Hunter X Hunter

Think morena think, do you think that anybody ever understood your weird ass game? Everybody knows that yugioh matches are the way to settle things anyway

wow yet another villain with a sad childhood that wants to destroy the world never saw that one coming

Halkenburg-sama... My HERO....

Machi will kill Hisoka

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I personally think that Bungee World is overrated

dobber man gonna make it big
because his author self inserting fuck shit

why Halk kill himself again?

Hisoka would lose to dogman btw.

Hisoka would also lose to indoor fish and chimera ants, he can't handle animals

did zigg brought this dog back from the dark con or it just normal big dog in hunter world

women who get no sex are desperate for attention
one good sex and she will wish the world the best

she got raped and beat up for 20 years straight she had enough sex for a lifetime

Everybody knows that yugioh matches are the way to settle things anyway


What is the target audience?

How Morena Breaks You

OP and JJK fans

post your rarest bjork

normal magic beast from the hunter world

this women dragon tattoo
is it the same we saw on prince casket

sorry but its still the leorio thumbnail or the balsamilco one, they are the GOATs not that the others arent great in their own right

oh so ging switch the card effect to send us to you
ok good bye kite we dont give a shit about ants good luck tho

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Do you think people who left Meteor city still abide by their revenge rule? For example would Kikyo or Canary try to kill someone if that person killed some random meteor city guy? Or would they get their murderers killed by the troupe or suicide bombers?

There were 7 Carnivals since the one that made Morena

last Carnival was a year before the voyage

around the time Wobble was born

Morena is probably 21-23.

I could buy Luzurus could be 24, maybe?

So maybe each Carnival "celebrates" the birth of a Prince? Maybe the meats are meant to power up the Seed Urn for the creation of the Nen Beasts?

I can fix her

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balsamilco (forma de negro sin halkenberg(judeo))

kurapika wife by the way

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Canary and Kikyo are not from Meteor City.


casket room had GI nen inscription too omg

women in power tower are hot

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Morena's hair is light blue you fucking jobs

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was ‘meat’ for 20 years

most captive gangrape victims last a few years.
only STRONG NEN could have let her last for so long

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Oh. I misremembered The last festival was 2 years ago. BEFORE Wobble was conceived.

So then, under this theory, the festivals could be FOR the Prince's conception?

If so, then Morena would have been the result of the festival meant to conceive Sale-Sale. Still fits, age-wise.

What's his name?

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Benjobmin the roid abuser

jerk his arm 25 times

coomer bros

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oito owes me milk

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most captive gangrape victims last a few years

How do you know this?

is wobble a rape festival child?

It just means she wasn't raped much. I mean let's be real here - there's numerous ways morena can imply things without saying them, and we only have her word to go on.

Shit isn't as bad as she says, she was young, it was fucked up.

She was still allowed to live and to gain power. Clearly there's another side to the story.

Well not anymore of course but Silva met Kikyo in meteor city and canary was picked from there to become a butler.

Halkenburg-sama.... is so moe!

not canon

he was part of the sweaty sticky hot summer of '98

Kakin internet defense force is here

2011 anime fanfic

t. Kakin PR Team

benjamin (forma de homosexual sin halkenberg(judeo))

benjamin gay all over the shop


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Dumb catposter

Kakin propaganda

sex slave 20 years

forbidden to get condoms or abortions

so morena has to have kid(s) somewhere, right?

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Draw more fights.

was ging in metro city here

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wait so not only 2011 looks hideous and soulless but it has filler too?
I thought not having filler was it's only upside
Lmao I can't believe people watched and even defend that trash


I wonder who could be behind this post...

Nah, the festival was probably always meant to create a new prospective Hei-Ly head. Though it could be actually for Tserriednich, in a way. Assuming Tserri is the previous Hei-Ly's head's son like Luzurus and Zhang appear to be their respective mafia bosses', it could be sort of an agreement, I raise your son and allow him a place in the succession war and in exchange you raise my bastards and one of them will be your successor.

couldnt even protect pairoo
what a fuckin loser

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based conspirogashi

t. cucksubi

She only raised by killing the real Morena and taking her place.

Honest question: would you still like Benjamin if it was revealed that he raped women during the festivals ?

What if I licked the coin after rubbing it? Would it activate?

That's probably his secret

I thought it was only the royal entourage
Actual royalty doesn't need to do all that shit to get their dick wet

She's fat AND balding. You want Kurta progeny to come out messed up?

No that was London

posted by epstein in is underground canadian bunker

implying Benjaminfags wouldn't see that as a big plus

forbidden to get condoms or abortions

That only applies if the person doing the rape is from the royal family, it's possible the meat is there as a benefit for the mafia family members

No, I only like Benjamin because I assume he's ULTIMATE level homo and gets into regular orgies with his soldiers. I can only accept him having sex with women for the sake of procreation.

no, idiots didnt try to open up the coin and eat it like i would

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That movie sucked badly and I really didn’t like how they made Kurapika and Pairo different sizes when in Volume 0 they were about the same height.

kakin is literally china + russia + north korea + [SPOILER]america[/spoiler]

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bro trust me I totally replaced swapped with royalty, whom people knew the face of and raised my status into pseudo-royalty from being fuck meat

Her story is bs
Every detractor of mine has Pussy on their brain. That's all.

Wobels nen beast will rape 20 people once it finally activates btw.

Is Togashi not allowed to mention rape? What's with this roundabout "hint hint, nudge nudge" way of talking about sex?

Benjamin doesn't strike me as that kind of guy. He's all about discipline. A truly Apollonian guy.

The dichotomy inherent to Kakin gives a Greek vibe all in all. Hierarchical militarism living side by side with a dark seedy underbelly of occultism and mafia shenanigans

Why do people refer to Meleoron as a specialist when his ability seems to be purely manipulation and his personality fits the manipulator archetype in Hisoka's nen astrology. The only part I could sort of see hinting at that would be him being weak for his species corresponding to specialization's place on the nen hexagon but even then Izunavi says that the only reason specialists are placed there is because manipulators and conjurors are more likely to become one and all of the evidence points to the fact that specialists aren't particularly weak.

The censorship got way stricter in the last two decades.

WSJ manga bruh

muh but death

Sexual abuse is more taboo than murder

Because the effect is truly one of a kind.

Would make more sense for him to be an enhancer
He enhances his natural ability, period

Togashi isn't even allowed to show Luzurus or morel smoking on panel

Think of the American market anon
Less sex more guns

Which is why this manga should be a seinen. I don't know of any kids or teenagers that read this shit. Just young and older adults.

Best Korea is East Gorteau

But they do smoke on panel

Sorry I should have been more specific he is not allowed to show them lighting there "stuff" up on panel.

Why do people refer to Meleoron as a specialist

He has an incredibly unique ability that isn't easily explained by the other five Hatsu types.

when his ability seems to be purely manipulation

He manipulates all living organisms that look at, touch, smell or hear him? It's a soft manipulation, sure...but uh...that's kind of a lot, don't you think? And then to be able to give it to someone else. That part makes it feel more like Transmutation, but even then it's just too much. If he fell into one of these categories, I think he'd describe his ability differently.

and his personality fits the manipulator archetype in Hisoka's nen astrology

Hisoka's Nen astrology is as accurate as real life astrology, anon.


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Is rape that bad

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He is called one in a databook.

