Movies like this don't get made anymore... what happened to anime?
Movies like this don't get made anymore... what happened to anime?
People kept supporting and buying Japanese mediocrity so there was no need to make good stuff anymore. Also somehow as things got more digital the cost to make something is obscenely larger
Movies like that don't get made because Satoshi Kon died.
Satoshi Kon died, bro. He can't make movies when he's dead.
dudes just lazy
Video games like SH2 don't get made anymore. neither do books like the Count of Monte Cristo either etc. Nothing as good as what we had in the past get made anymore. it's over.
old good
new bad
Just look at the catalog imbecile… even old classics are full of ironic retards posting “haha I didn’t even watch this but jacked off to some lewds lol”, Anon Babble might have never been good but we used to have good discussions here with other anons who cared about the medium and passionate about their favourite works… now it’s just filled with mouthbreathing retards, probably underage, seeping like roaches into a threads they clearly don’t belong because those ironic pests DO NOT BELONG ON 4CHANNEL
we used to have good discussions here with other anons who cared about the medium and passionate about their favourite works…
Those were few and inbetween. The Anon Babble I used to love was always talking about the newest fotm while most of the other threads were off topic stuff with the worst ones being tripfag circlejerks but guess what, off topic fun was way better than boring discussions, you can do that shit on every anime forum.
Yeah they do
People forget the bad old and remeber only the good old, while the new consists of both the good and bad. This anon is doing the same but with Anon Babble instead of anime.
The Anon Babble I used to love was always talking about the newest fotm while most of the other threads were off topic stuff with the worst ones being tripfag circlejerks
So it was then exactly as it is now.
You absolutely can’t. The translations done here and some storytimes of more obscure manga were peak. Not saying that good quality discussion happened all time, but regularly enough to make the board worth it. Now, as every new batch of retarded 14 yo gets a phone smarter than “him”, quality is plummeting pretty sharply.
Anon Babble was never good but never as bad as now… derailing shitposters used to be banned much more regularly than now. Heck even bait threads were often nuked…
did you know there was a time when paprika was new? and it was still good then!
He doesn’t. Zoom zooms couldn’t ever appreciate a classic. Just speedwatch it for clout and making tiktok shit.
Raise the posting age to 30. Anon Babble is saved.
You have old good new threads in the 2007 and 2008 as well so Idk about that.
Wrong. Ban every non-white person from posting on Anon Babble(especially Sea and latin countries) and Anon Babble is saved.
Anon Babblecucks also don’t belong here… bet you are brown as fuck, anyway there you go
gets called out
immediately copes and deflects
It's so easy. Let me guess, you are a sea monkey, right? Any normal person would agree that internet deteriorated when subhumans were allowed to use it. The only person that would disagree is one of the undesirables that are using the internet right now.
Rent-free in your incel head… also anime and manga? Nope, so fuck off
literally admits he is one of them
has to call others incel while his own women crave foreign cock
I rewatched Paprika recently and realized the plot wasn't that great. A lot of style that I love, but not much substance.
Corps decided to rely on the risk averse strategies than indulge in actual good shit.
This is a terrible long term strategy though and it's already fucking things up. The math lies.
There are still god anime made every year and you also have indie anime.
A lot of style that I love, but not much substance.
Satoshi Kon in a nutshell.
When did I “admitted anything” you absolute sperg? Sure timmy, women are dying for noodle arms autists out there hahahahahahaha
Why is it normal on Anon Babble now to hate fanservice, ecchi, lolis, and moe, while praising Western pandering pseudo intellectual shit with bad art? What has gone so wrong? Where did these tourists come from?
Boy and The Heron was pretty similar
But yeah they don't really make a lot of super interesting anime movies lately, shonen movies being so profitable definitely isn't gonna help either, expect 3 more One Piece movies before another Paprika
Why is it normal on Anon Babble now to hate fanservice, ecchi, lolis, and moe
Because corporations and organisations literally pay Hiro money to spam here while Hiro slows down the posts of real anons.
