In retrospect...

In retrospect, was the reveal that the world kept going beyond Paradis island and subsequent plot good or is it aot's jump the shark moment?

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The jump the shark moment was Eren turning into a titan.

the world kept going beyond Paradis island […] good


subsequent plot good

Could be better

There's no shark jump, SnK is good from start to finish

It's a good twist, and the Declaration of War is an incredible moment.

The issue is Isayama completely fumbles it because he wants us to go back to the old characters when he already made the right decision in allowing them to be redefined as distant, slightly terrfiying antagonistic figures.
Reiner and Falco as different foils to Eren are the perfect protagonists for the final arc. You know enough about the perspectives of all three as different aspects of the same conflict which sets up the eventual clash nicely.

Isayama had the opportunity to a perfect "villains on both sides" story where instead of just having two factions battle eachother and following both, you completely reboot the story and frame everything from a different angle.
Instead we get something clumsy, sidelining Reiner and Falco so we can go through mediocre arcs with Armin and Mikasa - even this is unforgivable because if we absolutely HAD to go back to Paradis, Jean or Connie would have been better protagonists.

It's all just so clumsy. So much work to create a great premise and then it's all dropped in favour of settling back to Levi plot armor and Arminwank, and for the sake of what? To do a massive character assassination on Eren. It's all terrible and the genre switch is absolutely not the problem, that part had potential and then it all fell to pieces when the author gets all his comfort characters back.

I agree overall, but

Jean or Connie would have been better protagonists


The notNazi germany reveal was retarded but AoT at that point has been retarded too it kinda like the straw that broke the camels back

good twist

How is it a twist when it was already revealed by ymir

SnKiddies misuse terms all the time
First-time on Anon Babble??

Ah I didn't frequent /snk/ to know that

Ending aside, the basement was the single greatest plot twist ever pulled off

The village movie must be a masterpiece to you

Twiiist and foorshadowing

aot's jump the shark moment?

that's when Eren turns into a titan

Exactly, so it's not a complete asspull. The mystery was moreabout the scope of outer humanity, and their relations with island inhabitans.


You could deduce the twist the second Eren became a shifter. It's even more obvious once you see Annie's father.

It was good. It led to marley arc which was one of the best arcs in shonen history.
Isayama just had to stuck into yhat quality of writting, progressing the development of every single character in the natural way he set up and just deliver a simple and natural conclusion from it (either eren stopped at the start, a full genocide, an actually political ending , a “the day the earth stood still” rip off) and snk would’ve been in the same tier of FMA if not even higher.
Instead yams went full retard by retconning the whole manga in the very last 20 chapters, regressing every single characters, making mcu level of asspulls for the cast to a degree never happened before in the whole manga and than concluding it with one of the worst written final arcs in history.
Seriously sometimes i wonder if isayama went either went full self sabotage or got some kind of brain trauma in between the post-marley part (maybe falling from stairs like happened to Manzoni), and his last interviews seems to point on the latter considering what kind of retarded answers he is giving away

Post EH

Whats your favorite cuck trope /snk/?


the baitfags started posting once again

Can you retards stop posting?!
People would like to have an actual discussion here instead of the usual forced derailment

It went downhill from there because Isayama is incapable of writing anything like a good WW2 analogy. He was better at the survival/apocalypse aspect with Paradis being the last bastion in a destroyed ugly monster filled world, but it wouldn’t be necessarily awful to have other external factions existing in the same way. It turned stupid when the reveal was ‘well you see nazis exiled the magical Jews to monster island’.

I just wanted EH post

The winner.

I still remember the Horse Fanfic

Sasha deserved to be avenged and I'm still seething over it

Kek truee


I thought it was gripping stuff until it became clear that the Eldians caused all the problems. The whole series after Shiganshina is a temper tantrum by the people who were assholes to start with.

it was a bold move, too bad the ending sucked

Kill me

Falco is so lucky

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Wait, why is everybody saying Gabi is the winner?

she got away with everything and the dick of her choice. Fucking lucky bitch

got away with everything

Gets to live

Her parents survive and greet her

Her lover survives the titan curse

Her new friend Levi travels the world with her and Falco

Falco and Gabi are confirmed to live together happily ever after according to the recent Q&A

Gets away with literally everything

I just want to forget


Oh sick an SNK thread


Cute Hisu

All Hisus are cute Hisus

Yep correct

She has a cute and a unique design, too bad she didn't get much screen time