Chainsaw Man

I’m normally super great at this, just an off day, but I'm the best, promise. If I was really trying I could make the best weapons, super strong weapons, but I'm not feeling it. But if I really try they are the best weapons in the world.

Manifesting Yoshimiko

Fujimoto said he self insert as Denji

Fujimoto said his waifu is Himeno


Cavemen and cavewoman

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Manifesting YoshiAsa

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Cicada man low-key cute



What a disgusting pig, holy shit
defend this savagery, AsaDenners

High test

R literally does not exist.

But can she make babies?

Asa is unironically wet at that display of manlyness

What is that jaw and chin?

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Anyone else remembers all the ''Don't die'' marketing season 1 of the anime had?
What was that about

Playing Minecraft with Asa

it's really sad seeing this schizo keep calling me someone i'm not, fregoli delusions at it's peak

Fuck off unoriginal hack I am the one who came up with it.


Asa wishes Denji bit her neck like that.

trying to bait doxx so he can report

tsk tsk

That sounds bad, Asa is desperate to prove herself and is trying to convince Denji to not be disappointed in her competency. I really hope he keeps Asa as is one and only and doesn't consider other girls.

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not like there are other options anyway


surprised people like himeno


Remember when Pochita was asking for Power to save him from the Aging devil?

Asa will be the loser waiting at the finish line.

Remember when Denji was supposed to get out today

cute and original

Himeno was trying to make Aki jealous.

Fumiko won't be in the race


she's not very smart

Remember when Pochita was supposed to kill the children 6 chapters ago because he's evil and doesn't care about children?

From wheel chair to holding up a primal

That guy can fuck, Fumiko was so lucky.

Yes, that will happen in the end of the arc.

Whatever you subjectively believe the race is? Fumiko has a headstart

ao3 tier fanfiction

True, I haven't seen a single proof of his existence. With the other major schizos we know who is the person behind the letter.

Sure do!

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It's Over

Meant 2 chapters

Seething because people disagreed?

Many such cases

Denji can be convinced otherwise and so does Pochita.

AsaDen are about to kill a primal (jk the contract will disappear once PS is dead).

I have proof, just say please Detective-sama

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very low energy, is that the best your discord could come up with?

This cliffhanger is the same as division 5 cliffhanger. People will cope that they will survive but they die in first page of next chapter

Fumiko will calm down Blackchita

That twerking shitpost

please Detective-sama dying


Pochita will remember that Denden chose sushi

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I wonder if Quanxi and Yoshida will bury Fumiko's remain

Next page everyone dead in true Pochita style.

Who dies first?


Fumiko unmourned both in universe and irl

I care about Asa Mitaka

pochita won't try to kill fumiko

geeze dude you so evil

pochita and i would never kill children

*kills and eat a human*

True she just dies as collateral

it will be a gag too btw

Algerian drops Fumiko

All the Fumiko slander stops

So it really was just to get his attention. some mindbroken obsessed sisses doing anything to get (you)

very fitting, something like slipping and breaking your next. Very fitting end for a lucky character

him seething is pure entertainment, no need to post her

Asa was a waterfall down there btw

It was obvious considering how most of the post shitting on Fumiko were shitting on Yoshimiko specifically.

I mentioned this in another thread and they accussed me of being a csm hating pajeet

That's the case with most character slander. If you see someone shitting on a character then more often than not they got buck broken by said character fags.

the trees are immortal speedy

Yeah, that explains the daily Asa slander

As an Asa hater my slander is because I dislike her character

Asa has the misfortune of having Powerfag and Rudesissy as representatives. Horrible shitposters that give her a bad rep.

He didnt killed anyone thoughbeit

Asa and Denji will have a cute romantic dinner date while eating the flesh and the organs of the tree people

pretty Rude if you ask me

Fujimoto said his waifu is Himeno

Fujimoto waifu is Makima.

That is so sad for the other asafags. If there were any.

Indeed, one must be very rude and obsessed to do all that.