They've been doing this since the CP crackdown in 2010 because everything triggers child abuse according to these psychopaths. These people make money doing this. They promote their need to financiers and then proceed to target natural communities for the sake of controlling them.
Then they start to market their own purpose on these forums to reinforce their demand.
They're not doing it to save children though, they're doing it to make money.
n-no I wasn’t admitting that I am a sea monkey or a spic
Lmao. Your women crave white cock, Pablo.
all non retard anime is "western pandering"
You're making anime look bad with this argument
40 year old virgin type post
Look Back
Neck yourselves cuckmiket otaku trash... hope Miyazaki empties a barrage of machine gun into all of you. You ruined the medium, mouthbreathing pieces of shit.
Brown hands typed this post.
All 3rd worlders are huge cucks.
Triggered Anon Babblecel
NTA but you just confirmed your virginity... virginity confirmed, opinion discarded
t. brownoid
You will never be white btw.
Sequel Kino soon!
That's why timmycels cry all the time about how their women replace them with men from Africa and Latin America? Lol, lmao even
he confirms he is from Latin America
Your kind always cries when white men fuck your women btw. Thanks for raising your daughters to be my cumdumps btw. Look at the statistics all women prefer white mem.
You guys are both hella mentally ill
Is this a Look Back shill thread? Because that's the most expected response to your post.
Hahahaha Latin Americans have bred half your shithole and LatAm is a prime destination for Gringas who want to try a real cock for once... not that it matters to you what they do, they'll never ever have sex with you either way.
just looks at the statistics
Spoken like a true virgin. You lost as always in life. Thanks for playing child.
yeah bro someone go wake him up
Satoshi Kon movies stopped being made after he died
They also didn't make them before he started making movies too. Curious. Someone should look into this.
Its a mystery
More like the got bred and colonized by the white men. Latina women always go for the white cock since the lation “men” can’t satisfy them.
they'll never ever have sex with you either way.
In your dreams. Being a sexpat is pretty fun. I get to fuck women from every country.
You lost as always in life. Thanks for playing child.
Sure Pablo, don’t you have some dbz to rewatch?
So now you larp as moorish Spaniards too? Wasn't enough for you to appropriate ancient Greece and Rome – that had nothing to do with Anglo pigs anyway? Hahaha how pathetic... fitting for a culture of larpers and low test cucks who live in constant anxiety and fear of a Black man fucking their wives and girlfriends and daughters hahahah... did you pay shekelstein your latest Blacked subscription? I bet you did, like every other Timmy
moorish Spaniards too
NTA but Spaniards are closer to Anglos genetically than they're to anyone from MENA. The "Moor" thing is quite misubderstood and overblown.
700 years
Uhm akschuall… kys
admits he watched bl*cked
y-you are the cuck!
pretends he knows history
The classic trio. Go back to school, Pablo. Your women have been literally bred to worship the white cock while your cuck race watches from the closet.
hopefully when AI tuns every computer into a 1 man movie studio we can see a cinematic renaissance. Right now AI doesn't give us enough control over video outputs so everything is sort of generic, but with the rate things are advancing, I wouldn't be surprised if it's there in 10 years or less.
schizo having meltdown
moving goalposts and quoting thing that were never said
writes a literal cuck fanfic
Hahaha sorry I shouldn’t have messed with something so important for an Aryan white “man” as his Blacked subscription. My bad, it was culturally insensitive from my part
Wow all that projection... isn't it very telling how the sissy wytboi completely lost it after he admitted watching Blacked? Turns out all whites are cucks
probably not
his spic brain allows him to reply with only n-no you
Completely mindbroke. Have fun while your women are getting fucked.
Yes, we fuck our women so well that yours want it too and come here in droves... while I pay child support in Europe for 2 kids, you pay that Blacked subscription that you admitted having. We are not the same, Timmy.
Die, Anon Babbleermin.