No i won't tell Rudeus that I'm Sylphie

no i won't tell Rudeus that I'm Sylphie

i'm going to play a bunch of games with him instead of just saying it

eh, nandatte?

oh my fucking god just TELL HIM
why the fuck are women like this?

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They are retarded that's why.

everyone in this show is RETARTED


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He didn't recognize her and that hurt even if she won't admit it. So this is her getting back at him.

covers face with glasses and dresses like a boy

hair turned white

hurr durr why doesn't he recognize me?

You both are retarded
She's just worried that he might not recognize her because she thinks she's not someone worth remembering and she would only embarrass herself. Remember that she has low self esteem.

lurk more, rarted

a-acksually it's a traditional Anon Babble meme. I did it on purpose

Damage control

why do people keep making random mt threads without using the subject field

your both retarded

a lot of retards in this thread

ok !! im rebarded

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haremslop with bad writing and the author rapes children with his ED dick irl

Damn he's /ourguy/.

author rapes children with his ED dick irl

holy based


it seems everyone in the thread is a fucking retard

im gay and retarded

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Damn... this guy is cute i might become gay..

Rudy is that you?

childhood friend doesn't recognize you

rape him and bear his children and live happily ever after with him

Holy based.

Does Cliff have a gilf fetish what's his problem?



Bad writing

Rudy was retarded

It's to keep the story interesting retard
You might as well ask why rudy dosen't recognize her

It was reasonable for him not to recognize her, she had on a disguise.

That's actually very mild compared to the shit women usually do

Don't tell me you're going to wear those sunglasses during a night operation.

Fitz's shades look sick and everybody knows it.

You expect them to exchange fluids immediately? Go watch porn instead, you shit-slurping fag.

Fitz, like so many young men, likes to dress up like he's in the Matrix.

Filtered, imagine watching Uma Musume and posting it thinking you'll still be taken seriously afterwards

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not liking one of the greatest sports anime with cute horsegirls

You don't even belong on Anon Babble bro.

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It's okay, her vision's augmented.

I don't really want be part of Anon Babble. I take the aloof cool stance wherever I go

Good job. I cringed.

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Thanks. I still have my own preferences tho, it's not really aligned with Anon Babble mostly. But it can serve as a point of reference

why don't you like this sparkly, shining turd!? It's the most sparkly, best polished turd there is!

Nah, I think I'll pass.

I had forgotten how young new mushoku fans are. You'll get there in a few years. Preferably while lurking.

These are all shiny turds, Anon.

NTA, but are you seriously riding your high horse for watching moeslop gachashit?

You're right. Shounen and haremshit are much better. Sophisticated anime for a sophisticated adult like me desu. Nothing else even comes close dattebayo.

riding your high horse

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No one said that, but the difference between us is that you're acting superior for watching moeslop gachashit while we're mostly just going on with our own stuff

while we're mostly just going on with our own stuff

Imagine saying such a thing when is literally a few posts above your own. The original Umaposter was even on topic about the series in question in this thread when the Mushoku Anon had to chimp out over his reaction image. Truly, the worst fans with the worst superiority complexes.

Also, I too am NTA.

I just said "filtered" though? Now check this

B-b-b-but I didn't say anything about his image! Honest! By the way definitely don't go back and look!

This is a dumb conversation with a dumb person.

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Oh yeah, I did say that, completely went past me. Sorry for naturally assuming I'm above moeslop gachashit. You win this one, anon

No capitalization.

No full stop.

Fucking retard.