That has always been one of japans weirdest censorship. You can show them smoking but you can't show them actually sparking up.

cat poster

retarded post

Why is it like this

One of them is dead

Damn you for making me think lesbian Incest was actually happening

Is rape that bad

Probably, but thay's primarily because there wasn't any opportunity to get new people on-board since the second anime aired. I mean, if you were 10 in '11, you're 23 now.

I do believe that exchange is indeed part of the deal. The King takes in the Mafia bosses' children, the Mafia bosses take the King's bastards.

But the amount of Carnivals seems to happen far too often to only be producing future Mafia leaders. Assuming the Mafia Bosses take the job for some 40 years before retiring, that'd mean around 14 Carnivals in that time, going from Morena's numbers. And even if only the King is meant to produce Nisenmono, which I dont think is the case, he should be making at least a couple Nisenmono per festival. And that means around 28 Nisenmono produced in that time to replace 3 mafia heads.

Kakin rape factory

Foreign propaganda. Glorious king Nasubi would never.

if you show that on panel then japanese kids will figure out how to smoke weed.

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met my GF there

10/10 use of this fuckin thumbnail lol

Based, this is clearly a man who isn't a pervert and only has consensual sex

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OP really beat us to the punch on that eh?

To be fair, that same databook called Knuckle an Emitter, Knov a Conjurer and Ikalgo a Manipulator.

In a right wing society, rape is evil because sex is considered a precious act that leaves an unmitigable effect on people and it violates the social game civilized humans play with each other whereby men compete to earn reproductive rights. In a left wing society, rape is evil because women good, men bad.

So yes, everyone considers rape bad except animals.

Rate my hatsu guys!

specialist type that works as the five other types


the longer i am able to last while having sex the more stamina/nen i get


can change the size and shape and material of my pp to better use it


can shoot a little aura with the sperm


can conjure sex toys and apparel


the more sex i have with the same person the more the person is enthralled by me

He has an incredibly unique ability that isn't easily explained by the other five Hatsu types.

Transmuter that gives their Nen the property of bending light. Covers self and anyone they touch in Nen, with a self-imposed limitation that they have to hold their breath.

That's a manga only thing?

Is "Kakin" based on Togashi's weird ESL spelling of the word "China" in english?
Kakin -> Kkina -> China

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can change the size and shape and material of my pp to better use it

Is your pp made out of Nen?

Is that edited? Another image shows it as a pocky stick.

Never listening to a Huntertard saying soft Seine again after this cringe chapter. Fire Punch had rape and bestiality.

also this arc is slop shills by just a bunch of pretentious autistic virgin fedora tippers neckbeards who think that walls of text = good writing.
Meanwhile you got nothing but another trash slop chapter filled with inane pseud rambling nonsense about bullshit no one cares about and filler characters instead of anything resembling a story

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trying too hard

Keiko is cute

slop shills by just a bunch of pretentious autistic virgin fedora tippers neckbeards

Write more buzzwords next time you butthurt low IQ pissant.

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be fair, that same databook called Knuckle an Emitter, Knov a Conjurer and Ikalgo a Manipulator

Based and correct databook

Based PokeChad

This is implies that at a certain point in the HxH history a nen user used transmutation to get an extra penis

Wouldn't that be conjuration?

What if I flipped the coin, called tails then it landed sideways, would that activate?

It also somehow stops people from feeling, smelling or hearing him.

The penis is emitted btw.

That's just a nen dildo

Legitimately? Actual around 70-60 IQ pajeets that browse youtube content, they don't mind getting constantly click baited.
Also the guy that makes the videos looks like your average youtuber so they feel it's more authentic, they worship white people.

Chrollo will win

When are we getting another transmuter that copies an animal?

Is Hisoka the most vanilla person in the entire ship? Kakin shitters are degenerates

Hisoka is a virgin.

reminder that Whale Island is a sex tourism hotspot for MAPs

I imagine it was like

Westerners call Chugoku "China"

this comes from the Qin Dynasty

Q = Ch

however "qi" evolved into the Japanese "ki"

so maybe Japan could call them Kin or Kina?

There's one or two missing steps. Maybe someone who can speak Japanese notices what they are.

And no, it doesn't come from "cucking."

whale island is hunter's epstien island

Okay, then since transmutation often converts or stores feelings and other abstracts, Melereon's Nen converts/stores people's awareness or potential of awareness of him until he stops holding his breath.

Most if not all Specialist abilities are just combinations of other abilities but with no reason for being as fine-tuned and powerful as complex and compound as they are.

transmutation often converts or stores feelings and other abstracts

It can't actually. Youpi's rage blast is transmutating his aura to be explosive with a simple condition that he has to be angry and Feitan is most likely a conjurer with a similar condition.

knuckle and dogman were squala's friend

knuckle and dogman tagteam nobunaga and his puny 4 meter en and prison pocket katana

kino chapter incoming

walls of text = good writing

Good writing = good writing and a wall of text can be good writing. It's interesting to see Borksen's inner monologue because it lets us get to know what kind of person she is. She was forced to be a soldier and has no particular love or hate for her country, she just wants to live a quiet life and people like Beyond, Nasubi and Morena are ruining that for her. We also see that she considers "Yes" to be the same as "No," which means she considers joining the Ei-i to be the same as dying. We also got the origin story on one of the bigger antagonists of the arc and she gave us a lesson in Nen, explaining something nerds have been arguing about for decades.

inane pseud rambling nonsense

I actually can't even imagine what was said in the chapter that'd be considered inane or pseudointellectual. Was it the line about her answers being "cleverly" designed to make the player want to hear both of them? I actually think Bork's giving Morena too much credit there. Nothing else in the chapter was like that.

bullshit no one cares about

I'm pretty sure people want to know who Morena is and I'd read an entire volume about nothing but Nen.

filler characters

This is the most low IQ argument you can find in a shounen thread, which is saying something when you know what the average shounen fan looks like. Why is a character introduced 300 chapters ago important but a character introduced 30 chapters ago filler? Every arc is its own story and the author introduces new characters to tell the story he wants to tell, as well as repurposing old ones. You sound like one of those mouthbreathers who go into One Piece threads asking, "Has he become Pirate King yet?" as if that ever actually mattered.

instead of anything resembling a story

Morena's rise to power and attempt to convince an important player to join her gang to complete her goal of killing everyone on the whale is part of the story, yes.

Is morena gay or trans

Martial law is ON. We're literally entering the climax. Why isnt anyone talking about it?

Togashi loves his gray morality and villains fighting villains and exploring the psyches of vile, degenerate monsters so much that it's easy to forget that there are genuinely good people in the story, including on the ship. Most of the hunters on the ship are good guys. You shouldn't be rooting for Chrollo or Morena, you should be rooting for Kurapika and the Zodiacs.

The Zodiacs are ugly so I hate them.

I my enhancing ability is to enhance abilities to enhance my ability to enhance abilities

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Honestly the only ones with downright ugly designs are Saccho and Ginta

since transmutation often converts or stores feelings and other abstracts

I'm the only anon I've ever seen in these threads say something even remotely similar to this, but I would never word it that way. Transmuters who use tactile sensations or their feelings or whatever in their abilities are all tapping into something tangible, like electricity or chemicals.

