Miyazaki comes out as anti-Japanese

I relate to Miyazaki alot

You will never be japanese ramirez

Japanese did nothing wrong albeit
chinks, SEAmonkeys and mutts aren't even human to begin with

my idol just bent his knees to amerimutts here, fuck this guy

You shouldn’t forget the sins of the past. That’s how you avoid repeating them in the future. If Americans had remembered what happens when you elect blockheaded populists on the basis of resentment and personality from the case of King Jackson, the presidential election probably would have turned out differently. An intelligent and talented man like Miyazaki was never going to play into your self-gratifying and irresponsible web nationalist agenda.

He better do a movie about it then.

Acknowledging your countries own wrong doings is the ultimate high iq/ anti npc sign

Japanese did nothing wrong

They should have kept attacking pearl harbor until the fleet was destroyed and then followed up with an invasion of California with a Japanese-Mexican alliance.

Japan had the chance to destroy white supremacy forever and they ruined it.

twitter screencap

elden slop dev


Anon Babble has fallen

Every movie he's made...even back with lupin has been anti war and anti capitalism.

op are you fucking retarded or just 16?

says the mutt pretending to be white

If Americans had remembered what happens when you elect blockheaded populists on the basis of resentment and personality from the case of King Jackson, the presidential election probably would have turned out differently.

feeding estrogen to men is mutilation

schizo seething

You lost btw

Why is it wrong for Japan to deny their war crimes but fine when israel does it?

So what I'm getting is that we should never vote for a Democrat ever again because that was the party that did the Trail of Tears, fought for the sake of slavery, instated and fought for the Jim Crow laws, and sent the Japanese to internment camps, right?
It's not that no one learns from history. It's just that we like to pick and choose what is relevant and are often wrong.

finally normalfags have a prime reference source for why you shouldnt like anime or manga or somth

how does Anon Babble do it?

hates Japan

also hates Lord of the Rings because he thinks the enemies represented Asians ie himself a Japanese

What does he love anyway? Little girls, planes, and nature?

You're flying a little too close to the sun there buddy.

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It's like lobotomies all over again. They used to be well accepted before. Then it turned out fucking with the brain was a bad idea; who knew?

kek the usual

nips are good cause they made my animu

they are all asians and they are more similiar to each other than they will ever be to whites or any other

This post is equally likely to have been written by Leftist or Righter.

That's because Jackson striped the right to vote from landed free blacks (in most states) gave it to poor landless whites. Giving poor whites the right to vote ruined democracy. Also removing the right for landed woman to vote in New Jersey in 1807.

hi op can you please fuck off nobody here gives a shit about your fake elephant and donkey sporstball half time show. if anyone wanted to remember the sins of the past they would start by destroying all the banks.

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On this site, sure, but I think it's more of a mainstream view on the left nowadays. Horseshoe theory and all that, I guess

Americans may have forgotten, but they certainly had no way out of it due to being corralled into one of two slaughtering pens, one red and the other blue.

you will never be Japanese senor, the only spics they like are Brazilians

Yes imperial japan were demented psychopaths
No the modern japanese population does not need to pretend they are responsible for it

war crimes good and best forgotten so they can be repeated, actually

What a shit thread.

The only thing that ruined democracy was the 19th amendment.

But we want to displace snow monkeys to Alaska.

left and right are finally unified

It's time.

he wanted the pajeet woman to win

seethe for another 4 years just like last time little bitch nigga

remembering history instead of rewriting history out of blind zealotry is bad

and that's a good thing
also, you forgot f*minist-worshipping gookucks

I'm pretty sure he's just anti-whatever's-annoying-him-at-the-moment.

I get that samsung is struggling right now, but no, you don't get to demand reparations for crimes that did not happen to you and were committed by the long dead.

Nope it was giving the vote to whites.

