Hunter X Hunter

Troupe tards are on suicide watch… tick tock , troupe death is on the clock!

There’s regular rape festivals happening in the country with children getting forced to become meat toilets

Too bad but I don’t care didn’t ask let me out of this fucking game

What the hell is Bork’s problem?

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I wish I was Kurapika’s classmate, he would be great to study with.

She just wants a cushy office job, everything else is not her problem.

Why's this psychotic, serial killing, pedophile clown so lovable?

The fact that she was basically born into military school means she's a netero, right?

Are you serious ?

Reminder that specialization is On now.

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Her nen is not awakened so she isn't a netero .

Kakin really brings out some kind of abuse of a human in every chapter



Festival kids

How many levels of oppression is Kakin on?

Togashi stealing ideas from a non-canon movie everyone hated

Huntersissies... we lost.

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Anyone know what this thumbnail's vid is called I need to find it

How strong would a specialist with rubber and gum nen be?

Oh no no no

In the initial chapter, I felt like Tse’s friends being all “oh too much trouble” was a bit overdone, and I’m still not 100% on how Borksen was written concerning it, but I do appreciate a look at someone who’s kinda real like that. Most people, even if their internal thoughts are different, would feel similarly, in which they don’t want their daily lives to be disrupted, even if they acknowledge horrors are happening.

So which member of ging's crew fucks this fag?

HxH fighting game is banned in Australia


Don't know, but it's definitely not Ging. He's a bottom.

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well clearly its not ging otherwise list would have been a more important character earlier on, so is it razor?

Don't worry about the calamities, Beyond will protect us

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I don't know, but the rape festivals sound like Morena's problem, not Bork's. Also protentially a problem for the V5 after accepting Kakin in to become the V6. Still not Bork's problem.

Fgts see a cute young man

automatically assume he's gay

You brainrotten fgts need a psychiatrist.

Hunter x Hunter is a shonen yaoi anime

Twinks are gay, hetfag. Everyone knows this.

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Here's a list of canonically gay characters in Hunter x Hunter: Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hanzo, Hisoka, Illumi, Izunavi, Chrollo, Phinks, Feitan, Uvo, Shalnark, Nobunaga, Knuckle, Shoot, Meleoron, Ikalgo, Welfin, Gyro, Youpi, Pouf, Meruem, Netero, Beyond Netero, Ging, Pariston, Mizaistom, Kanzai, Tserri, Benjamin, Babymania, Furykov, Halkenburg, Bill, Hinrigh, Tsudonke, Otocin, etc. That's just to name a few, there are many more of course.

I miss Gantz

hetty still hasn't learned his lesson even after getting BTFO time and time again

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Yeah keep dreaming. IRL some fgts thought I was one until they got a reality check they still can't get over. Cope

Hisoka will NEVER be ULTIMATE level btw

Sadly for you Togashi is a married "hetty". Cope.

Oh boy, a closet case. I kind of suspected but thanks for the confirmation, loser.

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Nigga who cares if he's gay or not i still want to fuck him

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So they correctly pegged you as gay but you couldn't handle confronting that truth so you sperged out like you always do? Gotcha.

Great, it's not even tuesday yet and you fucks are at it again.

Dumbass hetty's never heard of a beard

Get out of the house, bud. It's not good to live in your mom's basement your whole life.

Then why'd he write a gay manga, hetfag? Checkmate.

One of them is in a psychiatric hospital now. That can give you a better understanding of your situation.

Hisoka about to get cooked even more

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Heterosissies... we lost.

AIDS soon for you sadly :/

So are Ko, Ken, Shu enhancer techniques or not? We never did get anywhere with this

We thought it was like China but it's really like India.
No wonder all pajeets love Morena and her retarded goons, they see themselves there.


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Ye speak for your community instead. Don't worry AIDS gonna get you lost :/


B-but they said T-togashi would never write a gay shit!!! Heterosissies, what is this?!!?

Means he's gay ? People that like Leonardo Da Vinci' paintings are all gay too ? You're so brainrotten it's unbelievable.

Keep moving those goalposts, hetty.

So, why is Togashi so obsessed with gay and tranny shit?

AIDS will soon turn off your already rotten brain so I'm not gonna bother

It's kinky.

I just started reading the new chapters but so much time has passed that I barely remember what the fuck is going on, especially considering how complicated it all is.

Has Togashi ever said if Stop Hibari-kun had an influence on him?


subtly talks about how he looks out of fucking nowhere


Be happy AIDS will take care of you


Heterosissies... not like this.

