Are demons truly irredeemable?

Are demons truly irredeemable?

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you got BTFO on the other thread and had to make a new one huh?

Recognize the patterns. Always

So-so Frieren fans are irredeemable

They are a stand in for Nazis.

So, yes.

They literally were learning how to be human and elf bitch screamed "YOU CANT DO THAT" and killed them

Yeah, because he outright proved that he learned shit.
The entire war was because the Demon Lord wanted to learn about humans and just can't figure it out.

No true demon-human utopia, huh

Just use magic on their brains so they can, idiots.

They already tried

When? Try harder.

Did you read the manga?

To begin with, using le magic completely defeats the entire point of coexistance

Demons cannot understand how human works for the same reason that the Supreme leaders of a commie land cannot understand how the real world works.

Thus, instead of breaking the wall that divides them, they resort to making crazier and crazier laws without addressing the fundamental issue of it all

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Oh how i detest them

I felt like the manga was kind of heading in the direction that demons aren't all bad, but it backfires, and the demons just end up always being straight up evil niggas

Did you read the manga?

Yeah, but I don't remember using magic to adjust their brains.

Demons are basically psychopaths, they lack basically the same attributes, and just like psychopaths they learn to mimic human behaviour, and become expert manipulators. Unlike real psychopaths though, demons subvert humans with the aim of killing them instead of just for selfish gains. I mean some psychopaths DO manipulate others to butcher them, but it's not predispositioned in them. Contrary to popular beliefs, most don't have an unquenchable thirst for human blood, they just want to get into government position and decide on disastrous policies that will bring the death of millions of people... when putting it like that, maybe demons and psychopaths have something in common after all. Still, your local homeless dude down the road (who's actually a psychopath, that's right) aren't the one passing laws that will take your rights away. He probably can't even name 10 congress bills due to the fact that most aren't that well off due to their poor ability to fit into society. You only notice the one that weazsled into power positions when they inevitably draft your ass to Israel. But the same hobo wouldn't call you an ambulance when your heart fails you either, since there's no gain in sacrificing a few nickel for a phone call to the hospital. Instead he would probably rob you and run off with your ID card, maybe that's how they become CEOs. Psychopaths are everywhere around us. The ones in poor neighborHood become thugs and criminals, while the ones in cleaner street becomes world leaders and start WW3. Frieren understands this. Dealing with an actual psychopath as your boss is tiresome enough, let alone dealing with a whole cabal of them actively plotting humanity's demise using useful idiots who defend them. No I'm not comparing them to another separate group. It's just that Ashkenazi Jews have a higher percentage of sociopathy within their own community due to evolutionary pressure, like demons from Frieren

They aren't malicious. That's why you get that impression.
They cause only enough havoc to fulfill their goal and then leave.

Are demons truly irredeemable?


Is there magic for that, to begin with?
Since humans and demons usually don't use the same types of magick precisely due to how different their brains are and work. If they could make a brain more similar to another, I imagine they would do so to cast better magics.

Demon's deserve a real chance without elf Hitler literally killing their potential for change

You meant Jews?

yes, I'm getting really damn tired of humanity being applied to monsters.

its a standin for Israel really.

(user was banned for "racism")



Soon to be purged.

Racism? On my blueboard?

Demons, according to Christian belief, are malevolent completely. They will do whatever they can to cause torment and despair in humans, especially if it fractures the human's faith in God. Media, especially in Japan, has made it seem like demons are these mostly misunderstood characters who are comically bad at being evil, while their actual counterparts relish in causing torture and pain. In reality, demons aren't anything you want to mess with, despite what tv shows and movies tell you. Succubi aren't just attractive women who sleep with you and leave you be, they actively try to ruin your life through your lust. ie: shapeshifting into your wife, sleeping with you, then shapeshifting into someone's husband and sleeping with them, resulting in it looking to everyone else like you slept with the other person's wife and there's nothing you can do to correct it. Demons prey on humans, and are fearsome creatures. Trust and faith in God and Christ protects us from them, and it's refreshing when media portrays them as they actually are and not as quirky troublemakers. In shows they depict demons as having hitches in their evil, and some wanting to change their ways. This doesn't happen in actual demons because they are completely evil. There is no saving a real demon because they have, and will never have, any intention or thought of changing and being good. They love being evil.

Did you realize that the demons are predatory being totally different that humans and the only reason they look like humans Is for camouflage which works as by this threaf but if they looked like say pigs you would not bat an eye to them being killed but has they look human your mind inmediatelly goes for sympathy

in reality


Media, especially in Japan, has made it seem like demons are these mostly misunderstood characters who are comically bad at being evil,

Actually, no
It's actually just the inevitable slippery slope in Christian theology.
In pagan theology, if bad things happen to you, that's the result of your own karma.
Christianity on the other hand, upholds the belief that all are equal under God's eyes and that everyone has an equally valuable mission to fulfill.
The poor were fed, the ostracized are welcomed, the sick were taken care of, and the dying are comforted.

