Having a wife sounds awful.
Having a wife sounds awful
I want emotional intimacy but I cannot bear the thought of tolerating a woman's faggotry for more than 5 minutes
Sounds like way too much commitment for my taste.
2D wives are great
2D wives are yuck!
what about having two or more? I mean just like kids you know that is better if they come in groups of two or more so they can give each other company
It is, especially when she's ready to divorce you any time and take all your kids and half your assets.
Just be emotionally intimate with your bros.
wives are yuck no matter the dimension, I agree!
It's the courts (run by men) who take your kids, not her. Incel.
Its not that bad especially if you're each others firsts. You learn to grow together and mold into each others ideal person.
The courts are nothing but a tool (for woman and the state), like you.
i married him because he was nice to me
i married her because she likes me
giga cringe
I blame the lawyers who whisper in to their client's ears about how much more they could get, the lawyer cares not for the couple leaving on positive terms, these vipers only care for getting as much of a win as possible.
hte lawyer doesn't care to keeps things even but to get as much out for his client as is humanly possible
no fucking shit sherlock thats literally their job and why they're hated, they do their job which makes them hated by design
but nonetheless it's a job someone has to fucking do no matter how much you hate it
if anything blame the justice (law) system for being so insanely one sided in regards to marriages, or stop being a mutt
They are also men
An incel is what you will be if you get married because she will refuse you sex while fucking random men and it's either some other dude's kids you're raising or a divorce where you lose half your stuff to her.
he thinks this shit happens only in America
Lmao. It happens in almost every country, especially developed countries. Muttbros actually have it easy compared to most other countries because at least prenups are acknowledged there.
Incel hands that never knew love typed this
It's not their job, they have incentive to do it but they don't have to.
Not a single one has to whisper into their client's ears like Wormtongue to fuck over their husband. They would still make good money. The proceedings would go fine.
They choose to do this because they are greedy evil little snakes who wouldn't return the shopping cart.
They might feel the same way about faggots like you
This is a great artist. I love his art
You have awful taste
A bad wife would be awful
A good wife would be wonderful
I'm single because I hate everyone that isn't me
using condom
If your wife isnt using IUD then its ngmi
Being married is great. Y'all should try it sometime.
No you retard, the condom is just symbolic.
You do some foreplay, put your dick slightly touching her vagina for a few seconds and say some shit like "if you dont say anything I'll go in witouth protection", even if you both know it's going to happen anyways.
It's kind of like roleplaying.
That reminds me of a conversation that a couple coworkers were having next to me a few days ago. One (female, she was pregnant for a second time) was saying that she was going to tell her husband to castrate himself. Then, the other (male, our boss) was quite proudly saying that he had the vasectomy done years ago.
Fucking society.
Explain to me in less than 200 words why marriage is not a scam.
You don't have to pay dinner for sex.
IUD doesn't protect against STDs.
The only way (beside abstinence) to protect yourself, your wife and your wife's boyfriend is to use condoms.
and that's why you go for the tomboys that shares your own interests.
It's really nice to cuddle and spoon at night. It's also really nice to shower together and have someone scrub your back. Making a simple dinner and opening up a beer after you both come home from work and unwind is the highlight of my workday. My husband is my best friend.
Someone has to provide for the food
wtf is this real
whats wrong with that?, if you are married and dont want any more children then the vasectomy is a great choice, after that you can fuck all you want without caring about using a condom or if your wife took the pill or not, etc...
first explain to me why do you think its a scam, I been married for 8 years now, we have a 2 year old kid and its the best thing that ever happened to me.
why the fuck would you worry about STDs if you only fuck one person, and that person is your spouse
Your wife could get it from someone else?
I been married for 8 years now, we have a 2 year old kid and its the best thing that ever happened to me
what was that even
dont marry whores
trying to explain the ABC of sex's basic roleplay and foreplay to the most virgin cunts on earth. ON Anon Babble OF ALL PLACES
anon they're a lost cause
That's just women in general.