What was the lesson here? Everything was a masterpiece but this. His death was senseless...

What was the lesson here? Everything was a masterpiece but this. His death was senseless, like an animal to the slaughter, slave to his vices until the passions until the end. He didn't die a glorious death protecting something, he was heavily depressed and ruined his life. He basically killed himself. There is nothing to learn from this.

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what's the point

explains the point

Did he ever really have anything to live for in the first place?

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Boxing was his life.

knowing your limits, self destructive habits, fighting isn't always glorious but gritty and dangerous

better be a huge flame with a brilliant spark for a moment than a timid flame for the rest of your life

how is it going for you

Cool Gurren Lagann reference

Dezaki confirmed for bros

Actually its an Akiba Maid War reference, pleb.

Fighting is not about just training and having a dream of being the best. You have to actually have the genetics to endure the lifestyle. Rocky was a complete lie.

W*men wouldn't get this. This is a Man's World.

my spark will shine and burn someday anon, I'm sure of that

We get it you are a fag

Rocky was a complete lie.

It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward.

Seems like he agrees with you

It's from Bocchi the Rock

You're gonna burn alright

In parts yes. But rocky actually won stuff and not just died. You could say he was a undiscovered talent until his 30's. But that is rare as fuck. I train karate for 20 years, if I try enter the Karate Combat now at 30 I will probably die too.

he was a real one, most people will nevet understand.

AssClass actually.

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There are two sides of it: on one, life is precious and you shouldn't throw it away. Nishi made the correct choice. On the other hand, men have destructive instincts. There's a certain feeling of fulfillment that cannot be replicated without pushing yourself to your absolute limit at something. The reason boxing is such a great pick for the story is that it's a sport fought with your own mind and body with very real consequences. It operates with rules that cannot fully protect you, just like life. The big takeaway is to find a balance between your passion and your lifespan. Some things are worth dying for and some things are worth living for, but you can't keep doing what's worth dying for if you don't keep living.

It's all in your hands.

It's just Japs romanticizing getting hit on the head and dying because they love to face block and rely on "guts" instead of learning real boxing skills and doing science-based weight cutting. But thank god the younger generation of boxers stopped copying the boomers just like Naoya Inoue who is now one of the top pound for pound boxers in the world.

But thank god the younger generation of boxers stopped copying the boomers just like Naoya Inoue who is now one of the top pound for pound boxers in the world.

that's because of average T level dropping

why do you HAVE to learn something?
it's just realistic
not everything has to be muh heckin self improov bluepill faggotry


self improvement

Come on

What's the point in engaging with a story if you learn nothing? If not that, then shouldn't you at least feel something? And if you do feel something, is there not something to learn from that? Truly mindless engagement with any story is a waste of your time. Go talk to someone or sit in silence instead.

What was the lesson here?

Why does every story have to end with some morale or lesson? Just take you will from it.

enjoy the ride???
you can read or watch for fun you know...

Its just jap culture that romanticize grittiness and taking hits

women and fags should not be talking about this topic

Just boxing. His talent for it, the coach it drew in to become his first father figure, and the opponents who were the only people he could admire.

You are right Javier

I'm fine with that

Which means the story is making me feel something, which also means there are bound to be takeaways. What did I enjoy about this? What about this is so pleasant that I would continue seeking it in my own life? Was it just fun, and if so, why? Your life can't really be undermined by asking these questions that your brain is already probably answering subconsciously as you consume a piece of media. There's the argument to just live in the present - and you should while reading - but we have the capacity to look ahead or reflect. There's no sense throwing those away just because you're consuming fiction

He had a knack for it sure, but before all of that he was pretty much a bum going around beating up punks for fun wasn't he?