Girls und panzer/GuP

this c.mbags seems particularly retarded


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I literally look like that

Is this the actual thread that you spend literal days cooking and looking forward to make? it's great

dad found a jumbo sized miho plushie at goodwill

I don’t know what I should be in awe for: the jumbo miho or someone donating a fucking GuPlushie at a goodwill

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Will you have an indirect kissu with her previous owner?

But Mika is a pretty girl.

I was expecting fat tits you stupid bitch

I knew it! I knew you would make a thread with that OP pic

It can be fixed

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But then we couldn't have a rematch against the most boring character in the franchise!

Wani a shit.

Bonple movie/stop motion anon here, I've spent the past few days thinking about the script and there are some questions I'd like to ask
1) which would you prefer, a good old flag match tournament just the 63rd and 41st cup or something a bit different like Der Film compound match or Tankathlon?
2) should Bonple field two Panzer V Panther Ausf. Gs and a Tiger? I recently discovered that Polish rebels captured these tanks while Poland was occupied by Germany. It's an interesting bit of history, but I'm leaning more towards no because I can't see Bonple using those tanks despite that
3) should Pravda be the final school that Bonple faces?
4) should I make an original as one of the opponents? GuP so far doesn't have a school based on Hungary and I would love to see one

Mika's boobs and Aki's butt are both great to look at


Holy shit Aki sleeps like a retard

1 flag
2 no idea am not polish
3 i dont like that school in general so i dont wanna answer
4 sure thatll be cooler i think

1) start with a training match, flag match formula
2) Hetzer "Chwat" or some allied vehicles
3) Whatever fits canon
4) {spoiler]Gregor High School[/spoiler]


flag match


would prefer it they had Archers and Fireflies since the school technically owns some in lore


Pravda could be fun but it already happened in RW


if you get domestic tank models for them, sure
gregor's czech. could still make for a fun matchup as long as they don't only field 38(t)s

ywn lick Aki in the sauna

Why even live?

Yukari is not a good person

Why not?

All guppies deserve love and hugs and cuddles
I hope they all get good sleep and have a good day

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Cute not femcel whoud like to have the PoV after a night of gentle lovemaking.

Ntr whore

So fucking close to quads truth

Yes the salt yes

That's right, she's a great person!

Certified pole here
1 something different
2 most famous polish captured tanks were a hetzer and a panther. But if you have these models and they would make the movie better then sure (tho british tanks would be good too, remember they used arched and polish units had a unit at British army)
3 damn yea
4 sure go ahead hungary is underrated. (Not biased at all due to polish Hungarian friendship)

Looking forward to it anon
This looks like a nice project

This is awesome.
Oh, he bought it then and there? Based dad.
Sorry for the off-topic shilling, feel free to report this. But your post was really nice to read, and I occasionally invite anons to a friend group I made because it can be hard to have a genuine chat with people here nowadays. If you or whoever's reading this is curious, take a look at this. If not, report and hide.

how much matrix org pays you is it worth shilling

mary (16).jpg - 650x900, 59.75K


soft, good to cuddle

Go to scam to make an account. The Element desktop client is pretty nice.

How do I join?

We'll send you a link. The form isn't checked that often so it's not unusual to get a response after a few weeks.
''few weeks'' lmao sure buddy we'll be waiting few weeks for your totally real groupchat, just ask us to sign up using your referral or something why are you lying

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18 btw

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I have a plausible suspicion who you are. Why didn't you respond on pisscord nor show up to meetup irl?

pisscord but with extra steps

Yeah no thanks
In the off case that this is genuine, apps like so are cancer to develop “real connections”. Why would you like to get to know each other anyway on a deeper level aside your hobbies? This is one reason why I like anonymous forums: so I can post anonymously without telling you where I come from and still have good interactions with “people”. Keeping contact with people is too much work and it’s draining on me for example, so I’d rather use spaces like here than elsewhere, since whatever I can post may garner attention from someone in any given time

where are thou coming from

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meetup irl

yall niggas meeting irl?

No, those comes from an anon that did the typeset years ago.

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I hope not

pisscord fags

selfie fag

ntr fags

blacked fags

irl meetups

What the fuck is happening here?

Like three are the same fag.

We have a diverse ecosystem here at /gup/

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i love how cute and relaxed this mika is

I wish she would lose her cool more.

kays actually pretty cute...

She's sexy and love making (you) horny

Black coded

Hello let me shill.
We're coloring the Yukari hair playing booklet; we have no previous experience but we're putting a lot of love and care in this project.
Keep your eyes peeled if you care; we're aiming to release it by Christmas.
See you!

How can I help if I can't draw?

Yeah, just not with that one guy, beacuse he didn't show up.

How exactly are they this fucking fat holy moly

Then why is Alisa small and flat?