No I just hate current Asa

Yeah most left so they are not missing anything.

Proving my point.

Remember when Pochita was supposed to be Denji?

Kekaroo, I like how the schizo will push an idea 24/7 for weeks then act like he never did.

i'm still here

Yuko said the pay is very good

Methinks Asa would be better if she had a funny personality like Momo

Why do you think devil hunters are all fucking crazy? Only crazy people take the job. And it pays well

Fumiko got no fanarts when the cover dropped maybe her death will change that.

Go clean your room, diaper.

it better because holy shit, becoming a veteran there should be easy, I would say that any PS member that lasted more than 3 year it's a veteran already

yoru lost her arms i'm thinking fumimi will lose her legs, wheelchairmiko

Asa is funny tho, just in more subtle ironic way

Crushed by rubbles she will use her bf wheel chair

The more confident they are in their theory the more likely it's wrong

you would know that

I wouldn't because I have no theory

This chapter is another reminder that Denji is the smartest and most versatile fighter in the series with no equal shown and he's only perceived as dumb because of his lack of education

Will reattach his head, lit himself on fire, fight for days, lobotomy, ANYTHING to win

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You guy might not remember, but P also pushed for weeks the idea of Power literally coming back to save Denji from his depression, basically Powerleeching Asassisies "power of love". Of course it got btfod like everything else because shitwer is irrelevant.

Cute, getting inspired by his boyfriend's theory.

I wish Asa was like this in the manga too. Instead of a traumatized teenager we got an animal-zombie.

Pochita has achieved primal level immortality thanks to Denji and his supply of infinite blood. Aging vs Pochita is going to be a stalemate and aging will release everyone to stop the endless fight.

You need to get out of your house.

the smartest and most versatile fighter

Defeated by a random mob with 5 spears and 1 net btw.

Powerfag can make good theories when it doesn't involve character he loves too much.

Fumiko wasn't in the room with the agents and Tadashi. She really was the messenger and just went back home.


Excellent job

Powerbro is a good poster, people hate him for no reason.

Sasuga detective

i wouldn't be surprised if some time passed and that was the case ngl. remember how they said it would take 48 hours to get the kids and 3 chapters later they were being gathered?

Don't worry we don't hate your boyfriend

Micro low-key has great taste in manga and I would take his advice over other posters here that only read a handful of manga and claim shonen bad.

my post



Csm is 70% done

Still if she's insane like the special division members are supposed to be and she's a fan of Chainsaw Man she might come running back from her train to see him in action. It will be like the train scene in Your Name.

So true

You're saying this since church arc

is 5 volumes enough for a satisfying ending?

5 volumes ago was Falling

the train scene in Your Name


Best joke of the month.

That's just powerfag posts

Yes unironically

Not unless death has already been introduced

only if fujimoto locks in but with his track record we're gettting a oshi no ko tier ending

where did Asa learn to make an axe?

I remember when retards were saying Yoru vs Pochita was the final fight, then Old Age came up and started a whole new arc

No amount of volumes would be enough with the current Fujimoto.



It should have been the final fight
because Part 2 went right back to being mid when it got interrupted

Axes are used for wars for millennia :)

when did his writing start to decline?


Chapter 1

The first 3 arcs were great
Church was very flawed but still good.
Everything after that was shit except for Yoru v Pochita fight

Hopefully people don't take the latinx bait

there's a reason why you aren't a writer

You people are retarded

Fumiko sees a flying Pochita in the air heading towards Aging and Public Safety through the train window and they make eye contact. Then she chases after him.

no way you actually believe this

we know microdick is retarded

Be careful.
I know you're busy sucking off Fujimoto rn but if you get too angry you'll accidentally bite down on his cock. You don't want him to lose his willy do you?

Well said, let's hope the Pochita vs Aging fight is good.

There's no good csm fight. Having chainsaw for arms is stupid.

Just read the chappy.
Pochita and Denji tag team is cool. Is everyone totally immortal in Aging's realm or did Denji kill the tree man?