Nature is healing

implying the cycle of violence is stoppable and human nature can be fundamentally changed

Good luck with that. The oppressed become the oppressors, the oppressors become the oppressed, and the cycle continues forevermore.

on one side it's criticizing an etnonationalist far right government and thus a left take

on the other hand jews

t. Jew

I just want China to put the US out of our misery. Is that too much to ask?

What exactly did he say wrong? Imperialist Japan were Giga War Criminals. A nation that forgets their past is doomed to fall victim to it.


Remind me again which demographic is the most likely to pop pink pills and wear dresses?

Nobody's perfect anon.
There's a lot to admire in Japan's history, but its foreign policy from 1937-45 is not among them. Idiot militarists running the show cost so many lives, foreign and Japanese alike.

thats not really true, however that is the desires of the media and deep state establishment. they have let too many conservatives with integrity identify the jew, so they are trying desperately to round up all the fat dumb voooooters who spend maybe 1 day a week in church if they feel like with a pro israel stance to come out and protest the lefts anti pissreal stance and demonrat invasions never once admitting to the fact that israel has been promoting mass immigration to every western nation via loxism for literally decades,.

essentially, they are trying to split the ballot with the youth who are leaning more conservative than usual due to having no patience for neocons, trying to meme you into thinking criticizing people who eat foreskin and baby blood is "lame" and for trannys.

Moronic sophistry from someone who thinks the last arc of attack on titan wasn't dogshit

Then it turned out fucking with the brain was a bad idea; who knew?

most likely jews since they didn't have any good intentions from the get go

Japan had to resist European imperial expansion.

If they do, they will do the same to Japan. Chinks want Japan wiped clean of life

you're in luck if they at least pretend not to be a slavery based capitalistic dystopia

Niggers. Proportionally, anyway

pop pink pills

don't know what that is

wear dresses

Old Women?

Rent free


Japan did nothing wrong. Are you stupid?

he's the average contrarian old hag, always blaming the following generations for the shit his people as a whole have done
yes, total elder death

Yes but we get to be eaten first. That's all I want.

That's great and all but Modern Japanese nationalists have a nostalgia for the time of the Japanese empire that clouds their vision. You don't have to keep paying penance for a sin that has already been washed, but you shouldn't forget it.

killing people is good

Jews are human just like you, and humans are on the whole vile creatures with a few glimmers of brilliance here and there, mainly directed towards inventing better WMDs.

Enslaving your neighbors is wrong and torture is wrong and attacking foreign nations because they refuse to trade with you is wrong. They also allowed the communists to come to power in china

Even pretending to be a schizo, accountability-fearing faggot is still being a schizo, accountability-fearing faggot, OP.

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Jews are better than Scotch-Irish. But Jatts are even better than Jews. That's why Canada is going to become Khalistan.

hag refers to an elderly female
geezer would be the better term here

but Modern Japanese nationalists have a nostalgia for the time of the Japanese empire that clouds their vision

Their vision specifically does not include the heinous shit that is the reason the real imperial japan was actually bad. To deny the mass rapes and murders is to agree with you that such things are bad.

Exactly. Everything Japan did was caused because the US forced Japan to open up trade via Perry and then imposed sanctions on Japan and stopped trading with them prior to Pearl Harbor because of what the US forced Japan to do in Manchuria (sanctions being considered an act of war).

japan wasnt canvasing an independant and free paradise. britain and the french had been colonizing china india and SEA for literally 100 years by that point. you can argue that they where overly brutal to their host populations due to this or that reason, personally after the hall of cost lies i take any war crime stuff with a grain of salt although it seems plausible that japs would have done it due to having a history of post birth abortions there before they civilized. their attitudes toward food kneecapped their army to begin with.