A straight man can't like a story about homosexual characters without you thinking he's homosexual ? I think you better kys cause you're totally retarded

togashi does have a track record...

His poor wife.

But I thought there was no homosexuality at all? Now we're talking about homosexual characters indeed existing in Togashi's work??? BRO? Who is retarded here?

b-but Togashi would never write anything gay, okay!! There's definitely nothing gay in Hunter x Hunter!!! WAAAAAHHHH!!!!!

Nobu Crying.jpg - 567x739, 116.82K

Keep seething. AIDS does not give one fuck and will just wipe your ass.

How can anyone be so triggered by homosexuality and still read Togashi’s work kek

They are not specific to category, which is why Knuckle can use them with Hakoware and not do any damage with his punches. However they can, and usually are, used as part of enhancement techniques.

ging has ZERO answers for texture surprise btw.

He's not talking about HxH. Learn reading maybe ? Oh I forgot there's no cure for mental retardation

I said Togashi's work. Learn reading maybe?

I don't understand how there can be so many shipposting on these threads when there has been barely any romance on this series in 400 chapters.

She didn't fall for the deranged whining of a supposed "rape victim" who also claims she's "not really" upper class at all while being the head of the mafia.

Morena's story is carefully curated to appeal to the lowest common denominator. It evokes sympathy, and it, together with the card game, can entice people to join her murder cult.

She is utterly deranged and a manipulative lunatic. Borksen has high iq, and is largely unaffected. Her core being won't sway from the info dump, thankfully.

Tldr; morena is a psychotic bitch who can't be trusted.

Heterosissies... it's over.

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You joke about it now, but when Hisoka uses Texture Surprise to relabel the controls for closing the dome of the Black Whale it's going to devastate tier 1.

She did fall for it though. She said that she feels very bad for her but her own ordinary life is more important and that she would never resort to murder.

heterofags BTFO


That never happened, btw.

Hahaha he replied to himself because he's losing his mind.

The power of fujos

You know it's pretty weird that someone raised to be part of the military from a young age is so opposed to killing.

Get a new line, gramps.

B-b-but how?! H-Heterotard anon said T-Togashi would n-never write anything g-gay?! W-What is the m-meaning of this?!!?

Most people who bring up their looks out of nowhere aren't even that attractive. IRL, people have shockingly low standards. You and nobody else here is going to come close to gay anime beauty. Nobody here is going to die of aids because they only like anime boys and don't draw weird parallels to the real world's ugly men.

heterofags put in their place by Togashi himself


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ROFL haven't bring anything about looks. Projecting and distorting things again. And yes AIDS or at least psychiatric hospital are your final destinations.

What happens in someone's life to lead them to reply to themselves countless times about cartoon children having poopsex on an anonymous imageboard?

Kakin has a large military and apparently a long military tradition.
Military service often goes in the family in these situations, meaning she could've been enlisted as early as possible with the implied desire from the family to achieve officer status and ending up in some HQ staff.

Borksen is high iq. Her current job and connections paint her and her companions as well off prospects.

She could be a Netero but I would personally doubt it. If there was a war and sudden churn of the officer corps due to war, she would make an excellent Major.

If she was a bastard, there would be a lot more vibes, images, clues shown by the story pointing in that direction. Babymaina is a better Netero candidate for these reasons.

Bork had no clue about nen. She is also drawn in a cute way and is painted as a heroine more than anything

talks about how he's attractive to gay men

I haven't brought (sic) anything up (sic) about looks

You're also ESL, not just in denial. Holy shit. The jokes are writing themselves.

I don't really remember the background of this character it's been so long but since Togashi is writing many realistic characters the majority of military people do nothing related to killing at all. These people aren't trained to get used to killing because it just isn't something they'll ever have to do. Sure, they will understand that the military does kill people and that's fine and all but not their problem.

Hey heterosissies, why so quiet all of a sudden? lol

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Sorry, but I draw the line at anime boys. AIDs will never reach me.

It's just one retard, and he doesn't even care about the series.

Here is her background from the new chapter, she just wanted a normal life

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We used to think these were created by aliens, but it turns out there's just Nen fairies inside of them.

They have an internal conflict that they want other anons to pitch in as more inner voices to resolve.

Njoi your freedom you're gonna end up in an asylum with one of them :)

Its not. Murder and warfare are two entirely separate domains.
Borksen would be betraying everything she stands for.
Her job is to uphold the culture and ruleset of her institution and to be loyal to Kakin. Killing has very little to do with her job.