Sad that there's a break week when there was a genuinely exciting cliffhanger, but that just means you guys can watch Arkino if you haven't already

The prison break, end of falling and half of church were the only bad moments of Part 2

Everything else is pretty good, not part 1 tier but still more enjoyable than literally any other ongoing shounen and only schizos who consume dogwater like korean slop or warm piss disagrees

First half or second half

Y'all need to read lookism this break week

Everyone is immortal in Old Age domain, it is said no one can die there

Everything from when Quanxi showed up to when she left, extremely retarded


She'll calm him down

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why not?

No she'll be waiting for the aftermath to collect the spoils to add to her collection.

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it would be a great show if it wasnt so woke
Good production value

Big on the first half of this post. I wouldn't trust the opinion of someone who started bleach in the big 2024




I'm really not

not even Anon Babble thought it was woke and it's literally Anon Babble.

the good parts of the aging devil arc are the parts without the aging devil (yoru vs pochita)

Kek true

Each time a primal showed up the arc turned dog shit (in part two only)

Don't be an idiot. You still enjoy Chainsaw Man despite the Chinese lesbian and Korean homosexual right?

It really is.

All the doubters proven wrong yet again, how does my goat Fujimoto do it?

my FAURKING hero finna bouta dab on the glowies

First arc sucked pretty bad desu. The series really picked up when Denji returned.


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Prison was without a doubt the lowest point of the manga, I think even Fuji himself realized that midway through hence the time skip

one week

no news on volume content

They are holding out for after Fumiko dies

I can't stand anything Vi the show treats Vi like she dindu nuffin

Curious, she is the character that is more similar to Denji.

Vi gets shit only constantly by the narrative thougheverbeit

Slim Pochita is scary

Fumiko spending her Thanksgiving alone without any family. So lonely in that big, empty house she bought with her fat paychecks, it can't be called a home. I hope Quanxi pays a visit, they both have lost a lot.

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Nah prison was fine. After falling and until Nayuta died is the lowest point. Since Fumiko showed up the manga went down, now is really good again.

Recent chapters retroactively made church arc worse.

Real. She also puts pussy chasing above her family and makes shit decissions every time.

Irl Fumiko it's funny she was cosplaying asa

No she's not and by the Denji seethe you're the redditor that neither reads the manga or watched the show and got mindbroken by a irrelevant female character of CSM

Save public safety society, Benji Mifune

That's... actually believable.

135 until 150 are the worst chapters

Asa/Yoru even more turned on by Denjis insane masculine behavior

Our hero just can’t stop winning, BETAshida would NEVER

Current arc:

Chapters 157-162: Mid carried by Nail and Katana

Chapters 163-168: Everything wrong with Part 2 in concentrated form

Chapters 169-179: Somehow really fucking good

Chapters 180-185: Liquid shit.

Yeah, people wished for asaden to be separated but it ended up being the lowest point in csm.

They're not terrible but fuck me there is so much wasted potential there

Supposed to take care of cute but problematic little sister

Tells her to fuck of, goes to chase pussy and directly causes her death

Fuark she is literally Denji.

AsaDen is the entire narrative of Part 2. It's retarded to split them up.

people wished for asaden to be separated but it ended up being the lowest point in csm.

True, that means AsaDen needs to never get separated again i agree

Based and factual

we can blame fumiko, miri and quanxi for that

I hope they don't get separated again

Miri's chapters were great actually

Tells her to fuck of, goes to chase pussy

you're reading too many amachu posts, micro

Looks just like her with the eyes and smile.

It is shit when they are together
It is shit when they are separated

2 shit characters can't make a good story.

Drop it then

I feel like fumikofags will be the first part two fags to go extinct since Yukofag and Nayutafags are still posting long after death.

I like too see it crash and burn.

Two shit together is better than two shit spreading out and infecting the rest.

said to be russian

is clearly french coded

If she was I would hate her

What is French coded? She likes croissants?

nah, you're just a attention whore

the rest.