You only listed one crime.

fuck off back to your Anon Babble with your shitty bait op
shilling for japan's shitty knockoff western imperialism era is stupid anyways. anime didn't start in earnest until after the americans occupied the island

Jews are demons and pajeets are less than insects.

humans that cut baby dicks and suck them

the US is forcing me to kill you preade undastand

Jews are better


And don't forget anime only became good after the Americans nuked them twice



Americans and geography really are like water and oil

because of what the US forced Japan to do in Manchuria

sanctions being considered an act of war

You are the dumbest gorilla nigger in the thread so far

European powers had brutally colonized SEA but the Japanese didn't want to liberate them, they just wanted to be the ones doing the colonizing.

also, full Nausicaa adaptation by Goro (out of spite and sadism) when
the movie doesn't cover even 2 of 7 volumes

You can lay off the erotica, it's kind of gross and uncalled for.

Jews are human

but that's wrong you fucking retard

Whatever you think of Hayao Miyazaki, his condemnation of Japan's World War II conduct is very consistent at least

Everyone south of the rio grande is the same

who is miyazaki? is he a va for one piece?

nips want to unite asia against the western powers

let's start by killing killing 10 million chinese

fucking retards. if they buried the hatchet with china they would have won

the japanese di-ACKKKKKKKKKKK

Whatever you think of Hayao Miyazaki, his condemnation of Japan's World War II conduct is very consistent at least

He's old enough to remember it and the aftermath or at least what his parents said about it.

to deny

questioning history and the establishment is never a bad thing, if you are blind to how fear of those have been used to ensalve japan you are a fool. based on your arguements following these statements i get the impression you are actually japanese. If everyone in japan was armed and calm, all they would have to do is have a sit down talk and bring out the evidence for these events, or better yet, just iron out what political aims and their underlying reasons need to see merit. A lot of these truther style movements have nothing to do with anything except being used as a canary to make sure their movement cant be cooped by jewish run goyim plantations since they are saying things that would unperson any middle manager.

They are human and you can't furnish any evidence that proves otherwise.

depends on whom you do it against

It’s only good when we do it against you

Woof. You can tell Miyazaki hurt a lot Anon Babblenons judging by some of these posts.

Japan abandoned its own values the minute it decided to attack capitalism instead of communism

Pretty normal for China though (see the Taiping Rebellion)

Japan ascribes to the "It didn't happen" school of warcrime denial, which is cringe.
Israel ascribes to the "They deserved it" school of warcrime justification, which is based.

they wouldnt have had to if they just let the demon king oda strangle the buddhists a little more.

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They are demons, you moron.

not me but your mom

It is not surprising that incidents without significant historical impact do not receive much attention.
There is much more to be learnt and not forgotten than Japan's war crimes, both in world and Japanese history.
In a world where Japan did not commit war crimes, the situation today would not be much different from reality.
Did the US drop the atomic bombs because it was angry about Japan's massacre of the Chinese?

anime did more damage to western society

This shit happened almost a hundred years ago. Who the fuck even still cares? Pure virtue signaling and victim posturing from both sides.

slowpoke thread

japan is the only country so far that has been nuked in war 4 times and I'm getting sick of jews seething over this shit and hitting all of their nuclear plants with undersea hiroshimas.
Jews go home.

America ascribes to the "actually they gifted it to us" school of warcrime denial, which we celebrate in a few days.

Israel ascribes to the "They deserved it" school of warcrime justification, which is based.

That's been going on the middle east for at least 6000 years.

they are spics adjacent? ok latino americans but behave and look like spics

That's exactly the reason why it's important to not forget Japan's crimes. Right now Japan is in a similar position where they are constricted by Western influence and Nationalism is growing. It's a natural response, which is why it's important not to let the pendulum swing back the other way.

not really considering the japanese government is still the same government as pre WW2 and even many of the members were the same members before and after, along with the fact that they never formally admitted that they did these war crimes

Prove it

not with russia they won't

The atrocities committed by Unit 731 should never ever ever be forgotten and Japan's insistence on rewriting history to maintain a sense of Nationalism is disgusting.
You will never be Japanese.

Anyone who says anything positive about the axis is actually a jewish subversive!

Or maybe a spade is just a spade

Not if you hate your own country. Acknowledging your OWN wrong doings is the ultimate high iq move, and he has yet to do that.

even if Japan never admits them, the rest of the world knows. So, really, does it matter that much? Most people know the nips were assholes in WWII.