Due to her being a shoe-in for higher positions (brigade/divisional command? Staff work at a general's headquarters?), a "normal" career for her can easily be envisioned as one where she never fires a shot in anger, ever.

She didn't fall for it, because she simply showed sympathy but remained herself. The only thing the story did was reinforce the idea that she needs to get out from this company, as soon as possible.

Togashi gay

I literally can't imagine Luzurus losing, no way melodies retared plan will work.

You keep outing yourself as a third world monkey with your horrendous spelling mistakes.

take it deep

You'd think people would normally be able to do this, but apparently not the closet fag.

Is it possible to be a sissy and hetero at the same time?

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tl;dr you sound like a massive faggot

Yea dog, you seem really secure, not fragile and definitely not like an unhinged retard.

I didn't just mean murder, I also meant how all of her training and education has resulted in her only wanting rear positions with no chance of combat. Besides that Kakin is clearly a nation that has execution as something firmly a part of their culture. I would think that in glorifying their role in the military it would result in people who aren't nearly as opposed to combat as she is.

How? From jerking off to Bridget?


Keep forcing non gay characters to be gay. That's for sure gonna show those "hets" you hate so much.


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That just makes you a retarded pedo

Why would I hate hets? Did you just make up a strawman because you don't have an argument?

But no aids. Anything happening to me is just a cope by your ilk.

God. Gon is such a whiny bitch.

That's the 3rd or 4th post that answers to the same OG post of yours. Repeating the same shit over and over and uploading retarded anime files won't make it true sadly.

My headcanon is that Nen types didn't exist until a few thousand years ago. Before then, everyone was a specialist. Nen types were created as a restriction in order to strengthen humanity's aura.
None of this has any evidence. I just thought it would be neat if it were true.

Heterosissies... why...

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Bridget is a woman/type b

Memory overload isn't real its just a cope for dumb people.

True. I guess we went full circle and I'm straight now.
I'm het now. Eat shit lmfao

Answering again to your own post with another anime file of your little collection. Still won't make it true sadly.

Please no. Togashi... why?

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way worse(sic)

ESL-kun... you keep exhibiting your low IQ. I might grant you some reprieve if you're in Asia. But if you're European you ought to kill yourself.

Yeah keep replying to yourself until AIDS come spank your ass

If her nen ability is affected by her personality, maybe her power will be making supernatural powers 'normal'.

Kastro WILL be vindicated

Smartass thinking he's high IQ now. It doesn't make any difference to AIDS anyways.

Fakerena is a male who dressed like Realrena. Also he is heterosexual. Death to yurifags.

Explain how I'll get aids from anime? See? You're low IQ.

Stop fucking giving the schizo attention ffs

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Autism showdown.
These threads are such trash

He's been replying to the same post for like 8 times now. That's how desperate he is.

Togashi gay

That explains a lot.

at least we got gantz:e

Your desperate spamming confrms you belong to an asylum.

IDK what your endgame is. I'll btfo your reply again and you're back to talking about aids with horrific grammar. You're stupid.

Togashi... why?

You literally have a collection of HxH anime characters crying. You need to kys asap.

Wtf with this samefagging retard trying to shit up the thread. Mods ban this faggot.


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Are heterotards only now finding out Togashi's gay? lmao

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Calling it now: the martial law announcement is a fake created by Otocin to bail Bork out of her predicament.

Fuck off cuck

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Report for spamming/flooding

Meds schizo

It's just a weakling's way of saying that the person in question wasn't skilled/talented enough.
Netero has an incredibly powerful ability reliant on the categories furthest from his natural affinity, but he makes it work because he's that good.

togashi stopped caring much about the specifics of nen post-genthru.

I still dont get how this card game works.



Sorry faggot-kun. This other guy on the other hand full on retard.

I'm afraid you might be stupid, it is incredibly simple.
Child chooses a parent card, the parent must explain/answer/etc.
Then the parent chooses a child card, it gets discarded.
The last remaining child card is the child's answer.
Only the Return and Deal cards do anything different.

The clownchad

They're just Stands now

It doesn't really matter since it's just a means for Morena to start making out with Borksen.

thats not all though.

The card game is padding so Togashi can end this batch on an epic shocking cliffhanger. On paper very little happened this batch.

It's what matters to understand "how the game works".

What series are you people reading? Togashi has more thorougly explored nen in this arc than in any of the previous ones.

