What would be the results for anime dubs vs anime subs?
Do we have any large scale data?
What would be the results for anime dubs vs anime subs?
Do we have any large scale data?
Fucking germans, they put trash dubs on everything.
Dubs over live action shit are just way too distracting.
As long as I remember watching German TV nothing was ever subed. To be fair their dub industry is one level below Japanese but about 10 levels ahead of any Anglo country.
What about anime?
Also nobody in Hungary speaks English.
dubs are for children and brainlets. typically monolinguals
japanese audio not available on steam for legal issues
forum thread asking where are the JP dubs
comments are filled with anime pfps praising EN dub and calling everyone who disagrees weebs
why are EFL anglokeks like this? i also saw a thread recently where they complained about eng dubs for Frieren do they not know how to read?
Finland topping the charts of having basic human decency? What a shock.
and calling everyone who disagrees weebs
praising EN dub
americans are intolerant towards non-english language
You Will Never Be A Japanese
If you visit normalfag space like twitter and check out some viral anime clips, most of them use english dubs. these retards can't appreciate foreignness. so much for preaching diversity and inclusivity. angloids are the most xenophobic group of people.
good chance they don't even realize it's a foreign cartoon
They don't yes.
This is unironically true.
I live in Japan and basically Euros need to go through the English filter. By learning English you don't only learn well English you usually learn the US and UK cultures. You can see that some thing are different and some are taboo and so on.
So all the native speakers I've met in the US/UK are usually liberal rich elite types and they're so fucking insufferable constantly complaining about the most irrelevant shit in Japanese culture. And how "racist" Japanese are and so on. It's ridiculous, they literally think their world view is number 1 and nothing else comes close. Japan should be more like the US, should accept immigrants, should accept LGBT, people should be more open and talk about problems and so on.
Then they make 0 Japanese friends because American friends are not considered friends in Japan but acquaintances, they don't realize that friends are made over collective activities and that Japanese people have non intermingling friend circles.
TL;DR Never make friends with "expats" these dirty immigrants are shit. Make European or Japanese or SEA friends, they actually know how to behave.
Minus 1 because everyone loses second language is English which they are forced to learn since it’s the international lingua franca
America has no reason to learn a 2nd language unless you live near a lot of Mexicans
italy has probably the best non-JP dub industry in Yurop
still respects original voices more often than not
fucking krauts acting like ze amerikans
I can respect france liking it's own dubs as much as originals because the ones I've seen were great, but of all people I expected germans to be more worldly, maybe I just have a very different impression compared to reality.
Based finns btw, I gather even a show like Dragonball Z would sound tolkienesque if dubbed in finnish.
any Anglo country.
I've been curious about this ever since Richard Lintern's performance on Elden Ring, do yuro anglo countries have their own dub industry? Or do they just repurpose 4kids shit and have their kids watching american english dubs?
I've seen what english speakers who take themselves seriously can do to dubs, it seems to me that anime dubs sucking in the US is largely a direction problem (considering US dub studios that dub in other languages suck in comparison to the ones native to the countries of those languages).
And they actively defend localization butchering, to the point they'll say the translation to everything is perfect, and when you point something like an entire joke (not based on japanese wordplay) being lost in localization they shrug it as the localization being better.
Germans are at the bottom
Honestly can't blame them. Out of all the localizations, their dub scene has one of the strongest deliveries.
I take any of their work over US slop.
Finland had some dubs back in the 90's and early 2k. (Still done for Disney etc.)
For Disney films and the like, they were (Ignoring the obvious issues that always come with dubs) close to par, if not better than the originals.
Anime was a very mixed bag, essentially culminating in the original Agapio Racing Digimon dub, which was so legendarily bad that they didn't even have context for the script, and rumors circulate that it was done in one go with voiceovers by prisoners in the dead of the night, whispering to the crusty mics.
Some of the best moments can be found on YT with a very easy search, and it's bad enough that you can tell even if you don't understand the language.
However, while Agapio has long stopped dubbing, as far as I know, they still come to anime conventions and the like because like anything this bad, it became a bit of a cult.
France, Italy and Germany have really good dub industries no question.
As good as any of those are, it's always jarring when you see live-action shows and movies with desynced mouth movements.
But they're so used to that that they don't even notice.
Definitely. They're also not aware how unnatural it sounds.
You're right I watched German TV my whole life and it wasn't all that weird.
I basically watched the entire Star Gate, Star Trek frenchines once in German and then years later in English.
And now all the English voices are in my head and I can't even remember Picard in German.
I think same guy that did Riker also dubbed him in youtube.com
I legit was surprised that at some point in time for Ygo 5ds that it went directly translated in germany without any of the localization censorships or even the gay card edits.
I am not kidding, the entirety of season 3 and partially season 4 had german voice actors with the japanese opening and the japanese soundtrack. Even heavy-loaded episodes like the 109th episode where Shooting Star Dragon debuted was left alone in german.
I've been curious about this ever since Richard Lintern's performance on Elden Ring
iirc, the Dark Souls games and Elden Ring did not get voice actors but mostly theater guys
My man the problem is not "not knowing another language", is gong below 1
did not get voice actors but mostly theater guys
I recall that being the case too, but it just goes to show there could be good eng dubs.
How much more expensive would it be to just hire theater brits to dub anime? Imagine if anglos had what this guy had with 5Ds?
I don't even want the anglo dub industry to get good as a consumer, I'll never really watch it. It's just jarring to see people dismiss good anime as silly all the time and, later, finding out it's because they watched a bad dub. It's also kinda annoying searching for anime clips on yt and only finding eng dub ones.
I watch everything subbed, even movies in my own language because subtitles includes background noise and far off conversations you wouldn't be able to understand otherwise.
The reason Schwarzenegger is popular in Japan is because he is dubbed by Tessho Genda's baritone voice.
only 54% disagree
Czech here, and yeah, you don’t notice it until you start watching subs. And since the dub industry is massive here and the same actors have been voicing “their” stars for decades, most people over age of thirty tend to prefer dubs.
I speak German, Italian, and Spanish. But I still prefer watching it subbed in English because I think they do the casual speak much better and there's more than just a few translators for most things.
Thank god they decided to use JP Openings I'll never live down this one
But I do have to say Doremi and TNG was fucking fantastic in German.
And I'm not German, I just watched german TV as a kid in the Balkans.
Yeah as a 3x year old I feel like no Hungarian I met spoke English and I love next door to Hungary.
German anime localizations used to be god tier.