
Lemme think real quick
Cour 1 ends with chapter 31
Cour 2 would end in...61? Thats where evil eye gets btfo by okarun
she complimented him
So what? Are you retarded?
snuggled up in arms
She's sitting, not even facing him, and sleeping. That was the whole point: her finally being able to sleep. Jiji was supposed to put his arms over her ears; it's not her fault that Jiji fell asleep too. She didn't have malicious intentions.
As you tards like to say, it’s just misunderstandings.
half the episode wasted on retarded haremshit
Anon was right. Goddammit.
t. momo
I don't think she had malicious intentions either, I think she was just being affectionate with Gigi because she LIKES him, even if it's not as much as she likes Okarun. It's not like she was attached to Okarun at that point.
We know, Okarun.
Maybe he has aluminum foil implanted in his skull?
I loved the new chapter, kouki is literally me.
Jiji took advantage of Momo being cursed.
Okarun is okay with letting Momo drop kick other girls interested in him, but she cuddles her old crush and he says nothing? And he’s not a cuck? “Erm ackshually…” Actually they’re not dating now. So Okarun fucking Aira would be fine in according to you
Whats next for Tanjiro?
Can the pygmies seal back a hymen?
gets hated for being so cute.
I'm such a happy cuck!
Momo's feelings towards Aira are complicated.
surprised I haven't seen an image of Jiji wearing a beret in these threads yet
Okarun is okay with letting Momo drop kick other girls interested in him
Momo was justified there because Vamola was an enemy minutes beforehand.
Actually they’re not dating now.
Momo thinks they are.
I bet you really wanted an excuse to say that and boy that's a very bad one.
Same desu, annoying and forced character
The OG meme is forgotten
but enough about kinta
We're only getting 12 episodes for now. Supposedly the second cour is in the summer of '25, but that's just a rumor.
but enough about momo
I hate her because now the show's just going to be about multiple women chasing the fucking nerd with haremshit hijinks. So fucking stupid.
you nigger, kouki is pure
Aira is kinda gay with how she blushes over Momo at the end of Serpo arc.
Yes. That’s why she was upset. Because Vamola was an enemy! You people are such a fucking joke.
Well you better blame Momo for existing then.
Can't prove me wrong, cope. She called Vamola an intruder on her property(true) who was mouth raping her man(true).
*for being a shit and an irrelevant character
total pinkshit death
So what? Similarly happens to Momo, then.
It's just a group of silly teenagers being teenagers.
he's going to break these threads once he shows up in the anime, and that's a damned shame because he's a good character
Or, or, why not the other characters hook up with each other instead of this retarded unrequited love shit eating up the screen time?
you think people don't hate Jiji?
Yeah he's gonna attract a lot of shit he doesn't deserve.
she looked prettier with the emo hair tbdesu
Best hope we get to this part in the anime this season.
it's a romcom, the main pairings get jealous of each other, I dunno why this is such a huge deal.
Modern Anon Babble is just mindbroken by NTR
Ending on the anatomy models, with EE appearing as a stinger is more likely.
Which they obviously will, eventually.
instead of this retarded unrequited love shit eating up the screen time?
eating up the screen time
on a manga which has comedy from his character interactions as its selling point
Yes, and they're equally dumb. What's your point?
Weve got four episodes left, my friend, were going to barely get into Evil Eye before it ends.
See this is how you know this is NTRslop because you people always end up making absurd arguments like this that everyone can see are wrong.
Clearly she’s mad because Vamola is an enemy here! Kinta and Momo are blushing because they see an enemy! That’s the obvious interpretation!
I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing wrong with enjoying how your man pounds a pink stacy, even better if you can watch.
no he’s an unfunny retarded pussy. The only good thing he does is cuck Okarun
it's the cuck blush
on a manga which has comedy from his character interactions as its selling point
It's not funny though
do you post lewd photos of yourself online?
See this is how you know this is NTRslop because you people always end up making absurd arguments like this that everyone can see are wrong
And when ESLs make retarded generalizations like this when they're floundering in an argument, they know they're wrong.
And there's no point in bringing up Kinta when he's a sperg.
Momo was justified for kicking Vamola, an intruder, regardless of her jealousy. Cope.
yes... i felt called out in those chapters kek
The point is not the violence, retard the point is that she’s territorial over Okarun and he allows it but also allows her to cuddle her childhood crush. Try to keep up. Your tiny brain is reaching its limit.