Melereon's Nen converts/stores people's awareness

That's not a thing.

with no reason for being as fine-tuned and powerful as complex and compound as they are

The entire idea behind Specialization is that they can do things other Hatsu types can't because they ignore the Nen hexagon, as Morena explained in the new chapter. When they create an ability, they can basically ignore the rules of Nen Togashi created and just make a superpower. That's why fans assume something's Specialization whenever it feels out of place for the series. Before today's chapter, fans had other explanations for why it worked that way, but it's all the same in the end.

Cheadle and Mizaistom look fine and they're the only important ones.
Also, don't pretend the mafia and Troupe don't have uggos in their ranks.

It's enhancement.
Dogman's sniffing also lets you "smell" nen types. Enhancement makes things have supernatural effects. Meleoron has "enhanced" camouflage the same way Dogman has an "enhanced" nose. They both aren't just made normally better, they are improved unnaturally.

Stop respecting raper like Benjamin

The Toxoplasmosis copypasta wasn't working so they switched to pavlovian conditioning.


None on the level of this mf though

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Kurapika is as bad as the troupe and hisoka

Where the FUCK are TCB scans?

Do spiderfags really...?

that's dogs

i suck at math but if we know 12 specialists and they appear at a rate of 1/3000 among nen users then there's a minimum of 36000 nen users in the world? that's cool as i thought the number might be less, like a few thousand.

Who cares ?
They always took hunter x hunter fans for dogs

There are like 2000 nen users tops.

He had hundreds of botched surgeries to make his face look more like a horse but instead he now looks like some sort of rodent

Been avoiding threads since Weds because muh spoilers but it's already Sunday here and nothing
What's the other Togashi's Troupe site if they've already done it?

but it's my impression that through morena's speculation, togashi is trying to convey to the audience a rough estimate of how many nen users there actually are.

Reminder that Jesus Christ exists in hxh world so they celebrate Christmas!

what's jesus' nen type

SENILEgashi lost his marbles and set specialists probabilities way too low

could heal,exercise spirits, multiply things, walk on water and came back from the dead

The biggest specialist ever

it could also be that specialists are more likely to awaken their nen abilities so they are overreprented among nen users compared to whole population

Why does he look like random chimera ant

Most of them are shitters, though. Look at all the literal who's in Greed Island.

Zodiacs and some of the shadow beasts are chrimera ants

studio gek hated the zodiac character designs

I feel like some Zodiacs were at least partially recycled unused chimera ant designs


Holy Chain.

exercise spirits


multiply things


walk on water

Standard supernatural effect.

came back from the dead


He was a conjurer.

Reminder if the shadow BEAST were authorized to use lethal force atleast half the troupe would have died.

Reread the uvo fight Kurapika uses enhancement to heal

shhhh.... togashi is sleeping

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Jesus was a genius Manipulator with a SaleSale type of ability that he himself was unaware of. It became stronger after death and thus created the most popular religion in history. His other miracles weren't real but just a mystification made up by his manipulated followers.

Can we all agree that Morena is just terribly misinformed regarding nen and specialists, because of her upbringing and royal lineage?

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His wife wrote this chapter, hence all the handmaid's tale fetishism.

thats bullshit but i believe it

Morena has literally never seen a specialist before and thinks they can do anything.

With all the shojo faces its is very clear at the very least she drew it.

Based wife

A level 100 ULTIMATE specialist can do anything.

Bork will be ULTIMATE

This goes so unfathomably hard

Kakin is not that bad place

Halkenburgbros... I don't think we can keep him sedated...

Frankly, the Kakin rape parties sounds way too edgy to be taken seriously. It just seems way too mustached swirling evil for an already shady nation.

Why does she want to destroy humanity? Wouldn't that include the villages she is trying to get revenge for?

You said this two days ago wtf. bot?

There are hundreds of pedo rings IRL, a random village getting raped to death every 2 to 3 years is nothing in comparison

I think he is one of the better Zodiacs design-wise.

Togashi should've made it so only the king participates in the festivals. I genuinely can't see any of the princes participating in them outside of maybe sale-sale.

There are hundreds of pedo rings IRL

No there aren't. Stop believing schizos.

There is an over representation of specialists around the people who have nen abilities because the people who get abilities out of nowhere are always specialists (neon, komugi and the dude who makes knifes after killing people)
I think the 1/3000 is considering people's affinity even if they have no nen

parties sounds way too edgy to be taken seriously

marrying and fucking children is legal in some countries yet you think this is too "edgy"

But having the royal family and their branch families joining in? This just seems as unnecessary shock value.

respect nasubi's cuck

Do the drawings scare you anon?

Jeffrey Epstein

What she said matches what we've seen in the manga, though, as well as what some fans believed Specialization to be. It also explains one of the lines in Togashi's exhibition notes which confused people >their awakening to "Ultimate" level is contingent upon training/practice of the Type of Nen that the Specialists are supposed to have a hard time with in terms of the hexagonal chart.
Why doesn't it just say Enhancement? It's because Enhancement is not their opposing type. Morena explained why in the new chapter.

I feel like togashi will clear half the princes before his next break.

first time?

For me? It's the Beyond ones.

benjamin vs marayam next week

Behold the greatest hxh ship

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benjamin punching air in an empty room

It should be great fun.

Tserriednich POV

What the fuck is this arc even about? There are like 50 important characters on this dumb boat. Where even are Ging and Beyond?

There's no greater salvation than not being born into this world...

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Not on the boat


In his cell (tier 1)

succession to become the new emperor of kakin while nasubi plans to conquer the dark continent with beyond

you wouldn't complain about a hero with a normal childhood you gay faggot

On the surface it's just the death game between princes to crown Kakin's new ruler. In reality it's Beyond playing 4D chess to make Kakin's new ruler one of his children, so he can obtain all of Kakin's political power and resources, then he can make the voyage to the DC.

So this seemingly filler chapter was actually a lore dump?

Seeing how all the untouchables and cammy know how curses work she is definitely beyonds kid right?

i'm starting to feel like it's literally impossible for succession to live up to chimera ant. gon's arc had basically an entire manga's worth of foreshadowing and character building leading up to it. succession isn't even primarily about kurapika and none of the characters are close to chimera ant level writing yet, while kurapika had half an arc's worth of foreshadowing and character building up until now. i don't know, i still love the story but it feels like we'll forever be chasing the dragon



Do you guys ever get tired gaslighting yourselves into believing the arc is almost over? Martial law being declared is the equivalent of the King being born in the CA arc. I can just imagine you buffoons 20 years ago talking about how Netero was totally going to bust in there and 1v1 him, not realizing the arc was only like 20% of the way through.

Don't post in this thread before reading the manga. If you read even one chapter of this arc you'd know exactly where Beyond is, faggot.

Yes thats why cammy is so smart, strong and knows she will win.

there is no filler in this arc

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the chapter that announces one of the biggest turn around of the arc is a filler

Why did Togashi canonize Pakunoda choosing to become a cuckquean?

pressure from the wife

Luzurus should have overdosed on weed by now.

Look up the Dutroux affair.

I can't see Chrollo having sex

yup its more like thousands

there are hundreds!

here’s one from 25+ years ago

Wow amazing.