Looks kinda shabby. I know it's difficult to color from b&w, especially one that you didn't draw yourself, but the colors look too murky and especially the skin lacks any color texture, I don't see why I would read this instead of the original work.


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I wish there was Rabbit team manga available somewhere. Nobody is seeding it on nyaa.

We're pretty set in terms of helpers right now, it's really just a matter of finishing the last panels and ironing out eventual mistakes and missing spots.

Hi, that's okay if you don't like it. We're trying our best but it's a labor of love from Yukabros with not much experience in terms of coloring panels. We're still going to get over each and every panel before release and they'll also be reviewed by others before they'll be uploaded.

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i was gonna say look at jojo but apparently, jojo's coloring is official. i always thought it was fan color even tho its very detailed. it has 134 volumes and almost all of them are in color damn

mary (9).jpg - 850x1342, 833.92K

Bald guy should be black

those brown blush marks are a bit too dark

Kay is fat in all the right places and she's very cute and I love her and want to cuddle with her very much

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I'm sorry Tyrone but it's colorpicked from my skin tone.


WTF who tells their dad about GuP?

You’re clearly the wrong skin color then since yukari is Moroccan queen

Anon should be green or grey. That wasn't meant to show naked skin, just an annonymous, undefined character (You).

Too short for *that*.

nooooooooooo dont note it its very cute that way
i live in my grandpa, 1000km away from my parents. they visited me last month without telling me and when i came home i saw my father drinking tea from my mary mug and he made fun of me after

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with. not in...

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It's not meant to be naked, but we felt like giving it a gray skin tone felt too unnatural. There exist self-insert stand-in characters who are given a fleshy color, that doesn't mean they're naked men.

And we're not going to pander to blacks anyways.


As he should, dweeb

This artists Mibo's give me a dorky, sloppy and somewhat smug everything vibe

or something

reminder that Saunders' been irrelevant for over a decade

yea thats what am telling, saunders feels like a minor school introduced in DF while keizoku feels like they have been around since season 1

favorite school with favorite characters

completely irrelevant other than cameos


He makes me want to fap to Miho so bad he makes her so erotic

Hi, that's okay if you don't like it

Take it as a feedback, like try doing something more than a flat skin tone, all I'm saying.

miho when she hears anons are horny for her

they wouldnt tell you this bc theyre trying to be nice but if you dont like it just ignore it nigga stop bitching about everything you worthless loser

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looking back at GuP threads during the TV anime's premiere, it's insane that Saunders currently feels as important as Bonple or Maginot when they're meant to be part of the OG 4/5 (the latter if you include Anzio). they were EVERYWHERE back then, in fanart and in posts.
but sadly STGGC and Anzio are more popular among nip fans, KMM is the character arc school and Pravda are comfortably sitting second-to-last thanks to Klara breathing a bit of life into it. BC's more recent in people's minds and has very popular characters, Nishi carries CHT and Keizoku's permanently on the priority list thanks to le epic BT-42 and them being a fan favorite among the creative team AND military advisor team



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Katyusha is for niggers

This thoughbeit


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my headcanon's that kuromoriya is a girl. their art's way too cutesy and safe lewd for it to be drawn by an ossan

that’s a man and that’s a good thing

the grapist

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It's kinda easy to get female artists, they usually draw Alisa.

the Oreowife and Oreodaughter too

It's entirely okay, I'm taking these insights and see if we can use them to improve. Thank you a lot!

a woman drew this

Good to know theyd want to be ntred and handled like slabs of meat

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Perhaps, I won't judge her obsession with Miho and fellatio

Nigga do you know what feedback is? Why do you confuse that with bitching? It's a good thing, you might improve the work if you listen and try more.

they wouldnt tell you this

I get the feeling they would, or at least send their proxy discord boyfriend to do that, hmm?

dark hand


Let me guess, it's a woman because there's a dick in the doujin?

on the other hand Karakita's absolutely a young dude because all of his art is super lewd and super edgy
I checked his bio just now and it's 100% true, he's a 25yo guy

Holy fuck guys a woman drawer flew over my house!

25 is too old to be edgy, I guess he might just be a retard then.

25 is not that old, anon

not that old


Of course it's not "old", but if you're still in your epic edgy phase when you're 25 then it's unironically over.

