You're older and still more pathetic than satou

you're older and still more pathetic than satou

it's over

satou.jpg - 802x1000, 117K

How? Do you live by yourself and make your parents pay your rent, and lie to them that you're trying to get a job? Do you do worse than that? Please elaborate.

threadly reminder that this guy was tall and lived in easy mode

I have a job and a bunch of money but still hate it.

Man, I was 18 when I watched NHK and I remember thinking "when I'm MC's age I'll be better off." I'm 32 now, and yeah, I'm much worse.

It's over as fuck.

Sato's parents and senpai's husband are the only good people in the manga, and they also happened to be victims to the shitty people they associated with either by choice or by blood. Though I guess Sato's mom is an enabler and her and his dad should have stopped the money stream much sooner for his own good (iirc that's what makes Sato get a job in the og novel), 4 years of leeching is crazy. Especially since if he just lived with them they wouldn't have to pay the unnecessary rent.

What's over? Was there even anything to begin with?

They're supposed to magically know he'd get a job and not wound up homeless or something?


Be homeless

Yes, cause that's the only choice aside from.. you know.. Moving back to your parents house instead of enriching some land owner for no reason other than you don't want to live with the hands that feed you.

No and they took a gamble instead of playing it safe and just making his life miserable until he caved and got a job. You can't ween a NEET off NEETdom, they will just simply make do with less and less until all they have is a roof over their head, a mattress on the floor and their pride. You have to shock someone out of this.

I'm a NEET and my parents don't give a fuck.


Me too.

my parents are dead faggot

What's your plan when they die? Are you lucky enough to just inherit enough money / properties for rent?

I'm also tall but I'm still older and still more pathetic than Satou.

I got access to gun for when shit hits the fan.

I think about shooting myself every day.

Well I had an office job for a bit and a degree.
Then covid happened.

Kinda different.

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

I had a career dude.
The system decided to ruin it.

It's beyond over. It's only begun.

It amuses me when relatives and friends lost their livelihoods due to covid, but instead of blaming the system and burning it down, they blame themselves instead for shit they could never control.

It's baffling.
They just don't want to accept that their system is pure evil and deserves death.
They just continue to dream away.

What's even more staggering is that the system is begging them to fuck their shit up - the economic reset - and the hive STILL resists doing it. I just don't get it.
Your king committed tyranny on purpose and is telling you to end his misery and you instead blame yourself.

This society is just so fucked now.
It's like Neo has the chance to destroy the machines at their request and he instead goes "nah I'm the problem".

I've officially aged past the point that I cannot conceivably cope with "I'm a student" anymore. I envy this loser.

I had an office with a view of the central business district and I thought "man I would love to be Satou again, this is pointless stress and it might kill me".

Most people aren't conspiracy theorist NEETs with nothing to lose.

Yep. 40 y/o khhv.
I hope we get an anime that I can relate to soon.
Some of those isekai shows hit, but only the first episode. When it came out, I think I was pretty close in age to the mc in that Slime anime.
I'm 6'5"; it doesn't mean shit.


But I was employed and educated and then covid happened and I went "if I continue working, I die". I was right, my state went full retard and I had a very bad adverse reaction to 1 jab.

Don’t give up hope anons!

I was Hiki for a solid 3 years but had a good friend from ygo locals pull me out of my slump, force me to get a job, and now I’m starting a post Bach program to try and get my grades up and go to a graduate school for a PHD. I’ll be much older than most of the older candidates, but that’s ok! Keep trying and loving yourselves. You can do it!


haha... you don't get it

3 years


Try to fix that negative attitude you have! If you believe you can’t change, you certainly won’t!

Time has passed.
Ah, how terrible.
I'm frightened.
Aaahhh, chrono-number larger.
Darn it I'm smarter than I used to be but my body isn't completely spotless, nooooo
What a conundrum for absolute tards.

Try to get certification for work

Certification requires 400hrs of experience

Try to get job to get those hours

Month four of fruitless efforts

Not even an interview

Most of the "vacancies" are also 40+ minute drives away

I'm only 24 but this is the longest I've ever not been employed. This shit fucking sucks I need money to fuel my gunpla addiction but I'm fucking broke. Can't say I'm in too deep yet but holy shit does it feel like I'm on the way

Mixed bag, I'm older and uglier than him but I'm better off financially. I do lack an anime teen that cooks for me and lets me creampie the shit out of her so biology-wise I guess I'm an utter fuck-up

bold of you to assume, i generally feel satisfied by my life

I’ll be much older than most of the older candidates

back now for my PhD, mostly kids fresh from undergrad but there's plenty of people that have taken the more "nontraditional" route. older students still integrate fine in grad school. im not even that much older than them but still sometimes the gap in maturity seems insane, we all get along anyway

Teleworking is basically being a NEET but getting paid. We all became worse than satou

He played card games with a girl every day in high school and she offered him sex (which he turned down) and he STILL complains how bad he has it.

I hope we get an anime that I can relate to soon. Some of those isekai shows hit, but only the first episode.

The true nirvana is hitting 40, wishing you could do it all over again, and then realizing you'd still make the same fuckups even if you could reincarnate into an isekai.

You missed all the signs with multiple girls, infa 100%.

don't worry. ai will love your waifu for you

Personal responsibility is liberating. It's good to know that you are the sole cause of all your fuckups and that's you'd be a fuckup no matter what the system was.


About to finish college

Trying to get a job but unsurprising most companies aren't willing to hold open a no experience required engineering position for 6 months

Still leeched off parents and got them to pay for college and rent

Never had a gf

Older but slightly better.

how old

Would we retain our memories? If so, I would like to think that I would try a lot harder -- if not, you're definitely right.
I guess. One straight up asked to fuck, but she was married, so I declined.

Being incapable of taking responsibility and blaming everyone and everything for your problems is the most common sign of sociopathy.

That just sounds like your average female.

Yeah and look at the state of the world after we gave those cunts the vote

still more pathetic than satou

speak for yourself

If voting actually made a difference, they would make it illegal.
-Some woman

its funny how every japanese story about dealing with depression involves some self absorbed fuck who literally had life handed to them and it still wasnt enough. I blame it on No Longer Human