ITT: Dubs that are actually good

ITT: Dubs that are actually good

I liked Nonon Jakuzure's english dub.

A lot of 4kids stuff. Yes there was censorship, but that's a seperate issue. The actual dubbing was generally pretty good.

I really like Sato and Misaki's dub voices

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Ghost Stories, it's a gag dub, but holy fuck does it have so many quotable lines:

Run! She's a ghost and a bitch!

Imagine a big black man chasing you!

It's not because you're a rabbit, it's because you're black


Dragon Ball Z.

You will never be Japanese

Space Dandy is kino

Ok boomer

Yep. It's basically an official unabridged series with the dub.


In no particular order:
FMAB, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Mitchiko and Hatchin, Panty and Stocking, TTGL, Soul Eater, Trigun (original), Dragon Ball (all series).
Honorable Mention: KLK

But I'm not a woman.

Twit is so lucky

Check these dubs

Did a dubfag janny delete this post?



This and Cowboy Bebop

It is more about appreciating art closest to it's original form. Just like watching foreign films with their original audio rather than being dubbed to your own language. Would be stupid to watch French movies dubbed to English for example.
Reading subtitles isn't hard.

The Japanese dubs of All Saints Street and Link Click.

yyh's english dub salvages the series because it gives more personality to the characters.

The list of dubs that are actually good:
End of the list.

Correct. People who think Black Lagoon has a good dub have atrocious taste and bad hearing.

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Reading subtitles isn't hard.

No, it isn't, but the thing with that is when I put on an animated show, I want to, you know, watch the fucking animation. I don't want to read, I want to focus my energy into taking in the little details of the animation. If I have to make a small "sacrifice" like that to be able to appreciate an animated series/movie to its fullest, then I will.
If I had to watch Mob Psycho subbed, I don't think I would have made it through the series. the animation is so consistently stellar throughout, reading subs would make it nearly unwatchable.
Let people enjoy art how they want to enjoy it. You subniggers are so stupid.

These and Redline, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust

ttgl dub

giga drill break instead of BREAKUUH


You are aware that you can simply rewatch the fight scenes of a series again without glueing your eyes to the subtitles on the bottom, right? Or just quickly scan them and then return to the action?
Or better yet, with a decent grasp of Japanese, you wouldn't need to be so reliant on subtitles? It's just a fact that the Japanese voice acting industry for anime is far more developed than anything that the west is going to put out, especially when most anime voice actors in the west are only doing it because they weren't talented enough to do anything else.

I really don't care about how other people watch their anime. I just thought what you said was interesting because I never have to even think about the subtitles and it's not only because I understand bunch Japanese at this point. Even when I'm watching something in Chinese for example I still don't ever think about the subtitles. I guess it just comes down to what somebody's used to doing the most.

You're just plain slow, it takes actual time for you to read subtitles, which should happen instantly for a normal person.

Or better yet, with a decent grasp of Japanese, you wouldn't need to be so reliant on subtitles?

This is why I'm currently learning Japanese. There's such a vast amount of art in Japan that has no good translations/dubs that I want to experience.

There's such a vast amount of art in Japan that has no good translations/dubs that I want to experience.

That's a good attitude to have.
I imagine for people who only watch anime, learning Japanese seems like a waste of time. But if you have any interest in other parts of Japanese media, learning Japanese, even if only to recognise some basic kanji and kana, is definitely worthwhile. I've been reading Visual Novels translated for a while now but I'm trying to make the move to reading them in Japanese. If I'm going to spend hundreds of hours reading them, I might as well use that time to develop my Japanese understanding while I do it.

I recently watched The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic and thought it was pretty good.

Demon Lord 2099 is also good so far.

Cutie honey

Is the AoT dub any good?

I don't know why you're complaining, subtitles don't distract from the animation or action at all.

Yeah. Can't speak for anything after season 3.

This scene is even funnier with shitty english voice acting

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