YABBAposting is the current cuck meme template
I like him because.....HE WAS LE NICE TO ME
I like him because he has the same name as the celebrity I want to fuck
Momo likes him because he listened to her little sob story and genuinely seemed sensitive it and real with her in the first episode.
I like his strong genes. I want my children to have them.
she was friendly with him, willing to risk her life to get his dick back, going doki-doki and blushing BEFORE he even said his real name
Airacucks, not looking good...
I like him because he risked his life to save mine, has supernatural powers, is competent, isn't ugly and has esoteric knowledge in a field that I know nothing about
also, the suspension bridge effect is kicking things off
It's not that tough to figure out.
So the message of this show is that we should respect whores?
Total Aira impregnation.
Momo Okarun and Jiji are the only important characters in the series.
She likes him because they have shared interests in the occult and is able to banter with her and argue back even in the earliest episodes. Plus he has Grandma's approval which means a lot to Momo since she's her only family. Oh and the part where they're essentially teenage superheroes working together, have you ever known a capeshitter who doesn't fuck their own teammates?
I like him...because he is a nice demon!
Not that much better.
The truth wrecking momofags. Dont forget she goes gushy for delinquent types and she was wet during the tiny momo arc.
SeeWet for Okarun, she was thinking about him the whole time.
Alien telling you you have a nice cock
God damn, everything is Sonic.
Seems like some kind of modified bodyweight squat. The weights on the wrists add just a bit of resistance. Form is definitely weird looking though and one you'd have to avoid swinging the weight too much to get maximum effect.
I like him because he has golden balls
He is also a demon, which makes him a monster boy, making him insanely attractive to woman, as they want to get fucked by monsters.
Just like we want to fuck montergirls
dumb peanut
Blushing because he said a quote from the celebrity she wants to fuck
I remember thinking all the cryptid monsters of the week were going to be cryptid + japanese thing (like the flatwoods monster + a sumo or nessie + godzilla) but IIRC that pattern fell off with monster of the week mostly ending
This was the first halfway decent episode since episode 1. Aira >>> Momo. Although neither of them should be interested in the grass eater self insert for losers MC. Jiji should fuck both whoever that is.
So, now it's not just because he has the same name?
The celebrity is dead. Yeah, she definitely has a type, and she actually shares a genuine connection with Okarun, unlike the pink slut who is just generic and retarded animu shit tropes
We're gonna get the whole fight next episode, right? I remember there's a decent amount to it but I think they should be able to get through it with a full episode of focus.
Probably end with either the ALL OUT ending it or with them all being naked in the halls
Then I wonder if they'll actually drag out the aftermath stuff for Episode 10. The cow abduction is such an iconic bit for the series at this point with how much it's shown in the OP and on the poster and whatnot. Probably end it with Jiji showing up.
We'd have 2 episodes of the Jiji intro/anatomy model arc in that case though, which feels slow. Unless we really do just end right as they reach his house or something.
How did they get Nisio in this?
Flatwood monster. It's related with alien shit. Like other anon said Japan loves it and it was even on Zelda majora mask.
Peanut aira is always fun
Why is the Flatwood monster in Japan?
We're gonna get the whole fight next episode, right?
No, the series has been adapting 3 chapters per episode since episode 3, tomorrow we will get
There is zero chance of them managing to cover the whole fight in one episode.
It will in fact be like ep7, where they finished the fight at the beginning of the episode, then we get the other 2 chapters with the fall out of it.
Jiji isn't even in Tatsu's favorite 5 characters list lmao
Japan loves Flatwoods-kun for some reason. They have for some time. Guess they just think it's a striking design.
I want more of these very obscure mystery shit.
Do yokai count as demons? Or would it have to explicitly be some shit from the Ars Goetia to qualify
she will smile to another male and laugh at his jokes
I'd argue only things from Jigoku/Naraku/Hell count as demons
Good. The loser deserves it after today's episode.
If she’s laughing at Jiji’s jokes you know she likes him because no one could genuinely find them funny.
Momo impregnation
I liked when he turned into a muppet and Vamola imitated him after the globalist arc. That was pretty funny.