None of that "foreshadowing" is what made the arc. No fans gave a shit about Gon's optimism or Killua's feelings towards him until Kite died. If the series began with the CA, the arc would've been received the same exact way. Besides, what people liked more about that arc than those two was Meruem and Komugi's story, which Pouf was struggling to intervene with and Welfin accidentally saved - and NONE of those characters existed before the arc. Meruem was introduced 20% of the way into the arc, Komugi took twice as long to introduce, Pouf wasn't a real character until the second half of the story and Welfin wasn't a real character until literally one chapter before the invasion. This idea that an arc is beholden to the characters or plotlines that came before it is nonsense.

It all feels very unfocused. Kurapika has both the phantom troupe and Tsereidnich to deal with. The phantom troupe has the treasures of Kakin, the mafia, Hisoka and Kurapika. There is the whole secret Beyond plot, random mafia woman wants to destroy the world, the mafia war etc. I don't see how this all could be brought to any satisfying conclusion

unconsciously develops memory reading abilities because she wants to read chrollo's memory about the note

makes it a condition to never use it on chrollo so that the abiltity would be as useful as possible

it was her destiny and she died by those terms too

We know the outcome of Jesus's water divination was changing the water to wine. Which means he's a specialist.

You know what I meant. The whole card game with Morena and Bork is inconsequential to the story, what was important was what Morena said about Kakin, especialists and that small trivia on Chrollo.

Kek, this is hilarious. I can easily see this arc surpassing palace invasion (as the current setup blows past the CA arc). I also much prefer Togashi’s current writing style.
The more ambitious the arc, though, the harder the fall of he doesn’t land well. Just landing “good” isn’t enough. It has to finish as a masterpiece.

what? the game was set up as a way to expo dump if you paid attention to the card game explanation

Togashi will pull an everybody dies

Also Togashi has never failed me in this manga outside of maybe kite revival and Alluka , which all connect back to the fucking CA arc

character named gon

is gone for the last 10 years

bravo togashi

Hello yes, this is the Kakin Rape Factory Office. What can I do for you?

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He'll be back some day.



tfw Jesus used post-mortem Nen to resurrect himself

Wan Piss readers would claim it was an asspull

By the time Killua is that age Machi will be too old.

Jesus: Specialist who can grant “miracles” to those that love and have faith in him

Moses: Manipulator they can place curses on targets or entire regions based upon rejection of his demands on the numbers of people involved and its show many times his demands are ignored with no compromise

Mohammad: Transmuter that turns sand into 9 year old girls he can rape

Buddha: straight up enhancer

Vishnu: think “the balance” from bleach

Wiccan: turns you into the opposite gender you were born as, but you still keep your original body parts

Really? CA is my favorite arc, but From the perspective of a pretentious litfag, the boat is ripe with way more potential and a stronger foundation for complex/breathtaking socio-economic-political depth. And from an entertainment perspective, having all these pieces end up in a boiling pot will be beautiful.
I also don’t think we’re close to finishing if that matters. I think Halks funeral is really much closer to “Mereum birth”, or maybe “kite death”, than the palace invasion

kakin tattoo guy went to meteor city to rape, kill and record snuff movies

kakin royal family have a genocidal rape festival

kakin rape factories

is kakin the worst country in hxh?

We want a bisky chapter.

Nope itsmeor city

So specialists can do anything but they are just not very strong at each thing?

Luzurus benefits the most from martial law because he can just sit in his room and set a ton of traps while smoking weed.


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specialists can do anything and can become as strong at everything

That pothead is Rihan fodder

Ok how did the MARTIAL LAW kick in? Very inconvenient to happen during Halkenburg's procession and card game.
Did a slaughter start while this was happening (Morena's in on it)?
Did not-Balsamilco convince Benjamin to activate it so they can be close in a room for quick assassination?
Does this slow down the troupe's ability to get to the Heil-ly base? All mafia parties are severely hampered by this now.
Is Kurapika's training cancelled or is everyone confined to the training room until it's over?
Even if Borksen manages to get out alive, how can she even return to her military duties without conflict with Benjamin's solders, who probably know she has a conflict of interest with Tse?
Does this stuff up Melody's assassination plan? Seems like she's got no choice but to go to Tse's room on his own terms. Melody x Theta tag team?

So many questions with the sudden intervention

genthuru should go over there and start cleaning up

List of people luzurus's traps have worked on

maybe fugestu

Poor Hisoka, he prolly couldn't get it up until he saw Gon & Killua on GI

Aside that we don't really know the scale of how many people actually join these, it feels like a very chinese way to deal with a self-made problem tbqh.

Princes cannot have official heirs (easy to infer due of the 14 having kids, including hedonists like Sale-Sale) before the Succession War is over most likely to avoid issues related to the throne.

But yet, royal blood being royal blood, there are still a lot who want to fuck.

Oh well, we can just mark some bumfuck village, rape every woman there, and have the kids sold as organ donors / prostitutes / underground executives / whatever the fuck you want to not have excess waste.

Could perfectly see this sort of behavior happening in old China. In fact, I would bet money something similar *did* happen in old China, and potentially a lot of worse things too.

Luzurus benefits the most from martial law

Luzurus is dead bro

i love this image, need more characters with these hyper eyes

Halkenburg tried to shoot Benjamin, it failed because his GSB refused to let his allies give him their aura if it's to attack a prince, Benjamin realized what was going on because he and Balsamilco had this very conversation, and declared martial law.

It couldn't have attacked Fugetsu, but it might attack Kaiser.

Mohammad: Transmuter that turns sand into 9 year old girls he can rape

I don't think transmutation can do that.

I think that would make people like him more.

Self-declared democracy with elite class about the law

said elite class does debased evil shit routinely

Lots of underground black market and trafficking shit

large, fanatical military

Makes huge amounts of advanced products but the wealth is not shared either the people at large

Weird birth control laws that cause misery

Class of people arbitrarily declared taboo and subhuman (think Kulaks in USSR or landowners or “rightists” in China, or “non-humans” in Khmer Rouge Cambodia)

Basically Togashi mixing up every past and present communist country but especially China, NK, and Romania

Morena is such a weak villain I think she alone will stop the arc from even touching the level of CA.

It can if you’re a big enough pedo. Mohammad was. Will and motivation is a big part of nen.

she was hot before. question is, did the curse also affect her transferred genes?

You’re getting too cocky kuffar

Anyone selling Fent on the boat?

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Meteor City is supposed to be the dumpster of the world

Do they hold rape festivals there too?

she's morena's property though

List of people luzurus's traps have worked on

Weedman's got this.

wait thats my gf

Its very weird you specified communism the same people rule under communism that rule under capitalism

Meteor city isn’t even that bad. It’s literally just any third world isolated shithole.
Togashi had me thinking it was a mad max style nation or something.

How would Gon react to Morena?

Didn't this chapter just says specialist just have affinity to all categories
It would be a waste of talent but they could invest in one specific category instead

why do you kill innocents when you’re mad about losing your innocence. You’re a hypocrite!

Smashes the cards on the table.

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How do people make a mistake identifying they are a specialist if you can just use water divination

Ok how did the MARTIAL LAW kick in?

Something bad happened

Did a slaughter start while this was happening (Morena's in on it)?

Or a riot over the dead prince

Did not-Balsamilco convince Benjamin to activate it so they can be close in a room for quick assassination?

He can't just activate it. The princes have to follow kakin's laws and to put martial law into place it has to be approve by the judicial system.

Does this slow down the troupe's ability to get to the Heil-ly base?

Hardly. This will probably make it easier for the powerful nen users to move around the ship.