What "rest"? Kekarooo


Based. Reze always had a certain je ne sais quoi

It is a Conquest manga.

Projecting again?

i wanna thank the power spammer for ruining this general.

nah man, you made a whole tutorial

What is French coded?

Not him but she obviously looks and acts french

yep it's really good when they are together

Well, is the 2nd time she dies, she will come back anyway. Yukofag has my respect.

I am making progress in rehab soon I will drop the harmful addiction that is csm. This is an AA meeting now.

it lead to nowhere

It's less about being good together and more about being bad apart. I can handle mediocre but I don't like bad.

I doubt it, will be a long wait for Fumiko to die.

works at a café

character is about romance / is a femme fatale

dark hair and light eyes as opposed to the blonde hair blue eyes that is typical of russians in japanese media.


My beloveds.

I am more attracted to Yoru than Asa.
Is this what women feel when they see a delinquent and nerd?

You now remember when people thought we would get Asa and Nayuta breaking Denji out of prison

Would have been better than what we got
I will miss you
They were cute for like 2 arcs.
Now they just feel so nothing.

I'm super excited for the next chapter. If it weren't for the damn break week this would be the hypest moment to anticipate right now. Next chapter Denji will 100% attack Asa with that primitive hatchet she made, make no mistake. She will try to stop him from eating the humans and he'll smack her hard in retaliation. Pochita will keep jobbing to Aging devil and Denji is perfectly aware of this, which is why he'll keep eating the humans over and over again in hopes Pochita keeps regenerating and powering up. This will go on until Asa attacks him in an attempt to stop the carnage.

I expect a scene similar to picrel, Denji's about to betray all of Asa's sacrifices, betray her trust, because just like with Prez and Tanaka she was naive and trusted someone with ulterior hedonistic motives whom she barely knew. That's when Yoshida enters Agings world and fucks Denji up. With no limbs and teeth Denji the Nugget can no longer cannibalize any tree-humans and CLOWNchita the Jobbing stops regenerating. Does that mean Denji will immediately take Aging's offer? Nope. I think the butthurt and seethe from him watching Yoshida comfort Asa and take her away from him is what will trigger this subhuman in accepting the offer. Romantic anger and jealousy, just like with Prez.

The first chapter was basically foreshadowing, a scenogrphic prototype.

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Two weeks gonna feel like forever yes. That worthless character can't die soon enough.

May we meet in a better manga and a better general

Would have been better than what we got

No doubt about it.

No need to manifest something that was etched in stone since the start.

uh oh

Denji will attack Asa because........ HE JUST WILL OKAY

crazy bitch is losing it

Fumiko and Denji cutting the cake together!

lol, I know Fujimoto will keep her alive and make another big grin to make you and the chuds seethe.

You are aware Yoshida will enter Aging's world just to fuck Denji up, right? I've been telling you this would happen for quite some time now.

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Algerian's parting gift

t. micro

It's too late for her to do anything major anyway, not that she could since she's written to fail at everything she tries to do.

because........ HE JUST WILL OKAY

Yes. He did that already to Power and Makima, or did you forget? She'll try to stop him from killing and cannibalizing the humans, and he'll fight back. She too is edible, don't forget.

I got unreasonably excited at the end of this chapter. Also the Fire Punch callback was pretty fun

This is such a unhinged text it's amusing to read
I had a sincere laugh at the Yoshida part, love how you always put that Yoshida will appear next chapter for sure and have sex with Asa while killing Denji

Naturally, Fumiko getting her comeuppance is exciting

sad state of these threads

He did that already to Power and Makima, or did you forget?

Yes, i forgot when Denji attacked Power and Makima out of nowhere like a autist. Can you remind me of when that happened?

They were cute for like 2 arcs.

Yeah I also shipped them before. Now I got bored.

watch pochita grab her with his tentacle thingy

How nice of him after all the backstabbed he's being through.

She didn't fail at anything major. She got rid of Nayuta and Denji just as planned.

