Has a single scene ruined the entire credibility of an author more than this

Not even THAT page from AOT compares

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Urobuchi can write. Nasu cannot.

Urobutcher [Headcanon]

You mean it ruined Nasu?

Saberkeks will never let this go will they?

Exactly what was so terrible about this that you had to invoke Cuckren?

that was my favourite scene in fate zero and single handedly redeemed it for me

It is one of the most infamous character assassinations of all time.


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What's so bad about it?

He pulls out caliburn not Excalibur.

For me, it's nine bullet revolver.

It's basically argued being a shitty tyrant with no remorse is proper kingship.

Isn't that just Iskandar's characterization?

I saw it as a bunch of extreme viewpoints coming to a table, from tyrannical to naive. Each one has a fragment of something great, if only if could be hammered into a single balanced whole.

The scene framed Author's PetKander as being right. Saber wasn't even given an opportunity to defend herself and looked like she was getting fisted.

I see. The author personally offended you by not making her the perfect little Mary Sue you want her to be.

She had no way to defend herself against Rider's 'no regrets' schtick when the point was that she regrets her reign. It's not about the right or wrong way to rule.

Yes, he did personally offend me by expositing his awful philosophizing in this scene. The ending takes the cake though.

What was Gilgamesh's contribution to the conversation, again?

I didn't see it that way. I thought it was just various perspectives on what it means to be King. None of them were necessarily correct or proper, but each one was based on their own personal experience as rulers.

Laughing at saber and

muh everything belongs to me

I mean, King Arthur was an idiot who got his kingdom destroyed by the wrath of God due to his inability to do the virtuous thing, so yeah. It only follows that a female version of him would be even more pathetic.

Not after Aldnoah Zero.


Calling him a retard would've been a good start.

He wrote just the beginning for that one.

Thunderbolt Fantasy came after, he's still got it. Meguca film will be great.

You have to adjust each ruler to their timeframe. (By today's standards even Saiba is technically a tyrant as an absolute monarch)

Gil just sees being a King and "lamenting it" is a masochist guilt trip. Protect and define the Law and you've done your duty as a King (he's from 6000+ years ago, so setting up some organization/logistics in ancient times meant more than today)

Iskander sees that the buden of being a King as keeping the subjects in a highly inflammed emotional state, so that regardless of their opinion of the king, his mere existence ensures the subjects are always energized/ambitious, and from there on they will figure out their thing, even if he's not there.

Saber after lamenting herself says that she has to constantly save her subjects in a just manner.
Which she does until she fails one time to, and the subjects didn't have enough experience to know to manage without her.

Saber rethorically does a Lancer and defeats herself, if her ruling points were good she wouldn't be all over guilt and lamentation;

Rider and Archer are just pointing it out

Saber would NEVER use the R word.

The beginning still had that bland shitstain in it.


She will beat you senseless to convey her feeling of disappointment.

Administrator, Leader, Protector
All good answers


Saber wasn't even given an opportunity to defend herself and looked like she was getting fisted.

you know that she aimed to defend the kingdom, and failed, right? the real question is why is she even invited to that meeting
and if you want some fun lore about your perfect little girl - before she fucked up her kingdom - she started it by doing a Herod

A: Merlin.. why did you tell me that a child born this year would in time take over my kingdom?

M: I just wanted to see if you would go and kill all babies born this year (and you did)

stop making the same thread also watch thunderbolt fantasy

Who cares, Narita forced Uro to retcon it to make Seibah looks better.

it exposed Nasu as a bad writer as he couldn't make kino like this

I don't hate /Zero I just think it's not as good as F/SN. F/SN has more layers to it while /Zero plays the battle royale aspect far more straight instead of as a vehicle to explore themes. The latter is more interesting to me, thus I like /SN more.

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Imagine being Butcher and writing while knowing that kiritsugu and saber are literally not allowed to talk with each other except for the 3 command seals. If he has already retconned other stuff I wonder why he was so keen on keeping that condition in.

But Iskander's subjects DIDN'T know what to do when he was gone. His empire tore itself to pieces after he left. Saber's country did much better after her.

it is though

The People are possessions who exist to serve the king. Simple as.

Saber's country did much better after her.

Anon, the Kingdom of Camelot was fucking destroyed immediately after King Arthur's death. Then the Saxons slaughtered the fuck out of the survivors. Only the Welsh today would qualify as Arthur's subjects.

The thing is that Iskandar doesn't care about that part. He feels he did a good enough job as a king so he has no regrets.

But Iskander's subjects DIDN'T know what to do when he was gone

you really don't know why Diadochi wars started, do you?
He literally told them on his deathbed to fuck that hereditary shit and waiting for his 5yo son, and rather to do a tournament arc instead
"Empire goes to the strongest"

Saber's country did much better after her.

got invaded to fuck?

monarchy > whatever yours is

Based and Mengdepilled.

Saberfags everyone.
Narita even had to go out of his way to spoonfed you bitches about what the topic was really about and you're still doing this

Here's some of my opinions you never asked for:

Iskandar is the best character in Fate/Zero.

Fate/Zero looks more interesting on the surface.

Fate/Stay Night is better written.

The Fate route wasn't all that good and felt like a way to trick romance obsessed Otaku into getting invested in a story with more meat to it than girls.

Shirou is a really well written MC, regardless of if you like him or not.

Iskandar attracts a lot of shallow fatass retards who are only concerned with being strong and cool and BIG.

Same with Gilgamesh but on a more prettyboy spectrum.

There is nothing wrong with preferring Fate/Zero over F/SN but at least have the balls to admit you don't like F/SN for shallow faggot reasons because whenever I see someone criticize F/SN it's for some really gay shit like "hurr the characters are too young and don't wear cool trenchcoats and use guns :(" get over it pansy.