Is Kurapika's training cancelled or is everyone confined to the training room until it's over?

It's possible something bad happened during the training and that's why martial law was called into place

Even if Borksen manages to get out alive, how can she even return to her military duties without conflict with Benjamin's solders, who probably know she has a conflict of interest with Tse?

While martial law will give more power to the military faction I doubt they can do straight up executions for no reason. She might get arrested though.

Does this stuff up Melody's assassination plan? Seems like she's got no choice but to go to Tse's room on his own terms. Melody x Theta tag team?

The melody assassination might be why martial law was put in place.

In fact the combination of melody's assassination plan, a riot over the dead prince, an assassination on kurapika's training and not-Balsamilco doing something might be why martial law was approved so fast

>Self-declared democracy with elite class about the law

>said elite class does debased evil shit routinely

I mean, this describes Western capitalist countries, too.

>Lots of underground black market and trafficking shit

That's basically every non-first world country.

>Class of people arbitrarily declared taboo and subhuman

That's every country.

>Weird birth control laws that cause misery

Christians used to forbid birth control, too. Some people think it actually contributed to the industrial revolution, since smart people are more likely to correctly use birth control than dumb people, which means they're more likely to pass on their genes (which are why they're smart) than in a country that allows birth control.

She's not the troupe her goal is noble


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Kurapika had to specifically have his eyes turned on for it to come up. There could be similar cases for others.

She’s murdered multiple innocent people on the lower tiers. Her means destroy her goal, which involves destroying the world heh

also, becomes stronger when he comes back to life. Did Togashi rip off the Bible?

her goal is noble

is gonna go after lions and volcanoes and roy


Meteor is basically india so what you think

I have no idea how you could think the troupe's way of going about things is bad and Morena's is good, at the same time.

She's gonna destroy it all unbiasedly she gets no gain from it she's not killing kids for their magic eyes

implying gon cares about random weaklings getting killed

>Self-declared democracy with elite class above the law

>said elite class does debased evil shit routinely

>Lots of underground black market and trafficking shit

>large, fanatical military

Sounds like USA

Indiscriminate killing because the world is run on evil
Vs killing kids for their magic red eyes

The implication is that a lot of specialists naturally awaken to nen on their own and don't receive proper guidance until they're already experienced with it.
There might also be more people like Kurapika who are only conditionally specialist and don't think to retake the water test while in that state. Kurapika was actually very lucky his teacher had a hunch and got him to do it.

hello saar send black whale giftcard saar

Oh yeah I guess that's a good answer fuck you though

Morena killing people because the world is evil good

The troupe killing people because the world is evil bad

They do it to protect the kids in Meteor City you donut.

It's going to be kurapika isn't it?

I was abused by evil people and others like me were killed

This means I get to inflict that pain on innocent people

Morena is retarded

halo sar this is john smith helping at michaelsoft vindows tech, what is your problem today afternoon saar

Must...find..little boys

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Occasional philanthropic work while carving out the eyes of children for their magic hue is not comparable to purging the world of life because it condones evil

Doubt martial law is related to the assassination. Mozome's murder didn't trigger anything, neither did the murders in Kurapika's class. I doubt anything related to assassinations in Tier 1 are enough to trigger it. Keep also in mind Kaiser is set as a fall guy by the Justice Bureau to avoid a conflict between the military and the bureau in case whoever is manipulating him's plan fails.

I'd be really interested in seeing what other conditions other conditional specialists have to be in. I can't picture another off the top of my head.


It's possible not everyone knows about water divination. Wing said it was created by Netero's martial arts school. Theta's the only person who isn't a professional hunter who's mentioned it (the ants learned it from Pokkle). It's also possible to learn Nen without knowing all the rules or what the names for everything are. Gon learned Zetsu before having his pores opened and several characters have awakened to Nen without realizing what they were even doing (with others even still referring to them as Nen-less). If Pokkle never got captured, Rammot might've just fucked off from the nest and came up with his own name for Nen. Now that we know baptized babies can unconsciously learn Ten and Zetsu, it isn't at all strange to think a sizable portion of Nen users are more or less self-taught. They wouldn't have someone there saying

Hey, you're a Specialist! You know, to make the most of your type, you should mix types that normally aren't next to each other, you know?


dude that treats fighting like sexual relief

just wants to fight the strong

amoral psychopath but genuinely not world ending

randomly kills people after sparing a dude with potential

Not so different from Killua's

kill random dudes when angry

By comparison, and other than the troupe who've done genuine atrocities, ants, mafiosos, and kakin niggas are basically scum of the earth tier

It's not going to be pain she's going to wipe it out instantly pain would be if feitan was in charge of killing everyone

it's just too bittersweet that he can't share martial law with his balsamic dad

I hope Tsen rapes all these “muh world is evil and turnt me fucked up” faggets like Chrollo and Morena who think they’re the top dogs.

I still don't get why Nencho and Melody decided that Luzurus must be the person cursing Fugetsu

Morena clearly talks like it's 1 in 3000 people, I don't think there are even 3000 nen users on the boat. Also Komugi was an enhancer

Anon shut up.
Morena shouldn't be killing innocent people straight up. They had nothing to do with her abuse.

Kurapika just had an inner monologue about how the murder of a mafia benefactor would give Benjamin the right to activate martial law to protect people from the mafia's response.

Luzurus is a mafia benefactor.

It's possible it's not just a Specialist thing, but I could see Togashi writing a character with a split personality whose personalities have different types.

You have a primary nen category even without knowing nen.

What if these are the ghosts of meat infecting any weak prince and not an ability?

I have run out of hxh chapters to read. Now there is a void inside me.

i wish he stuck with innie-chinlet cammy

They’re hilariously being manipulated by Kaiser and will probably have to rely on Kurapika to figure out who is controlling him

She's only like 6 years older than him

split personality

That's a good one, yeah.

It would be really interesting to have the script flipped on what was presented as one of the most innocent Princes being one of the worst.

It's a nen beast. That's why it lacks sovl.

Yeah, dogguy sniffs it, Borksen is a specialist without knowing nen, Hisoka says Gon is an enhancer without knowing his type and likely assumed it before Gon knew nen. There's no reason to assume Morena meant one in 3000 nen users while speaking to a non nen-user

Togashi really respects women... other mangakas should learn from him.

They are dumb.

no way. the troupe are definitely older than kurapika by more than that

Killua's a child who was raised to be a killing machine and had a needle in his head, and he only killed those guys because they were harassing him. By Greed Island, he turned away from being an assassin and said out loud, "Killing's wrong." He screams at his dad about all the people they've killed, too. He is very clearly better than Hisoka.

A lot of people think it's out of character and hope it's either Kaiser manipulating them or them manipulating Kaiser.

No one is innocent we're all participants in the game of suffering in you live in a privileged country as the odds are sure you probably are your quality of life comes out the expense and obvious detriment to others

Well third worlders don't complain as much as first worlders so it can't be that bad

When you're born into conditions you acclimate and cope for third worlders it's diving into the basest human instincts of pleasure whether sexual or social third worlders do it more than first worlders hence why they don't complain but if you lived in their life for one month you'd probably crack under the pressure
Morena is correct and if she was the pinnacle of power in HxH and you couldn't stop her from enacting her will how is that any different than you accepting to live under your current government because you don't have the power to change who rules you

Why is Machi crackshipper so much? Most shipping happens between characters that actually have prospects or at least regularly interact…meanwhile there’s a bunch of nonsensical Machi Kurapika, Machi Kurapika…no other female character gets this crackship treatment

Most of them yes but Machi looked half their age in the flashbacks

Togashi was a manwhore who wanted an open relationship

She is the cutest hunter character so people always want to ship her and their favorite

Machi Killua too…

who is controlling him

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Fine, I summon Bork Necrophades in attack position and obliterate your Exodia.