Feels like I got baited into watching the anime. Jiji was all in the trailers and intros but will only be in like 2 episodes for the season.
mandatory NTRman bait
by Jiji-san
Based and true
i wonder if he did Darkness Devil
she slept with another man
holy dropped
It's true when you think about it. Jiji should've left her after she fell asleep.
Did they really choose a musical act for the OP just cause they were called "Creepy Nuts"?
I love them so much
same group has done other anime themes too
they did the theme for that banana-tits vampire girl anime last year
cute and retarded
Child gets kidnapped
You know by name who did it and how to find them because you owe them money
Don't report them, so your child is doomed to a life as a yakuza sex slave
Instead throw yourself off a building
Dumbest yokai?
They show up in Wild Arms too, as high level super enemies to grind against for end game and optional stuff.
Why are some of you retards calling Jiji "Gigi"?
yeah they were everywhere back in the day
/DBS/ leftover brainrot.
For the same reason jiiiiiii~ gets translated as G-G-G in SZS.
Forced sadporn and shockvalue
Woman moment
Yakuza don't just give out their names like that. If they gave themselves away that easily it'd be retarded.
Too many different fandoms overlapping, some of them have to be cut for the sake of the work's consistency.
I will not buy an anime figure
I will not buy an anime figure
I will not buy an anime figure
Yakuza also don't kidnap Japanese children over the cost of a single fucking child's outfit, especially when they've already taken most of the money back. FFS.
Also, even if it's not their real name, you have a way to identify them and track them down.
If they gave themselves away that easily it'd be retarded.
Yeah, heaven forbid they do something stupid like get tattoos up and down their body so they'd be easily recognizable or something.
Stay mad, hater. Real gigachads like Okarun don't mind the fact that their girl slept with other guys before them.
So do demons exist in this world or is she the only one whose occult beliefs are actually fake?
The series establishes tulpas are real and some of the other school yokai are definitely egregores or tsukumogami, so demons should exist as artificial spiritual beings at the very least.
This and the Hayashi performers are some of the moments I can't wait to see animated.
Which ayy do you most want to show in Dandadan?
japan has this retarded misconception about squats for some reason.
it shows up from time to time, like in one punch man.
Disregard aliens, acquire black-eyed children.
momo is for loving aira is for fucking
I'd say Indrid Cold but I guess you can say the Serpoians basically already cover his niche for the most part.
Is this series just going to introduce a new character, give them power, do nothing with them and then repeat?
Wendigos are pretty metal. Depending on the version there's also El chupacabras, and La Llorona which is vaguely like Silky except her kids drowned.
I was so disappointed when they found out chupacabras were just a breed of mange-covered wild dogs
I feel like the big ones missing are
little green man
hopkinsville goblin
reptilians/lizard man
The rest would be nice but a bit more obscure.
Would the fanbase be happy or mad if Jiji and Aira start dating?
Considering their (aira and jiji) introduction already dropped sales an outright dating would be a cancel worthy event.
People dont like old shoujo teasing anymore, insecurity is through the roof with the youth, much less when its confirmed by the author.
Don't forget the part when the new character gets pushed into one of the deuteragonists to make the other one jealous (the so-called NTRbait) followed by said characters or the enemy soppy backstory and you get the entire 175-chapter-long run of the series, pretty much, yes.
Why would they be mad?
I'm cool with it but it would feel a little too obvious
[vacuum blowjob SFX]
i don't know what alien you would associate it with but it would be fun if tatsu referenced the medieval germany ufo accounts.
before them
well he remembered the count of saint germain so it wouldn't surprise me
Come on, look at her
People dont like old shoujo teasing anymore, insecurity is through the roof with the youth, much less when its confirmed by the author.
Will Dandadan be the last of it's kind? Love triangles are pretty much a guaranteed way to piss off a good portion of your fanbase, and I don't see why any future authors would ever want to try risking it with one.
Those sluts definitely engage in enkou.
one of the 200 from Genesis 6
I’d laugh my ass off if Kinta gets possessed by some Ultraman-like alien later in the manga.
man that's retarded
This momo looks like the kind of poorly drawn anime girl someone would doodle in their school notebook while bored during classes.
Assuming it was a Xolo those things look like aliens even without mange.
No way fag
You can still sell it but you have to be upfront about it, like harem for boys or "reverse harems" for girls, or "everyone is an asshole" initial chapter.
People are just tired of having their "expectations subverted", so when chapter one through 15 sells you on a romance story between two characters, they dont want the "exciting" twist of a love rival.
