Thoughts on Aira's anime design?
Okarun is a fucking cuck.
Your honest thoughts on Momo
Thoughts on Okarun
I don't want to.
Doesn't matter, Momo let him watch to mantain a good marriage.
Thoughts on Aira
What would you do in this situation?
Butthole on mouth
Thoughts on thoughts
Thoughts on Jiji
Insert penis
Jose Cantseco
Thoughts on Vamola
Thank you for the anon that stitched this together.
Bang turbo granny
Why is her face ugly in closeup shots but looks like this far away
Thoughts on Kinta
Cute daughter!
Get up and go kiss my girlfriend Momo
Because she's using Acro Silky's mask as a head protection.
Thoughts on Rin
Wish he worked out and toned down the arrogant otaku vibe. He's fine if he's all mecha shit.
And that's a good thing!
We need more NTR in anime
Cuck pride, worldwide!
YamCHAD bro btw
Thoughts on Zuma
the main characters are eternal loser virgin nerd, gyaru, chad and stacy
One of these things stick out like a sore thumb.
Creepy Nuts
Thoughts on Kouki?
Realistically speaking, if a highschool clique were to be formed with these 4 people the virgin nerd would have never been in it.
my creepy nuts on top knot’s nose while I’m fucking her throat
That's so you can self insert.
eternal loser virgin nerd
eternal loser virgin nerd who browses Anon Babble all day***
mind you they haven’t even gone into okarun’s backstory and upbringing, at least we know momo was forced to in ghosts by her crazy grandma, and the paranormal is a pretty “normal” thing for a highschooler to get into. unironically believing in aliens is conspiracytard, alex jones-loving, Q-anon obsessed, imageboard loser territory.
I hope Tatsu gives all these characters time to shine we need something like another alien invasion arc. All these characters get powers and dissappear for an arc. I hope all this is building up into what Dandadan is or what their going to fight with all these characters
She has the best character development in the series, as seen by the recent chapter, really put her into perspective.
Eternally malding over losing once.
Momo's eyebrows....
less than 24 hours after new episode dropped
only 2 threads on the board and 3 threads in the archive
Dead series, no one cares anymore
Momo's cucked face.
Imagine how cure Aira and Okarun's kids would look
Wonder what her colors will be
Hoping for purple eyes
Did she shave her eyebrows or is she just born with a naturally ugly one that tapers off to the side?
her mouth looks like a pink butthole here
As a manga-only I haven’t watched it, just waiting for my favorite anime reactuber to see it so I can watch it with him
shaved and unnatural.
Momo if she betrayed and chained in hyperbolic time chamber
truly fotm slop
We hate Okarun here.
Aira if she have her living essence drained out by the dark crystal
I like the dub.
Real fans watch both versions.
She's in the right and the actual MC if we're all being honest
I can't watch whole episodes in dub but I will sometimes switch the sound track over and rewatch certain moments to see what they sound like out of curiosity.
I was shitposting about it but
aliens kidnap her to take her 'banana' that she shouldn't have
never takes off her panties so no one can interact to what's beneath
only girl in the show with rectangle eyebrows
I think she's actually trans.
I can't believe the dub changed Okarun's full name to Clint Eastwood...
Nevermind, Okarun, you can have her, bro!
Retard pink girl wants bf, MHMMMMMMMMMMMMM?
demoralization ntr crap
Think her VA is pretty terrible
Which is weird because the rest of the show is perfectly cast
I was initially interested, but after seeing 3 full cuck panels against the MC that anons posted I just dropped it. Fuck this NTRslop.
Ayaneru is perfect for vapid sluts like her.
She's fine but I can't unhear Uraraka.
anybody have the webm of Okarun and Aira hopping back and forth trying to outstrafe one another?
People dont seem to understand that the only reason the series exists is because Momo is not just your typical gyaru. If she was she would be the vapid slut people paint her as and never broken up with bf from chapter1, instead accepting his deal and getting fucked by him, she would never defend Okarun because "lol get fucked nerd" and she would never awaken her powers since she wouldnt visit an abandoned hospital outside of getting drugged with other delinquents and later gangbanged.
The series doesnt exist without Momo being unlike other girls, and fags get mad she isnt like other girls.
I don't buy figurines, but...
So you're saying she's a notlikeothergirls pickme?
Instead of Silky's sad backstory they added in a narration extensively detailing all the war crimes carried out by Imperial Japan during WWII
An odd choice by the dub directors but okay
if anyone's a pickme, it's pinkie
One thing I'll give this show is that it gets the creepiness of alien encounters right. Most anime/manga either use aliens as a joke or have them be weird looking humans with super powers.
Sure it's laced with comedy like everything else in the show, but there's definitely an understanding of abductions/UFO stuff here beyond the surface level which I appreciate.
Will they fix episode 8 in post since it’s an obvious budget saving episode?
Best fighter
Best boy
death to the pink slut
they touched it up a bit for the broadcast compared to the previews at least
Why are there no good doujins for this series yet? Specifically ntr doujins
What are they saving the budget for again?
There is one featuring Momo and the onsen.
good question
it's not like they're going to get to the meat of the worm arc or evil eye this cour. maybe they're just out of budget because they blew it all on turbo granny and acro silky.
ugly bastard gangrape
no thanks
Momo chan is my girlfriend
Shows don't get doujins anymore, only gacha and vtubers do. The only exception is FOTM shows that go viral, which Dandadan will probably qualify for, but it hasn't been long enough yet. Give it until the cour ends at least.