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Machi Saccho

There is no proof Gon is not on the boat.

Zhang or Balsamilco?

He is but at the start he wasn't. More so saying that compared to all the actual villains and antagonist's Hisoka's barely a villain, just a strong crazy guy. Hisoka's basically razor before he went to jail

gon magicked himself from whale island to the boat

Machi Me

iirc whale island is on the other side of the world

Post weed nigga


Machifags think Machi is important when in reality her existence is nothing more than a Hisoka fight away from being cast aside.

Hisoka is a filthy pedo and for that he must die

Because machifags are retarded and their waifu is trash.

I doubt Hisoka's an actual pedo. He wants to wait until Gon and Killua are ripe enough so it'll probably be a couple more years. Hisoka doesn't seem the type to kill kids unless it suits his agenda

How about you hang yourself troupetard? Chrollo will be raped and gutted till he’s begging for mercy.

Half of the Machi posters here are female self-inserters

It's a couple of insufferable newfags who showed up about 2 years ago during the last batch, probably snk refugees.

Machi is the hottest female character so is the most widely used in pairings.

They will kill shitsoka together.

I honestly feel duped because I came here during the 2022 batch, got hype about Machi, read the series, only to find out she’s been a basic side character this whole time.
Funny enough, she’s the troupe member with high potential to survive though.

Having sex with Oito

Is this canon?

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stares at little boys' asses

gets boners and cums in his pants looking at a little boy

I doubt Hisoka's an actual pedo.

Pedoclown faggots get the rope too

im fine if DC truly starts around chapter 500, this succession war is extremely intriguing

whale island

whale boat

gon cofirmed on the boat

It's not going to be pain

That doesn't stop it from being murder, anon.

This is a good parody of left wingers.

Same gay pedofujo btw

Nope. Hisoka is vanilla. He would never get pegged.

whale island is the new continent

hottest female

for me, it's palmu

Meds, now.

Machi will be gummed! (Chrollo will watch, penis tip dripping from jealousy as he wants to be FUCKED by Hisoka)

i've accepted DC isn't happening

by the way this is so crack that I can't even find fanart lmao. I don't know how kuramachi schizo managed to find his fanarts. although they look like shit

Knov fucked ant Palm btw.

What would be the fan response if we got to the end of the succession war and maybe new continent arcs then Togashi cuts back to Gon and Killua while pulling a
lolnope we're not actually going to the Dark Continent?

Machikillua is the funniest to me because Machi fags love to call Hisoka fans pedos, yet ship Machi with a child. Must be a woman moment.

togashi's wife cracks the whip in their relationship and she needs another pair of red diamond slippers so naturally togashi is going to keep the series going on probably until his spine turns into a pretzel

She was supposed to die after the Chrollo vs Hisoka fight but Togashi changed his mind on a whim, she's on borrowed time

holy fucking based he's already one of my self-inserts

Miura died when Guts and Griffith saw each other again. Togashi will die when the succession war ends and the DC crew meets the Gatekeeper to let them through to the Dark Continent.

Because she's the prettiest female characters with a badass style therefore the designated self-insert for females fans wanting to fuck some male character that's it

Instant death is not evil the person dying doesn't even know they passed into the next life

I doubt anyone would care

at the start he wasn't

He was 12 and had a needle in his head. He also didn't just kill people to satisfy his murderboner like Hisoka did, he killed two guys who were harassing him and killed one guy after Illumi brainwashed him. Hisoka tracked a guy down just to kill him because it got his dick off.

Hisoka's barely a villain

Anon, he's a famous serial killer and his #1 ambition is to kill Gon, Killua, Ging, etc., he just wants them to reach their peak first.

What a lucky bastard

What is Dogman’s real name?

Lmao same with Machikallu

The Gatekeeper's design will be shit and everyone will argue about it until it slowly grows on them over the years.


I'd wager it's people who (somehow) self-insert as Hisoka
who gets butthurt when mentioning Hisoka's attraction to underage boys then posts his crackship and repressed homosexual fantasies

Is a condition for your Nen ability to bait people?

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Morena hasn't killed a single person instantly.

Chrollo already killed dogman who cares


Noone said utopia was easy

Machi's only purpose in the story is to continue Hisoka's lineage

Killua marrying some roastie hag

Yuckies. But actually? Kind of in-character.

guess Borkness' special hatsu

Clowniggers are a blight and easily the worst HxH posters. If they all disappeared tomorrow the average IQ of these threads would increase by 20 to 30 points.

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Noko won btw

Holy based. Meanwhile “damchou” will die alone while pissing and shitting himself

Machi will carry four children for Killua

These pictures are all Bonolenov x Machi by the way

Machi wearing the zodyc's characteristic purple is not a coincidence btw but a deliberated foreshadowing

Brion pen

everyone dying is a utopia

Well, the world WOULD be a better place without you in it, so maybe you're onto something.

Alright, you convinced me, anon. Everyone dying would be sweet! So, go ahead, go kill yourself and we'll be right behind you!



the user of this hatsu is able to siphon aura from unsuspecting targets through deceptive means, asking the target to send money via gift card or crypto

if the target falls for it unsuspectingly, their aura can be drained to the point of financial ruin (death)

however, if the target realizes the ploy and plays along without sending money, they can drain the user's aura in retaliation the longer they keep them strung along

the more obvious the ploy, the faster the rate of aura drain. sophisticated scams are slower, but less likely to have the target catch on


*Bonolenov x Illumi

Isn’t Hisoka technically an antagonist now? Chrollo’s current goal is to steal the treasures, which may stop the war. That’s the same goal as kurapika. Meanwhile Hisoka is trying to kill Chrollo, therefore stopping Chrollo from helping end the bloody war.


I miss Pariston

You would need emission too for that Amir.

She's become an insane misanthrope, isn't that obvious?

He is Sheila

How is he going to troll anyone on the Dark Continent without getting everyone instantly killed?

WOULD be a better place without you in it

See you're getting it

Hysoka is our hero

He will troll the zodiacs and ging will get in the crossfire trying to defend them

Her own Special MARTIAL LAW

Morena wants to wipe out humanity

But not chimera ants

Pariston groomed her

Why does HisoMachi look so visually appealing? It's like the perfect ship: good and evil, Yin and Yang, pineapples and pizza.

Because Machi is the stereotypical tomboy tsundere

Pariston trolled her into getting gangraped for 20 years

I doubt she even knows chimera ants exist

I do agree that Kurapika is a far weaker protagonist than Gon ever was - but this is the arc where Togashi can actually do something with these characters. It doesn't help that we're still in the set up phase of things.

Ur mom


I wonder how some rural pajeet who has never heard of AI would react upon seeing this webm

the dragon is the chase, noob

The Kurta massacre will be the greatest mindfuck in Shonen history. You doubted theorists when we said Hisoka wasn’t Hisoka, and look where it got you. The prices are setup.

this but chrollofags

Let's run a little thought experiment

You spend two years as meat in kakin

I renounce my nihilistic ways and stop trying to kill humanity

Do you take her deal,m

Upper left is not Risnorth. It's not confirmed and never will be.