Naoko will finish HxH

Fuck the king
Fuck Kakin

It's probably a condition for the activation of Contagion

God I wish i was born a manipulator
The hottest fucking girl just came in today. Just fulfill conditions and ugh..

why are you a rapist?

not being a emitter/manipulator chad and just summoning nen girls like it's greed island

Considering the main themes of HxH are change and redemption, which of the many evil characters are you expecting to actually turn around a new leaf? Tserriednich is the most fascinating here as he seems to be the most evil person the series had, but plenty of good people are still drawn to him. As if there's something to him we do not see.

Chrollo redemtion
Clown execution

Benjamin was first depicted as a cruel and coldblooded individual especially during the first banquet and when Shimano described him, but apparently things may be different

So how do we feel about these stats?

Reminder that the same gay spammer also floods every thread with anti-hxh bait posts

Togashi’s shitty headcannon

Incest with Killua.

Not accurate. Conjurers are way more common than transmuters

Biased results from Morena only having proper access to a limited part of the population, and only of Kakin.

SHITmutters just job and die more than conjurers

No, transmuters are more common than conjurers. It's just Togashi can't come up with any good transmutation abilities, so he rarely introduces new transmuters to the story. Please understand.

Behold a rare flat chested Morena fanart

You don't know how Morena conducted her study. She could've had a huge sample size from participants around the world.

In the sense that he takes his duties seriously, he may well be viewed as cruel and cold blooded.
But his motivation has been shown to be the betterment of the nation and of his own ambitions in that direction. Its just that his siblings need to die in order to make that happen.

This but unironically

No one gives a shit about your weird feud, retard.

Why do the mods never delete this schizo's posts, but they delete the ones telling him to fuck off? He's been blatantly samefagging and derailing threads by spamming for like 3 days now and I'm pretty sure he's only been b& just now.
What's going on exactly?

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Why is she sad?

Even if she had samples from outside of Kakin, which is unlikely given her trying to build up an organization to take the place of one of Kakin's mafia families. It wasn't until Dogman that she could get a proper sample size of unawakened people. The results will be biased by only pertaining to people who have already acquired nen.

Benjaminjo’s daughter is so cute! I bet she smells like blood.

The fujoschizo is friends with a mod

I'd kill kakinchuds for Morena

Togashi:...So even when it comes to politics and politicians, I am very distrustful. I feel that everyone who has a strong desire to nominate themselves, as part of their personality, has a shared terrible quality within themselves...

Benjamin is shit. Terrorsandwich is shit. Halkenburg is based.

Even if she had samples from outside of Kakin, which is unlikely

Speedread-kun, I...

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Does Hisoka have any restrictions on his hatsu?

kys tranny

Borksen isn't kissing her

Morena (male) is going to rape Borksen, thus continuing the cycle of rape.

there are usually multiple dialects in the same country

He's a lawyer operating in Kakin, versed in the law of Kakin. He may not be from Kakin but he is neither statistically significant, nor outside of what can be found in Kakin, and thus not an outside Kakin because he was in Kakin.

He's literally from Japan, dummy.

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Japan exists in HxH world?

He's a foreigner. Stop coping.

It has ever since the hunter exam

Sushi too


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Why does this goy whore fuck Hisoka?

His wife is a dyke. It's fine.

How Benjamin's ability can be anything else than Specialzation ?

spammer still up


If you take a sample of people in england, and end up with someone from span in the sample it doesn't mean your sample isn't biased to the population of people in england.

TBF anon, what the fuck is Bork supposed to do?
Just join the murder cult to stop the rape cult?

is it really Japan though or just japan-inspired fantasy land?

The latter of course.

By being a group ability involving the troops. I mean it's likely he is a specialist, however it could functionally be a group ability.

What does it matter?

hisoka thread

faggot shit spam

Chrollo will DESTROY the clown fuck again.

It's also called Jappon because Togashi is just so creative.

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Gay/tranny cartel. Got a "warning" for criticizing the tendencies for gay fans to change the motivations of characters to better fit their own identity.
even though a reply like that is on topic regarding what we currently are facing, discussion-wise.

In general, people need to chill out with their delusional fantasies regarding the work of hxh, doesn't matter if they are gay or chrollo/hisoka fags.

This is all due to the deep psychic damage caused by the hiatus in the latter case, as well as the influx of casual fans mining the generals for drama.

Just be an observer of the manga and make your theories, how hard can it be?

