Multiple Manga titles like Attack on Titan, Jojo, Akira, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, Fire Force, Promised Neverland etc have been removed by Tennessee School Districts from their school libraries.
Multiple Manga titles like Attack on Titan, Jojo, Akira, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, Fire Force, Promised Neverland etc have been removed by Tennessee School Districts from their school libraries.
thats based , anime and manga is vile
Free speech absolutists everyone
Based, american students in american schools should best read real american literature, ala Lolita
Cancel culture reared its ugly head after Trump's win.
Kids are annoying and they shouldn't be reading manga at schools.
I didn't have manga in my schools growing up and I took it like a man.
Quick google search says that Tennessee school district banned it too.
This is good, tired of underaged gen alpha screaming about loli being on the same level as CP
What’s the most brutal or disturbing scene out of all these series? I think it has to be Ramzi’s death
based tenessee saving children from slop
as long as logh, gintama and monogatari aren't banned they should be fine
x shit
Over Akira????????????????
How does Anon Babble do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
Why would manga be in a school library?
good, those were shit anyway. plus, is rather not live under 4 years of sjw control
Oh no, anyway
Any news concerning actual 1st world countries?
the next generation will grow up having never read jujutsu kaisen, heartwarming <3
Red state.
No more cuck shit endings
Land of the Free
proceeds to list 2/3 series that are genuinely way more reliant on cheap referential humor and childish puns with ridiculous fanservice
Those young'uns should read some good wholesome books like the Bible instead. Manga is work by the devil
Both sides of the aisle were censoring. I just hate that to even return to a semblance of normal we have to get these types of faggots back in.
Reading manga at home is still allowed. Those are some odd choices though.
Thanks Trump
Good, the less normalfags know about manga, the best. Also, die, Twitter screencap poster.
so? they're just removed from schools, they're all still widely available. stop caring what the state allows you to read and choose for yourself
Who cares? This is just the last kick of a dying animal before it gets steamrolled again, just like how Southern education boards fought tooth and nail against the word "evolution" in textbooks only to teach the woke ABCs a decade later.
you have no idea what slop means, go back to frieren general and stay there
I care about removing fascist manga like AoT.
but it's the libs who censor everything
How gintama is not a slop? It's 90% filler show.
Bloom Into You is banned
the other 10% is peak kino though i doubt most people even reached silver soul arc
gintama? hehe, OMG SO FUNNY! KATSURA JANAI ZURA DA! i'm a big fan, i watched like 20 episodes!
censorship is good when the right does it
You fucking hypocrites
censorship is good when the right does it
yes, and?
They should ban the lgbt shit too. No non educational books should be allowed, kids can just go to the public library.
fan service in MHA and Fire Force is seen as bad as brutal murder and torture like the other series
If you are pro-censorship, you should be censored.
Having all that stuff in School Libraries was kind of unacademic anyways
You did not read my post
twitter thread
bait replies
Fuck off back to >>Anon Babble
i'm slightly curious if they can access official manga sites and read the shit anyway
is when teh government doesn't buy me mango
Sparing kids from coming across shitty manga, good job.
truly evil stuff.
Who cares? Just read them at home or something?
Also, Jojo is full of race cuck shit, so good riddance?
This was always the game Anon Babbletards were playing
Who cares?
Apparently not anti-censorship fags that shit up this site crying about censorship when they think the left did it.
Davy Crockett is scowling from
removed from school libraries
basically their taxes will no longer pay for this slop
kids can still purchase and read them anywhere else in this state like other "banned" books
So what's the problem here again?
Note the name "Age-Appropriate Materials Act".
America in general has this bizarre issue of insisting any media deemed for children has to be toddler tier.
Oh no. Not the school libraries
And they are absolute right, you have 40yrs losing their shit over the trailer of a furry movie starring jim carey
Around the world liberals have set of rating systems (and yes these were almost always liberals setting them up) that have the power to explicitly or effectively ban works from entire countries and what isn't banned getting it's creativity stifled by well enough enforced ratings systems.
Then when non liberals say they simply don't want something in school libraries suddenly they claim to care about free speech, do they sometimes cast an overly broad net maybe, but I don't fucking care, we can worry about infighting to tighten our nets once liberals are totally defeated.
