Wonderful Precure

Winter is coming. Stay warm with your favorite cure on the cold nights.


This is useless without sound

*excited dog noises*

Her crown looks bigger in real life.

Sigh I wish Zakuro would kidnap me.

Iroha is my gf.

manifesting Pastel Weather precure

... what

I think they're just doing a little trolling.

What kind of name is Tropical Rouge Precure? Why would you reference the worst Yes 5?

Hell yeah I'm keeping her warm.

Why did you choose this image specifically. Please don't ruin my mental image of pc posters.

No way that's a 15-17 year old kid

What kind of name is Hugtto?

It's just a big guy.

It's an amalgamation of the English and Japanese words for "hug"

It means hug

what does the mental image of pc posters entail for you?

Otaku women.

You're in for a rude awakening

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I don't think any one of you would "prove" me wrong so until proven otherwise you're all otaku women save for a select few who I know for sure are guys. Please be mindful and don't break my immersion.

Otaku women.

Little girls (18+) watching puikyua*

This is fine too.


Can you stop peeing yourself.

Urara keeping me warm.

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What to expect from the WP special issue of Animage, to be released tomorrow. Various artwork, staff and VA interviews (TV/movie) and a report of WP Live 2024.
There's no Kindle version planned yet so we have to wait for scans. I guess the Narita (lead writer) interview will be at least interesting.

3 days...

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Might get another Komugi plush to permanently keep sitting at the back windshield of my car so she can stare down people behind me.


Yuki and Mayu attend school wearing matching mufflers. Their classmates turn green with envy when learn that these mufflers were handknit by Mayu herself, so Mayu decides to open a knitting class to teach them. Several days later after school, Mayu begins to teach everyone how to knit using the all of the woolen yard given to her by Mehmeh, who loves handicrafts. Zakuro, who just happens to be at the school, catches sight of Iroha, who is trying to make a present for Satoru. She considers knitting a gift herself, but is hesitant to take lessons from a human. After knitting class ends, Yuki and Mayu spot Zakuro on their way home. Following after her, they find Zakuro at the corner of the campus by herself, doing some make-believe knitting.

Those are always interesting. I hope we can get some translations when it releases.

Are they using MehMeh's wool? Aside from that, it sounds like it's going to be a really good episode.

they find Zakuro at the corner of the campus by herself, doing some make-believe knitting.

One of the saddest lines I've read in a synopsis for WP ;_;

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Zakuro and Gaoh will be redeemed and they will be together.

Not if Komugi fixes him.


Thoughts about next Precure series?



Pink/blue/purple is a weird as shit starting combo, that'd make it 3 years without a yellow cure now.

Is this like, a main item in the show? It's pretty plain. It feels like a Chinese supplier came up to them with a product and they just branded it Precure to save costs.

In the afterlife.

Gonna laugh when those pen colors have literally nothing to do with the actual cures

The all have magenta as base color.

Might be fun to pick up the notebook and use it to draw what happens every week.

I guess one of the visual motifs is hearts, but a lot of season have that. The main theme could likely still be anything. For all we know, it being a notebook could be irrelevant.

yellowfags in denial

I feel like every year people overanalyze colors from the logo and it's not always a correct prediction, like Healin' Good having green but no green Cure.

I think I might lose my mind if they don't have a yellow cure next year.

So, how about the blue ribbon, also the little girl looks like she cosplay as mc.

Yeah but that's fun.

I think the little girl could be cosplaying as the MC. This is definitely jumping the gun, but the ad is mostly pink and blue with the only purple being on that pen or in the generic rainbow. Maybe they're banking on Maho popularity and making a new season that focuses on a duo? Though I think it's likely like most seasons that start with a duo, it won't last all that long.

That's such an odd thing to find funny


Based on that old picture? Absolutely nothing.

I love sexy catgirls.

weather is pretty nice today. Sky has pastel like colors

next lead will get twintails as someone suggested, and her hair is gonna be have some accessories on as well like Finale's


Rainbow Heart pen

Another rainbow cure confirmed


We know it's ai.

Soulless ai.

Nothing good ever comes from /ai/

You know hand-drawn images can equally be as soulless. There are certain "adult" artists who make it a living and if you look at enough of their pictures you can tell they're just phoning it in drawing erotic art of the latest trends.

Fuck off.

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

Not him btw

Legendary Bunbee

Not saying that I'm not.

every /pc/ poster is a mid 20's young lady with glasses and big boobs



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so what, you gonna cuck us out too then?