Because there hasn’t been any setup for them getting together, plus female readers that self insert as Momo prefer Jiji over Okarun.
Just imagine if this absolute unit would get more power than he already has?
He would shatter the world with his very presence.
What a guy.
I'm still laughing at the fact they included this man
For the aliens, you gotta go with the classic green one with giant black eyes
For the cryptids, you gotta go with bigfoot
But they're both good, kind girls
Most of the fanbase wants them together anyway to get out of the love triangle garbage, so I don't think they'd mind that much.
Hey Takakure-sama, want to have lots of unprotected kissing with me and let me confess my love to you over and over until you're free of that demonic skank Momo's grasp?
We finished up ch 175 on Monday. The gang is either complete, or near complete. We have two leads, seven major characters (including Aira) and some satellite characters/mentors/informed adults.
The major characters rotate in and out of the spotlight. But after Aira, each one that joins the gang either gets an arc about them, or shares a long arc with another one being introduced.
If you see people meme-ing about Zuma, it's because he was the focus of a lengthy arc, but doesn't seem to be joining the gang. So it seems like we wasted a lot of time on him and he may not be relevant again for a fair amount of time.Though it wrapped up the "missing balls" storyline and introduced what might be the ongoing villain for a while.
The NTR posting has been absolute delusional schizo level these days.
Yea its basically the same character structure for something like one piece when they introduce a future strawhat, also dragon ball with the villains changing to the good guys after they were defeated
They got bored of Decuck posting so they moved on here. Truly horrific timing that JJK and MHA ended right around the time the anime came out
Yeah. People are coping hard that this isn’t NTRslop. Delusional and sad.
Greys got a little representation with the Kurs leader's battle suit.
Blame Tatsu too, bitch still throwing them bones
I love it when SMT touches on cryptids/urban legend shit.
I love the hopkinsville goblins, I hope they get at least a small appearance. When I was in middle school I checked a UFO book out once that had a whole chapter on those and that was definitely my favorite encounter listed in the book. Nothing like drunk rural Kentucky rednecks freaking and repeatedly shooting the shit out of some little metallic-bodied goblins to no effect.
Would you be mad if Tatsu started introducing Yuri couples?
Fairies soon
Exhibit A if someone who can’t cope with the fact that they are reading NTRslop
There's a heavy shoujo element to DDD which includes a lot of rom com style elements like misunderstandings and miscommunications about feelings. I think his editor gave him like 200 shoujo mangas to read to get some inspiration for the writing style when he got started. So i guess a lot of people aren't really used to these really typical romcom misunderstandings and get confused by it and assume it's NTR
Aira hasn’t flirted with Okarun in years, it has died down a lot compared to the start of the series, so that love triangle feels dead already. Jiji will leave Momo alone once she publicly claims Okarun, it’s just being stalled right now for the sake of the plot.
The japanese literally do that
come to Anon Babble to talk after watching the episode
Anon Babble hated it
what the fuck
I liked it
definitely wasn't one of the stronger episodes though. the next one should be better.
let's be honest, if YOU were in Okarun's place there's NO way you'd have gone
to Aira when she tried to kiss you
Are you ignoring all their interactions at last arc? Aira still wants to fuck him
Has it ever not been delusional schizo babble?
The mangaka literally read 100 shoujo manga to make this.
Not as deranged like these days
in years
Bro she was all over him at the beginning of this arc, like 5 chapters ago the fuck are you on about.
I would. Momo>>>>>
i dunno man, momo's just too goddamned cute
Read the fucking pycmies again you filthy pajeet
This. Momo could suck Jiji’s dick right now and it still wouldn’t be NTR. They’re not together yet so it can’t be NTR. Besides, it’s not NTR if Okarun isn’t bothered by it which he’s not because he’s a gigachad unlike you NTR pushing haters.
that's nice and all but remember that you're a 16 year old virgin nerd. It'd be LITERALLY impossible to deny the advances of a cute girl
Okarun never properly rejected Aira, he refused the kiss but covered it up with
you are confused
Excuse, unlike with Vamola.
While we can tell its not going anywhere, i want a proper rejection of Aira's feelings so Okarun can get with Momo without any lingering harem stuff.
the rich mean girl got everything she knows about romance and relationships from watching her dad's porn collection
was not expecting that, ngl
No it wouldn't, especially if I remember how much of a schizo she is. I'm horny but not stupid.