Bork knows Tse's obsessive and spiteful personality even if she doesn't know about the murders, her and the other friends won't betray him under just threats, they'd only do it if they think it's for his good.

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ANon. it's fucking called "Jappon"
Togashi didn't even change the geography like he did with the rest of the world, it is literally just Japan

Not really, he's genuinely lookong forward to the slaighter. The one that fits your description is Zhang Lei who actually does consider murder and other depravities to be mere tools but will avoid them when he can. Benji does have a world vision, but that doesn't change the fact he's evil. Same goes for Cammy.

Nobuanga is only one to survive and becomes a lone ronin wandering his ancestral homeland


Hunter x Hunter is a gay manga. Most of the series' characters are gay.

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Let's see the offending post

heh, funny

Halkenburg also wants to be king.
Not taking the reins when they are right there for the taking is king coward shit

It would be immoral for any prince to *not* become king, if they feel their input would have a positive influence on their nation.
They are first and foremost servants to the nation. (Maybe not tserri).

Benjamin for sure fits the bill of an authoritarian that believes in a higher ideal of statesmanship. It might run counter to togashi's own liberal views, but the character has nonetheless been well established along these lines, and not just a 2d cutout political strawman.

This thread had a really rough start

I don't want the meat carnivals to end, I want the spirit beast bloodline ceremonies to continue, I want Tserriednich to keep turning hoes into mush and educated women into furniture, I want the government officials' wives to keep fucking strong nen bulls

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Togashi will subvert expectations again and Bork will awaken her nen without joining Morena

It had a great start. It's always nice to see heterotards get put in their place.

Mythical specialist nen!?

I was thinking enhancement earlier. He has a piece of his men tattooed on his body. They enter a contract with each other, and when they die, Benjamin "inherits" a form of their soul to accompany him.

In this view, this "last will" of his men, symbolized by the tattoo, is the expression that Benjamin enhances.

Its a bit of a reach, since specialization fits the bill and also (apparently) enables Benjamin to still utilize enhancement for the same goal (also explains his strong ken)

She doesn't care about any of that. If she was given a place in Yorkshin, and a good job there, she would almost certainly take it if it meant she could fuck off from the boat.

I miss him so much bros. Will he show up this batch?

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Besides Chrollo who else can it be?

Joining a criminal organisation whose purpose is to eradicate humanity is the opposite of Bjork's dream cushy job plus she's straight and morena has herpes

Here's Togashi's latest author comment.

How many chapters released since Chrollo vs Hisoka? That's where I stopped reading until the next arc is done.

Japan exists in HxH world?

Not exactly japan but related culture stuff and chars :

Pitou is on the boat

Is this spiders fanboy?


50 chapters.

One of the zodiac maybe but they definitely won't join Morena



Kurapika is less universally appealing than the rest of the main cast.
He’s got kind of a vanilla personality, and frankly negative charisma. In a series with some very strong, defining personalities he just doesn’t stack up to them.
Gon is immediately dominating and keeps the viewer guessing with his oddball and at times shockingly wise nature. Killua is the definition of cool and adorable with a fascinating background and character growth, not to mention a story of discovering himself. Leorio is a charismatic and outgoing Chadslayer doctor who vocalizes the audience’s thoughts. Kurapika frankly just gives the impression of an uptight virgin stick-in-the-mud. Like someone who would remind the instructor there was homework.
Sure, he’s got a sympathetic story, but that’s why I think his appeal is a bit niche and less “universal”. His story relies too heavily on sympathy, what if someone doesn’t feel all that sympathetic? There isn’t the same strong, cool, likeable, or even fascinating personality to latch on too like with the others. Even Chrollo, who gets compared with Kurapika, has the villain role to give him a better angle to work with along with interesting dynamics. Kurapika literally has zero developed dynamics with anybody because he hardly interacts with people, and when he does he’s just so dry and matter-of-fact.
Ultimately my point comes to the fact that I just think he’s a very weird pick to lead a story since he just doesn’t have the personality for a leading role at all. He stands out like a sore thumb from the other characters because he just lacks that extra “oomph”, and Togashi seems to also think that way since even in this arc he’s kept his screen time quite low for a protagonist.
He has appeal, it just isn’t as broad for most people. And desu it’s easy to find him unlikeable and boring.

No dude, the country of Japan literally exists in the HxH world

How does he always come up with this 400 IQ bangers? This must be foreshadowing for the plot as well. Write it down.

Damn, I forgot there was such a character.