They deserved it

daily reminder that sarasa asked for it

I don't see Chrollofags posting cringe garbage on a threadly basis like Hisokeks do

Why would Togashi ruin nen by making specialists literal gods?

Stop underrating enhancers

Sorry but Emission is the best category now and everyone knows it.

Transmuters are canonically the shittiest category

literal gods

They just can do more things with their hatsu, that doesn't make them inherently stronger
Emission is still the strongest category

he didnt. 3 specialists we know of are literally fucking dead


Theta sex chapter when?

Because they are SPECIAL.

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You idiot, don't you get it? Specialists can master any category they want. They can master your precious emission along with everything else. That makes them inherently superior.
Yeah, that doesn't make sense given what we know now.

actual teenagers, hunter x hunter, specially the chimera ant arc, is actually very popular and present in pop culture with stuff like gon's transformation being frequently used in memes

Memory limit is still a thing you double digit IQ monkey. Not every specialist has Emperor Time.

Specialists have all the strengths of every nen category without any of the weaknesses

Wow, what a fair and balanced system.

being a specialist just means you are less likely to job but develop a shitty hatsu means you will get ACKed like the rest of them

can't emit at 100%

And they're done. There's a reason that as warfare gets more advanced it occurs over greater distances.
Range >>> everything else

Based retard

Specialists can emit at 100% if they choose to master emission, speedy.

Tserr will fall in love with her and she'll become more of a monster than he ever was

every machipost adds a year to the hiatus that togashi is about to take

Are you telling me that this character is pure rage incarnate and wants to destroy everything with an incredible passion beyond human, but all this is hidden under a mischievous quirky smile and her clever card game? Impressive, a very impressive and interesting character.

I've been on this site since the 00s decade and I <3 Machi

The fact that specialists have complete freedom to develop their abilites however they want whereas everyone else is constrained by the category they were born into is ridiculously OP.

Memory limit can be overcome by talent and practice. Not all nen users have short memory like Kastro, and Specialist can easily learn other nen categories.

Because the dark continent isn't death at every turn. It's been implied the bulk of the personnel on expeditions were killed by the calamities. Not the giant dinosaurs the size of towns or worms that are the third of a city.


sex with women

if they revealed that i'd lose all respect for him, now if they specify he only went after the men then sure i wouldnt mind

So how is he going to troll them then?

Your post is literally fake and gay

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shut up cammy

their weakness is... sometimes they don't realize they are specialist because they learn other nen categories too easily

This must be a joke.

Specialists can emit at 100%

Time for a reread, pal.

Tse will rape her and break her after his nen beast turns her into some abomination

So the possible implication is that the Kurta massacre is somehow tied up with the Kakin festivals? Then the Spiders got involved somehow? It kind of feels like Togashi is going to tie all 3 of these plots together. Kurapika, Chrollo, and Morena all feel like they are walking similar paths with revenge as their motivation.

That doesn't change the fact that specialists have an insane advantage over every other category, dipshit. Stop making excuses for Togakek's shit writing.

Let this ant bite you it'll be so funny bro

hes going to hold calamaties up to peoples faces as a prank

It's possible but never implied more than "actually a meteor fell to Kurta clan" theory.

Pap will be Botobai's fleshlight

Why is the super rare category being really good a bad thing? Since when is nen balanced?
Kurapika's teacher told him his category was shit for fighting and that nen is just unfair like that.

How will theta survive? Tsen knows she’s a traitor, she’s stuck in his room, she has one more like before his urn beast fucks her, he’s slowly getting stronger.
Bork , Kurapika, or Melody are her best hopes

I have never watched any of his videos. Are they any good? All these thumbnails look kinda cringe.


Reread this, bitch. Specialists have no limitations. They can master any category.

gross, i need to see it to believe it though

In light of recent events

Anon, he has the exact same mole and wart.

They're not Gods, they just make whatever ability they want, ignoring Nen type affinities. So if Togashi thinks of a cool ability but then fears it uses too many types that aren't close to each other at too high a level, he can just make them a Specialist. It doesn't make them stronger than other Nen users, it just lets them ignore an arbitrary rule.

It's lame because it gives the authority too much agency over how new characters fit into a preexisting setting, but it doesn't make them gods. Half the Specialists we meet are either walking MacGuffins that need others to protect them or they're constantly fretting over how their ability doesn't exactly work like they want it to.

Tse will get distracted and go down to kill Morena himself, that will be her chance.

the one on the left is hysoka with texture surprise, everybody knows that

specialists have an insane advantage over every other category

Which is?

And where does it mention efficiency, the actual thing we were talking about? Hmmmm?

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they have lower effective output however

Why are transmuters so fucking shit bros?

It might also explain how Tserriednich has all those eyes. The set up is there for it now with this festival plot.

Ging, Pariston, and Beyond are all transmuters.
Just you wait.

will kurapika be meat this year? (god i hope so)

Why is the super rare category being really good a bad thing?

It really cheapens nen when some people are gods just by virtue of being born into the right category.

Since when is nen balanced?

It was until this chapter.

Kurapika's teacher told him his category was shit for fighting and that nen is just unfair like that.

No he didn't, speedy. He said enhancers are the best fighters because they have the best balance of offense and defense. The other categories suffer from leaning too much into either offense or defense. That doesn't mean they're "shit for fighting".

How old do you think Tserriednich and the older princes are?

We'll finally get the reveal of him being a girl all along like his fans always wanted.

They can master any category they want. A normal nen user can only master the category they were born into.

specialist is the best category because they can be the dollar store version of the actual best category

Since when is nen balanced?

That's what makes a good power system. Are you 12?

He has the same look as Togashi's other scruffy male characters who are around 30. The princes younger than him don't have wrinkles or signs of aging, so I'd guess he's about 30 and the older princes are probably 1-2 years apart from each other. The younger princes have bigger gaps because libido and virility wane with age. Halkenburg's probably fresh out of college.

Nasubi - 56
Benjamin - 37
Camilla - 35
Zhang - 33
Tserr - 32


He said enhancers are the best fighters

Proving my point for me. How nice of you.

Again, that's not the case because otherwise Emperor Time would be redundant. They just don't have to worry adjacent categories when creating their hatsu.

power systems have to be perfectly balanced to be good

You don't get it. A specialist still has to undergo years of training to master a category, ET gives Kurapika an instant boost, letting him avoid having to train for like 50 years.

Morena didn't mean they can master all five categories at once, she meant they can pick and choose. In Togashi's exhibition scribble, he wrote that for a Specialist to increase their proficiency they have to train in what would normally be their opposing type in the Nen hexagon. This is not Enhancement - if it was, he would've just said that. Instead what he means is that Specialists pick their affinities and, as Morena pointed out, they get stuck with them. So Pitou created a primarily Manipulation ability, which means to increase her proficiency in Nen she has to train Transmutation. She isn't automatically a top tier Transmuter, too.

tubeppa has to be at least 40 since shes rocking that karen haircut and perpetual rbf

No speedy, I proved your assertion that Izunavi claimed conjurers are shit at fighting is headcanon.