That's fucking spooky.
Momofat moment
when I was catching up on the manga this week I laughed pretty hard when I got to that first page his face appeared.
proper rejected
Yes he did nigga. In this fucking episode
Disappointed, but that makes sense. Was hoping it'd be some sort of reptile or something.
Gambino reference
Maybe those niggers had a point.
Get your pills schizo
Since when did NTR become anime bogeyman anyway. When was the last time it happened outside of porn. Anime relationships are pretty simple, while love triangles can be annoying, you usually know exactly who ends up with who in the end.
Then again I suppose I don't consume much Seinen or Josei, so maybe there.
Read all of his lines, and you will see there isnt a single one saying
i dont want to go out with you
He evaded the question hard because she didnt phrase it probably either, obviously as a way to keep the "romance" stuff still open.
Eh all the faggots I see hating this episode they hate Aira. So an episode exploring her character makes them upset. It was fine, kinda hated the CGI Nessie though
I personally will be very happy, those pink retards are both made for eachothers. I literally can't think of a more fitting pairing, both appearance and personality wise
at that age every healthy boy is controlled by their dick
aliens get so distracted by magic genitals that they forgot the primary purpose of showing up to the planet in the first place was to reestablish sexual reproduction
a thing which doesn't require magic genitals
in fact they could literally just raid a morgue
Does cloning make you dumb?
they are still creepy looking though if it's any consolation. like the other anon said, those xolo dogs already sort of look like aliens even without the mange.
Fumbling autism prevails over all else.
I would, since I prefer Momo and I wouldn't want to jeopardize my relationship with her.
Of course
Momo doesn't say his real fucking name
Momo isn't his girlfriend
He is a kissless virgin with a cute retard that wants to kiss him and Aira doesn't know shit about relationships
You need to be a massive faggot to save yourself for a girl that is just your friend.
I'm still mad about the missed opportunity for Vamola to confess to Momo because she was repeating Okarun saying he loved her.
shout of to Ningen
does everyone else at the school just look at vamola with her antennae and think nothing of it?
If Sant germain doesnt begin to hunt Rin powers i wil start to questioning his methods. Rin powers are more powerfull than momo
I never really liked the whole battles happen in another dimension thing. I get why it has to be done to make the writing easier but what's the point of monster rampaging when it doesn't effect anything? Is it explained more later?
it's definitely a cop-out but tatsu wouldn't really be able to have these huge over the top battles if the manga didn't have it.
damn, Momo looks so sexy in her maid uniform.
You're right. Which makes sense, killing the drama so early would be a mistake
Murderer behind the crab yokai never caught
Acrobatic Silky's daughter's kidnapper never dealt with
Subterranean slinks away from the murder cult and is never seen again
one of the invading aliens slinks away from the attacking fleet and is never seen again
card face yokai slinks away after being maimed and having its power stolen
I see where this is going
I'm really starting to think that Dandadan is just a Shin megami tensei world kek. All these entities are just made by human observation and have copies of themselves.
Momo sells her body to thugs in back alleys.
Maybe singing isn’t his strong suit.
All these entities are just made by human observation
The series has already established humans can make entities with the musicians, but I think "all of them" being made that way would be a stretch
the vegas aliens
One difficulty with that would be that she actually has Kawabanga hanging around to protect her so getting to her might be harder than the others.
whatever the fuck this thing was
these cute little guys
I wish I had my a mini Momo of my own
One difficulty with that would be that she actually has Kawabanga hanging around to protect her so getting to her might be harder than the others.
He already stole the ability to take mouths so he can negate her power
This shit looks fake as fuck
Murderers behind the crab yokai never caught
Acrobatic Silky's daughter's kidnapper never dealt with
that's kind of a theme of japanese ghost stories in general.
I guess the idea is that if the wrongdoer got their comeuppance, there would be nothing holding the ghost to the world of the living any more. It does make it more tragic that in death they get the power to wreak justice they never could in life but are doomed to never cross paths with anyone but innocent victims
AI generated?
Isn't La Llorona closer to a youkai than a cryptid?
