How do you feel knowing legacy anime will slowly wither away and be forgotten?

How do you feel knowing legacy anime will slowly wither away and be forgotten?

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Good. I don't want zoomers watching my favorite shows.

would you rather have it wither away or have its metaphorical corpse molested by retards on the internet

Maybe in the West, Japan is more respectful to its anime history, so I don't care. Japan's opinion anime is the one that matters the most, so I don't care what the West remembers.

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nothing lasts forever

The sound of the Gion Shōja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sāla flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. The proud do not endure, they are like a dream on a spring night; the mighty fall at last, they are as dust before the wind.

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How do you feel knowing that >[HEADCANON]

Ranma's remake is currently topping popularity charts despite Anon Babble seething from the first second it was leaked.
Bleach's new season is topping charts as well.
Dragon Ball is constantly the top grossing anime in the yearly sales results.
Internet means easy preservation of things that would be impossible to preserve back then. Everything points out to the opposite of what you said.

I'll talk about it with other anons for the rest of my life.

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All legacy media will be replaced with watered down remakes which have the exact same title as the original just to further muddy the waters continuously.
Each new version will bring its own ardent defenders as the newer watered down version becomes their "originals" and the legacy media it drew from is considered outdated and not in touch with current standards.
It WILL happen to you.

Why do millennials always seethe about gen Z and bring them up out of nowhere? I thought they hated when boomers did that to them.

Why would I care?

Lol cope

anime is just a cashcow for mangakas to gain some extra from normalfags
the best series ever doesn't even have an anime

Zoomer Derangement Syndrome.

They will never be forgotten for I will live forever to remember them.
Frieren and Himmel was an allegory for me and Dear S.
The world will forever know it was not very good.

It won't because executives will continue to pour money into safe investments like another season of Dragon Ball and more Naruto or Wan Piss than give new series their time in the sun.

My favorite series is safe out of getting a "remake" because they would have no reason to shill old cards anymore.

Based and biwapilled

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That's when we add them to the list of classics, isn't it? Logh, Madoka...Duel Monsters!

Anime was never THAT big anyways. Stop deluding yourself.

because zoomer normies are different from last generation normies.

It won't. Hand drawn anime isn't being made anymore so that era of anime is immortalized by it's unique style and production methods. Weekly stuff like yugioh will likely be forgotten due to it's shitty animation quality but the best stuff will be remembered forever.

Why did "we" go from





I blame zoomers

Do you ever think about how spartans were massive losers?
Like they put themselves through so much shit generation after generation only to lose nearly every war they got into except the ones where they accepted foreign aid. Their training didn't produce above average soldiers, their generals were utterly unimaginative, they sucked at logistics, their tactics were nearly a thousand years obsolete, they had negative diplomacy skills, and they spent every day of the year shivering in their boots at the prospect that maybe this year all the helots would steamroll them with their overwhelming numbers of 85 to every 15 spartan citizens and inflict upon them even a fraction of the wrongdoings they'd done in an effort to try and prevent that from happening, and their only lasting legacy on history is being bitchmade by the athenians more often than not

in a decade "media" as we know it wont exist. no films no movies no anime. everything will be Ai generated, or watching other peoples shared ai gens. If you dont /own/ physical copies of older shows, your hard drives will be corrupted by """rouge""" ai and youll be sol.

anyway screencap this i remote viewed the future.

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Hand drawn anime isn't being made anymore

You clearly lack knowledge of the medium
Stop posting
Unless 100% CGI every anime is still hand-drawn

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Reading Greek writings about Sparta is a riot
Every page is basically "Spartans are the biggest spergs in Ἑλλάδος but we gotta keep them around because centruries ago the most high-functioning Spartans got very nice treaties going for them and now they're too important to just ignore"

Dan Green was such a good actor

GX is retro now

Maybe in the West, Japan is more respectful to its anime history, so I don't care.

Good joke. Digital preservation is a foreign concept in that country. If it wasn't for piracy, a ton of anime, manga & Japanese games would be lost to history.

legacy anime mostly consists of shitnenslop like Fagruto, Bitch and One Piss

Good. On the other hand, there are some hidden gems that would be unavailable to the unwashed masses, which is also good.

Yugioh will always be remembered, you're a retard for even thinking otherwise.

muh animation quality

YGO's is still pretty great all things considered.

If only 4kids let him scream like the Japanese Yugi did instead of censoring all the action scenes.

It's not though? I have a large community I watch old anime with and introduce series to and it's still growing every day. It's only you that's a loser faggot with no friends, basically.

Your large community is a bunch of men in dresses hiding behind their monitors who would piss on you if it suited them. Discord loser.

Posts only anime that will never be forgotten

You had one fucking job OP....

It'll always be there for curious people to discover. It just needs to be made available. probably in a hundred years, people won't be watching Yu-Gi-Oh as much as people did in the past 30 years. But it'll be there for those who want to see it.

when 00s anime was being shat on I always assumed that the mediocre stuff will be forgotten and only the worthwhile stuff will be remembered. For the most part I was right.

Well, yeah, it's this way for literally every medium, music, games.

yet no one was convinced when I said the obvious

Sad, but that's life. Just accept it. Nothing lasts forever, well not literally, but still.

YuGiOh will never be forgotten, like the DBZ of the 00s, Bleach on the other hand...

didn't get forgotten yet