They have to be perfectly balanced to be perfect. An imbalanced system can still be good. It depends on you and your bar for quality. Having an IQ of 100 is "good."

The complaint comes from the fact that fans have jerked off Nen for decades as the best power system and this revelation (though many already believed it's how it worked anyway) is a blow to its reputation. It's still better than most other power systems, but it no longer looks AS much better.

You guys all don't get it.
ET gives 100% efficiency to all nen types.
Specialist can learn all nen types to highest level.
High level ability doesn't mean strong ability. For example, teleportation is an advanced skill of Emission, but Razor's basic nen ball is much stronger. Specialist can learn teleportation but their emission can only deal 60% damage.

Yes, they do. If one category is far superior to all the others, who even gives a shit about the other categories then? Throw away the dumbass hexagon and let's only focus on specialists now because they're the only characters that matter. Every other category is fodder.

He said enhancers are the best fighters

Your words, not mine.

Morena sex

Actually IIRC that's not how Emperor Time works. You would think that since it has "time" in the name that what it's skipping is training, but I'm pretty sure all the detailed explanations of ET I've read clarified that it's explicitly not doing that, it's skipping the need for a natural affinity.

That was never your argument, retard.

Togashi's exhibition scribble

It was retconned. That scribble said Specialist may train other nen categories which is hard to train, but this chapter Morena said Specialist has no difficulty in training other nen categories.

Avatar the Last Airbender has a shit power system because only the avatar can bend all the elements!

Star Wars has a shit power system because the chosen one is stronger than everybody else!

World Trigger has a shit power system because Ikoma can use Senku farther than anyone else!

Can you name a "good" power system?

It really cheapens nen when some people are gods just by virtue of being born into the right category.

Some characters in HxH are gods by virtue of having more aura or having more potential. This is nothing new.

There's a huge difference between just one guy being special and having an entire category of people who are above the rules.

No, it's not the same. Because a talented person can be born into any category. So that's fair and balanced. But a specialist has no limitations. That ruins nen.

entire category of people who are above the rules

Specifically the rarest category that canonically has few members.

You have to go back.

Because a talented person can be born into any category

Being a specialist is a talent. A specialist can be born from any race or ethnic so this is fair. What's really unfair is Scarlet Eye.

He's too valuable for that.

No, specialization was supposed to be a category like any other. Now we find out it's not actually a category at all, it's godhood. That is really bad writing.

That ruins nen.

What observable consequences does that have if it's such a superior category? Can you point out relevant events that display the advantages of specialists?

inb4 Uvo vs Pika

Doesn't count since Uvo was a retard who didn't take the fight seriously until it was too late.

That changes nothing. Nen is a joke now.

It depends on the definition of "talented". If being good at fighting is your definition, Enhancement is the best category, as that other anon mentioned.

Wrong. Specialization is the best category, because you can master enhancement and do other stuff as well. Specialists are actually the best fighters.

Why are you trying so hard to defend Togashit's god awful writing?

Why are you trying so hard to avoid posting an actual argument?

Kys femcel

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Shitposter couldn't resist ousting xerself

Post benjamin's shit

Specialization is the best category, because you can master enhancement and do other stuff as well.

Nope, thats not how it works. Refer to chart pic related. Also the original point was that Nen categories were never balanced to begin with.

Before this chapter, we all appreciated the strengths and weaknesses of each category. Nen was nice and balanced. Every category was valid. It was fun imagining being a conjurer or an enhancer or whatever. Now that's all gone. Now every category is garbage except for specialization. Literally throw the hexagon in the trash. Now there are only two categories; specialization and shit. Good job Togashi. You ruined your carefully crafted power system which you've been developing for decades with this stupid stunt. One of the best parts of Hunter x Hunter is no more. What a joke.

get btfo

shitpost harder


we all appreciated the strengths and weaknesses of each category

People were screaming for weeks about how transmutation was total dogshit and unusable.

Nice play, however you activated my trap card

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Before Yorknew arc, we all appreciated the equality of each race. Biology was nice and balanced. Every race was valid. It was fun imagining being a black or a white or whatever. Now that's all gone. Now every race is garbage except for Kurta clan. Literally throw the balance in the trash. Now there are only two races; Kurta and shit. Good job Togashi. You ruined your carefully crafted power system which you've been developing for decades with this stupid stunt. One of the best parts of Hunter x Hunter is no more. What a joke.

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specialists still arent as good at other categories as people born into them.
There has always been a distinction between the "ability mastery rate" and "output efficiency" and specialists are only better at the ability learning rate
This was actually necessary to balance out the fact that the specialization category provides no inherent skill or nen advantage to it's user
Like there was seemingly no advatnage to being specialist besides "you get to make an exception" before hand, every other category was better at something

You looking at the winner of the succession war right here.

Now you are all pissing your pants cared as fuck.

B-but my Halkenburg took Balsa's body

Nope martial law

B-but Kurapika and 3rd prince teamed up

Lol Martial LAW

B-b-but oh my 1 second zetsu

Wrong martial law

B-b-bu-t Phantom troupe will steal items and destroy kakin prosperity


But Hei-ly will destroy Kakin

M-A-R-T-I-A-L L-A-W !!!!

MartialChad.jpg - 966x1032, 681.78K

Nope, thats not how it works.

It is now. All that shit got retconned. See >Also the original point was that Nen categories were never balanced to begin with.
No, they were balanced in the beginning. It was believed that specialists, despite having OP powers, were still bound by the proficiency rules. They lost out on enhancement, the greatest fighting category, so it was all balanced in the end. But with this latest chapter, apparently specialists aren't bound by anything at all. They shouldn't be called specialists, they should be called gods. Nen is trash now.

Well this just made nen even worse.

abandoned thread after being exposed and is now posting gay shit in the new one

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Before Chimera Ant arc, we all appreciated the equality of each race. Biology was nice and balanced. Every race was valid. It was fun imagining being a black or a white or whatever. Now that's all gone. Now every race is garbage except for the ants. Literally throw the balance in the trash. Now there are only two races; Ants and shit. Good job Togashi. You ruined your carefully crafted power system which you've been developing for decades with this stupid stunt. One of the best parts of Hunter x Hunter is no more. What a joke.

See #

It said 'learning'. There's difference between learning it without mastery cap, and using it without efficiency cap.

retard actually read the chart in my post

what's the point of a 1 second zetsu?

No, they were balanced in the beginning. It was believed that specialists, despite having OP powers, were still bound by the proficiency rules. They lost out on enhancement, the greatest fighting category, so it was all balanced in the end. But with this latest chapter, apparently specialists aren't bound by anything at all. They shouldn't be called specialists, they should be called gods. Nen is trash now.

I mean, Chrollo battled and went toe to toe with two Zoldycks, one a transmuter (high enhancement) the other potentially also a transmuter or enhancer.
It was obvious that specialists couldn't just suck at fighting.
The only ones that seem to completely suck at fighting are manipulators and conjurers.

one a transmuter


Specialists are literal nen gods. The other categories don't matter anymore.

That only applies to nen genius who happen to be specialist.
Being a genius > being a specialist > normal nen users
That means that specialist genius are at the very top but we already knew that with how strong chrollo was and how much stronger kurapika get when he turns specialist

Too transparent, 0/10

The only ones that seem to completely suck at fighting are manipulators and conjurers.

Both Genthru and Knuckle are conjurers and were beating up Gon.