Was the 1st part the only decent thing that came out of this?

Was the 1st part the only decent thing that came out of this?
All this had to do was be about geopolitics, fighting, and fun character arcs. Why did it become about pacifism and muh evil pplz.

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Pretty sure it was the mangaka with the bad writing afterwards. Remembered one anon being very passionate about it when season 1 was airing.

Was the 1st part the only decent thing that came out of this?

I am surprised too, considering everyone was hyping it by saying:
"this is just the prologe!, just build up for the real story!".....
And then the "real" story was trash.

"End of the prologe"
Me being all excited
Turns out the prologe is the only quality thing lmao

Ironic isn't it?

With music, you often have songs with creative and cool intro's, that suddenly give way to some generic garbage where you just want to turn off.

With Vinland Saga, the intro is arguably less creative than the main story. But that's in the way that following a cooking recipe is less creative than setting the kitchen on fire.

Let's call it what it really was.
It was a clear bait and switch.

The show died with Askeladd, who was the real protagonist

the rest of the series is just following a psychopath who's too dumb to realize he misinterpreted his father's lessons and proceeds to bring misery to everyone around him while hiding behind pacifism

All this had to do was be about geopolitics, fighting, and FUN character arcs

Later VS is not even fun, it just feels like preaching.
I dont care if the begging was more shonen-y, it was fun, which later VS is not.


kung fu viking was never good

I think if Thorfinn's dad could have foreseen how his son would interpret, he probably would have chosen his words a bit differently

You have no enemies. There is no one that it's OK to hurt. A true warrior doesn't need a sword.

should probably have been more like

Always try to avoid violence whenever possible. Physical force is a last resort. Avoid killing people whenever possible but sometimes you will have to throw down to protect yourself and others.

but here we are

Why did it become about pacifism

Well because of this:

Thorfinn’s story was very personal to Yukimura. “He is like me,” Yukimura said. “When I was little, I was just an up-to-no-good, terrible kid. Angry all the time, and thank goodness I didn’t have a knife in my hands!” he continued, “Thorfinn reflects myself, and also the kind of person I aspire to be.”

He used to be an edgy kid like OP then he grew up.

“I was so determined to go in the direction of no wars, no fighting, to keep on going as far away from those things as possible…An outrageous direction to go! I feel grateful that people have observed my point of view, that to grow up is to become more compassionate.”

Wars are basically just when a bunch of hotheaded men get together to blow off steam

this quote alone tells you everything you need to know about the author

If you don't like the farming arc you should post again when you're 18.

being a slave is my penance for all the bad things I did

everybody died

let's go to america

it wasn't that interesting

Try reading the manga in whatever your native language is next time.

Already did
Didn't care for it
sorry faggot, get fucked

If thorfinn was truly a pacifist, he would go the canute route and change the vikings from within, you know, his OWN culture, instead of running away abandoning HIS people and closing his ears going lalala there is nothing wrong back there lalala.

or he could just kill himself because all he's ever done since "embracing pacifism" is bring misery and suffering to everyone around him

It was a clever bait orchestrated by a pacifist cuck manhacka.

character has a crazy idealized dream

is almost always unable to stick to this dream

dream always causes problems

woah...almost like...the manga is saying something...

It's telling to me, that he cares more about some random savages in some far away continent than his own people back in the old world, abandoning them to their fate.

He entrusted his own people to Canute. Did you pay any attention?

But you don't understand, ThEy cAnNoT bE cHaNgEd
Never mind that that sounds like a excuse to not try to work and intead go the easy route, which is to run away.

Hello zoom-zoom.

Thorfinn and Canute explicitly agreed that Canute would work to change the people who wish to remain vikings and Thorfinn would make a land for people who did not want to lead that kind of life. They are both working to help their own people.

It is basically a excuse
Canute should have punched that faggot for having to do his job.
He has to deal with the hard stuff with thorfinn has his hippy colony in lalaland.

Vinland Saga, along with Jormungand, are the two best series out there.

except that the manga itself and the author are not trying to say that Thorfinn is misguided. It glorifies his ultra-pacifism and puts the blame on others for just not being as enlightened as Thorfinn.
see >>“I was so determined to go in the direction of no wars, no fighting, to keep on going as far away from those things as possible…An outrageous direction to go! I feel grateful that people have observed my point of view, that to grow up is to become more compassionate.”
This is what the manga is saying
That is what it's trying to say to you

you think you're being clever by thinking it's deeper than that, but it isn't

heh, akshually the farm arc is just too intellectual for you...

No, it's just stupid


It glorifies his ultra-pacifism and puts the blame on others for just not being as enlightened as Thorfinn.

Yes that is part of the point. Is it not an objective truth that if everybody had Thorfinn's mindset the world would be a better place? This however is something that's literally impossible as the manga shows time and time again Thorfinn's complete commitment to this is a naive dream. The Vinland arc is just the culmination of all this because he FINALLY found his magic land where he can create peace forever but uh oh it turns out the natives are also just vindictive assholes who love war too.

Is it not an objective truth that if everybody had Thorfinn's mindset the world would be a better place?

