Minorifags and Amifags have finally realized that they are only capable of fighting for Silver.
We're going to have good Melli this year.
Minorifags and Amifags have finally realized that they are only capable of fighting for Silver.
We're going to have good Melli this year.
she's as cute as she's an ungrateful and violent bitch.
It's not fair for them. They just can't compete with the DFC
pretty smug for a disgusting gremlin that had to cry and take a pity win
Seethe. The Dragon and Tiger belong to each other.
Sorry, can't hear you from under the mountain of gold medals.
Best personality
Best genetics
Blue pubes
Kushieda single-handedly ruined the show. She dragged what would otherwise have been a 10/10 show down to a (weak) 6/10. Only Akira Kogami was ever worse, in the entire history of anime.
where can i see the prestream schedule?
Taiga owes me sex.
have started getting up at 5:30 to go to the gym
i-i won't even be able to watch the prestream at this rate
dude the threads are dead because it's still 7 days away
3 days away and still dead
last year threads were bustling with excitement for all of November
Anyone starting to get worried? Did melli jump the shark last year?
I've been waiting an entire year for this.
The 15 minute cooldown killed this site.
That little shrimp can't compete with Ami's beauty!
melli flopped
worried that it might be comfier than last year? concerned their might be less spam?
it'll be the same as always, the threads were never the main attraction
pretty much this
Personally I don't even like having threads before it starts so I've just been ignoring them, I still plan to be there for pretty much all of pre-stream and main stream like I am every year
dead stream. dead site. all the oldfag chads are watching naruto and bleach together instead
i'm not on this board very often anymore, but has the 15 minute """anti spam""" cooldown really changed it that much? i feel like Anon Babble has slowed down to a crawl in general the last few years
Anon Babble has definitely slowed down. It used to be like top 3 fastest boards on the website.
to be fair, anime fucking sucks now. also, in the last few years this boards speed was heavily tied to a certain series getting new chapters - everyone has moved on.
have been meticulously preparing my sleep schedule
suddenly the roof is getting replaced
trying to go to sleep at 8am while 10 Mexicans do the macrena on the roof with hammers
this is a problem
I think that's more the fault of less people being willing to try more series than the quality of anime/manga in general honestly
there's still good stuff if you look, it's just that Anon Babble's demographics have changed a lot since 10 years ago and there's a lot less people willing to try obscure series that may or may not get popular over stuff that's already popular
4channels demographics have changed in general in the last 8 years (starting with a certain event) so its not surprising this is one of the slower boards now. normalfags can't into yucky japanese cartoons or culture. i have pretty much stopped watching anime altogether in the last 5 or so years, i've seen very few new series since the 'demic and don't feel like i'm missing out - seen a few hundred anime, seen 'em all, or so i feel. i've come back here a few times this year for new seasons of shows i was into many moons ago like konosuba and monogatari, but i'm just not into watching a few eps of everything each season to see what sticks anymore. i'd rather be playing bad vidya
Do timezonelets really?
these threads seem extra slow and empty to me because i filtered a certain tripcode. I highly recommend it
There's no good outcome from a [...] fire
Very true.
I'm not L@DY bros... where did the year go?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than playing house. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl like she's your daughter solely so she watch you go off with her "Mom". All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - resolving her Daddy issues, walking to school with her, making sure she had a healthy diet, going on vacation, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: You leave her side while you go fuck her best friend in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who has nothing to do with you, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you "raised" her.
As a man who is playing house you are LITERALLY dedicating your high school love life simply to raise a girl you don't even get to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
Pet peeve but Fuck every single NPC moron that ever regurgitated the myth of Taiga being a tsundere. Tsundere is getting mad at your crush or whoever points out your crush from a place of insecurity. Crushing on someone you used to treat like shit for unrelated reasons isn't tsundere, and Taiga in particular never got mad at her running crush or anyone who teased her for liking him. An example of actual tsunderes would be picrel.
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (2010), dir. Tatsuya Ishihara & Yasuhiro Takemoto.
I should've used this one, damn it.
I have a homegym where I watch melli inbetween sets.
don't worry, there's hundreds of garbage series like konosuba and monogatari
I used a filter someone provided a few years ago and I've never seen a tripfag ever again.
Anon, it's called tsundere because at first they're 'tsun tsun', and then later they're 'dere dere'.
We will watch Made in Abyss this year I can feel it
Tip: Next time use CTRL+S.
I like how teasing Ami is.
I feel like shes the most realistically written character in the show, i might even call her best girl. I also really like "Yes" and now that i thought about it that songs stuck in my head again. Fuck.
That wouldn't fit even if we didn't watch dawn of deep soil
Would be great though id love that
taiga is not as bad as the character who created this trope, but yes she was the least interesting
I didn't remember eco bags* being that old.
*Latest fad
wait a minute, you guys actually sit and watch toradora every year? i use it as my 20 min piss/snack break before the real main stream starts
It's most noticeable to me in Anon Babble NFL game threads, Anon Babble feels more or less the same but that just may be the threads I generally frequent being very slow to begin with
The Eternal Millennial strikes again.
jashinfag has a shit opinion
No I think Ami's got it in the bag this year. She's been training hard and I feel like this is her year.