I'm not this far yet but please tell me Okarun has to hide her in a chest pocket and then she gets flustered hearing his heartbeat
Yeah, speaking narrative-wise it makes sense, but its a bit pointless since we know Okarun is all about Momo, so we know that goes nowhere and its ultimately used as a comic relief, unlike with Momo and Jiji, where while we know Momo is also super into Okarun, they keep making bait scenes with Jiji not played for laughs, which have far more basis thanks to the possibility of lingering feelings from her first crush than any of the Aira teasing does, since you can attribute to that the classic "awkward teen reacts to cute female anything" idea.
Personally i just want the writer to have a proper rejection to both of them already so both can move on as characters and get new relation stuff to them.
If I were in Okarun's place (at my high school years and in love with another girl and without a kiss on the cheek greeting culture), I would have stopped her kiss.
DanDaDan is peak fiction.
Thats a very cute idea.
Anyone know the name of the purple thing?
that hood
Cmon anon, Okarun already told you, weird collar thing = Flatwoods monster.
I don't think that's a flatwoods monster...
Flatwoods monster was like 10 feet tall, red, had no mouth, and had talons for arms.
If Okarun rejects Aira who is he supposed to get with when Momo and Jiji start dating?
that's just a hood nigger
the Slime Monster from Ghostwriter that traumatized a bunch of kids for some reason
Nobody. Okarun is an alien in disguise that lost his memory.
I'll give you a hint
Why do you think Okarun got a fitness buff?
Most people automatically rationalize weird shit and everyone 'special' at the school has already gotten roped into the dandagang
Vamola has a pretty cool kaiju suit, wonder how heavy it is and how much it costs
So are Cryptids part of the Local/Yokai gang that inhabit the earth, are they part of the Aliens, or are they something else entirely?
Only Okarun keeps clearing up the misunderstandings to Momo and the reader. We even know for sure Okarun likes Momo. But there is literally still 0 confirmations from Momo actually liking Okarun. Even if Okarun properly confesses in the next chapters, Momo still calling him Okarun would be weird. Expect them to break up, grow out of it, and have more romcom bullshit.
I'll laugh so hard if Tatsu pulls a final fantasy protagonist twist out of his ass for Okarun.
You can almost always immediately tell a girl with p*nk hair is going to be the worst of the worstest girl with mathematical precision, but that's not the case with Aira even though she insists on being a homewrecker. What gives? What's different about her?
the Xitter nignog tourist with the best reading/storytelling comprehension
What a fucking mongoloid you are.
Aira is utter garbage though? what are you talking about?
But there is literally still 0 confirmations from Momo actually liking Okarun
My brother in Christ are we reading the same series?
I swear she had one?
You can almost always immediately tell a girl with p*nk hair is going to be the worst of the worstest girl with mathematical precision
Name 5.
for some reason this image of this little figure just made me reaalize why Momo's design pushes so many of the right buttons for me.
Far left
Yes, that's why I said her still calling him Okarun would be weird.
At the end of Episode 1, she said she lost her phone in the explosion
Okarun would be weird.
Why? It's a name that has meaning for her and calling him Ken would still probably make her weird and shit, maybe even horny, I bet she would call him that during sex.
She wants to record it so she can laugh at it later with Jiji
Disagree. I think it's cute. She came up with that nickname for him; it's something exclusive to them, something that exists only between the two of them. Lovers have their own little nicknames, you know?
exclusive to them
And Jiji
To me it seems like she doesn't really care that much and that she's a whore who thinks relationships are just for fun. We know that Okarun clearly stated his feelings for Momo with Vamola. So we the reader have confirmation there. With Momo, nothing. It feels like shit writing to me, but maybe a lot of people won't care if he isn't called by his first name in a relationship.
I'm up to date with the manga and she's clearly not.
it's a romcom, the main pairings get jealous of each other, I dunno why this is such a huge deal.
Fucking where? That's my point. It's all a waste of time. We know Momo and Okarun are ending up together. It's just spinning its fucking wheels with filler. What we don't know is if any of the other characters are getting together, like Jiji and Aira. They should. But instead of developing that they're wasting fucking time with this love triangle slop.
