The Fate/strange Fake premiere is almost here!
The Fate/strange Fake premiere is almost here!
I hope the wait was worth it
Will they continue from the OVA or add content to the OVA and ship it as episode 1?
It took forever for us to get another episode. Is it still in production hell?
Pretty sure I read there's already simulcast planned with the NA distributors and we'll probably get an official release date for the weekly anime by the end of this. Should still be scheduled before the end of the year.
I hate this fucking bitch so fucking much for killing this cutie like you wouldn't believe.
I'm not watching that shit in English, fuck Aniplex USA
Wait fuck this isn't subbed?
official release date
You aren't going to get such substantial news before the New Years special.
Why is Yuki Ono there if they're going to show the dub?
Best Rider
some places in Strange/Fake are based from LA
Huh? Isn't Snowfield in Nevada?
Nope. Gotta power through the dub if you wanna watch it.
A1 was forced to slow down their schedule after the suicide.
The livestream panel is so awkward. They really dragged the JP staff there for this?
Its the exact same talkshow shit that goes on in JP panels.
Gilgamesh won without even doing anything already. THAT'S his master? Lucky motherfucker.
bro it's only 8:30pm
It's 7:00 am for me. It's over.
FSF part of the event
bring JP voice actor
premiere is dubbed
JP fans will have to watch a subbed version of this until the end of the year
Really funny choices were made across the board, that's that Aniplex touch.
Ayaka eating a hotdog
He's lucky she killed him before Gil did it himself.
Gawain likes large breasts though, not just youth.
god the dev team on this shit is retarded
Thank you for watching
It's over. We got cucked after 7.5 hours.
They confirmed the internet will get to watch it, so it's just them being fucking retarded.
When did they say that?
They confirmed the internet will get to watch it
Yes. On December 31st.
They said for viewers on site and on the broadcast that it would be a worldwide premiere. Of course, given the entire retardation of the event, it could be they spoke out their ass.
Stream over.
Oh, they just dropped the full thing on Chrunchyroll. Fucking retarded
Seems like just extremely bad communication. I was shocked hearing that they would let people see it for free, aniplex doesn't do anything unless they can extract every single penny and yen possible. The people who paid to sit at that boring ass event all day will get to see it and that's it until 2025.
Can't watch it in my country
FUCK. I can watch episode 0. Why not this?
Pretty janky so far. Hope it's just for the premiere and they're going to fix it later, but isn't boding well.
Does Gilgamesh have a Futanari potion in his vault?
Did I miss it or did they completely forget about the giveaway link and passcode?
Passwords were in the corner at the start. Didn't bother looking for them from there. Not sure about the link, but saw people in the comments saying it never turned up. Whole thing was a clusterfuck start to end. That's what NFT funding does for you.
A miracle on par with the third magic
So all holy grails are equal to the third?
I remember fgo (I think?) saying all grails can potentially preform the third magic (even if the odds are small).
This grail is specifically a piece of the Fuyuki grail so it should be able to perform the 3rd to some extent.
The quality of the first episode is significantly lower than that of episode 0, from the thicker outlines to lower detailed art, less fluid sakuga, fewer kino reflections/lighting and fewer cinematic angles.
WHY?! Can the old staff come back at least for the high priority episodes?
Why is Ishtar being mean to Ayaka
That's not Ishtar yet
Filia is a rouge enizbern homo who was reprogramed by Francesca to act as the lesser grail. She took on bitchier personality after but her actual personality was apparently sweet in her final message to ayaka before she croaked.
but why
Premiere in Hollywood. Japanese dub will air during the New Years special.
Flat actually has a good English dub voice, I'm shocked.
Yeah idk why the fuck they said they'd put it in the livestream and then just dropped the VOD instead
All of the voices have been fine so far for me, except maybe Prelati
Faldeus was pretty meh.
Ayaka's tone seems fine, but something about her didn't really vibe with me, same with Franceca.
Richard and Dumas were fairly decent.
I could watch through at gunpoint, but still not in any way preferable to real voice actors.
Have they said if it's going to be 13 or 26 for the first season? Feels like the best place to end would be Gil's death.
Maybe around 13 and end it on Jack vs Alceides.
how long do we have to wait for Nip?
Over a month. December 31st.
I have Nasu so fucking much
How much Nasu do you have?
Enough to miss my spells.
Huh? The girl is a Master and he's a Saber and not even in this
I think mostly Caster can do it.