Again, you don't know what slop means. If you think: Comedy series = filler, you are retarded.
Sonic is not a furry movie.
wow that seems fucking retarded by school always has been for the dumb and poor
It's all slop except for Akira so good
Why is there manga in a school library, what is wrong with you morbidly obese morons.
Any material containing nudity of describes or depicts sexual excitement, sexual conduct, excess violence or sadomasochistic abuse isn't allowed
So.. uh... what literature is in their school program then?
we should prevent our kids from reading shounenshit
I was about to ask what was sexual in SnK but then I remembered
surely not the bible which contains all of the above
place, japan BTFO
place, 'murica FUCK YEAH
surely not the bible which contains all of the above
Manga is the cultural backbone of our generation, period. You gotta know the staples - Death Note, Attack on Titan, Bleach, One Piece, and all that good shit. That's the good stuff, the stuff that really matters in this day and age. None of that boring old book nonsense like "Pride and Prejudice" or whatever other 19th century slop. That stuff's totally irrelevant. There's nothing badass about it either. Basically, manga needs to be in every library, because it's the new form of culture we need to preserve. Screw those dusty old novels. I'm sure there's nothing good in there anyways.
Most literature contains this shit, that was the point, yeah.
That explains why so many are Americans never form a proper taste and read/watch/play "Isekai: Slow life"-tier shit when they grow up.
Fake correlation. Japs are main consumers AND creators of isekai slop. And they aren't pussying around with children content like muricans.
We don't even have school libraries here, you go home at 1PM so you have no time to read anyway
Americans think reading and boobs are witchcraft, they are backwards like that I know, it is kinda embarrassing
America will be a sub-87% literacy nation in 20 years.
Once I figured out the internet the school library didn't matter much. Back when I was in school we had manga show bear tits, which was pretty cool. I remember pages from the Dragon Ball manga with Bulma mysteriously missing before I graduated. Coin toss if it was censorship or a horny reader.
Without the bible we wouldn't know when genocide is justified and when its bad or how to deal with magical animals.
bear tits
Isn't that Russian?
Why the fuck is manga in the school libraries?
America has literature?
why wouldn't it be? the only thing I read in my library was Tintin
Nothing in this law bans any books. It just requires schools to keep a public list of everything in their libraries and have a procedure in place for people to bitch to the local school board, who retains the final say on what to remove like they always have. The public library inventory is the only real change. Also, this law has already been in effect for two years.
Anon Babbletards are retarded authoritarian faggots (filthy communists) and deserve the worse
I actually like some old shit a lot (Don Quixote, Dante, Gilgamesh etc. and a lot of shit from the early 20th century) but I hate how some cherry-picked noble crap like Pride and Prejudice is still dogmatized as the epitome of literature even though it's not only weaker than thousands of other books it's also boring as shit since there is no way for teens to relate to such characters anymore. Old epics are thousands of years older but at least thematize timeless themes, just as a lot of modern literature.
The only PaP fags I have ever met in my life were boring arrogant married women in their 40s and up. The sort of hobby feminist that self-inserts into dime novels about medieval prostitute marries a prince and who never worked because they leech off of their husband. At least replace the bad old shit with the good old shit that children would consider exciting.
implying they are not already one
honestly based, tired of normalfags running ranpant in this hobby lately, the less exposure the better
let's go back to pre-AoT era
Shut the fuck up you faggots
Should've been Hunter X Hunter and One Piece
America is fucking gay
I saw titties on fucking magazines out in the open in fucking Europe when my ass was 7 years old.
Fundies. Not liberals you dumbass. It is always the goddamn Christian fundamentalists and religious right that are always having their pants in a twist. They play as both Republicans and democrats, whichever is more in power at the moment. And morons just keep pretending they're anticensorship unless it's something they hate. Hypocrites the whole damn lot of you. We'll see how you feel when they go after your porn and anime full force like they're promising.
censorship is based
kill yourself
What the fuck is manga even doing in the school library, are mutts really want their kids to grow up fucked in head so badly?