We hate copy-pasted reddit posts here.

There's a lot of princes that deserve to be killed. Basically everyone is in agreement on that point.

Benjamin has personal reasons, but eliminating all the mafia heads, cammy and halk is the bare minimum he needs to do to be able to rule safely and well as King.

Hall's death is not personal in the slightest, and he shows this through the respect he gave him. Still, Halk needs to go because even if we disregard the actual succession, he represents a possibility for the permanent bureaucracy to coup Kakin through the use of international actors.

I would be hesitant to call Benjamin evil. He believes in the primacy of hierarchy but has shown very little in the way of base cruelties. His anger is chiefly directed at his siblings. The idea of Camilla ever having power is repulsive to him, with good reason.

He will save the spiders.



He came across Renko and Omokage fucking sloppy in tier 1.

Renko on the boat


He can "entertain" Phinks and Nobunaga.

Kurapika has a very appealing role as the male fantasy of direct revenge and reestablishing one's own honor through violence.

He's more knowledgeable and intellectual than the main cast, but also has the most directly impactful issues regarding his way of doing things, his abrasive personality and ethos, his desire/need for revenge and the failures he goes through.

He serves a different purpose compared to Gon and Killua.

How is Beyond going to deal with this plant?

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the mafia heads

The mafia are functionally subservient to the throne. If he got rid of the heads it would just disrupt the structure of the mafia and cause chaos that could worsen public order. The mafia heads are also keeping out of the succession war with the onion telling Z-daddy to just wait it out rather than giving him any substantial support.

The post you replied to is directly pasted from reddit and not worth engaging

He'll just whack it with a book.

He's clearly going after younger princes and their even noncombatant employees. Zhang, Tsubeppa, Halkenburg are all willing to spare them on the other hand. In fact, the one you're describing right now is Tubeppa whose primary goal is preventing her older siblings who she deems not fit for the throne from winning.

still alive btw

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How would you know?

I think killing children to consolidate power would be considered evil in most cultures.
Sure it's an ends justify the means kind of situation, but if Kakin gets a military dictatorship I think the farther away from its Royalty the better.

It was so long, stupid and most importantly shitting on Kurapika so I just Googled the first sentence. It'll lead you to the source of the festering mass I call a WRONG opinion.

Nta, but youncan recognize the style. Reddit spams are a thing in other threads too.

By proving that it and the herb they are after are technically the same plant and that by treating the herb properly you can avoid dealing with Brion. Honestly I expect some of the threats to actually be inextricably tied to the related resource.

Shut the fuck up, retard.

Doesn't matter. My opinion is correct on this front and Reddit wrong. That a written opposition to reddit tier faggotry is present in the thread is important to me.
He himself didn't do this. Its important to note that the bodyguards have some leeway and decision making during this, because the princes cannot order a guard to perform fratricide on penalty of death.
The current status quo utilizes the mafia as a way of balancing power and so on, and yet Benjamin is decidedly against their use, putting him not only in conflict with the mafia itself but also the darker side of Kakin.

Is everybody infected with Contagion an “organ” ? The answer is no, so what does it mean? Any ideas?

The organs are probably individuals who are meant to be part of a group ability that will support their goals.

Why do we have a faggot for a janny?

Fucking owned

Members of the group that have an important role. Yokotani and Voconte are probably considered organs. Kortopi was an organ of the Troupe

While it is true that he is currently against the mafia, I don't think it's a good choice for him to be against them. I think his best choice in this moment, after declaring martial law, is to send representatives to the Xi-Yu and the Cha-R, and give them a limited pass to act during martial law and the complete freedom to act against Heil-Ly during this time. I don't think he will, but I think it's what would be best for him and a theoretical future rule of his.

his ancestral homeland

Nobunaga is just a weeb


why is janny a fagot

Your question is a bit redundant

Flamethrower gg world ending calamity kys

AIDS soon :/

Tactical Poor Man's Rose inbound

The series is filled with smart people, just this arc alone there are so many brainiacs with their own subplots running around, it makes Kurapika less special.
So far in this arc he just seems rather passive and isolated? It would be more interesting if there were someone around for his character to bounce off of.

There's clearly some kind of moderation issue going on

Is there? Or could it be that you and your homophobia are the problem?

Moderation is terrible in HxH threads because janny is a pisstard who holds a grudge against HxH

I bet Oito has a crush on Kurapika

I would fuck Kurapika
I would not fuck the rest of the main cast

Too bad Kurapika has a crush on Leorio.

