Girls und Panzer/ GuP / Garupan

Piyotan's birthday is still ongoing in most anons' timezones
Rosehip's is coming up in 1.5 days

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naomi has a queen of spades tattoo on her butt






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The femcel stare

she got one with alisa I bet


I look like this

I'll have to admit I like some of the 'jaks

What about this then

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doctor mouse is in the house

right here on the pic. arisa
kek, a cute femcel stare at that

all the mousing around

and no mice

this post is on the mouse too

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arisafag being uppity


The first mention of them (in this thread) was directed towards Obraz, I'd say that evens it out.
*If* you have a problem with spades/hearts, I clearly don't so I'd say all three are the making of perfection.

piyo power

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dumping the playing card set


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Will it be one of those threads?

One of what

A reminder that everything Anzio occult club president, Barone Julia-chan, has said about Saunders is true.

Shinobu has bigger boobs than takeo. Cope and seethe


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Stupid wani

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doctor mouse

it's lupus

this is a dirty tea drinker not my mouse

she forgot to comb some of it so a few hairs are sticking out and picking up light

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Miho is the doctor, who should the nurse be? It cant be Erika.

Naomi art?

you know the drill

Strange thread.



That goes without saying.
Can guarantee you she has a certified breeder tattoo hidden on her back, too. The only reason we know that's all she has is becose of how much skin she likes to show -- Darjeerling could be completely covered in them for all we know.

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Darjputa is for ossan use
There are probably a few ossans who indulge in such things if we’re being honest