That's literally what will happen though as much as it pains you. Yoshida will enter Aging's world and sabotage Denji's perpetual motion machine.

You'd do better to offer a counter-argument. You could have said something like Cicada man will stop Denji, or Asa will stop him. I think both of them will try but fail.

its his husband

The problem with Asa and Denji is that they don't really have a relationship anymore. Nor does Asa have a personality.

It wasn't as planned she didn't plan anything. She's genuinely a fan service character who survives by cheer luck.

if you did 1 push up each time you replied to yourself you'd feel better, H

out of nowhere


Read again schizo ,

She'll try to stop him from killing and cannibalizing the humans

Lol. Asa isn't actually a good person, she just likes to pretend she is.

all name fags should kys asap, ty

I don't even read the posts, I just look at the pretty pictures

based wine mom post

When will Asa get her Kankei moment?

I see, then makes sense Fumiko will survive because she didn't plan anything and will survive by cheerleading.


no surprises there

That's nice, I agree. Then you agree she'll pretend to be a good person by trying to stop him, because that's literally what will happen next chapter.

one minute apart

Callback or confirmation it's a prequel?
Pochita gearing up to fuck PS up is hype as hell, i agree

Yes. I liked the old Asa more. Well... I also liked Denji way more before, but that is subjetive, the objetive part is what you say, they barely have a relationship and the little they have is very toxic in nature. I can't enjoy it.

When I say Fumiko is the Kobeni of part two I don't mean it as a compliment. Both shit gag characters that add nothing to the story other than fan service for some niche fetish. They have the most delusional fanbase in csm who think both are more than what they appear (they aren't)

but they gave Denji a pep talk they are useful

They really aren't, anyone could've done that

I'm just stoked to see Pochita to just nuke Public Safety at this point.

Which csm character beats. . . HER?

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0 points.

yeah that's it Im going to post it

autistic shitposting spammers should kys too, ty

cavebabies when?

It sounds pretty fun.

Denji in the hospital after his fight with aging devil. He's wired up with a breathing mask and everything. Fumiko enters the room with barely contained anger. She spit out venomous words accusing Denji of ruining her eternal youth plan. She remove his respiratory mask then gives him a kiss while biting his lip. She keeps the kiss long until Denji starts running out of air then puts the masks back up. She tells him he's lucky she still needs him and that she finds him cute. She leaves the room and Looks Back with a grin.

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This was the moment the bad writing allegations became unbeatable

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Nah she dies, this is the perfect scenario for her death

Pochita blasts through the shrine

She tries to flee like the rat that she is

Debris fall on her

She screams saves me csm

She either gets ignored to die or killed off

Pochita doesn't play when it comes to Denji


stop im going to do it

Go ahead

schizo hours after chapter release


pochita went to kill yoru

pochita will ignore fumiko


"New MC" Giga offscreened to show Denji mouthbreating with Fumiko and Miri.

It was a huge redflag kek.

It's funny because it's impossible to tell if this post is sarcasm.

What if he becomes addicted to the taste of human flesh because of this?

Our heroes... and SISSYda

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Good for him I guess

i wanna thank /csm/ for running his own general
t. micro

Remember when powercuck said Denji would escape Aging's world this chapter? Good times.

No Fumiko


oh fuck oh fuck

Is that THE Suwako Moriya, GOD of the Moriya Shrine?

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Pochita doesn't play when it comes to Denji

He does, that's why he played just dance instead of slicing the truck for blood. Fumiko will live and you'll make a new scenario for her death.

i just remember you saying denji's plan would fail and he would kill the kids while being killed by yoshida while yoshida fucks asa this chapter

Why do you retards care so much about ships? isn't this an action manga? get that gay shit out of here.

This is geniuenly the perfect thematic ending for her.

If she lied about her past then it becomes her future

If she didn't then she will have her views of csm shattered before dying

Nice screenshot faggot lol

Denji's plan will fail.