I don't make homophobic posts but it's clear the janny/mod is either extremely incompetent or letting this schizo shit up HxH threads on purpose

Flanderizing kurapika as just "a smart guy" fails to take into consideration the whole dramatic weight of his circumstances.

Honor culture, grave sin of being a sole survivor, the need to avenge his fallen tribesmen and right the humiliating circumstances that currently take place.

Kurapika needing to balance this personal need with friends, missions and circumstances beyond his control.

He's currently locked into performing these training sessions.

How old is Camilla?.

Replying to people saying HxH is a gay manga = homophobic

Who did these?

I can't believe Zhang is fucking dead

You better not come round here, Brion. I got some hidden valley ranch fo yo ass!



And what were the contents of those replies, hmm?

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IDK, but I approve of their sense of urgency in getting quality memes made.

Dangerously based

cluck will get fucked by this thing

he does it for free


Kek I guess this was inevitable

Reminders of life truths.

Momoze and Marayam

Sounds like you deserved to get BTFO, hetty.

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I take it you are a sperg. Best not let that diarrhea leak out into the professional world.

Reminder that AIDS will give you what you deserve.

Truth is hard to accept :/

In janny I trust. Good luck finding another site to discuss HxH.


Yikes. And you call us fags? lol

Soon :/

Why do bigots burst into tears whenever they get even the slightest bit of pushback?

Casualkil.jpg - 736x736, 83.88K

You and your retarded HxH anime files collection will be eradicated from this world soon :/

Why do pedos get rightfully beaten to death by angry mobs or literally burned alive in some parts of the world ?

Uh where can I find more?

You hate HxH, yet you are here shitting up every single thread. Legitimate mental illness. Now, tell me who exactly mindbroke you? Which shounen fanbase do you belong to?

Yeah, it's really ironic how these people larp about being so strong and masculine, yet they're the most fragile people to ever walk the face of the Earth. They'll never stop crying if you try to give them even 1/10th of the shit they've hurled at you. It's honestly really pathetic. Look at these guys They just radiate weakness and insecurity. No wonder no girl wants anything to do with them.

God literally created a disease to get the world rid of you.

Total kakin death

I understand why he is the way he is. Still it doesn't make for an interesting read.

he's a janitor

on the internet

on an anime imageboard

he does it for free

he takes his "job" very seriously

he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life

he deletes posts he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack

he lets faggots shit up threads about series he doesn't like because he is a discord tranny

he will never have a real job

he will never move out of his parent's house

he will never be at a healthy weight

he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket

he will never have a girlfriend

he will never have any friends

They brought a nuclear submarine for this purpose.

Homophobia is the expected behaviour, fag tolerance is the problematic behaviour here.

What exqctly is happening to the beer in panel with the pink background?

Describe your ideal new DC calamity

Says you.

Seethe more.

They're supposed to be the one who have all the power and hate it when they end up being the tiny voice that is silenced by people who actually run things. They also can't separate reality from fantasy and think anime gay = obnoxious street parade hard gay.

That was a rhetorical question. Do you understand that you’re only going to get 10x more hate for whatever you like for this abysmal crap? Or maybe you have a humiliation fetish?

hunter x hunter?

KYS faggot.

What is wrong with the Killuafujo? why is xhe so mentally ill?

This isn't your safe space, snowflake. No one cares about your fee fees.

Chadbunaga.jpg - 1056x757, 51.76K

Tribal golems that absorb Nen and enforce Zetsu after physical contact. They gather aura and return it to their fortress

Royal women don't do this. Only men.


A creeping tentacled monster that is actually an infection that spreads through aura that merely manifests as a monster that tricks people into attacking with nen that it can then use to infect them. Keeping your aura in a defensive state, staying in zetsu, or refusing to engage with complex abilities mitigates its ability to infect. Expending your aura during infection in an early stage can cure, but maintaining your aura could result in the infection progressing to later stages where removal becomes considerably more difficult.

This type of schizo isn't too uncommon on Anon Babble, jannies/mods enabling them is pretty unusual though.

Hunters D, E, and F, who don’t give a shit about Hunters A or B, but just have to kill Hunter C, then draw in Hunters G through K, like the fission reaction that leads to a fusion explosion!

Don't know what you're keking about, most of that applies to you too.

H-hey Kacho would it be OK if we sit out this year’s rape festival? I was thinking we could make some hot chocolate and watch a movie instead haha

I love the way you seethe.

