
5 minolin threads in a row

no response from amifags

Where did they all go?

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amifags are dead, not big soup rice
also KLK for the main show pls

5 minori threads

They're all dead as fuck and die in a few hours

also KLK for the main show pls

I want this too, itd be awesome. I wanted it last year for the tenth anniversary.

Ami is too refined for zoomers, a majority of who first watched toradora in the last 5 years.

We need Flamwenco

cope all you want it's ami's year this year

For me it's when Ami makes her disgusting mayo sandwhich and they play the melancholic music

Toradora is the main show

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you know what I mean you pedantic little fuck

What's the over under on this year's prestream and mainstream being shit.


perfect because that's all i can stay awake for



prestream is confirmed kino
mainstream will probably have some good shows but only airing at 4:30am so noone can watch them

If you think Ami is best girl, there's no reason whatsoever to root for her in the Ryuujibowl. By all means, she's jealous of Taiga. But she wins by yielding to her and dodging a bullet. Ami can't sate Ryuuji's pathological desire to take care of someone and by the last episode, his target has simply shifted from Yasuko to Taiga. She's right up his alley because it's just another ass to wipe. Win-win. If you want to stretch it, Ami's simply too good for him.

This is a very well thought out take, but it could be flipped the other way around. By that I mean Ami is such a cold, distant bitch she deserves no care.

It's a boyfriend's job to lick his girlfriend's ass clean.

Reminder that Ami has a gigantic, unkempt blue bush

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Also, she clearly understands that Taiga needs someone in her life to rely on. Ami throws hints at Ryuuji along the way, but all the while his mind is preoccupied with Minori and Taiga. She accepts there's no room for her in the picture, so she has the good grace to bow out and put aside what she wants for Taiga's sake and can hold her head high. By doing this, she also puts Ryuuji first. Because she knows that what's best is to let him go so that he and Taiga can depend on one another which is mutual fulfillment. So if this selflessness doesn't make Ami best girl, I don't know what does. Well, aside from the plethora of other reasons lol

and that's part of the reason why she's best girl

What have you done to earn Santa's grace this year Anon?

I promised god id stop fapping to femboys and traps.

secret secret secret stream chud here. good news, this is the current lineup:

X (2001)
Death Note
True Tears
One Outs

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is death note being on main stream like how ichigo marshmallow was shared between pre and main last year?

Now post the Siesta scat image.

even tho thats not canon

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Kill la kill, not so good.

which episode?

realistically who would've won the ryuujibowl if autistic japanese "I can't say directly what I want/feel because I'm culturally cucked"?

I guess it would become a question of who fell for him first. It's been years since I watched TRDR so I can't remember.

if autistic japanese

if not for** autistic japanese, god I can't write today

Does anyone unironically like this character? I have a hard time believing it

No, I love her

the stream should feature dolls

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I love genki, tomboy girls. I also am attracted and want to untangle the other side of her personality.

I swear Rozen Maiden was in the lineup one year.

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Toradora x Clannad double feature when?

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My tears can only flow one way, anon, be reasonable.

You just know she's thinking about the nation

I've started watching Toradora, and the only release I could find had the OVAs and the special episode has delayed subtitles.

She wont let the Minorination down this year.

minorination will be invaded in 10 days and its leader executed for her crimes against better girls

mfw toradora time is in like 8 days


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why is the sora uto thread bussling and toradora is dead? that stream is still 2 months away

Someone invited the wrong person to the Toradora fandom.

How much of melli do you think you can watch this year? I think I might be able to do 80% this year since the forth block starts at my bedtime.

I cleared my schedule. I'm even coming back from Thanksgiving break a day early to be with you fags on opening night.

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I lurk the stream all day for chats and listening to the music that gets posted, I watch all of pre stream aside from a break during a show or two ive already seen too recently, and I watch melli for toradora plus 3 more shows after that so I can go to bed at 2:30-3:00amish.

I could never stay up for all of melli christ no. Even staying up till 3am stresses me out and makes me feel awful.

thats pretty cool, what release is that?

Awesome stuff anon.




Thank you Google for your services.

Hakata Ramen.

Any rumors of the lineup?

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kill la kill and ping pong were basically confirmed

thank you anon, Ill try it out in my next toradora rewatch

what is everyone doing to pass the time till melli? anyone else abstaining from anime for the month?

Ahhh it's that time of year again. I wonder what sorts of quirky new shows we'll see this Christmas.
I made sure to take a vacation week off this December so I can have more time with you fags.

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RM should just replace Toradora.

I'm changing my sleep schedule to be able to watch melli without losing sleep time.

You're welcome. Sorry for not replying sooner.

Can we watch Kino's Journey (potato version)?

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If Sakurasou can be brought back in 2021, I'm holding out for Kyouka-sama's triumphant return


the parrot carried this show

Finishing classes and clearing time to fully enjoy the season.

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uhhh taiga-bros? minori-bros? ami-bros?

That would be just too kino.

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the best part of Toradora was when Minollin said “IT’S TISM’ TIME” and tism'd all over Ami

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She's lots of fun, and I've enjoyed the only yuribait scene from her I watched. I'm sure the baseball episode will be a blast.