Pretty week bait. Pochita is going for the head and unfortunately for Barenmiko she has no sons or daughter to bail her

>If she didn't then she will have her views of csm shattered before dying

That literally doesn't mean anything

Mind? Broken.
It's a waifubait manga now.

He will. Only 4 weeks ago I said that next arc Denji, who'll be mortal now and separated from Pochita, will turn into a mass-murderer and a cannibal. He'll be some merger between Jack the Ripper and Jeffery Dahmer. The thing that will motivate him is butthurt over being separated from Pochita and supposed """betrayal""" by the female gender. He'll turn into a woman-hating mass murderer.

Shippers are always the worst posters in every fandom.

reminder amachu loves interracial

what a dumb cunt

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Based antze

Self-defense for Yoru, Fumiko won't attack him, she doesn't have a bone in her body made for fighting. She'll dogeza for mercy.

mind? broken

about what?
dude this spammer be saying anything at this point

Poweravatarfag miscalculates the manga's pacing a lot. The thing is, that is THE LAST of his worries right now.

Fumikofags are going word for word step for step the same path that Nayutafags went throught before her death.

Everyone explicitly remembers you posting your Power avatar and saying "Denji will escape Aging's world this chapter with Asa, he'll kill Aging devil and kill PS goons". In fact I think it happened earlier today.

B*c out of nowhere

yeah it's starting

we dont, its just one crackshipper spamming her retarded ship and two schizos spamming how the protagonists are bad

Based. This is how Pochita will bring Denden back btw

Lucky cat like Fumiko will get crushed by the rubble. No fighting needed.

What is the first of his worries then?

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It's very fitting that they go through the same path

Denji will escape Aging's world with Asa, he'll kill Aging devil and kill PS goons

All happening desu

Saiyan lives matter

Pochita is a hero and he'll remember how Denji felt when she told him that Chainsaw Man failed to save her family and that she's his fan. He'll ignore her for the bigger fish.


But none of that happened.

Fumiko dying in December

Drawbab stops drawing in December

Fumikek on suicide watch. It literally can't be more over than now.

the superhero of justice saving her even if she doesn't deserve it. now that's thematically juicy.

Asa's writing feels so schizophrenic here.
I THINK Fujimoto was trying to do something similar to post-Aogiri Kaneki where he goes off and does some crazy shit offscreen. And then there's a timeskip where the POV shifts to the CCG and we learn about the changes on their side of the story, but we also get glimpses of how Amon and co. are on Kaneki's trail so we the audience are questioning "Kaneki? Would he really kill all those people?"
but with Asa it feels like less of an intentional choice and more Fujimoto giving the fuck up

two schizos spamming how the protagonists are bad

Asa is poorly written.
Denji is ok.

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Unfortunately for her she does. She was ovulating at the thought of killing children.

Pochita is already on route to kil Aging and PS goons

Lot of thrashing by fumikek, they don't want that make it is and will go down coping. Face her death with dignity whale

talking about part 2 writing being bad and using some infinitely worse dogshit manga as a reference point

why do i keep seeing these posts? are these the same person?

*Don't want to make it easy

Pochita is already on route to perpetually job to Aging


And said jobbing, Denji will simply continue cannibalizing the people in hopes this will go on forever until Pochita wins by some stroke of miraculous luck or Aging gets bored. Naturally Cicada, Asa and Yoshida will stop Cuckji from continuing the cannibalization. Not hard to predict little bro.

If current Fujimoto wrong Part 2 every CCG inspector would be a comically evil sociopath who kicks puppies and shoots babies because the author wants us to feel bad for Kaneki and wants to make sure we don't sympathize with anyone other than him.

Like I'm a-ok with making your protagonist but Part 2 Denji's writing is just so.... self pitying on Fujimoto's part. It reads like some incel manifesto almost.

I think it's pretty safe to say that TG > P2.

Basically this image but Fumiko

you never learn

Means she has 9 lives.

She might be a fumikek based soly on the amount of cope and denial.