I'd like to insert myself into this Miho if you catch my drift

women artists nooo

That's a new for /GuP/

Katyusha if for me and loves me a lot

I despise women

I'm younger than him, I'd know best
depends on if the edge is cool or not. I'd say he pulls it off well


Katyusha is a mandingo slut

depends on if the edge is cool or not

No it doesn't lmao. And I'm not going to actually look at his art, but if he's even a half-dedicated gup artist, chances are his edge is just gore or some racist meme shit. It's always the case.


arent you the same anon who bitched about this too. if you are, seriously, kill yourself you wont be missed. if not, im sorry

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yes, Yuukers
here's a Karina from him too

That’s a nice Oshida

muh racism

Seriously go back


theres over 900 pomf and 170 enigma reposts lol
show your hands please

dox yourself!

lol lmao
stay in your shitcord fag

So true king.

still more on-topic then your Anon Babblebrained shitpost with a GuP skin on top

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You’re saying like that’s a bad thing

Only guppie i hate is arisu and kay

arent you the same anon who bitched about this too

No? I wouldn't bother criticizing such a retarded pic beyond that it's a retarded pic. But thanks for confirming the discord angle.

you dont need to send a photo anymore. if youre gonna say showing hands is doxxing , i can already guess your skin color
also exactly 1 min between 2 post lol
i love enigma gif so much, but just saying repetitive to a redraw is funny

"Unfortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards blind luck and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. Losing this way somehow felt worse than I had thought possible. My preparation was superior, my play was superior, and I lost, so I don't see a reason to continue engaging in an activity where what is within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is not.

I am done with Sensha-dō, and you won't get a fond farewell. This community is infected to its roots with a degenerative disease that grows stronger over time but stops short of killing its host. Tournaments used to have a competitive spirit at their heart, this has been transplanted and replaced with an artificial organ that feeds on vitriol and mockery from insecure little girls that heckle by the sidelines and tear each other to shreds over scraps of attention. The environment we fostered has trapped us all like this in a vicious cycle, and escaping it requires acceptance of the harshest reality we all scramble to explain away, that none of the countless straining efforts we put ourselves through here will ever amount to one single shining glimmer of significance. I would make this the end, but the Track Cup is still ongoing, and I would never leave so many great friends out to dry, so I'll suffer through a few more matches for them.

One last thing before I leave you all to react with disdain, ridicule, and self-righteous fervor, before you do everything in your power to minimize my words and thoughts, box them up and shove them to some cobwebbed corner of your memory, and hope they disappear forever as a stain on your finite time ground to dust. From this moment on, nothing you say matters to me. The foulest insults you hurl with intent to wound will calmly settle at the earth before my feet, and the venom you spit will bring all the pain of a warm summer breeze. You are less than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from detachment.

do I personally have to scold you?

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haha i am you now

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Satan wants lewd Miboli, so everyone should post cute Miboli!

A visual representation of zoomer "art"

I’m literally everyone itt

i thought i ruined /gup/ on accident. but the truth is you were retarded like this from the start and i didnt do anything to help it

I can't help it that one artist got me fired up!

stop it.

It's good to admit how little you being here really matters.

What an awful thread

It's always a good day to post wani

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you will.

Shut up obraz

he wasn't here the last thread

If anything we're healing

Hairposting will continue until (You)r haircare habits improve.

I wish the niggers would just leave to their discord already

Since it’s mainly out, hair posting is just as insufferable as ntr posting

I need to take better care of my scalp since I have dandruff problems...


Not even close, anon.

the fuck is a hairposting or ntrposting
wifeposting is all i know

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It is. The way the faggot kept shilling his fanfics since the garupain and was so desperate to make himself a known namefag is one of the more embarrassing things to happen in the thread.

never did and never wanted to

And you two are talking about him. He won.

I didn’t mind the fanfics so much, it’s just the constant shilling and talk about it

I'm paid about as much as the average janitor here.
That is a fair point and I have no rebuttal. It's simply a place for people that would like such a place.
It's real, I just added the "a few weeks" thing because I didn't bother to set any email alerts for the Google form, although maybe I should.

never wanted to

blog posts and doxxes himself

Kill yourself

strawman much

person making shitty posts eventually becomes known for shitty posts

They're going to write books about this victory I feel.


I namefagged exactly one. And then forgot to delete the username, posted in another thread, and deleted that post. Desuarchive shows those two with my username.

I can't draw, so no chances for any actual fanart/manga from me :C

That's great. You can head back to discord now.

Alisa is a few month girlfriend that you fuck all the time at best.

Sorry only happy and healthy guppies allowed in this thread.

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Ironically i think obraz said he found it somewhere

I had it somewhere but too lazy to find it
Later maybe

Isn't Obraz also Alisa anon?

Single mother with a negroe baby

And the bleached anon
And redrick
And a few others

I don't understand why someone would want to see someone suffer, especially guppies.

Just arisa tho


whitehair ahoge smoltiddy Miporin is something I'd have never imagined existing, let alone it being cute


What if she was though


Little Army is shit and has 0 attractive characters.

Go be gay somewhere.

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Loli Miho

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Who is this ugly slut

young Kilimanjaro with short hair looks weird.

Thesr two reminds me of the girls from gochiusa

im finding a new general

don’t let the door hit you the way out



More like election season lmao

It's been 2 decades for me.

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Post GOOD pictures already

she won the dumbass competition

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he did