Black Lagoon


I haven't had a reason to watch it in 2006, and I still have no reason to watch it.

Sexy hags. Imagine licking Balalaika's scars

I thought the ending was ass.

not virgin

Boku no Pico
Pico to Chico
Pico x CoCo x Chico

It's remembered fondly exclusively for the first half, because interest really petered out in the second half. It had a distinct nosedive in threads. First half was proto-GAR posting (this is fuckin epic, this pwns, awesome sauce 2000s netspeak) but by the end no one cared.

Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop

It's not finished

Remind me why is a mafia boss's job to edit porn videos?

It's usually not, but she was following a lead and looking for the the twins.


dropped after the nazi episode and that the blonde guy was a jew


dropped after kino

i'm clearly the target audience but this stuff is boring as fuck

It never clicked, maybe because most of the cast is so boring, and the not boring ones are overused tropes. Boring ones are overused tropes too to be honest. It's crap for grugs.

Don't know wasn't around until that "hacker known as Anon Babble" news clip. What I do know is Benny is literally me.

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Fourth volume should be done in a few weeks.

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Hell yeah.

It's kinda funny how they're reacting to porn with anal in this scene, while in porn these days you're not really a real porn star if you don't do anal or double penetration. It's changed a lot in just a few decades with all the hardcore porn from eastern europe.

Not sure how Anon Babble felt about it but I recall being very underwhelmed by the helicopter episode when this show was on tv. The character interaction, especially in the early part of the story is really weak and feels too off. Revy is too evil/sour/one note. Rock is too wimpy to be on a pirate boat/a shrimpy self insert for losers. He makes Benny look tough. Dutch and Benny barely have personalities. It's a great action spectacle but the lack of character development makes this product a very forgettable experience. Note how Rock and Revy struggle to even smile at each other or share a joke. Yet they work super dangerous piracy jobs together. The whole experience ends up being extremely bland and not much to write home about. If the writer is going to tease the Rock x Revy sub plot I would like to have seen them start to slowly but steadily warm up to each other. They stand a little closer together, they smile and laugh with each other more, Rock brings Revy a drink after she sticks up for him. Then at more milestone moments we might see something like at the casino where Revy is dressed to kill, Rock isn't the only man in awe of her beauty. If Revy was shown reacting to one or more men coming onto her by putting her arm around Rock, that establishes them as a real couple.

Hey is she taking it up the ass?!

The manga and OVAs show some of this more over time.

Is that Misato, Shinji and long-haired Ritsuko? It's so cool.

evangelion, but fuck rebuilds


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are you me?
tolerating niggers nad women is one thing, but jewish glowies is going way to far

Me too. I'm not going to watch propaganda.

It was a big favourite of the board and one of the single arguments for ever watching a dub.

Also Balalaika sexo, I always wanted to be one of her soldiers.

Benny isn't a glowie, Eda is.

hai hai