Hisoka Face.png - 202x262, 63.48K

yeah dude keep replying to him thats so based and smart you fucking RETARD

It's a nice change, isn't it? I love it when homophobes get BTFO.

This site hosts gay boards, it's not an ultra conservative forum. It stands to reason that being gay on Anon Babble is accepted by the powers that be. You are the problem.

There's no cure for AIDS

Mods. Fix your shit.
Literally impossible to have decent discussions while these faggots are shitting up the thread.
Unfuck the board, you degenerates.

Actually that anon has a point, who the fuck broke you? Clearly you're not just here to post your gay shit but also you're always whining like a bitch if Togashi writes something you don't understand.
Who hurt you?

It's all so tiresome

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hetties having yet another meltdown

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I meant to reply to

ging is 5'3


Wow, who knew cracking down on homophobia would cause such a seethe fest?

Rope. Now.

there is really no point in checking the thread when there are no leaks or chapter dump huh

When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

These threads are usually decent and have good discussion when the janny's pet spammer isn't sperging out for like 5 hours straight

who cares about the discussion if i have to sift through a sea of offtopic bullshit

His uncle broke in his asshole.

He himself didn't do this. Its important to note that the bodyguards have some leeway and decision making during this, because the princes cannot order a guard to perform fratricide on penalty of death.

You're really trying to stretch it to make him look less like a psycho. Vincent wouldn't start the war with the Wobble faction if he didn't feel he had Benjamin's support. Benjamin or Balsamilco never ctiticize this move either.

Unfortunately HxH is a magnet for the most obtuse mentally ill people

it's not an ultra conservative forum.

Yes it is, now back to your containment board.

No, it isn't. Now go back to being banned, hetty.

You could use it to expand your filters! That seems to be what I'm using it for right now.

Just to make it clear, faggotposting is disgusting and CANNOT be tolerated. However, Leorio/Kurapika is a straight ship.



i-it doesn't ma-

Superstraight ship.

Like you.

Filters are for literal homosexual faggots. Or Europeans.

Are those the kinds of fantasies you have, closet case?

The gay pedo must be banned.

I would defeat every HxH character. I would make a Manipulation ability which lets me mind control anyone who tries to hurt me. My condition is that I have to feel bad. If a Manipulator fulfills his condition, it's game over.

t. smart Latine who outsmarted Togashi

Why read a gay manga if you're a homophobe? I don't get it.

The ending C where most of the fanbase would be angry is either revealing Kurapika is a woman or Killua marrying Alluka (girl).

The straight pedos must be banned.

How does this series manage to attract such mentally ill shipfags when it's doesn't have romance subplots?

I have filtered every variation of Machi's first and last name, every image file of Machi posted in these threads, every MachixCharacter combination I have seen, and the names of all of her abilities. I will undo them when she's relevant in the story again but I will not read 90+ posts per thread about a character with less screen time this arc than Longhi.

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How much would you guys seethe if Togashi actually had Killua marry Gon?

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only for kurapika

So is this thread dead or...?

Noko already won


Kinda based but still

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Who? Sorry, Togashi's gay He only supports same-sex marriage. Sorry Noko, but you'll have to settle for being the flower girl at Gon and Killua's wedding.

Copapika will save us all

Togashi is a nazi homosexual

Who drew this shit, No fucking way is Killua going to become an 8 foot tall chad like Silva. His mom’s Japanese genes are going to shrink him

Arab moment

Jannies? Trannies.


MENA general.

Here's a list of canonically straight characters in Hunter x Hunter: Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hanzo, Hisoka, Illumi, Izunavi, Chrollo, Phinks, Feitan, Uvo, Shalnark, Nobunaga, Knuckle, Shoot, Meleoron, Ikalgo, Welfin, Gyro, Youpi, Pouf, Meruem, Netero, Beyond Netero, Ging, Pariston, Mizaistom, Kanzai, Tserri, Benjamin, Babymania, Furykov, Halkenburg, Bill, Hinrigh, Tsudonke, Otocin, etc. That's just to name a few, there are many more of course.

Jannies are so gay it's unreal

These threads have sunken lower than DBZ. Sasuga, huntertards

Thanks to fujos.

morena is an enemy of the kakin empire and caused a lot of trouble for Prince Tse

tries to recruit someone from the Kakin military who is personal friends with Tse using the game where she has better than even odds of being able to escape with knowledge of her entire plan and ability

Is she retarded?

the H x H treads are always terrible when the hiatus goes on hiatus.