When dark Yui is better than all the baddies

Having cuck fantasies about other /pc/ posters is crazy

Just like Narita made Otona and WP, now the Doki writer made the Doki novel and the next season.

It's just furoku. Don't put much stock into what they haven't blocked out.

Don't joke about that. We don't need the horrible Doki writer coming back.

We had the horrible HaCha writer coming back though.

that pen shape

RAINBOW heart pen

Just had a realization, what if it's supposed to be phoenix-themed? It kinda looks like it could be a sort of rainbow peacock tail, which is typically connected to phoenix.

Though the model here does have her hair styled like Precious's.

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HaCha writing was great. Just held back by the time of day it aired.

This is autism.

Today’s lunch is mi goreng with Precure furikake.

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Precure furikake with real cure skinflakes

SEA monke spotted

They sell mi goreng in America too.

You really have no life

Anon I'm trying to eat.

Is there a way to order precure food outside of Japan, or are you in the holy land right now?
Cute Komugi!


Why do you have fancy wooden hashi then?
Checkmate SEA nig.

I live within proximity of Japanese supermarket so I try to hunt down Precure goods when I can. Sometimes Asian markets will stock collaboration items like candy that they already sell but it's very rare.

You don't own a pair of wooden chopsticks? They're not very fancy, these came in a pack...

We do not need a selfish lead like her again.


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Wtf I just kissed my monitor?!?

It's pretty unlikely since he's already the main writer for little girl's show for South Korea. Teeniepig I think? Writers can work on multiple projects at once, but doubling up on that long running show and a Precure anime would probably be too much of a burden.

Mana is a lot of things (beautiful, cute, kind, strong, sexy and smart among other qualities) but selfish is not one of them.

God I wish I were the bird...

I was about to say that you can get fancy chopsticks outside of SEA, but then I realized I got my fancy chopsticks from a SEA roommate.

Japenese supermerket with Precure goods

I'm jelly. My local Asian supermarket is mostly Chinese, but they have some very mainstream Japenese character goods like pokémon and some Sailor Moon drinks. You must live in a pretty cool place for there to be a sizeable enough market for imported precure goods.

Man, I wish Toei had the guts to greenlight a one cour Doki novel adaptation. Ah well, I suppose at least another sequel/spinoff novel is possible

Mana is selfishly selfless

You need to rewatch the last episode of Doki.

Japenese supermerket

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Kyara paki kyara paki.

Ah well, I suppose at least another sequel/spinoff novel is possible


Kyara paki choco!



Doki writer

plot focused season? LET'S GO

The chances are really low, but it would be neat if they announced something for Aguri's birthday.

I dunno why my brain/fingers do this. It's been going on for years, too. Consider it a typo.

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If the Doki novel popularity has any real influence on a season (which I don't think it will), it would be the season after the next one. Maybe it could have, but next year's season would have been pretty far along in production by the time the Doki novel came out in September.

Shut up.

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Mayu sniffa

"Bing chilling" Mayu.

Your Precure Credit score decreased by 5

le opposite of what he said cuz my feefees are hurt!!!! ;_;


Not happening.

Which cure plays Roblox all day?

you do

Komugi love

Fucking cringe as shit man, I'm sorry

Wan wan!

They're trying their best and having fun with it.

Had to downvote just to be sure this shit doesn't taint my feed later. Terrible.

Sincere cringe is not cringe. You need to suppress your cringe instinct.
Uploads like this are like the internet version of itabags: something anyone can do to show their love for a character.

can you dunk the fumo into a bowl of water

Why would you do that to Komugi.

In a world full of mean and bad people pc is my safe space where for the most part we're all kind and nice.

there are some meanies here

I know but the nice people outnumber the mean people here.


like this guy

Any cool Cure Emiru wallpapers?

Only a few more days…

safe space

/pc/ anons are mostly kind.

Anon, I…

I don't have any Cure Emiru but here's Macherie

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But you're kind anon.

Thank you anon, you are kind too.

No wonder this place is filled with retards.

destroy it


*hugs back*


In a few days, this thread will start having more posts.


As per WEATHER predictions it will rain doomposting with occasional hopeposting sunlight with PASTEL like sunset of shitposting

Booba bros...

C'mon they can grow more than that.

Page 8? Repopulate!

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I would repopulate the world together with Ellee.

The breasts appear to be only on cure forms. Hopefully it's fixed in the season proper.

Hopefully it's fixed in the season proper.

Yeah, so they don't have them while transformed too.

I cannot resist my cute wife Haa-chan!

Even if she...

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this looks like AI slop

The hand makes it obvious

I love my wife even if deformed!

It is