Shut up you retarded faggots
This feels like a leftypol raid thread.
Like, if the government was banning those manga from shops or banning certain anime from streaming/purchasing I would understand any kind of outrage, but 90% of this thread is just "See the evil right also likes censorship!!!". What this means is that school libraries will no longer be able buy nor keep those works but if a kids wants to read they can still find them somewhere else.
You don't have to worry, thankfully, the average American is too dumb to read anything other than a McDonald's special offer chart
You are fucked in the head Javier
giving a shit about school libraries
You must be 18 to post here.
You're right anonymous poster, we must go after the group that never achieved anything for the crimes you committed.
You will care when your wife's son goes to school.
Why are you worried about public schools breeding nipslop consuming degenerates?
Why would I care about him reading MHA? What's the worst could happen, lmao.
Kids these days dont know how to use the internet outside of social media
Most of them have never even heard of ad blocking
blocking ads should be illegal
i'm glad they aren't commiting stealing
Yeah I mean to be fair at the end of the day I could give less of a fuck about the school system but it would kind of suck for kids that could not be able to afford them
At least my future kids can have fun with my personal library
He's not wrong you know
Schools shouldn't exist in the first place, they are a communist indoctrination camp.
Anon I would rather have my sons read Mato Seihei no Slave before the age of 14 than whatever garbage is being put out by American companies
If companies have the right to try and show me ads then I have the right to not watch them
Simple as that
I think the Great Gatsby should still be read at schools if only because it shows how pointless it is to chase and simp after one woman
Imagine writing this crap with all the big words you learned in school.
Typical "I got mine" mentality.
You rode the system's coattails and now you wanna screw it up for everyone else.
Death Note, Attack on Titan, Bleach, One Piece
good shit
We can also drink beer with our friends in the park or wherever we want, whenever we want, at night or at day, feels good.
If only you fuckers would hurry up and create a second amendment already...
It's also a two year old law and, at least in my experience as a TNfag, schools didn't have manga in their libraries to begin with.
Based. All of them are slop. Read Naruto.
Unlike you and your children, as a child I read classical European(i.e. western) literature and received a musical education, so just shut up you illiterate shiteating nigger
Frieren is less slop than Gintama desu
Chinese drawings le bad
porn, fag parades, genital mutilation, paying jews to blow their near countries le good
america is a dystopian shithole
received a musical education
So how's your music career going, anon? Hope your tracks are racking up the streams on Spotify, otherwise you just wasted your youth on some worthless garbage you have no talent for.
Twitter post about some hillbilly school in Tennessee deciding that their library shouldn't carry Shonenslop
Now a shitty bait thread on Anon Babble
Those books are also banned in Red states.
let's ban comic books but elect a sexual abuser as president
let's ban comic books but not guns
Americans are so fucking stupid
My city has given up on controlling this long ago, as cool kids we always walked around with knives, daggers or whatever. Can't do it after 8PM anymore though because they're trying to improve our image right now. I almost tempted to go outside with my katana when I get it to see if anything happens.
TN is a conservative state, you retard. Even if you aren't American, context clues from the thread would have told you so.
daddy please give me more taxes and censorship
americans have manga in their school libraries? mine only had textbooks
Why are you doing *thing* if it doesn't bring you money?
Peak mutt mentality
They're "good" to dumb pre teens and teens for whom they were written for in the first place
At least One Piece has the longevity to appeal to older people who were children when it came out
get a load of this faggot
More like Tradcucks are faggots, a better America would let us read manga in schools and open carry a select fire MP5 in times square.
Until I see: "Un Militia bien regulado, Para la Seguridad de un Estado Libre, El Derecho de tener y usar Armas, no sera infrigido" or any other Euro language embedded in law, I aint holding my breath
porn, fag parades, genital mutilation
These things are actually the reason laws like this have started getting passed again. TN also passed a law banning drag shows in public or in front of children that was similarly misrepresented as this sweeping censorship bill that would ban every play ever.
We are still jew slaves, though. You've got us there.
How’s your “musical education” better than reading shounenslop when you both make the same salary?
How the fuck is this Anon Babble thread with a fucking wojak posted in it, still up?