Yeah you are half humans, it causes you immense psychological suffering to this day but i dont really get why you all continue to chose to hate the human half.

You will never be a WWII marine

What are Miyazaki's crimes?

you are wrong, its the perpetual enslavement that is causing the pendulumn to swing kike, nuking japanese power plants because you cant take a loss to your stocks is really starting to get old. maybe japanese war machines would be more reasonable if these where not their opponents.

Why were the Americans never held accountable for killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians with napalm? It's hard to take attacks on Japan's actions seriously when this hypocrisy exists.

it matters because people want to hear it from their own mouths. it's like how Biden said sorry for the treatment of american indians. yeah it's symbolic but they were so happy to hear them admit it finally

Proof or meds. Your choice.

Right wing boogeyman of the day:

historical consciousness

Because it's gay, or liberal, or trans, or something. Yeah. FUCK THOSE GUYS!

The eva rebuilds, for one

you seem to be giving me a nice fruedian slip there.

Because they won.

I did not care for the boy and the heron

Americans do tend to squirm when you question their use of nukes on random civilians at least.

because the americans warned first I presume?

The right supports Israel. Especially when it comes to so called war crimes.

We would know if he ever said them, but he never did, because he is low iq.

how... how fucking new...?

He doesn't hate Japan, he just hates the emperor. If the Shogun took over Japan would have been so much better

Shinkai: "I don't think about global audiences while making anime. I make it for Japanese people"

I made Your Name, Weathering With You and Suzume with almost no awareness of globalization. I didn't think about it at all. I'm creating it with the idea: "Let's make anime for Japanese people to watch," and I'm conscious of making it thoroughly local.

As far as global stuff is concerned, Hollywood and South Korea are already doing it well. There are successful examples of making a work with a production system that incorporates inclusion and diversity with a global perspective from the beginning. That's good for them, but I'm not going in the same direction.

Instead, I'm thinking of making something completely local. If you keep digging the ground under your feet, you may find a hole to the other side of the planet. That way, people from other places may enjoy it as well.

Of course we want people outside Japan to watch it so Toho, who distributes it, and our studio (CoMix Wave) who are in charge of overseas markets, are working hard to figure out what to do to bring them to overseas audiences. However, I'm not conscious of overseas markets when it comes to the way the works themselves are created.


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Sounds based.

Any American that isn't a feckless moronic goy or a bootlicker should be able to tell you that the nukes were a bit overboard

jews are human just like you,

maybe were thousands years ago,
they practice till this day a thing called "eugenics" where they select most socio/psychopathic offspring as fillars of next generations which they especially focused hardly on since past 1700 years, every single aspect of their "culture" tells them non-jews are equal to cattle to boot


Because it's gay, or liberal, or trans

Correct. Hating yourself for something that happened decades before you were born is retarded and gay. And in this case is just a tool for korea and china to try to extort japan. Which is especially funny since China's history and current government makes imperial japan look like a fucking joke.

warcrimes are judged by the winners, not the losers.

Does it? Personally I never was thought about it, I had to read about it myself. Middle east btw

It's not about accountability, the war was almost 100 years ago. It's about not becoming ignorant to the past. Guess what, America loves to become ignorant to the past and their own crimes. The same criticism and the same appeal applies to them too.

In what reguard?

Consistently fucking over his sun, for one.

you being uneducated doesnt make my post grammatically schizophrenic. jews have a racial hatred of whites, it only makes sense that they have a lineage that goes deep into one of the extinct hominids. who found such proof? it was a jew actually. just doing some soul searching and trying to figure out why his race was constantly acting the way it was, even down to his own actions.

And they managed to cultivate a higher IQ than you crackers and they fucking own you and the rest of us. Sounds like they're more than human

lists one mental illness, one sexuality that leads to aids, one political stance that keeps losing


saying jews are based

how much did they pay you goy