How brown is too brown?

What the fuck is this softcore porn looking trash doing on Jump Comics?


mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda mufugga bix nood

Come on. It looks like a fucking doujin cover.

those poor jump+ readers have never seen naked legs before we need to protect them

There's very little limit to how dark of skin tones can be attractive. The things that are "too brown" for people IRL are lips, head shape, skin blemishes, and hair.

Sorry, I don't have much experience talking with terminal cumbrains


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No such thing.

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Brown enough.

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Caramel color is my favorite.

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when they start asking you to not redeem.

I've never read or watched. Why do they censor her shoulder?

They put junior idol gravure on the cover of kid's comics. Get some perspective.

Maybe 25 years ago.

the ntr queen

When it's no longer brown and becomes black.


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25 years ago

try 25 days

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Bedouin dreams + Dark vanilla + bottom row.

Around this brown.

That's a 23 year old woman

Too light

Wouldn't it be better if it was a junior idol on the cover instead? Since she would be around the same age as the target audience of the magazine.

Thank American influence and the olympics so you'll never have something like that

no matter how beautiful and fancy their names are, they are still niggers

beautiful teen pussy!

no such thing
dark skin in manga is hot unless in reality

why is there mosaic on her knees?

just watch the show, its good

See this

Wat do?

I would worry more about her dislocated arm if I were you.

people confusing brown for sun tan

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Oh shit, I'm sorry

Rape and colonise, obviously

Sorry for hwat? Our daddy told us not to be ashamed of our dicks

I don't actually believe this, but it seems applicable.