Why is public hair so rare?

Why is public hair so rare?

casca pubes.png - 217x217, 87.82K



Japanese women all shave their pubic hair so that's why you never see it anime / manga.


Wym rare? Everyone has it?

Read more seinen manga from lesser known magazines, you fucking autistic piece of shit

Why are all asian bushes that little tuft of hair that forms a triangle when viewed down the pelvis from the position of holding your ear to her tummy?

it's disgusting
t. non virgin


it has been scientifically proven that not liking thick pubes means you're low test

All anime girls have a nice bush unless proven otherwise

I as an enjoyer of female knights I can cite several worthy examples with great pubes.

Because it's fucking gross

please do this

Because the japanese are pedophiles that like smooth bald pussies. Same goes for everyone else that likes it.

it's not????

Depends on your series. Stop reading loli and hebe shit and you will see more bush if it has fan service.


Hairy Albedo.png - 1920x1080, 1.6M

They are considered obscene and might get you in trouble. Barbie doll anatomy is safer.

Anyone who likes shaved pubes is a pedo + where was Casca even gonna get a razor from

Japanese women all shave their pubic hair

Not true at all. Shaving pubes is an American thing.

Not really anymore. Shaving was a 2000s fad inspired by the porn boom. Porn is banned now with my state, and social convention is seeming to turn the tide back to bush


Kek tell me you have never had a Japanese qt without telling me

Wtf i love America now?

It's good progress, but we still have yet to climb back to the pinnacle of the 70's bush.

What about loli pubs?

Do pubesfags like untrimmed armpit hair and leg hair? If not, you're a hypocrite.

armpit hair


leg hair


I don't particularly like hairy pits, but I don't mind them either
I don't like hairy legs though

Armpit hair

Good in manageable quantitites, but not a fan of jungle pits

Leg hair

Pubic hair, and to a lesser extent armpit hair, feel erotic because they add a layer of vulnerability, the idea that you're seeing something most people don't or shouldn't see. There's nothing erotic about a woman with gorilla arms or sasquatch legs, that shit's just gross

Yes? Shaving is useless and autistic

Very nice

Armpit is nice if its a little bit

its a pain in the ass to draw
notice how the vast majority of male anime characters have no facial or chest hair?
not even on the legs

No I don't. That shit is ugly.

Untrimmed pubic hair is gross, but trimmed pubes are nicer than completely smooth shaven.

porcupine pussy is less gross than fluffy bush

Anon, it's quite the opposite. Historically speaking shaving completely has been a sign of being a whore. More chicks go completely bald now, but most still keep a nicely trimmed bush.