Like that ever gonna stop them
The confidence of the stupid despite how easy it is to look up the comics code, satanic panic, and the children television act.
My subtle musical taste allows me to intellectually surpass baboons like you, and no, educated people have higher salaries
One state out of 50
Only in school districts
Most of them probably will do the bare minimum
Rent free.
To make you seethe.
By that set of rules, it means they also can't read
>Catcher in the Rye
>Nineteen-Eighty four
>A Farewell to Arms
>Probably Moby Dick
Also riddle me this: Would they have to remove Grapes of Wrath as well because of the final scene?
I wonder how many of the people being pro ban in that case are women. In my experience it's almost solely angry women in their 40s that want to ban media and consider everything "dangerous", I never met a single man in my life that had an opinion on this even if it was children reading porn. Men always cool with this but maybe it's different in the US where the religious influence is still strong.
Kinda. It was written by a Russian, but it was originally written in English and takes place in the US, so I think most people consider it an American novel.
Wow, the most creatively free periods ever had in modern history, your boogeyman are a menace. We're so lucky to have you child rapists make all western entertainment collectively shit and about your figurative and literal gay, socially retarded traumas instead.
opinion discarded.
None of them are slop. When did this board become a Anon Babbleermin shitpit?
Finished series are not slop
Monthly series are not slop
Akira is an ended cult classic from a bygone era.
Retards here think they are "cool" for regurgitating buzzwords they read on twitter.
Slop is regurgitated crap, shitted as cheaply, fast and frequent as possible. Shit like One Piece, DBZ and Pokemon are slop.
Retards here really equate popular = slop.
What gets removed is up to each individual school board like it has always been. Although I do hope all schools on Earth ban the catcher in the rye. I made the mistake of reading that in middle school and holy fuck is it awful.
Oh that's a good one I'm using that
school libraries allowing manga to be put on their shelves
What the shit? Has American education really deteriorated this much?
The establishment is panicking over manga influence, fearing that these stories will inspire people to chase their dreams and reach their potential. They want to limit our perspectives because they're fearful of a new generation that looks up to Satoru Gojo, Eren Jaeger, and Deku. The elite can't stand the idea of people dreaming beyond imposed constraints and going plus ultra, so they're trying hard to extinguish the flame of ambition. It's all about maintaining their rigid control, and they're terrified because the growing shounen narrative challenges their crooked system.
I'm guessing one or two schools in Nashville ended up with a few volumes over the years and when they were required to publicize what all they have in their libraries (what the law actually entails) some people had exactly your reaction and that's the real reason they got rid of them.
Twitter slop thread
100+ replies
Bravo janny
Based, I have a creative writing degree. These dumbasses drag their knuckles as they walk.
Where did you find that gif of me?
Me too brother. I was getting a couple of books in the school library for a long-haul flight and decided to pick it up. How the hell does a kid like Holden get so jaded he has to go away on a soul-searching trip? He failed at school and hot humiliated by a chad classmate - big fucking deal!
Don't they screen what books get on display? Back in my high school someone tried to put their collection Naruto and Nodame Cantabile tanks in the youth section of our librabry and those ended up in the donation box for the public library.
Let the children put in effort for their anime/manga fix, I say. I see it more like proper gatekeeping. They want to be deserving if it, then they can scour the internet for it. They'll most likely appreciate it better too, with most manga translated by real fans, instead of corpo publishers.
Pretty sure you're trolling but I actually agree.
Problem is I don't approve of any of the methods they would need to use to enforce it, not worth passing a law you can't ethically enforce
I would be surprised if there was a single Christian employed by my countries classification office.
This is why I never block ads. I just don't watch it, keeping it in the background [there's an extension for that] so that companies can profit from showing ads and I don't have to worry about them. It's a win-win situation.
Mine had old children novel like goosebumps and the likes. I think most Japanese school doesn't have manga in their library.
Since when is there random manga at school libraries? When I was in school, all they had was educational books and classic literature.
Shounentards in shambles, shoujoGODS stay winning
Why do my retarded countrymen act like it is a book banning whenever a school library regulates its content here? School libraries should only have educational stuff in them anyways.