She spent 8 of them taking deadly wheelchair backshots

We love CHADyo Ghoul here.

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Spoilers for autistic schizos:

Pochita will job to Aging over and over again. Denji will keep cannibalizing over and over again. Asa and Cicada will eventually try to stop him. Denji will attack them. Yoshida will arrive and turn Denji into a nugget without teeth. Fumiko won't even be anywhere near Aging when Pochita arrives because Aging already warned them, and you'll seethe.

She's barren


you never le-ACK

You are aware Pochita will keep having his limbs turns to dust by Aging again and again, right?

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Fumikeks regretting siding with the cord over the posse. They got tricked by drawfags into thinking this was a safe space for denkeks

incel manifesto

i cant believe this is the type of person im discussing the series with on here. how is it like an incel manifestio when it's about never giving up and staying positive despite all the bad shit that happens to you? that's literally the opposite of incel ideology you fucking retard


god they're going to have the most boring, disappointing sex imaginable once it finally happens

Dashi collected all her eggs and ate them like caviar. He don't want that whore to bear his children

Ctrl + F Fumi = 40 results


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i doubt that


Aging no sold the attack that turned pochita into a nugget

this isn't even powerscaling, pochita will die and get revived by denji over and over again until a 3rd party breaks up the stalemate

H spamming Fumiko hate on cooldown

I want to strangle the indian that made this

Based on what is this doubt of yours founded, anon?

Captcha: 2RAT JR

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Fumikeks may not care about Fumiko but the wait for her death will be uncomfortable and unpleasant

I'm starting to believe a fumidenbro cucked him or something. No way you can get so pissed off over a character who hasn't done anything storywise since last year

You love to see it

Apocalipse because of "timeskip".

Algerian turning against Fumiko and becoming her biggest hater is very cliche. It's like a former hero becoming the demon lord in an RPG.

how is it like an incel manifestio

Public safety represents social workers. Denji trusted them and they betrayed him.
So fujimoto is telling teenagers that they should never trust any adults and it's society's fault that you're not happy and all government workers are equally complicit and you should kill them

Your problems are never your own fault. It's all the evil government.

Also it's society's fault you can't get a girlfriend.

I joke but I think if an Elliot Roger type read this manga this would be his takeaway.

She gave up her eggs so Tadashi could gain strength and withstand a primal on his back. True hero of Japan.

Naturally Cicada, Asa and Yoshida will stop Cuckji

Asa and Cicada will eventually try to stop him. Denji will attack them. Yoshida will arrive and turn Denji into a nugget without teeth

Denji the Nugget

post it again

Geniuenly how dumb do you have to be to side with anti Denjifags while being a Denjifag. I guess dumb enough to fall for Fumiko's lies so dumber than Denji.

Yeah, no shit. But please notice how aggressive the denial is to this extremely obvious fact.


H knows she will die soon so this is how he copes

the manga
aging wants to get killed by pochita
and pochita already ripped its arms off twice

I don't like when other male characters look cool beside Denji.

You are the biggest shipper whale here after A.
I doubt Fumiko will die without a character arc but who knows with Part2.

post it again

Are you ok? Seems you're counting how many times THE PLOT is being discussed in your safe-space discord chat.

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That 100% happened, has to be some xitter or reddit drama

Okarun would hard counter Denji's special attack (ball kick)

Grown ass man throwing a tantrum over something that might not even happen. Grim.

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Fumi sisters we are not Kigafags. We need a new none Asa girl to leech

i remember how some faggot didn't like how i said milf yoru was retarded and that it won't happen(it didn't)

Not that serious

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Many died without an arc get used to it. Hell some characters get their arc in the same chapter of their death which is a nice parallel to Nayuta

seems like a good way to alienate yourself

non-schizo thread is up

all those drawings, hours spend making fanart, all the pics saved, by the thousands, all for nothing... all will dissappear like tears in the rain


...okay, so if a completely delusional person read the manga they would get a delusional takeaway from it
so what?

aging wants to get killed by pochita

He wants to get eaten by Pochita. To achieve this, he'll make sure Pochita is fucked up no matter how many times he needs to turn his limbs to dust. Pochita can't do anything else but continuously job for eternity. Aging will also make sure someone stops KEKji from continuing to regenerate Pochita. That can only be a fellow accomplice of Aging's, a PS agent who can beat the crap out of Denji - Yoshida.