Christianity has a penchant for the idea that it is always the ones who are oppressed that ends up being good people.

It is only natural that this will inevivtably lead to a slippery slope and start giving sympathy for the devil. Which is where you must draw the line. Mercy is reserved exclusively for humans beause we are finite beings with moments of weaknesses and are capable of regrets. Demons cannot be granted mercy because they are beings of the eternal. They made their decision to reject God in the past, present, and future. They cannot be redeemed

God is aware that some people just cannot be saved. Hence why he said
"And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven"
If you were made aware about the full truth of the world, but decided to reject it and uphold lies, then you can no longer be saved

I am Christian, therefore I believe in angels, therefore I believe in fallen angels, therefore I believe in demons. The devil's greatest trick is convincing people he doesn't exist

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We literally only had one demon arc and it fucking broke the video essays, how are they gonna survive when El Dorado gets adapted?

Demons are just monsters that can talk. Like those monsters that showed them illusions of dead loved ones as a trap.

If you were made aware of the full truth of the world and rejected it, you can no longer be saved

That's the point I was trying to make. Demons can't be saved, I was just also trying to point out that media likes misrepresenting what demons actually are is all. I agree with you.

You only think they're redeemable because you want to fuck Aura and there is literally no other reason or argument.

There are lots of different depictions of demons in various religions and fiction. Christianity does not have exclusive claim to the term. It's more of a catch all for monsters and malevolent spirits. We should probably use different words to avoid confusion.

I don’t think even christians believe in actual succubi walking amongst humans on earth.

ThermoTruthular bomb

humans should probably arrest the demon king for crimes against humanity and execute him via lethal gas

There may in fact be a 'redemption arc' for a demons clearing the way to actual peaceful coexistence. It seems possible with some of the information we've been provided. I'd prefer not and to just keep them as mindlessly evil since its more old school fantasy.
But if they do end up redeeming some demons that still will not make the decisions by Frieren and friends to kill them wrong after the fact. Every demon they killed deserved it without question.


His points are basically:

The show potraits the demons are just blank monsters without higher thoughts that exists just to fuck over humanity

But demons show emotions and curiousity throughout the show which proves they are more sapient than one would thought actually

And sapient things can't be irredemably evil because???

They have a choice to abide by human's moral standard or something, despite not a single instance of one succeeded in doing so

But they can't, and they don't want to since they're biologically predepostioned to kill humans and can't understand empathy and this is problematic

Because determinism is icky since eugenics or something which proves that the demons aren't sapience after all and the show has contraditions. (The two aren't mutually exclusive???)

In-universe explanation doesn't matter because the thematic reason justify a morally evil "race" which is troubling when compared to the real world (Basically comparing orcs to blacks)

Writer wrote themselves to the corner and the demons representation are unsastifactory

The orcs in Lord of The Rings are better executed because their explanation suggest some amount of moral ambiguity while demons don't

Story tries to be subversive by having the adventure already over but the plot redo the same thing again regardless

Overpowered character and similar comparsions to other battle shounens

Saved you an hour and a half

You shouldn't have done that to yourself

I put it on 2x speed it's fine.

No, some demons are okay and are fun to be around

Nah, succubi and incubi are real, accord to exorcists
In one case, he claim that a woman got possessed because one night, she felt something nice in her crotch. She never drove it away which was enough consent for her to get possessed for months. Shit went bad because whenever someone gets possessed, you feel the pain, rage, madness, and utter hopelessness that the demon feels. It's an emotion that is not meant to be experienced by any human.

He claims that the incubi and succubi are the nastiest of all the demons. He never explained further

hmm wonder who is behind this post

Didn't realize they had internet connection in Hell

Its because Incubi and Succubi prey upon the natural human urge of lust, which is normally the absolute hardest vice to break from. If you compare sexual deviancy to addiction symptoms, it's strikingly common as a vice. (not saying sex in itself is a vice, but people can very, very easily get addicted to it and let it control their lives) And it's not ever looked at as a bad thing, just a little immoral but not uncommon. And when you have demons that prey specifically upon a vice this widespread and accepted within society, they're bound to be nasty.

The only logical ending to Frieren is that a demon kills her in revenge

The only way to coexist is if a demon child pops out of the nazi elfs cunt

Itt you read deamons as trannys to figure the OP out