The world would not be a better place if everyone was a sad-sack pacifist, no
If you think that, you're just as naive as the author

Even the guy who Thorfinn built his entire philosophy around, his father, still fought to protect himself and others when he had absolutely no choice. He just did his best to avoid killing them.
But he would fight when it was necessary, as men often must do.

Now that you said it
Thorfinn really is a race traitor.
Even thors didn't run away that far from his people
Even askeladd had more respect for norse

Thorfinn is an objectively terrible person

The world would not be a better place if everyone was a sad-sack pacifist, no

The world wouldn't be a better place if nobody ever had to worry about being attacked or wronged?

Even the guy who Thorfinn built his entire philosophy around, his father, still fought to protect himself and others when he had absolutely no choice.

Once again, it sounds like perhaps the story is trying to say something about Thorfinn's execution of his dream.


Thorfinn is like,

oh i tried it (he didn't), now i will run away to the other side of the earth.

Bye bye, did i tell you i hate all of you

I am watching season 1 of the anime now and it seems fine. Just watched the part where Thorfinn has his duel with the merc leader.

You seem to be under the illusion that the manga is trying to tell us that Thorfinn is misguided, and wrong
it isn't
It continues to glorify his ultra-pacifist worldview and while it does explore the idea that it's unattainable, it never puts any blame on Thorfinn for believing in something so naive. It always says it's just the fault of others. Other people aren't as enlightened as Thorfinn. If they were, the world would just hold hands and get along (just like you claiming it's "objective truth" that the world would be a better place if everyone was like Thorfinn.

The manga glorifies his adherence to this stupid dream no matter how many times it's proven that he's only making things worse for himself and others.
Because what Thorfinn believes, and what you believe, about how the world would be better if we all just got along, IS the message of the manga.

is vinland saga THE greatest Anon Babble filter ever penned?
everywhere else on the planet loves it but for some reason Anon Babble is completely incapable of interfacing it without completely freaking out

Yeah, season 1 is good
It's after that when the problems arise

We'll see, I can't really take Anon Babble's opinion seriously anymore. They said mob psycho and dandadan was bad too.

It always says it's just the fault of others.

I mean yes, this is literally the case in the story. But it makes it very clear the reason other people react like this is because of Thorfinn's misplaced trust in humanity. Do you just close your eyes at all the parts when Thorfinn himself fights people or when people yell at him for doing nothing?

just like you claiming it's "objective truth" that the world would be a better place if everyone was like Thorfinn.

This isn't what I said and you know it. I said it is an objective truth the world would be a better place if nobody ever had to fear being harmed or wronged because they could trust that their fellow man had zero desire to ever to do those things to another person.

They said mob psycho...was bad

You may notice a trend where any kind of story where a person with power decides to not be a huge piece of shit makes Anon Babblenons lose their fucking minds.

This isn't what I said and you know it.

"Is it not an objective truth that if everybody had Thorfinn's mindset the world would be a better place?"

it is, quite literally, exactly what you said

he thinks Thorfinn isn't a huge piece of shit during the farm arc and and beyond

he's the worst, dude

there are some good parts in the farm arc it's just that the story before that is so tightly paced and awesome that the falloff is extremely noticeable
unless you like huffing your own farts over how great the world would be if everyone was nice to each other

Chapter 100 is a fine ending for the series. The quality has already dipped but it doesn't turn into outright drivel like the Baltic Sea arc.

The series peaked with Askelad's death and farmland is still good. It kind of meanders and after that but at least there's some closure if you stop at chapter 100 with his homecoming.

Arguing over the changing philosophies or whatever is kind of besides the point. The series just gets outright badly written. It gets more blatantly preachy instead of letting the storytelling allow the message to emerge. The characters used as the mouthpieces are more shallow and less interesting. The overarching plot is just kind of dull and lacks the tension the story had right up until Askelad's death (and kind of had at farmland). I simply don't care anymore.

He used to be an edgy kid like OP then he grew up.

Wow, it's almost as if mentally unhealthy people use that negativity to create good art and losing their edge also causes them to lose their creative spark.

I actually would be fine if vinland idea was just abandoned,in that chapter, like he just realized it's unrealistic, and thorfinn just continued living in Iceland with his now new friends.
That's better than stupidly going on a journey, risking it all, just to die in some forgotten failed colony in the future.
I agree that would be a better conclusion.

Basically the only thing I agree with in this thread is that the Baltic arc is a fucking drag.

Did he even kill floki or not
I dont remember
If not then that just shows how stupid this story is

mangaka shitting the bed is somehow the animation studio's fault

Got married and got a kid.

Seriously VS nowadays dosen't even contain geopolitics
I would have traded the current arc over an arc set on byzantium or viking iberia


So he didn't even do that yet???
Holy shit this story is the worst
At least kill that guy please

the worst is he probably never will now because he doesn't kill

So that blockhead gets to live after that?
Good job yukimura, you hack.

But it's fucking floki
Can't he just make an exeption
Fucking faggot thorfinn

Can't he just make an exeption

ABSOLUTE pacifism is exactly that, absolute