Only contrarian like her or to be more specific the idea of her and what she can offer

You can pick the thread where the schizo will re-post the same exact doomcuckery about how the manga is le bad now and everything is le bad and how [irrelevant shit manga] is better than Chainsaw Man

Or you can pick the Chainsaw Man thread

Micro Kishibefag Amachu the doomcuck brigade (fumiwhales)


Ctrl + F Fumi = 50 results

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I joke but imo Part 2 really does undermine what Part 1 was about by having Denji lose everything anyway

CSM is about the coronavirus pandemic and it's damages to the social-public network.

I will pick the thread that will be still up tomorrow

as i said , you never learn

Fumiko dying before meeting Denji again just like Reze

Fumikofags must've had their brain damaged by it

but that's the point... his life is a cycle of losing everything and having to get back up again, just like pochita

not here to make friends

as i said , you never learn


You did, though, didn't you?

I don't want Fumiko to die yet.

Shit is gonna be horrible but, uh, power through anyway

Such a dumbass blackpill message tbqh


Ctrl + F Fumi = 55

Fumi snakes backstab each other all the time. Someone who ships quanmiko and FumiDen are enemies

No, I want to talk about Chainsaw Man and its characters.

Heh, I'm a bit of a CoolGuy myself too, anon.

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'gerian meltdown

Has a female character ever caused this much seethe and dilation? I never though Fumiko could be this powerful, especially after getting a cover.

I want both you and her to die. Nothing of value will be lost

Maybe this fan art was the reason? It dropped last week

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So mean

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That's a nice Yoshimiko

Nothing personal, just making the reading experience better.

Bitch pls...

oh i get it

it'd more depressing to have no art that acknowledges how shitty and awful life can be

Has a female character ever caused this much seethe and dilation?


You never know. My theory is this: since Pochita will continue jobbing on a totally different location now, the remote villa to be more precise, Fumiko will naturally be in his closer proximity than Asa's unconscious body which is still at the BANG site. This means that once Pochita is defeated and turns back into Denji, Fumiko will be there to pick up what's left of him, whereas Asa will be on the other side of the city.

The melty is romantically driven and therefore that's what I think is the reason behind it.

There's not a single good thing about Fumiko. I bet if you tried to come up with a reason to like her you would only give me a reason not to.

her looks

babes are dim a dozen

The unmatched.

I love her so much! I hope she doesn't die.

no art

Fumiko reference

they're saying that aging world isn't mental but physical now

Come on, you know I'm right. Makima never caused this much seethe. Ok, maybe she did, but she also received a lot of love to counter balance it. Therefore Fumiko wins.

I agree, it's inevitable

What's more the reasons to hate her are unintended by the author. Being an evil cunt is good but she isn't

They say a lot of things.

shes literally on the aging devil's world right now, will probably help denji defeat it on the next chapter

fumikofags getting uppity because one schizo gave them the time of day


It is very difficult not to love the best character.
Fumiko like a lot of things in part2 is undercooked.

Don't be mean they are not used to being the center of attention. They are usually ignored by the rest of the thread

what does this sign mean?

Fumiko is just evil Asa so she's shit

devoid of any character other than being Denji's onahole

at least part one Denji waifu had hopes, dreams and aspirations

Day ended and it seems like fumikofags can't take it like Asafags

Neo nazi dog whistle

It's a heart! Half a heart to be exact.

Last for Yoshimiko

who's the other half

Any pick out of Quanxi, Denji, Pochita, Tadashi and Yoshida. She's flirty


That's very cute.

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Ctrl + F Fumi = 68 results

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