Most NTRfags don't actually expect NTR in anime, because no sane anime is going to suddenly full tilt into being an NTR doujin where the MC has to watch his love interest get fucked in front of him. They're just used to normally watching self-insert isekai slop where the world revolves around the MC, all the women fall for MC, and every other male character is a 1-dimensional strawman used to make MC look better. It's the type of story that caters to their insecurity and grows it, which is why they get whiplash when they watch a normal story with a normal cast that includes male secondary characters. Love triangles are a reminder of competitions they know they'd never win IRL, which makes them seethe uncontrollably and go full tilt into NTR-posting as a way to cope, by convincing themselves the MC would end up just like they would in the same scenario.
the plural was in reference to the genre as a whole, dummie. pairings in romcom manga (plural) tend to do get jealous of each other
and if they just ended all the romantic tension quickly, then that would kill one of the main draws of the series and hurt its longevity, obviously.
Self inserters deserve the rope. In their minds it's NTR because they've decided what girl they like and get possessive regardless of what happens in the manga/anime plot
Aira haremslopping Okarun and Jiji bait with Momo is not a main draw. It's just nonsense people tolerate for the parts they do like.
Only 5
S*kura Har*no
Zero two
Ur*ka (shared with Fumino, though that series contains one of the few exceptions)
M*mo Deviluke
N*no (yes, she's the pinkest one unless you argue Ichika, who's also shit)
Fr*ya and her sister from Redo of Healer
Etc etc etc. It's quite the track record.
Not him but you're fucking retarded. We have seen countless instances of Momo caring deeply about Okarun, getting jealous, extremely flustered by him, even dreaming, melting, and getting wet over a confession.
b-but she doesn't confess back!1
Retard, it has been explicitly stated many times that Momo can't articulate her true feelings, which is a major character flaw that she must overcome.
People who unironically enjoy NTRslop are far more deserving of a slow slitting of their throats than ANY self inserter has in the history of humanity. They're the only subhumans more deserving of getting their craniums stomped than people who only watch capeshit.
So much this we Okarunchads would never say anything if we saw our girl sleeping with another guy. We’re not insecure like these incels
In their minds it's NTR
This is all there is to it really. You can't call something NTR if the literal plot to an NTR work isn't happening, you're just drawing up bullshit in your mind. It's hard for me to believe there's actually masses of people who think like this. Some NTR posters probably aren't even actual NTR fags but just using it to turn off people from a series they hate since people are paranoid of it.
So is acro silky ok, then? Or does Aira only have her power and the actually spirit is somewhere else?
She works at a maid cafe, and knows how to pretend. I read 101 romance manga and can clearly see Yokinonu Tatsu is a retard. But maybe it's his old fart brain so I don't blame him.
Acro silky crumbled away into dust
Or does Aira only have her power and the actually spirit is somewhere else?
The latter. The anime doesn't make it as clear as the manga, but functionally speaking the spirit itself is deader than dead and can't really come back as a separate entity the way say, turbo baba can.
If you find yourself competing to be chosen in a “love triangle” in real life you are a cuck.
Pretend to feel shit you don't toward strangers =/= Expose your true, most intimate feelings to someone you love
I'm speaking from personal experience here, I could never confess my feelings to the girl who liked me in high school because I was a pussy.
Hell, you need look no further than Jiji. He shares the same flaw as Momo. In his case, he’s already working to overcome it.
If you want to talk about Tatsu and his writing, See this anon's post >if they just ended all the romantic tension quickly, then that would kill one of the main draws of the series and hurt its longevity
Competition = Cuck
The race started and you immediately decided you lost. The only person cucking another here is you to yourself.
Competition and love triangles are not the same thing. Nobody with any self respect would participate in a love triangle. You’ll learn more about it when you leave the basement
if your girl talks to another guy with that much confidence that makes you a cuck.
Competition and love triangles are not the same thing.
Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night buddy.
You’re either a permavirgin or a cuck I’m afraid
There's more to their plan. If you think about it, if a single source of healthy female genitalia were enough, all they'd have to do is NOT go after the girl with super powers and her ghostboy bodyguard.
They ignored an entire school full of healthy girls, only pulling into their subspace, the people who could actually fight back.
Have you seen the faculty?
An autistic foreign girl with a strange headband is something your eyes gloss over, eventually.
Momo has inter dimensional reach, it's entirely possible that she's only going to grow stronger (shortest estimate for in-universe time is under 2 months) and ch1 cosmic Momo seemed pretty invincible.
It's definitely adjacent to like... Persona.
But I wouldn't pull collective unconsciousness out for the series, just yet.
That's Craig, and he owes me a bag of oranges.